Top 6 Apps Similar to Tic-Toc Pesariis

Discover Morgex 1.0
Laser Srl
“Discover Morgex” APP will guide you tothediscovery of an extraordinary cultivated land, the foothillsofMonte Bianco (Mont Blanc), and to the discovery of itsexcellentquality agri-food products and its countlesshiddentreasures.The APP will help you to orient yourself and to plan your stay.The Morgex section provides detailed public transportinformationsuch as timetables and how to reach Morgex. It alsoprovidesinformation on parking areas (for those who come bycar).It also allows to receive directly on your smartphone thelatestnews on events and activities which take place in themunicipality.Furthermore you can check the weather thanks to liveWebCam placedall over the territory, and it provides an overview onregionalweather forecast. The app will provide you information ontheEuropean project on cross border cooperation “Produitsd'Hauteur”which made the realization of this app possible.You can also download other mobile phone apps about the AostaValleyfrom the “related APP” showcase, which you may finduseful.In the “Producers” section you will learn about the local“artists of flavours “ who will welcome you and will guide youintothe deep secrets of their production. They will also giveyouadvice on recipes and foodpairing.If you are looking for any kind of cold cut or wine, you cangoin the “Products” section where you will be spoiled forchoice.The “Itinerary” section provides information about twodifferenttrails, which you can take either on foot or by bike. Oneof themis a little longer than the other (about 11 km), but bothlead toMorgex amazing natural and rural landscape.Thanks to the “Point of interest” section you can accessanoverwhelming amount of information.The application recognizes your location and highlights thepointsof interest nearby, towns and surrounding areas, art andhistory,springs and fountains, places of natural beauty,outdooractivities, material culture, itineraries and trails, whereto eatand to sleep.You can share your discoveries and emotions with your friends,bysending them one of the e-Postcard in the gallery, each oneshowingan evocative shot.
Laser Srl
VivilBiellese è l’applicazione ufficiale di Gal Montagne Biellesieconcentra in un’unica applicazione tutto quello che serveperesplorare, conoscere e apprezzare il territorio del Biellese.Nonesiste la tipologia classica del turista, e proprio per questolanostra app cerca di assecondare tutti i desideri di coloro chesiavventurano nel territorio biellese: dai fanatici dellacultura,che potranno scoprire itinerari e punti di interessilegatiall’arte, alla storia e allo spettacolo, fino agli sportivipiùesigenti, che potranno mettersi alla prova con escursioni apiedi,in bicicletta o con i cavalli, passando per gli amantidellacucina, che, perseguendo l’ideale della qualità a km 0,potrannoconoscere e gustare i prodotti tipici del nostro territorio(lecosiddette eccellenze del Biellese). Non mancano, poi,informazionipiù pratiche, ma ugualmente fondamentali: dove dormire,dovemangiare, dove acquistare. Un’app completa e incontinuoaggiornamento, che sarà un grado di far conoscere qualcosadi nuovoanche a chi, il Biellese, lo conosce come le proprietasche. Gliutenti, infatti, non solo saranno sempre aggiornatisugli ultimieventi attraverso la sezione “news”, ma potranno anchecontribuiread arricchire l’offerta del territorio attraverso lasezione“segnalazioni”, comunicando sia aspetti positivi(fotografando unluogo, un bene culturale o ambientale non presentenell’app), siaquelli negativi, individuando e sottolineando alcunecriticità, inuna logica di dialogo e di miglioramento continuo chemiraall’eccellenza. Un’app che unisce la curiosità all’utilità,ilgusto della scoperta al piacere del gusto. Non aspettate:scaricatel’app, caricate lo zaino e scoprite il nostro territorio.
CollineCanavesane 1.3.0
Laser Srl
This application was created throughaninitiative of the Vialfrè Proloco (association promotinglocalculture and tourism), with the aim of promoting thetown’ssurrounding territory, and has been motivated by the manyrequestsfor informative material by people passing this way. Webelievethat the tourist value of the area is to be found first ofall inits pathways through natural surroundings, which can betravelledon foot, by bicycle or on horseback and are accessible allthe yearround. Another attraction, as witnessed by the frequentpassage ofcyclists that are to be seen every day, is in the manysurfacedcycle routes along secondary roads with little traffic,connectingour hills to the spectacular hollow of the MorainicAmphitheatre onone side and the East bank of the Orco torrent onthe other. Wehave tried to acquaint you with this area andencourage you tovisit it. In spite of being only a short distancefrom the bigcities of the north west, it features an environmentlittle changedby human activity. Its large spaces include wildwoodland, wideflatlands surrounded by beautiful mountains,evocative lakes andponds, areas of marsh and bog and charminghamlets which, if lessimportant than some other sites in ourRegion, are neverthelessrich in history.In making this effort, all on a voluntary basis, we have posedtheproblem of responsibility towards you, especially in themomentwhen we address a public that we do not know. While ourenvironmenthas almost unspoilt, not greatly frequented areas, we donotbelieve that it poses excessive risks for those who venturethere,because there are no particular hazards in the woods (e.gverythick vegetation, very steep slopes, cliffs, rock ledges andsoon). We know however, especially for those coming fromcitysurroundings, that moving in the natural environment withoutduecaution can transform a pleasant trip into a situation ofseriousdanger. The means at our disposal do not allow us toproperlysignpost all the routes; in fact if we did we would betaking awaya good part of the charm of our territory. So we havealso chosento include unsignposted routes. However, you may nothave access tothis section of the application unless you havecarefully read andaccepted this text, which we have written tosafeguard everyone,you and us, from improper and potentiallydangerous use of theinformation given.The route descriptions that we provide, except in a fewparticular,limited cases, have the sole purpose of giving you anidea of theitinerary and of providing data for length and height;they do notaim to guide you along the trail. Instead, for thispurpose we giveyou the opportunity to download the route on yoursmartphone ortablet in GPX or KML format and to follow it using oneof the manyspecialised applications that exist for this type offunction.Within the Application we also give you a very simplefunction,“Follow”, which however we invite you to use, especiallyin thewoods, only if you are familiar with tools of this kind andhaveadequate experience, equipment and training. We didn’t ranktheroutes by difficulty, because we think each one of us hasdifferentperception of it. We preferred to give you enoughinformation tomake your own decision, taking in account yourpersonal level andyou parameters.We thought it would be useful to give you some informationaboutevents in the Canavese territory, with special focus anddedicatedservices for the events on the Vialfrè area.
Gran Paradiso Valleys 1.4.1
Laser Srl
Fondation Grand Paradis – official AppThe “Gran Paradiso Valleys” APP is a guide to discover thecountlesstreasures of the Gran Paradiso National Park territory.It helps thevisitor to orient himself and to organise his holidayby respectingthe extraordinary environment of the area.The “How to get here” section gives information on thedifferentmeans of public transport that are available to reach theAostaValley, the Gran Paradiso Valleys and on how to move around inthearea. In this section visitors travelling by car can alsofinduseful information about parking areas.The “visiting” section guides visitor to discover themunicipalitiesof the Gran Paradiso area; the APP recognizes yourposition andsignals you the nearest points of interest: sites ofculturalinterest, historical centres, religious buildings, parksand nature,and the observation binoculars set in strategicpositions.The APP also offers a very rich description of innumerablehikingtrails, from the basic stroll to the excursion for experthikers.You can also share your discoveries and emotions with yourfriendssending them an e-postcard, choosing among a widephotographiccollection.The APP, realised in the spirit of sustainable mobility, hasasection titled “Gran Paradiso mobility” which allows users tomovethrough the territory choosing the best service according totheirneeds: the electric bike sharing connects inhabited centres,thetrekbus is at disposal of those who want to affordintervalleytreks and need to come back to the starting point. Forpeople wholike exploring nature to discover hidden corners, theeMTB(electric pedal assisted mountain bikes) are at disposal.The section dedicated to the “ITER project” shortly presentstheEuropean project of cross-border cooperation "ITER - ImaginezunTransport Efficace et Responsable", thanks to which this APPwasrealised.Try “Play ITER”, a nice game to put yourself to the test!The Info&News section allows you to receive all the updatednewsabout the activities carried out by Fondation Grand Paradis onyoursmartphone and to find the nearest WiFi point, where you willbeable to connect to the internet for free. Using the APP you alsocancheck the weather situation in real time thanks to theWebCamarranged by the Aosta Valley region and to consult theregionalweather forecast.You can save pieces of information in the “Favourites” sectioninorder to have them available also in case of absenceofconnectivity.Join the Fidelity section to subscribe to Fondation GrandParadispromotional initiatives. You can collect the points byplaying thegame and sending postcards and recommendations. For thecompleterules, please check the APP section and thewebsite:www.grand-paradis.itIn the section “Correlated APPS” a showcase of other usefulmobileapps about the Aosta Valley region is at the disposalofusers.Treatment of Personal DataThe user is herewith informed that all personal data(,surname, email) will be used by Fondation Grand Paradis(Owner ofthe Treatment) and by eventual subjects (responsible ornominated)in respect of the rules on privacy and safety and only tocarry outthe activities necessary for a better service andspecialpermission will be needed if they are required forlegalobligations. We advise you to read all the information onPrivacyavailable on www.grand-paradis.itUtilization of material loadedThe user recognizes to Fondation Grand Paradis all rightstoreproduce, diffuse, memorize and publish, by any present orfuturetechnological means or by any other means available, allthematerial loaded, through the App section REPORTS. It isherewithunderstood that the user concedes and transfersindistinctively,definitely and completely free of charge,alleconomic andcommercial rights relative to material transmitted forItaly toFondation Grand Paradis.
InSaintVincent 2.3.0
Laser Srl
Applicazione ufficiale delConsorzioInSaintVincent. In un'unica applicazione, il meglio diSaintVincent e dintorni.Nella sezione Visitare, potrai trovare numerose informazionisulleattrazioni del territorio.Per gli amanti delle camminate, c'è una sezione dedicata aitrekkingnei dintorni di Saint Vincent (con particolare riguardoalle zonepiù belle e suggestive del panorama escursionistico einformazionipratiche sempre aggiornate attraverso webcam eservizio meteoregionale).Non sai dove andare a dormire? Oppure devi scegliere unbuonristorante? Vuoi comprare qualcosa di bello? Troveraiinformazionidettagliate su alberghi, ristoranti e negozi presentisulterritorio di Saint Vincent. E per il tuo tempo libero, visitalasezione Eventi.Cosa aspetti: Vivi In Saint Vincent!Official applicationofInSaintVincent Consortium. In one application, the best ofSaintVincent and surroundings.Visit the section, you can find plenty of information onlocalattractions.For hikers, there is a section dedicated to hiking inthesurroundings of Saint Vincent (with particular regard to themostbeautiful areas of the hiking scene and practices dateinformationthrough webcam and regional weather service).You do not know where to go to sleep? Or you have to pick agoodrestaurant? Do you want to buy something nice? You willfinddetailed information on hotels, restaurants and shops in theareaof ​​Saint Vincent. And for your free time, visit theEventssection.What aspects: Live In Saint Vincent!
Turismo Valle d’Aosta 1.7
'Turismo Valle d’Aosta' is a free application which allows youtoconsult up-to-date information in order to discover andexperienceValle d’Aosta on your own device with Internetconnection. Afterinstalling the application you can select thelanguage (English,French or Italian). For those who are planning tospend theirholiday in Valle d’Aosta, the app 'Turismo Valled’Aosta' providesinformation of hotels and other accommodationfacilities; it liststhe commercial concerns 'Saveurs du Vald'Aoste', where to purchasetypical products from Valle d’Aosta andtaste regional dishes; theapp also proposes themed holidays withinValle d’Aosta. The app'Turismo Valle d’Aosta' also providesinformation on the events onschedule in the main tourismdestinations of the region as well assnow conditions on the skiruns, regional weather forecasts and aselection of paths androutes, each one with a brief descriptionand an estimation of timeand difficulty. A map of historical,cultural and touristic pointsof interest; a photo gallery; and theimages from the main webcamsin Valle d’Aosta complete theinformation provided by the app'Turismo Valle d’Aosta'. Keywords:vda, tourism, tourisme, aostavalley, guide, guida