Top 50 Apps Similar to MyLegacy Mobile

Twill Care (formerly Kopa) 2.4.0-2ac19a943ccbe99
Twill, Inc.
Support for well-being, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis,pregnancy,and menopause.
MamaZen: Mindful Parenting App 1.40.5
Parenting app with solutions for positive parenting andhealthy& happy kids.
DBT Coach : Guided Therapy 4.7.5
A comprehensive DBT App for BPD, Anxiety, Depression,Stress,Bipolar Disorder
Dementia Guide Expert 2.0.0
A resource for those persons confronting the challenges ofdementia.
Unmind 3.35.0
Unmind Ltd
Wellbeing that works.
ADHD Insight 1.4.4
Monitor your child’s ADHD
Carenity 1.6.0
Share with patients affected by the same condition as you!
PsychologyCompass 1.7.0
A cognition coach in your pocket to help you reach your peakmentalperformance
CBT Tools for Healthy Living 6.4.4
Excel At Life
CBT diary, mood log, healthy goals, articles all availablewithoutpaid upgrade!
Koa Foundations: Wellbeing
Koa Health
Handle stress with evidence-based activities curated bymentalhealth experts
iyarn 2.17.2
iyarn helps you connect deeply with yourself with what mattermostin life.
WellTrack Boost 2.49.1
A mental health platform for monitoring your mood & gettinghelpwhen needed
Clinical Documentation Guide 7.4.0
Optum Inc.
Search for ICD-10 codes, view documentation tips, take notes andsetfavorites.
Dbt911 4.2.7
First aid in DBT.
Tenth Step 1.1.6
Reflect on 10 questions at bedtime to help you complete yourdailyinventory
Nebraska Medicine 2.3.3
Manage your health all in one place with the Nebraska Medicine app.
CBT-i Coach 3.1.1
CBT-i Coach is for people who are in CBT for Insomnia with ahealthprovider.
Amerigroup 1.6.4
The Amerigroup app helps you make healthy happen, wherever you go.
UnitedHealthcare Doctor Chat 10.2.0
Doctor Chat is a secure chat with an in-networkUnitedHealthcaredoctor
LiveMore - for your wellbeing 2.26.1
Take control of your life!
TOBEE mindfulness coach 1.0.10
By using the TOOBEE application for less than a minute aday,youwill become a more relaxed and positive person over thelongterm.(Step by step, day by day, you will feel better)Toobeereminds youto take regular short breaks, to take a breath,smileand enjoy apositive affirmation to feel good every day.Toobeeturns yourphone into a free wellness coach using a methodbased on4recognized personal development principles that willhelpyoubecome positive and relaxed, the way you always wantedtobe.Easily put in place new habits by encouraging yourself to:-havegratitude - experience love for life - be relaxed -haveselfconfidence Why does it work ? A reminder to take a shortbreakIttakes just a few seconds to set up, and then you canforgetaboutit: TOOBEE coaches and supports you. Embracetheseregularreminders throughout the day. Each short moment allowsyouto bemindful and recenter yourself. This Kaizen method takesjust afewseconds. With a few small steps each day, you will starttofeelbetter. Breathing and smiling Breathing, listening toyourbody,being Mindful and recentering yourself. A deepabdominalbreathrelieves stress. Add a smile. You're already feelingbetter.Theamazing power of words Words and thoughts are magical.Byrepeatingpositive affirmations to yourself, you willstartbelieving in themand quickly start to embody them! That's thepowerof positivethinking and visualization. Consistency getsresults Theregularityof the reminders allows you to establish newhabits, atyour ownpace. Your daily perseverance is key for this towork. Feelthechange. Try to do your best every day, as encouragedby MiguelRuizand the 4 Toltec Agreements. There is even morewithToobeepremium: ToobeeMe is unique and personalized What wouldyoulike todo? Choose among the 31 positive affirmations intheapplication’s4 categories: select your favorites, and then usetheone that ismost appropriate for your current state of mind. Doyouneed to becalm? confident? joyous? hopeful? Your choice isthere.Do you wantto write your own unique, personal affirmations?Youknow what willwork best for you for any given point in yourlife.So go ahead andwrite it! Looking to change the default Tibetanbowltone? You havea choice between a joyous bird, a soft flute,anintense gong or aquiet bell.
Ritual: Wellbeing 1.22.3
Ritual Media
Wisdom, Self-Care & Prayer
Meta Learn:Metacognitive Tools 2.1.4
Meta Learn
Metacognitive Therapy and Coaching - Techniques to improveyourmental health.
Constant Therapy
Science-based speech, language and cognitive therapyexercisestailored to you
Thrive Market - Healthy Food 1.16
Thrive Market
Still paying full price for healthygroceries?Well, it’s time to start saving! Thrive Market sells allof yourfavorite, organic groceries for a lot less than the grocerystoreor health food store.So what is it? Thrive Market is an online shopping club thatsellspremium, organic brands for 25-50% off retail prices. Wecarrythousands of the highest quality foods, supplements, homegoods,and beauty products you already love and buy at the marketfor wayless. Shop Paleo, gluten-free, vegan, raw, and more. Thedifferenceis, Thrive Market saves you money and delivers everythingright toyour door.How Thrive Market Works: We offer our memberswholesaleprices for organic, non-GMO foods, non-toxic beauty,bathroom, andbaby products, pet supplies, and more. Register forfree, browseall our items, and once you make your first purchase,you’ll beginyour free 30-day trial membership. You can cancelanytime. Thirtydays after beginning your trial, you’llautomatically become amember for $59.95/year (only $5/month). Thenyou’ll enjoyyear-long, unlimited access to discounted organic,wholesomegroceries and other member perks (like weeklygifts)!Free Shipping: Also, we offer free shipping on everyorderover $49! That’s right. We bring it to you for free. Plus,with ournew app, ordering from anywhere is easier than ever.More Thrive Market App Benefits: Speaking of our newThriveMarket app. Here are a few of the fantastic features you canenjoyonce you download:• Become a member and get 15% off your first order• Browse 1,000s of organic, non-GMO items by category orbrand• Easily search items by value (like gluten-free, Paleo,vegan,organic, and more)• Enjoy quick checkouts and fast shipping• Track order deliveries• Access special deals and exclusive product launches• Save items to your shopping list for later• Quickly re-order frequently purchased items when you runoutWeekly Bonuses: We love gifts. Who doesn’t? To us,Thrivingis about giving, too. We offer free gifts with purchase atleastonce a week. Try everything from Primal Kitchen to our veryowncollection of Thrive Market products for free just by placinganorder.Thrive Gives: Making healthy living easy and accessible isahuge part of our mission, which is why we started Thrive Gives.Forevery paid membership, we offer a free membership to alow-incomefamily, teacher, or veteran in need. We recently launchedanothergreat program called Spread the Health that enables membersto givedirectly to those in need by donating some of their savingsatcheckout. This helps low-income families, often living in“fooddeserts”, access healthier, organic products that are usuallyoutof reach.Specialty Dietary Items, Everyday Staples, Products for BabyandPets: Whether you’re Paleo, gluten-free, vegan, raw, a newmom,a pet owner, or simply a health-conscious consumer—you’ll findabrand you love at a price you can afford. We also sell safebabyproducts—from BPA-free bottles to biodegradable diapers toorganiccotton onesies. And don’t forget pets! Buy preservative-freetreatsand food, plus toys, bowls, food, and bedding for yourbeloved dogor cat. Our easy-to-use app makes shopping even easier.Navigate bycategory, brand, or item and start saving today.
UPMC AnywhereCare
Quick 24/7 UPMC online medical visits and care plans that fityourschedule.
Blooming : Diary & Affirmation 3.7.0
Your private diary with affirmations, quotes andpersonaldevelopment
myPlan 3.0.8
Does your partner do things that make you feel scared orunsafe?Doyou have a friend or family member whose relationshipworriesyou?You are not alone. Relationship abuse is common. Itnotonlyaffects someone’s health and wellbeing but can also puttheminserious danger. myPlan can help you see more clearly tomakesafetydecisions by helping you assess the health and safety ofyour(or aloved one’s) relationship, get personalized informationforyourunique situation, and connect to resources. - Choose asecurePIN -Answer questions about you and your relationship somyPlancanprovide you with personalized information - TaketheDangerAssessment to learn about your level of risk from apartner -Rankyour priorities to help determine what’s mostimportant to you-Explore safety strategies and local resourcescustomized to you-Bookmark what’s useful for later to create asafety planthat’sright for you myPlan is backed by research withthousands ofpeopleexperiencing abuse from a partner. Safetyfeatures: - Noaccountset up required, myPlan use is completelyanonymous - Setyour ownsecure PIN code to keep your informationprivate - “Dummycode”option will hide the contents of the app incase you areforced toenter a PIN by someone - Quick lock button onevery pageSafetyNotes: - If someone monitors your device activity,having anappabout relationship abuse could put you at risk. Ifconcernedaboutsomeone discovering the app, delete it when you aredone withit,but know that on devices it’s not possible to deletetheappcompletely from your purchase history. - myPlan is notintendedforuse if you are in crisis, if in immediate danger call911.-Talking to trained advocates or counselors is themosthelpfulthing people can do to stay safe, but we know thevastmajority ofpeople experiencing abuse never access theseservices.myPlanexpands access to safety information by providing away toget toindividualized safety information—with the ease ofaccessandprivacy of a device. However, myPlan is not intendedtoreplacelive trained service providers.
Higher Self 1.5.7
Your spiritual fitness studio - by Laura Malina Seiler
PTSD Coach 3.5.3
This app is for people who have or may have PosttraumaticStressDisorder (PTSD)
Lemonaid – Doctor Visit $15 5.0.258
GET TREATED WITHOUT GOING ANYWHERE:BIRTHCONTROL PILLS, PRESCRIPTION TREATMENTS FOR UTI, SINUSINFECTION,ACNE AND MORE• Birth control, UTI, sinus infection, acne etc.• Takes 5 minutes to request a prescription.• 2-hour turnaround during business hours.• $15 visit fee. No charge if we can’t help.• Pick up your medicine from any pharmacy.• AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, MI, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, VA andWAonly.• Confidential and private.EASY, SAFE AND SIMPLESave time, money and hassle and get a doctor’s prescriptionwithoutgoing anywhere. Our visit fee is just $15. We review allordersfaster than 2 hours during business hours [Mon-Fri 8am-5pmPacificTime]. Don’t take our word for it, read our reviews!TAKES 5 MINUTESIt’s even easier than you think to use Lemonaid.• Create an account and select a service.• Answer a few health questions.• Take a photo of yourself in the app – our doctors need to seewhowe’re treating.• Select any pharmacy in your state.• Pay our $15 visit fee. If you’re in AZ, CT, GA, OH, OR, RI orVAyou’ll have a short video visit with our doctors immediatelyafteryou answer our health questions. In other states you don’tneed avideo visit.• Wait for our message that says that a doctor has reviewedyourinformation and sent your prescription to the pharmacy, then gotothe pharmacy to pick up and pay for your medicine. If we needtoask you any questions, we’ll call you or send you a privatemessagein the app. We can only give you a prescription if it’s safeto doso.• Read our treatment plan before you take your medicine. Messageorcall us on 415 926 5818 if you have any questions.CHOOSE ANY PHARMACYWe’ll send your prescription to any pharmacy in your state.Justlike with any doctor visit, you pay the pharmacy foryourmedicines. Depending upon your health plan, your insurancemaycover the cost of your medicines.OUR SERVICESBirth control pills – get a 3-month prescription for over 100brandsof pills. We can start you on a new pill or give you arefill. Youneed to know your blood pressure.UTI/bladder infections – we help you get the prescription youneedfast. UTIs are uncomfortable and you need therighttreatment.Sinus infections – get better quickly with the right antibiotic.Weonly prescribe treatment if your symptoms are consistent withaninfection caused by bacteria.Acne - we prescribe medicines that are stronger and moreeffectivethan over-the-counter products. We can refillexistingmedicines.Hair loss – the medicine we prescribe stops and can evenreversehair loss in men. It’s stronger and more effectivethanalternatives you can buy over-the-counter withoutaprescription.Acid reflux (GERD) – we prescribe medicine that is effectiveatpreventing acid reflux unlike most over-the-counter, whichonlyprovide temporary relief. We can refill existing medicines orstartyou on new ones.Flu – take our treatment and get over the flu faster oravoidgetting the flu in the first place. We can give you aprescriptionif you fall into 1 of 2 groups: you don’t havesymptoms, but you’vehad recent close contact with someone who hasthe flu, or; you havesymptoms combined with a chronic medicalcondition, pregnancy, oran outbreak in your area. You need to starttaking the medicinewithin 48 hours of symptomsstarting. AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, MI, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, VA and WAONLYService available in Arizona, California, Connecticut,Florida,Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island, Virginia and Washington only.WHAT ELSE TO KNOWWe take a number of steps to protect your personal information.Seeour Privacy Policy for details. Read our Consent to Telehealthforimportant information about our service. The doctor whoprovidesyou with care will be licensed in your state.
Simple DBT Skills Diary Card 4.8
Pop! Pop!
DBT Skills Card Diary for DBT Students and others who want tolearnDBT.
SafeUT 4.3.1
SafeUT provides crisis counseling and school tip reportingforresidents of Utah
Cerebral - Mental Health 4.0.8
Online Rx and Counseling
BELONG Beating Cancer Together 5.19.5
BelongTail - The world’s largest social network for cancerpatients&caregivers
sweetgreen 6.118.0
Earn Rewards, Birthday Gifts and Menu Exclusives
Huddle Health 3.4.0
Helping caregivers and patients manage all their medicalrecords& medications.
Self-Esteem Blackboard 3.0
Excel At Life
Use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) methods to improveyourself-esteem!
Healthy Minds Program 8.5.2
Guided meditations & lessons to help you gain morewell-being& less stress
Borderline Explained 10.9
A psychology app that explains BPD or borderlinepersonalitydisorder
iPrescribe 6.14.0
E-Prescribing App with EPCS
My Mercy Health 3.1.1
24/7 Access to Your Health
Yiddish24 Jewish News & Podcas 2.4
Yiddish 24
Yiddish24 is a free radio/podcast app offering a variety ofcontentin Yiddish.