Top 16 Apps Similar to Navy SEAL Fitness, & Nutrition

Navy SEAL Physical Fitness 1
Membership in the Naval Special Warfare(NSW)community requires an extraordinarily high level of totalbodyphysical fitness. A combination of muscular strength,flexibilityand cardiovascular fitness is essential to carry outassignedmissions. To train most effectively for these physicallydemandingtasks, SEALs and others within the NSW community needclear,concise, and authoritative guidance on physical fitnesstrainingregimens, this manual has been written to meet this need.Theauthors of this comprehensive guide, physicians andphysiologists,were chosen because of their special qualificationsin the area ofphysical fitness and their knowledge of the NSW andSEAL community.Their expertise ensured the guide would be writtenwith the uniquerequirements of the NSW community in mind, and thatour goal ofexpanding the individual Navy SEAL's knowledge ofattaining andretaining a high level of fitness would be achieved.Table ofContents: CHAPTER 1; Overview of Physical Fitness, CHAPTER2; SEALMission-Related Physical Activities, CHAPTER 3;Cardio-respiratoryConditioning, CHAPTER 4; Running for Fitness,CHAPTER 5; Swimmingfor Fitness, CHAPTER 6; Strength Training,CHAPTER 7: Flexibility,CHAPTER 8; Calisthenics, CHAPTER 9;Plyometrics, How PlyometricsWork, CHAPTER 10; Load-Bearing, CHAPTER11; Training for SpecificEnvironments, CHAPTER 12; Training andSports Related Injuries,CHAPTER 13; Harmful Substances that AffectPerformance,Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids, CHAPTER 14; OtherTraining-RelatedIssues CHAPTER 15; Physical Fitness and TrainingRecommendations,The SEAL Physical Fitness Program, A PhysicalFitness Program forConfined Spaces, A Physical Fitness Program forComing Off Travel,Elimination of “Old” Exercises, The Navy SEALPhysical ReadinessTest (PRT), Appendix, Weight Lifting Techniques,Common AnatomicalTerms and Diagrams, Foot Care forLoad-Bearing.The United States Department of Defense ( DOD or DoD ) isthefederal department charged with coordination and supervisingallagencies and functions of the government relating directlytonational security and the military. The DOD is headquartered atthePentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The Military Departments atthePentagon publishes some of the very best manuals, handbooksandguidebooks on a wide range of topics; teaching skills, tacticsandtechniques. The content of these manuals are unmatched indepth,consider that some this knowledge is drawn from hundreds ofyears,thousands of man hours, and first hand operationalexperience. Alsomaterial in most of these manuals has been sharedwith otherMilitary Branches providing even greater depth of subjectmatter.Military Manuals from the Department of Defense are uneditedbyoutside individuals and or companies, this ensures theinformationis complete, current, and accurate as the militaryintended. Listedbelow you will see some of the major departments orcomponents ofthe Department of Defense. Here you will find just afew booktitles of the many sponsored works from each department:Departmentof the Army: US Army Survival Manual FM 21-76; SurvivalSkills U.S.Army / Special Operations, Tactics, Techniques, andSkills Guide;Ranger Handbook; Special Forces Medical Handbook;MilitaryMountaineering; Boobytraps Army Instruction Manual;Explosives andDemolitions; Guerrilla Warfare; Army Hand to HandCombat; U.S. ArmySpecial Forces Handbook; Survival Evasion andRecovery; MilitaryFirst Aid. United States Marine Corps: USMC5.56MM, M16A2 TechnicalManual; U.S. Marine Corp M40A1 Sniper Rifle7.62MM; U.S. MarineGuidebook; Close Combat Hand to Hand FightingMarine Corps; BoobyTraps Close Combat Urban; Counterinsurgency;USMC Land Navigation;Scouting and Patrolling; Combat WaterSurvival; Map Reading; SniperCounter Sniper.
Navy Seals Handbook 1.0
Navy Seals HandbookThis app is a Glossary of terms, lingo, definitions,andacronymsused by the seals every day at home and in combat. Ifyouare ateacher, a military buff, thinking of joining up, orjustwant toknow more about how our military works, thisapplicationputs a hugeamount of information in your hands.
Nutrition Study Guide 12.2
Boost Your grades with thisillustratedstudyguide. You will use it from an undergraduate schoolall theway tomedical school. FREE first 2 chapters in the trialversion.AudienceIntended for everyone interested innutrition,particularlyundergraduate and graduate life sciencestudents,medical students,nursing, and dental students.FeaturesDetailed description of classes onnutrients:carbohydrates,lipids, and proteinsDescription of essential fatty acids and amino acidsDetailed description of vitamins and minerals.Anatomical diagramsGuidelines for nutrient consumptionBMI, Body fat, and BMR calculationsDiets and exerciseTable of ContentsNutrition: History | Nutrients | Amino acids | Vitamins|Fattyacids | Sugars | Intestinal bacterial flora |Phytochemicals|Longevity | Heart disease | IndustryCarbohydrates: Monosaccharides | Sugar |Disaccharide|Oligosaccharide | Polysaccharide | Starch |Glycogen|GluconeogenesisLipids (fats): Fatty Acids | Fatty Acid Degradation |FattyAcidSynthesis | Triglyceride | Waxes | Phospholipids |Cholesterol|Essential fatty acidsLipoproteins: Chylomicron | HDL | LDL | IDL | VLDL | Lp(a)Types of Fat in Food: Saturated fat |Unsaturatedfat:Monounsaturated fat | Polyunsaturated fat | TransfatsProteins: Amino acid | Peptide | Primary structure|Secondarystructure | Tertiary structure | Protein folding|ProteinDegradation | List of Standard Amino Acids |EssentialaminoacidsEssential nutrients: Vitamins | Minerals | Essential fattyacids|Essential amino acidsVitamins: History | Human vitamins | Nutrition |Deficiencies|Overdose | Supplements | Nomenclature |PhytochemicalsWater soluble: Thiamin (B1) | Riboflavin (B2) | Niacin(B3)|Pantothenic acid (B5) | Pyridoxine (B6) | Biotin (B7 or H)|Folicacid (B9) | Cyanocobalamin (B12) | Choline |Ascorbicacid(C)Fat soluble: Retinoids (A) | Ergocalciferol and Cholecalciferol(D)|Tocopherol (E) | Naphthoquinone (K)Minerals: Bulk | Trace | Food sourcesGuidelines for Nutrient Consumption: Calorie |TraditionalFoodPyramid | MyPyramid | Serving size | Reference DailyIntake|Dietary Reference Intake | Food labeling |NutritionalFactsPanelBody Weight: BMI | Body fat percentage | Basal metabolicrate|ObesityAppetite: Regulation | Effector | Sensor | Role indisease|Pharmacology | Appetite suppressantDieting: Types | History | Thermoregulation | Exercise |Fatlossversus muscle loss | Energy obtained from food |Propernutrition |How the body gets rid of fat | Psychologicalaspects |Weight lossgroupsPopular diets: Low-fat | Atkins (low-carbohydrate) |Natural|Vegetarian | Very Low CalorieDangers: Diet pills | Yo-yo dieting | Dangers of fasting|SideeffectsVeganism: Definition | Motivations | Cuisine | Health effectsVegetarianism: Terminology | Diet | History | Motivations|Healtheffects | Demographics | NutritionExercise: Benefits | Common myths | Targeted fatreduction|Muscle and fat tissue | Abdominal muscles | Excessiveexercise|Activities | Categories | BreathingFood allergy: Signs and symptoms | Eczema | The BigEight|Diagnosis | Pathophysiology | Causes | Treatment |Statistics|Differing views | In children | Labeling lawsDigestive System Anatomy: Mouth | Pharynx | Esophagus |Stomach|Pancreas | Gallbladder | Liver | Small intestine |Duodenum|Jejunum | Ileum | Colon (large intestine) | Rectum |AnusDigestion Physiology: Oral cavity | Stomach | Smallintestine|Large intestine | Significance of pH | Hormones
Nutrition 101 by GoLearningBus 4.2
*****Get 300 apps for only $9.99viaGoLearningBus Library | Limited Time Offer*****WAGmob has completed 5 years and we are running a limitedtimeoffer via which you can access all 300 quality appsviaGoLearningBus Library. GoLearningBus providers 1. Schoolbus(K-12), 2. College Bus, 3. Professional Bus and 4. Languagesbuswith more than 50 languages.GoLearningBus app provides:1. Snack sized tutorials.2. Bite sized flashcards to memorize key concepts.3. Simple and easy quizzes for self-assessment.GoLearningBus brings you a simple, crisp and to-the-point appfor"Nutrition 101".You have limited access to the content provided. For fullaccessto the content, please login and purchase this application.Thisapp provides a quick summary of essential concepts in Nutritionbyfollowing snack sized chapters:Fat Soluble Vitamins,Carbohydrates,Nutrition Guidelines and Assessment,Food Safety and Technology,Weight Management,Energy Balance,Water and Major Minerals,Water Soluble Vitamins,Lipids,Proteins and Amino Acids,Introduction to Nutrition,Nutrition from Childhood through Adulthood,Maternal and Infant Nutrition,Diet and Health,Body Composition,Metabolism."GoLearningBus Library" covers following:A) School BusGrade 3-5Grade 6-8High School: Grade 9-12College Entrance TestsLanguagesB) College BusEngineering CollegeMedical CollegeBusiness CollegeLaw CollegeLanguagesC) Professional BusProfessional Programming,Professional Design,Professional Languages,Professional Software and Tools.D) Language BusMore than 50 languages including German, French,Korean,Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi, Italian and much more.This app will access your personal information like firstname,last name, and Email id.Why GoLearningBus apps:1) Beautifully simple, Amazingly easy, Massive selectionofapps.2) Enjoyable, Entertaining and Exciting apps.3) An incredible value for money. Lifetime of free updates!To understand our privacy policy please visit visit us at or write to [email protected] for any query and your valuable feedback.
old Army Guide 1.5
Marlon Clark
This Army Guide is a straight-forwardandintuitive guide to the United States Army. Use this applicationtoexpand your knowledge, brush-up on the fundamentals or topreparefor a promotion/Soldier of the month board. The US Army hasmanyfacets to learn and remember. You can't be expected to know itall,but you can arm yourself with a thorough reference that cangiveyou a heads up. Focused on accurate information, thisArmyreference aims to be the most complete and thoroughguideavailable. Now available on iPhone too!This reference includes:CreedsArmy RegulationsField ManualsDA FormsBasic Training Smart CardGeneral OrdersArmy ValuesPhysical Readiness Training (PRT)Warrior Tasks and Battle DrillsUCMJCode of ConductArmy SongsAnd More...Whether you are new to the US Army or a seasoned Vet, thisguideis your multi-tool! New content is being added regularly.Goforward with a more confident grasp of these Army concepts and beaknowledgeable leader!Please feel free to suggest additional information or to informmeof errors! [email protected]: Bugle calls will not work on Android 4.4 and below(workingon a fix).
USMC Close Combat Manual FREE 1.0
Ben Haker
Have the entire U.S. Marine Corps CloseCombatTraining Manual available to you whenever, whenever. Includedarechapter quizzes to test you on your comprehension of eachchapter.This is the free version and is limited in scope tocertainfeatures and chapters. We WILL release a few more featuresin thefree version in the near future, stay tuned.We do not believe in DRM, you will never find it inoursoftware.All content is continually updated on the fly withoutrequiringre-installation of the application. If you find anyproblems orissues please contact us via the included "Contact Us"feature andwe will do our best to correct it in a timelymanner.FULL PERMISSIONS DISCLOSURE AT END OF DESCRIPTIONOverview of Close CombatChapter 1. Fundamentals of Close Combat1. Ranges of Close Combat2. Weapons of the Body3. Target Areas of the Body4. Pressure Points of the Body5. Basic Warrior Stance6. Angles of Approach and Movement7. Balance and Off-Balancing8. FallsChapter 2. Lethal and Nonlethal Weapons Techniques1. Bayonet Techniques2. Nonlethal Rifle and Shotgun Retention Techniques3. Nonlethal Handgun Retention Techniques4. Firearm Disarmament TechniquesChapter 3. Hand-Held Weapons1. Fundamentals of Knife Fighting2. Knife Fighting Techniques3. Weapons of Opportunity4. Fundamentals of Combative Stick5. Combative Stick Techniques6. Blocking Techniques7. Unarmed Against Hand-Held Weapons8. Counters to Hand-Held Weapon AttacksChapter 4. Strikes1. Principles of Punches2. Punches3. Strikes with the Upper Body4. Strikes with the Lower Body5. Counters to StrikesChapter 5. Throws1. Turning Throw2. Hip Throw3. Leg SweepChapter 6. Chokes and Holds1. Types of Chokes2. Chokes3. Counters to Chokes and HoldsChapter 7. Ground Fighting1. Offensive Ground Fighting2. Defensive Ground Fighting3. Ground Fighting ChokesChapter 8. Nonlethal Techniques1. Unarmed Restraints and Manipulation2. Nonlethal BatonApendixA. Pugil Stick TrainingB. Safety Precautions During TrainingAddendum1. MCMA ProgramPERMISSIONS DISCLOSUREWe do NOT collect your information for ANY PURPOSE whatsoever.Thisapplication contains NO viruses or spyware. Therequestedpermissions are features of the application framework weare usingand will be slowly phased out in the near future as noneof themare required or utilized.Keywords: USMC US Marine Corps Army Navy Close Combat SurvivalUSMarines Marine
US Navy PMK Pro Study Guide 1.2
Over 1,800 Questions + The Full Text of4KeyNAVEDTRA Guides REFORMATTED for a Phone-Sized Display +TrackStudyand Test Progress at a Mere Glance + Professionallydevelopedbythe largest provider of mobile apps to the militaryandfirstresponder community.Everything is in the app. No need for further downloading.Noneedto register online for anything.The Navy PMK PROmote app extends our popular PROmoteseriesofapps to the Navy. This app contains the full text(reformattedfora small display) and all questions from thefollowingNEVEDTRAself-study courses:1. Basic Military Requirements (NAVEDTRA 14325). BMRisaself-study training manual (TRAMAN)/nonresidsenttrainingcourse(NRTC) that covers the basic knowledges required ofthe menandwomen of the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserve. ThisTRAMAN/NRTCprovidessubject matter that directly relates to thenaval standardsfor theapprenticeship (E-2/E-3) rates.2. Seaman (NAVEDTRA 14067). Learn the variousshipboardwatchesand watchstander’s equipment; the fundamentalsofmarlinespikeseamanship, deck seamanship, and boatseamanship;ammunition andgunnery, and the principles of ammunitionsafety andNavy gunsystems.3. Military Requirements for Petty Officer Third andSecondClass(NAVEDTRA 14504). By studying this course, you canimproveyourprofessional/military knowledge, as well as prepare fortheNavywideadvancement-in-rate examination. It containssubjectmatter aboutday- to-day occupational knowledge andskillrequirements andincludes text, tables, and illustrations tohelpyou understand theinformation.4. Military Requirements for Petty Officer FirstClass(NAVEDTRA14145). By studying this course, you canimproveyourprofessional/military knowledge, as well as preparefortheNavywide advancement-in-rate examination. Itcontainssubjectmatter about day- to-day occupational knowledgeandskillrequirements and includes text, tables, and illustrationstohelpyou understand the information.This study guide was built'srock-solidM-Training spent a great dealof timedeveloping itsM-Training System, and it shows. 
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Nutrition for Smarties 1.1
Nutrition for Smarties
pregnancy101 1.0
Feel more prepared for your baby’s birth,andget the answers you need, whenever you need them. Pregnancy isanexciting time, but with so much pregnancy information availableinbooks, in magazines, and on websites, how can you hope to coveritall before giving birth?We've made it easy for you to get all the pregnancy info you needinone place.Each week of pregnancy brings something new—for you, for yourbaby,and for your partner! Find out what is going on with yourbabyduring your pregnancy and what changes to expect in momduringpregnancy. Your pregnancy day by day: Learn how yourbody’schanging, what’s ahead, and how to cope. Stunning newfetaldevelopment images with breathtaking detail. Capture yourgrowingbelly. Pregnancy checklist: Reminders to keep you on trackwithdecisions, appointments, and more. Nutrition guide: Manageyourweight gain with tips and recipes to help you eat well. Trackyourprogress: Countdown to your big dayPersonalized daily trackershowsyour week and day of pregnancy, baby's development measuredinfruit sizes, and a countdown to your due date- A daily feed of pregnancy tips, reasons to smile every day,healthnews, and passionate stories from real parents, created justforyou- Week-by-week development info, helping you understandyourchanging body and the latest on baby's development througheachstage
U.S. Navy General Orders 1.0
U.S. Navy General Orders of a SentryIncludes all 11 General Orders of a Sentry - greatforthosepreparing for Navy Boot CampEmail us with any errors or suggestions.
Navy Life 1.2.16
Official Navy application developed by Commander, NavyInstallationsCommand.This application contains information about the many quality ofliferesources available to Navy personnel, retirees and theirfamilies.The majority of information is available offline. Whenonline theapplication includes additional videos through YouTube(wifirecommended), and convenient access to information onNavyinstallations.This is a large file that should be downloaded using wifi.Let us hear from you! Have an issue or want to suggest afeature?Click the help icon in the upper right corner of theapp.
Sport Nutrition 1.0
You're About To Uncover What The #1 Key IsToSports Nutrition And Exactly What Sports Nutrition Is And HowItCan Help You, No Matter How Much Time You Have Had To Prepare!It doesn't matter if you've never experienced sports nutritionupclose and personal, This guide will tell you everything you needtoknow, without spending too much brainpower!Trying different advertising options (Keeping the app free)suchas Pingjam caller id for businesses that offers coupons,discounts.Can sometimes offer the business (for example Pizza Hut)youcalled's free app if one is available. Totally optional and canbedisabled anytime if you don't like it. Open the app and hityourphone's menu button to uncheck if you decide you don't likethefree caller id service.
Tips Cepat Hamil 2.0
Tips cepat hamil adalah panduan untukmembuatpasangan usia subur agar cepat hamil,berisi tentang beberapametodeyg bisa dibaca lewat smartphone anda.Tips hamil ini tidakhanyacara menghitung masa subur dengan menggunakan kalender tapihal-halmendetail selain perhitungan masa subur tersebut.Semogadenganaplikasi ini dapat membantu anda untuk cepat hamil.Tips pregnant fast isaguide to make couples of childbearing age to get pregnantquickly,contains several methods that can be read by smartphonespregnantanda.Tips is not only how to calculate the fertile periodusing thecalendar but things besides detailed calculation of thefertileperiod tersebut.Semoga This application can help you togetpregnant quickly.
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Perfect Block Puzzle 22.0311.01
Welcome to Perfect Block Puzzle, a simple and highly addictiveblockpuzzle game! Pop blocks by making horizontal or verticallines!Spend hours of fun playing this relaxing fun game! 5,000,000playersare already here! Come and join us! It’s harder than youthink HOWTO PLAY • Drag the given blocks and drop them into thegrid. •Remove the blocks by making full horizontal or verticallines. •Change the direction of blocks by using items! • Clearmultiplelines at a time to get a higher score! PERFECT BLOCKPUZZLE FEATURES• Endless games! • Choose between 2 themes &change any time youwant! • Compete with others through the medalleague and getrewards! • No WiFi needed! Play games anytime,anywhere! • No timelimit! Enjoy at your own pace! • Excitingshooting sounds &visual effects! PRIVACY POLICY• E-MAIL•[email protected] Come try the perfect block puzzle!
Dog Food Nutrition (Recipes) ! 1.1
Here's what you will get in this app :History: How Commercial Dog Foods Came To BeCanine Nutrition DemystifiedThe Truth About ProteinsShould Fats be Avoided?Carbohydrates in a Dog’s DietIndigestion in DogsIn Focus: MicronutrientsGiving Your Dog the Right Mineralsfor Optimum HealthPhosphorous & Calcium: How Much Is Just Right?Is Your Dog Getting Enough Zinc?Quick Tips: Canine DietCalorie Tracking: Is Your Dog Snacking Too Much?Canine Special: Newborn Pups At HomeMinimum Nutrients in Dog FoodsDanger Ahead: Foods That Are Toxic to DogsQuick Reference: Growth Rate of Common BreedsFeeding Older Dogs: The Puzzled Owner’s GuideThe Gradual Switch: Helping Your Dog Eat New FoodIs Your Dog Getting Enough Water?Treats GaloreCreamy Banana TreatsHoney & Carob DelightBrown Rice CookiesDoggy Delight CookiesDog Food With a Touch of HomeCheddar Dog CookiesWalnut & Cinnamon ExpressCookies for Healthy EyesSweet Potato SurpriseSnacks and Quick MealsNutmeg PuddingMaple AppetizerTofu & Honey HeavenSweet Pumpkin SnackSpicy PieBeef & Cabbage SaladDoggy Tuna SaladBaked Veggie RollSoup of ChampionsSuave Coat BoosterFestive Dog FoodEgg Noodle DeluxeLemony HalibutSeafood AppetizerLiver for LifeBeef & Veggie PieAnd Much MoreDownload And Share The App With Your Friends !