Top 10 Apps Similar to Simple GPS

GPS Location - Share address 1.3.9
Grace Jo
GPS address & coordinates sharing, Real-time GPSLocation(Notification Bar) Easily share: You can easily shareyourlocation(address and coordinates) via SMS, email,Facebook,WhatsApp, etc. Easy-to-use and simple application. Simpledesign.You can see your GPS location & coordinates in real-time(doesnot store your location) and you can share Location,Address,GoogleMap link. (Using Phone's GPS) You can also seereal-timelocation that is displayed in the 'Notification Bar'(Settings canbe changed) It does not work well inside the building.Please useApp on the outside of the building for the best results.*GoogleMap App will be executed If you touch the addressText (GPSLocationCoordinates Address GoogleMap) (Share Location CoordinatesAddress)(Include Ad Version) .
Simple GPS 1.0
Simple GPS mobile application allows youtosaveyour current location with your short note aboutthelocation.application will show all your saved location. Youcannavigate toyour saved location from your current locationeasily.Savedlocation are modifiable and deletable. Whenever youwant toshareyour saved location to your friends, family. You caneasilyshareit using social application such as Whats App, Viber,Skypeorthrough E-Mail and simple text message. Unlikeotherapplicationshare location does not require this application tobeinstalled onother devices. Application will generate unique URLforeachlocation and that can be directly opened in googlemap.
GPS Location Alert 1.24
The Lite version of “GPS LocationAlert”isquite simple to use. This app requires an internetconnectionandGPS location enabled. This application basicallymeasuresdistancefrom your current location to your destination. Italertsyou asper your requirment. Features• Ad free• Shows speed in km/h• Smart sleep mode to save battery and data.• Can send notifications to a smart watch via Bluetooth.• Real-time location alert. ( Check where I am right now)• Calculate distance in radius.• Enables your cellphone to vibrate in silent mode.• Alerts with music and human voice. (Text to speech)• Can run in background.• Satellite and Street view.• Low battery consumption. (Check screenshotsandtryyourself).• Flash alert message even if the cellphone is locked. How to use.Location alarm can be set in three easy steps.Step 1. Enter address of destination and press SearchStep 2. Check your location in map if it is correctandclick“OK”Step 3. Press “Start Alert” button. Use of application.This application was developed for personal use, but I wouldlovetoshare this app with everyone. This application is very usefulifyouare traveling in bus/train/boat and you want to take ashortnap. Itwill wake you up or remind you about your destinationifyou arebusy with something else. Just in case.  ImportantMake sure your GPS is turned ON.The function of this app is based on GPS signal and mobiledata.Youcan have problems if there is no GPS signal or weakmobilenetworkcoverage on your device. FeedbackPlease feel free to send me your questions and commentsaboutthisapplication at [email protected]. Any suggestionsforimprovementwill be greatly appreciated. I would love to hearfromyou.
Simple GPS 1.0
*** No ads inside ***Do you want to simply know your coordinates?Are other apps to large and confusing?Do you want to send a message home, where haveyoubeentravelling?Just download this app.It allows you to:Save your coordinates, speed and bearing.Send them in an email.Show them in maps on your computer.If you have an idea how to improve this app, just sendmeanemail!
GPX Viewer 1.44.5
GPX Viewer shows tracks, routes and waypoints from gpx andkmlfiles.
Reached 1.0
Its a long ride back home and you decidetotake a nap. You wake up from your slightly long nap to findthatyou are in the next town. "Reached" will wake you up wellbeforeyou reach your destination.You decide to go on a road trip with your pals and find thatyourbest buds are fast asleep. you don't know how far away theallimportant exit is. "Reached" will alert you when you near theexit.Reached is an easy to use app which alerts you when you areaboutto reach a location. The app lets you select a destinationand set aradius. It sets off an alarm when you enter the area.Reached makes use of GPS and Network signals to get yourcurrentlocation. These resources are utilised in an efficient wayso thatexcessive battery draining is avoidedOnce you set an alarm you can kill the application fromyourecent apps list. A smart service runs in the background whichislocation and GPS aware.Reached lets you interact with the app from the notificationbaritself after you kill the app.Reached will let you know if the GPS signal is lost or ifyouaccidentally switch off the GPS module. This informationisprovided in the notification itselfReached depends on GPS. Reached lets Google play servicestakeover the location updates which has sophisticated techniquestoutilise battery efficiently.You can interact with the app through the notification. Itwilllet you edit the existing alarm or cancel it.Reached uses the latest Google Maps Version 2 which helpsyouhave an interactive and easy user experience. The alarm can besetwith a few clicks in no time at all.Since Reached uses GPS, The alarm may not go off in placeswhereGPS signals are weak. To avoid this it is good to have alargerradius.
GPS Warning - Map & Navigation v2.170205
Nguyen Duc Du
GPS Warning is an application supportyouduring the move, search for places, routes. Is a tool that hasmanyfeatures: address search, find a way, find a location,warningspeed & location, draw route, share information, manageroute& location and multi languages: English, Vietnamese,Japanese,Korean, Chinese, Swahili… moreover, with theinformation-sharingfeature, you can easily share to your friends,your relativesfavorite places, travels and your road, give you atour easy andsafe.The details main functions of GPS Warning:- Tracking: tracking mode with more information, ex: Speed,Time,Turn, Warning, Point, Route.. and Voice Navigation. You canchangeview mode, camera mode, type of map.. All service base onGPSsignal and google maps API.- Warning: warning speed, warning location when you wrongway,warning turn on Route when you are tracking. If you go thewrongroute, the application will support you to automatically finditsway back.- Draw Route: when you save the Route to your device, youcanupdate, redraw and copy it when you want to change.GPS Warning allows you to build your own route, you can addsitesthat you are interested in the route, and reuse as you moveback onthat route, it will give you a roadmap safety and moreactive.Moreover you can use it to develop a roadmap for moving to ayourtravel, the route goes into every corner that you want. Andmakesure that you will no longer worry astray.- Sync with Cloud: you can sync Point, Route to the Cloud; youcanrollback when you delete it or change your device.- Moving Team: share your group along the route and move, we willnolonger fears losing friends, the software will help you do it,youcan see all your friend move on the Route together. Now,install GPSWarning, share the Route and GO TOGETHER!!!- Share information: you can share the Location, the Routetoanother people and you can send location via SMS. When you shareaRoute for a group of friends, they may jointly buildsufficientRoute more information.- Record the Route: GPS Warning auto record your moving whenyoustart tracking mode, and you can review it after it is savedtoyour device. Moreover, you can actively record the path youtravelto reuse next time.- Management: with Point and Route. You can add, delete, updatethePoint and Route, sync it with the Cloud...- Search: you can search an address on the map and searchnearPlaces from the Location.- History: You can review your entire journey, at least it helpsyouremember your entire itinerary.- Setting: you can change some configuration on the application,ex:you can change color of the Route, you can change unit ofspeed,distance…- User: when you register one account on the application thenyoucan use more functions on it, ex: you can share to anotherpeople,you can sync with the Cloud…- Permission: you can login to use application and moreinformationprivately and only you can view and use it.- Multi language: the application supports severallanguages:English, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean,Swahili- Help: the application have guideline to use it, with eachfunctionyou don't understand you can read it and use. You can readit onyour mobile or on the Website.I hope you will find interesting with GPS Warning, please respondtous so that we increasingly make GPS Warning better.Thanks All./.
GPStatus: Realtime GPS Status 0.998
Constantly updates your screen with a dozen metricsdescribingthestatus of GPS as seen by the GPS receiver in yourdevice. Touchanymetric to get a chart of the history of thatmetric. Sharethatscreen via email, Dropbox, Drive, etc. Systemmetricsincludeestimated location accuracy, number of satellites inlastfixattempt, how many satellites are visible.Per-satellitemetricsinclude signal strength, satellite elevationabove thehorizon andwhether the satellite was used in a fix.FEATURES Toucha number onthe main screen to produce a chart of thatmetric’shistory.Pinch-and-zoom the chart to see detail. Metricsarecolor-coded:good - green; fair - white; poor - red,withuser-selectablevalues. Sort the satellite table by PRN (a sortofsatellite ID),SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) , etc. By defaultthesatellites aresorted by decreasing SNR so the strongestsatelliteis in thetable's first row. Strong is relative: considerthat GPSsatellitestransmit about as much power as a weak lightbulb, a bulbthat'sover 12,000 miles away, so S at the Earth'ssurface is tiny.Sharethe charts and tables so you have a record ofGPS performance.Soto document GPS signal strength just run the appfor a while,thenemail (or use Dropbox, Google Drive, etc)thesignal-to-noisechart. The email will contain a link toyourlocation. DisplaysRussian GLONASS satellite status, if yourdevicehardware supportsGLONASS. Take in the state of the GPSreceiverwith a glance: • Isit turned on? • Is it getting fixes?• How longsince the last fix?• How often is it getting fixes? • Howmarginalis GPS coverage?WHAT GPSTATUS IS NOT: GPStatus is not alocationlogger. It doesnot display latitude, longitude, altitude,speed ormaps. Many appsalready do this well. GPStatus displays GPSstatusinformation.PERMISSIONS: Location: Needed to get statusinformationfrom theGPS receiver in your device. External Storage:Needed tostore thehistory of GPS status so it can be plotted onchartsInternet: Usedby the advertisement component of the app.TIPS: * Toreset achart: from the main screen select Menu/ClearHistory. Thisdeletesall stored data points and resets the "t=0"point. * TheSNR(Signal-to-Noise Ratio) chart shows SNRs from thefirst fiverowsof the satellite table. Which SNRs are shown dependson howthetable is sorted. If the table is sorted by descending SNR,the"1stRow" in the chart shows the strongest SNR. The satellitewiththisSNR may change from sample to sample. The "2nd Row" SNRshowsthesecond strongest SNR, and so on. * Large time gapsinchartsprobably mean o the Clear History Automatically optionisnotenabled AND + the screen went to sleep or + anotherappbecameactive or + you left the app a while ago and it's beenpausedeversince. * GPStatus suspends GPS activity when it's notvisibleso itdoesn't drain the device's battery. To get aroundthedisplaysleeping, select Menu/Settings/Prevent DisplayfromSleeping. *Russian GLONASS satellite PRNs are pink andunderlined.FAQ: Q:I've launched the app but the buttons and tableare blank.A: Forthe app to display GPS status, GPS must be 1)enabled and 2)turnedon. 1) To enable GPS, in the Settings app underLocation, setModeto High Accuracy and set Location to On. On someolder devicesthenames are a bit different: you may need to selectLocationAccessin Settings, select GPS Satellites as a LocationSource, andsetAccess to my location to On. 2) Touch the "GPS On/OffbuttonuntilOn is blue. GPS is now on. Q: I don't see three verticaldotsinthe top right of my device's display, that are in thePlayStorepictures. A: Your device probably has a physical menubutton.Usethat instead of the vertical dots.
Simply GPS 1.2.1
Simply displays your current GPS coordinates.
Simple GPS 1.0
This is a simple GPS app that connectionstoSatellite GPS only. It retrieves Latitude, Longitude,Altitude,Time and Bearing.It includes a graphic at the bottom of the screen torelatebearing to the direction being traveled.This app is good for a device with no Cellular or Dataconnectionand for locations where GPS might be the only option toreceive thisinformation.