Top 14 Apps Similar to Chile Experience

Chile Travel 1.05
WELCOME TO THE CHILE TRAVEL APP!The official tourism application for Chile.Here you’ll find a complete guide with all theinformationnecessary for a smooth and comfortable visit:+ Over 160 destinations.+ Detailed information on each region, useful travel tips,whatto do, where to visit, where to stay, entertainment options,andaccurate directions for reaching your destinations.+ Find out about events and activities happeningthroughoutChile.+ Capture and save your best moments,and then share themthroughsocial media such as Facebook and Twitter or by email.+ Discover new places through the app’s photo gallery.+ Travel safely and comfortably with quick access toemergencynumbers, embassies and helpful websites.We invite you to discover and help us test this Bta versionofthe Chile Travel app.Available in English and Spanish.For comments and suggestions, please write to [email protected]
Viajes Chile 1.2
adiante apps
Tu asesor personal de viaje. la app perfecta para organizar tu viaje a Chile.Descarga y lleva en tu bolsillo. Programas, servicios yhotelesde Chile. Viajes Chile, Patagonia, Desierto de Atacama, IsladePascua y Región de Los Lagos. Información y guía de turismoChile.Organiza tu viaje a Chile de forma práctica connuestraaplicación.Aquí encontrarás toda la información necesaria y guía paratuviaje a Chile:* Más de quince programas de viaje con todos los serviciosdeturismo.* Información detallada de todos los destinos del país* Excursiones, hoteles y transfers.* Consejos útiles e información para un agradable viajedevacaciones y turismo en Chile.Estamos presentes a través de las redes sociales, GooglePlus,Twitter, Facebook y de forma directa en WhatsApp.Guía de viaje a Chile. Te invitamos a utilizar nuestraaplicaciónViajes Chile ¡Vive Chile!Your personaltravelconsultant. CHILEviajes Ltda. It is the perfect app toorganizeyour trip to Chile.Download and carried in your pocket. Programs, servicesandhotels of Chile. Travel Chile, Patagonia, Atacama Desert,EasterIsland and Los Lagos Region. Information and tour guideChile. Planyour trip to Chile in a practical way with ourapplication.Here you will find all the necessary information and guidanceforyour trip to Chile:* Over fifteen travel programs all tourism services.* Details of all the country's destiny* Tours, hotels and transfers.* Advice and information useful for a nice holiday trip andtourismin Chile.We operate through social networks, Google Plus,Twitter,Facebook and directly in WhatsApp.Travel Guide to Chile. We invite you to use our Live ChileTravelChile! Application
Chilevisit App 10.0.0
ChileVisit es una completa guía deturismocontoda la información útil para que turistasnacionaleseinternacionales puedan recorrer Chile con todacomodidad, yaquecuenta con toda la información al alcance de lamano.La aplicación busca ser una herramienta que ayude aposicionaralpaís como uno de los principales destinos anivelmundial,entregando contenidos actualizados y rescatando laofertadeproductos típicamente nacionales.ChileVisit isacompletetour guide with all the useful information fornationalandinternational tourists can travel comfortably Chile,since ithasall the information at your fingertips.The application seeks to be a tool to help position thecountryasone of the top destinations worldwide, deliveringupdatedcontentand rescuing typically offer domestic products.
Chile Offline Map 9.5
The whole of Chile in one app: search and navigate withoutinternetconnection.
Araucanía 5.55.14
WELCOME TO THIS APPLICATION OF ARAUCANIA!The official tourism application of Araucanía in ChileHere you will find a complete guide with all theinformationtomake your staying more comfortable en entertaining+Know the five tourist zones+ Discover the six tourist experiences that you can gothroughinthis Southern region+ Remember all the events by means of theAraucaníaCalendarspecially done for you+ Search all the tourist services that offer thetouristcompaniesin Araucanía. Keep at hand the mostimportantinformation: telephonenumbers, emails among otherdata.+ Know hundreds of stories and news from peoplewhopromotetourism in Araucanía region+Additionally, this application provides you thepublicusefulinformation such as tourist information, meansoftransport,telephone numbers, emergency contacts and others.+Furthermore information, photographs and videos injustoneapplicationWe invite you to know and to communicate thisapplication.Unloadthis app from your smartphone today.For comments and suggestions,[email protected]
Chile GPS Map 2.0.0
No expensive data plan needed whiletravelingwith this GPS map app. Map downloads directly to yourmobiledevice. Map data updates are free.Chile GPS Map is an accurate and completely OFFLINEnavigationapp that provides the user with turn-by-turn navigationthroughoutthe country.Once the app is installed and your map data is downloadedontoyour Android device, unlike Google Maps you’ll have the freedomtoexplore using thousands of detailed POI’s (points ofinterest)including hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, etcwithoutworrying about expensive data plans while traveling.GPSeTravelguides’s maps are updated on a regular basis toprovidethe user with the best offline maps in the industry, andupdates arealways free to you!Features:• Navigation from current position to destination• 2D and 3D navigation views• Thousands of searchable Points of Interest (manywithphone/email/website/etc info!)• Detailed geographic features including buildings, lakes,parks,golf, cemeteries, etc• Fastest and shortest route calculation• Distance to next turn• Turn arrow for easier navigation• Current speed• Automatic route recalculation• Custom location saving and searching• Smooth panning and increased detail with pinch zoom• Custom favorites / Point of Interest input and search• POI search - Alphabetical & Distance search• Ability to navigate to both points of interest and roads• FREE UPDATES (development of app features is ongoing)Support and feedback:We are looking for feedback from users on how we can make theGPSMap better. If you encounter any issues, please send us a [email protected]'ll help you sort it out.About GPSeTravelguides:Visit us at to learn more aboutus.We're passionate about adventure and maps.Where will you adventure?
Chile - Travel Guide 21.2.20
Travel Chile: Illustrated Guide,PhrasebookandMaps. Includes Santiago, Valparaiso, Easter Island& more.(MobiTravel)MobileReference guides help you get the most out ofyourvacation.The guides are available for most destinationsworldwideand alwaysinclude FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3millionMobileReference TravelGuides have been downloaded.The world’s most popular electronic guides developedforyoursmartphone have the following features:✔ GPS map loads to your smartphone memory - nonetworkaccessneeded once the app is downloaded.✔ GPS map displays your location along with nearbysightsandattractions.✔ MobileReference guides use vector-based maps so theyloadquicklyand are easy to zoom and scroll.✔ Unlike other travel guides, GPS coordinates forattractionshavebeen verified by users on the ground.✔ Attraction articles can be accessed from both an alphabeticalandacategorical index.✔ Top 10 attractions article features sights that novisitorshouldmiss.✔ Articles include tips on what to do and seeinyourdestination.✔ Articles can be added to a list of favorites.✔ Phrasebooks include list of common words and phrases.✔ The top restaurants have been individuallyselectedbyMobileReference editors. These restaurants are marked bya starinthe EAT chapter and are plotted on the GPS map✔ Listen to articles on the go with Text-To-Speech✔ No ads✔ No roaming chargesMobileReference Travel Guides providedetailed,practicalinformation about attractions, landmarks,transportation,culturalvenues, dining, lodging, history and muchmore. They areindexedalphabetically and by category, making iteasier toaccessindividual articles. Attractions can be viewed on anofflineGPSmap along with your current location so that you caneasilyfindattractions near you as you explore the city.TABLE OF CONTENTS:Essentials: Phrasebook | Eat | Drink | Sleep | Stay Healthy|StaySafe | Respect | Talk | Buy | ContactGeneral: History | Geography | Climate | Politics |Demographics|Economy | Culture | Religion | LanguagesMaps: Chile | Regions | Santiago | Santiago Metro |Valparaíso|Easter IslandTransport: Get in | Get AroundAttractions: Top 10 | Cities | National Parks |Volcanoes|Archaeological Sites | Chilean Wine | Ski CentersSantiago: History | Geography | Economy | Culture | Eat |Drink|Sleep | Contact | Get Out | Get in | Get aroundSantiago Attractions: Top 10 | See | Do | Buy |Buildings|Museums | Churches | ParksOther Cities: Antofagasta | Arica | Castro | Chonchi|Concepción| Frutillar | Iquique | Pichilemu | Pucón | PuertoVaras| PuertoWilliams | Punta Arenas | San Pedro de Atacama |Santiago| LaSerena | Temuco | Valdivia | Valparaíso | Viña delMarOther Destinations: Atacama Desert | Cape Horn|ChiloéArchipelago | Chiloé Island | Easter Island | ElTatioGeysers |Juan Fernández Islands | Mano del Desierto | LaPortada |RobinsonCrusoe Island | Salar de Atacama | San Alfonso delMar |Torres delPaine National Park-MobileReference®. Free maps for worldwide destinations™.
Chile Travel Guide by Triposo 4.6.0
The Chile travel guide contains complete and up to date cityguidesfor Santiago de Chile, Valparaíso, Punta Arenas, San PedrodeAtacama and many other travel destinations in Chile. Itworksoffline, you don't need an internet connection. Eachlocationcontains a sightseeing section with all the monuments. Pickyourideal restaurant in the eating out section containing thebestrestaurants. Discover the nightlife of Chile! Bars, pubs&discos in Antofagasta, Valdivia, Puerto Montt, Concepción. Usethedetailed offline maps to simply find out where you are andseewhat's around. The complete background information can beaninteresting read at home or on the road to your nextadventure.Useful when you are there: - Currency converter. -Phrasebook forSpanish. - Weather forecast (updated when online). -Directions onhow to get to a place by public transport. - Bookhotels and toursin Chile directly from the app (when online). AboutTriposo Foundedby and for travelers, Triposo delivers up-to-dateinformation,detailed maps and intelligent recommendations for morethan 40,000destinations in 200 countries around the world. To makeour guideswe use the content that is freely available. Open contentsiteslike Wikivoyage, Wikipedia, World66 and OpenStreetMap areamong thebest resources for any traveler. Whether you are a plannerorprefer to go with the flow, Triposo helps you discovertheunexpected and experience travel in a new way. If you seeanyproblem with the app, please write us an [email protected] so we can figure out what's wrong and fixit.Thanks!
Aeropuertos Chile 1.5
Aeropuertos Chile es una app que tepermiteconocer el estado de los vuelos con origen y/o destino alosprincipales aeropuertos chilenos en tiempo real. Podrásconsultarlos horarios de los vuelos, tanto de las llegadas comosalidas devuelos nacionales o internacionales de los principalesAeropuertosde Chile como el Aeropuerto de Santiago de Chile,Antofagasta,Iquique y Puerto MonttEn esta primera versión, podrás conocer la información delosvuelos de los siguientes aeropuertos chilenos:- Aeropuerto Internacional Comodoro Arturo MerinoBenítez(Santiago)- Aeropuerto Internacional Cerro Moreno (Antofagasta)- Aeropuerto Internacional Diego Aracena (Iquique)- Aeropuerto Internacional El Tepual (Puerto Montt)También podrás conocer el pronóstico del tiempo de la ciudaddedestino gracias a la información meteorológica queproporcionaOpenWeatherMap. Contará con el tiempo esperado y latemperaturamáxima y mínima del día actual y los cuatro siguientesdías, paraque pueda planificar su viaje adecuadamente.Dependiendo los servicios que tenga configurado en susmartphone,podrá compartir la información sobre el estado de losvuelos conarribo o partida en los aeropuertos argentinos a travésdel lossiguientes servicios:- Twitter- Correo electrónico- FacebookLa información de los vuelos puede variar en cualquiermomento.Por lo tanto, esta información puede estar incompleta,podríacontener errores o estar desfasada. Se deberá, por lo tanto,antesde tomar alguna acción derivada de su contenido, verificarlainformación, poniéndose en contacto con la oficina deinformacióndel aeropuerto respectivo. Para toda la informaciónreferida alíneas aéreas, consultar con dichas empresas.Debido a cambios en los sistemas de los operadores delosdistintos aeropuertos, es posible que la aplicación pueda dejardefuncionar en un futuro. Por este motivo, el usuario reconoceyacepta que este servicio puede ser suspendido o canceladosinprevio aviso.Airports Chile is anappthat lets you know the status of flights departing and /orarriving at Chile's major airports in real time. You can checkthetimetable of flights, both arrivals and departures ofinternationalor domestic flights to major airports in Chile AirportSantiago,Antofagasta, Iquique, Puerto MonttIn this first version, you'll know the information of theflightsof the following Chilean airports:- Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez InternationalAirport(Santiago)- Airport Cerro Moreno International (Antofagasta)- Diego Aracena International Airport (Iquique)- Tepual International Airport (Puerto Montt)You can also learn the weather forecast of the destinationcityby providing weather information OpenWeatherMap. It will havetheexpected time and the maximum and minimum temperature ofthecurrent day and the next four days, so you can plan yourtripaccordingly.Depending on the services you have configured on yoursmartphone,you can share information on the status of the flightsarriving ordeparting in Argentine airports through thefollowingservices:- Twitter- Email- FacebookFlight information can change at any time. Therefore,thisinformation may be incomplete, may contain errors or beoutdated.It should, therefore, before taking any action arisingfrom thecontent, verify the information, by contacting theInformationOffice of the respective airport. For all theinformation onairlines, check with these companies.Due to changes in the systems of operators of differentairports,it is possible that the application can not work in thefuture.Therefore, the user acknowledges and agrees that thisservice may besuspended or terminated without notice.
Buses Chile 2.0.0
Buses Chile es una aplicación quetepermitecomparar los precios de los pasajes de buses. Comparaentrelasdiferentes empresas de transporte de Chile, ademásconestaaplicación podrás tomar mejores decisiones al ahora decomprarunpasaje de bus, solo tienes que ingresar el origen y eldestinodetu viaje y podrás comparar el precio y horariosentrelasprincipales compañías Chilenas de buses.Esta aplicación te ofrece:Una forma fácil y sencilla de comparar precios depasajesdebus.Ahorrar dinero eligiendo los mejores precios de pasajes.Buses Chileisanapplication that allows you to compare fares ofbuses.Comparebetween different transport companies in Chile, alongwiththisapplication you can make better decisions now to buy abusticket,you just have to enter the origin and destination ofyourjourneyand you can compare the prices and schedules amongtopcompaniesChilean bus.This application gives you:An easy and simple way to compare prices of bus tickets.Save money by choosing the best ticket prices.
El Ramal 1.0
El Ramal es una aplicación paraSmartphone,financiada por el Gobierno Regional del Maule,desarrollada por laUniversidad Central con apoyo de la AG El Ramal,Sernatur Maule yTrenes Metropolitanos. En esta aplicación podrásvisualizargeoreferenciada la información turística y patrimonialdel corredorferroviario Ramal Talca - Constitución, con todas susestaciones,como también las experiencias turísticas de laslocalidadesubicadas en el corredor. Interactúa, preparando tuviaje, agregatus lugares favoritos a Mi Viaje. Crea y edita tuBitácora deviaje. Comparte estaciones y experiencias turísticas enFacebooky/o Twitter.El Ramal cuenta con las siguientes funciones:Mapa con estaciones y puentes georeferenciados.Comparte en Facebook y/o Twitter: Estaciones,ExperienciasTurísticas, ítem de Mi Viaje, Datos Útiles yAgenda.Crea, edita y visualiza "Mi viaje", agregando estacionesyexperiencias turísticas.Crea, edita y visualiza tu "Bitácora" de viaje, agregandoimageny descripción a tu propio registro personal del viaje.¡Descárgala ahora, comienza a usarla y cuéntales a tus amigos!The Branch isanapplication for Smartphone, funded by the Regional GovernmentofMaule, developed by the Central University with support fromtheAG's Branch, SERNATUR Maule and Metropolitan Trains. Inthisapplication you can display georeferenced tourism and heritagerailcorridor information Ramal Talca - Constitution, with allitsstations, as well as tourism experiences in urban areas locatedinthe corridor. Interact preparing your trip, add your favoritestomy travel places. Create and edit your Trip log. Share stationsandtourist experiences on Facebook and / or Twitter.The branch has the following functions:Map with georeferenced stations and bridges.Share on Facebook and / or Twitter Stations, TouristExperiencesitem My Journey, Tools and Calendar data.Create, edit and view "My trip" adding stations andtouristexperiences.Create, edit and view your "Blog" Travel, adding imageanddescription to your own personal record books. Download it now, start using it and tell your friends!
MNHN Chile 1.0
Es la App oficial del Museo NacionaldeHistoriaNatural, que es uno de los más antiguos de América;fuefundado el 14de septiembre de 1830 por el sabio francésClaudeGay, contratado porel gobierno de Chile para realizar uncompletoestudio sobre Chile y"formar un gabinete de HistoriaNatural, quecontenga las principalesproduccionesvegetales y minerales del territorio".Mediante esta App podrás informarte de sunuevaExhibiciónPermanente “Chile Biogeográfico”, antes y durantetuvisita,mediante textos, fotografías y audioguías.Sus características principales son:- Información de la historia del museo- Información de Precios y Horarios- Mapa para saber cómo llegar- Incluye un detallado mapa interactivo del lugar- Descripción de los servicios que brinda el Museocomo:bibliotecacientífica, comedor ylas actividades educativas que entrega.- Audioguía que te aportará una gran experiencia en tu visita- Detallada descripción de las salas del museo, juntoconfotografíasy referencia de dóndese encuentra el visitante.
Petrobras Chile 1.0.2
Descarga la aplicación gratuita dePetrobraspara tu dispositivo Android y podrás conocer cuáles sonlasestaciones de servicio más cercanas a tu ubicación, calcularenforma aproximada el combustible para tus viajes y acceder auncompleto listado de números de emergencias.⁃ A través de nuestro servicio de geolocalización podrás ubicarlasestaciones de servicio Petrobras, filtrarlas por tipo deservicio yconocer la distancia a cada una de ellas, según tu puntodereferencia.⁃ Con esta aplicación también podrás planificar tu viaje yconoceren detalle la cantidad de combustible que requerirás altrasladartedesde un punto a otro, incluso fuera de Chile,considerando lacapacidad del estanque de combustible y elrendimiento de tuvehículo.⁃ En el módulo de Emergencias, podrás encontrar un extensolistadode servicios SOS para comunicarte con ellos rápidamente encaso deaccidentes, incendios y otros tipos de urgencias enlacarretera.
Wap Chile 1.0.0
Rodrigo Tapia
Nueva aplicación desarrollada como una guíadeturismo en Chile, te permitirá conocer los mejores panoramasyactividades que se pueden hacer en este largo y angostopaís.New applicationdevelopedas a guide in Chile, lets you know the best sights andactivitiesyou can do in this long and narrow country.