Top 6 Apps Similar to Roots Natural Foods

Clean and Green Eating 1.0.3
A lifestyle where you are inspired tonourishyour body with the healthiest foods – fresh or closest toitsnatural state with the least amount of processing. Meats,fish,fruit, vegetables, dairy, nuts & whole grains. Lessprocessingand buying local & in season supports a reducedcarbonfootprint & organic products equals less chemicals foryou& the earth!We hope to encourage you to have new food favourites – a real“food”lifestyle change. We hope that by maintaining a Clean &GreenEating routine, that you will feel better about yourself –knowingyou are eating more healthily with (less toxins in yourbody) &as your energy levels increase you may then be furtherencouraged toadopt a more holistic approach to your lifestyle -including whatyou think, drink, breathe & exercise. Keepingfit, firm &fantastic. Buying our App is the one of the first& easieststeps you can take.RECIPESThe App includes everything from drinks, snacks, desserts&meals. We purposely kept the recipes simple and started fromthebasics to encourage you and also to make cooking more funforyou.FEATURES> 150+ inspiring recipes – with regular additions> Each recipe is clearly marked as raw, vegan, vegetarian,glutenor dairy-free & seafood> Personalize settings to review only those recipes thatsuityour dietary requirements> Save your favourites for quick reference> Shopping list or Sharing recipes via SMS or email> Manage your time better with estimated kitchen time oneachrecipe> Both metric & imperial measurements are available> Share your cooking on Facebook, Instagram, TwitterTHANKSFrom the Clean & Green Eating TeamWe would really appreciate it if you would spread the wordbyreviewing our App in the App store and by supporting us on:Facebook- you have any problems with your app please email us! Abadreview doesn't get our app working on your Device :-) Still postabad review if you like but also send us an email so we can helpyouget it fixed ASAP :-)SUPPORT : [email protected]
Smart Foods Organic Diet Buddy 3.0.1
NEW **Added GMO Data** Smart Foods - Organic Diet Buddyisyouressential color coded guide to fruit and vegetables, knowwhichyoushould buy organic and which are safe to buy nonorganic.Itincludes: * Farmers Market information for all 50 Statesso youcaninclude local produce in your diet. * Farmers MarketFinder -justclick the pin in the top right corner to find marketsnearestyou.* Nutritional info - know what vitamins each fruitandvegetablehave, and what diseases they are good at protectingyouagainst. *Prep information - Know how to correctly wash andpreparethefruits and vegetables. * Pesticide profiles ofFruits&Vegetables - How much is used, and if they leave aresidue.*Nutrition Calculator - Daily Fruit and Vegetablerequirementsforoptimum health. * GMO information - Know what fruitsandvegetablesare commonly GMO. * Favorites list - Add toyourfavorites byclicking the "heart +" icon in the top right cornerfora quickreference to your favorite foods. Great to use as ashoppinglisttoo! Organic food is the safer choice when it comestobuyingproduce, as conventional varieties often contain highlevelsofpesticide residues. However, not everyone can afford togo100%organic every time they shop. This app is a guide towhichfruitsand vegetables you should buy organic. Therearesomefruits/veggies that you should always buy organic,ifpossible,because their conventionally grown counterparts tend tobeladenwith pesticides. By avoiding the foods mostcontaminatedwithpesticide residues, consumers can reduce theirpesticideexposureby 80% without affecting their budgets. Eat betterwith oursimpletips and a farmer's market locator so you can findthe goodstufflocally. Add favorites and calculate how many fruitsandvegetablesyou should be eating daily. Let the goodhealthbegin!***************************** WHAT ARE PESTICIDESPesticidesareused to repel, control or kill organisms in order toreducetheirnegative impact on agricultural products. Modernpesticidestargetweeds, insects, bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungiand otherpeststhat reduce agricultural yield. Excessivepesticidecontaminationcan be harmful to human health. Even afterwashing,some fruits andvegetables consistently carry much higherlevels ofpesticideresidue than others. Some fruits and veggies arebetter tobuyorganic, and others are safe to buy non-organic. Somefruitsandvegetables require very few pesticides for growth. Some,duetotough skins or peels, absorb fewer residues. Manyfruitsandvegetables, however, are sprayed with multiple pesticides,andactlike sponges, absorbing residues that are difficult towashoffentirely. Peaches have very thin skin, and are hard to wash,soitis recommended that you buy organic if you can. CuriousaboutGMO'sand the adverse effects they may have on us andourenvironment?Check out thisarticle********************* FINDLOCALFARMERS MARKETS Shopping at yourlocal Farmers' Market is goodforyou and it's good for your town.Where else can you talk righttothe producers and know exactlywhere your food comes from, andhowit's grown? Need more reasonsto shop local? Check out thisgreatarticle:**********************ABOUTSAAGARA Saagara is an Ann Arbor basedDigital Health Company,whosefounders have an eclectic backgroundincluding medicine,design,engineering, and yoga/meditation.Through the use ofsoftwareavailable on mobile platforms, we makesmall changes inpeople'slifestyle for dramatic improvements intheir health andwell-being.With technology, community, and raisedawareness, wewish to do thison a global level. For moreinformation on Saagaraand ourphilosophy, please***********************
Ever'man Natural Foods
Ever'man Natural Foods offers thelargestvariety of natural and certified organic products within a150-mileradius via a one-stop shopping experience in the heart ofdowntownPensacola, FL. Enjoy a variety of nutritious andspecialtyproducts, sit down for a hot meal in the deli, or snagsomethingquick for dinner from the grab-and-go coolers, all whilegettingthe best value possible with the coupons and specialsofferedthrough the Ever’man App. See what’s new and fresh at thestore,access our schedule of upcoming seminars and cooking classes,finddeliciously wholesome recipes, access sales and savings, andmore!The Ever’man App is just another way that your localnot-for-profitcooperative grocer keeps you connected to thecommunity—join ustoday!
Peggy's Natural Foods
The Peggy's Natural Foods app will giveyouaccess to your rewards account, coupons, recipes, specials,andkeep you up to date about what’s happening at Peggy's.COUPONSClip coupons you want to use on your next shopping visit; theywillbe stored under the Checkout tab and ready to be redeemedwhenyou're checking out at the store.SPECIALSView Peggy's in-store sale items and receive information aboutnewitems featured in the store.REWARDSTo log in to the Peggy's Natural Foods Rewards Portal,pleasepre-register your card on our website with your Rewards CardNumberand Email Address. Conveniently clip coupons and rewards toredeemat checkout when shopping at Peggy's.RECIPESNot sure what to make for dinner? Planning a party for friends?Viewand search recipes in alphabetical order or by recipe typesuch asTime Savers, Elegant Entrees, or Desserts.WHAT'S NEWWhether it's a new variety of a fruit or vegetable, an organicwinetasting or Free Lecture Event, the Peggy's Natural Foods Appwillkeep you up to date on the latest.To update your profile or if you have any questions about theApp,please contact [email protected]
Weight Loss & Healthy Foods 1.0
This application shows the infomation about weight loss andhealthyfoods. In this app., you'll discover how to lose 10 pounds amonthnaturally. You can include these foods in any sensible weightlossplan. They give your body the extra metabolic kick that itneeds toshave off weight quickly. If you want to know how to dietor loseweight fast, this application can help you. Each one ofthefollowing foods is clinically proven to promote weight loss.Youshould lose weight by starting from healthy foods. These dietfoodsgo a step beyond simply adding no fat to your system. Naturalwayis the great solution. These super foods can suppress yourappetitefor junk food and keep your body running healthy andsmoothly withclean fuel and efficient energy. Application Features:- A lot ofhealthy foods infomation. - You can share all foodsdetail toothers. - Easy to use.
Lose Weight in 30 Days 2.0
Body Program
Effective routine to slim down fast, gain muscle and firm upthebody