2.3.0 / March 17, 2017
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Applicazione ufficiale del ConsorzioInSaintVincent. In un'unica applicazione, il meglio di SaintVincent e dintorni.

Nella sezione Visitare, potrai trovare numerose informazioni sulleattrazioni del territorio.

Per gli amanti delle camminate, c'è una sezione dedicata aitrekking nei dintorni di Saint Vincent (con particolare riguardoalle zone più belle e suggestive del panorama escursionistico einformazioni pratiche sempre aggiornate attraverso webcam eservizio meteo regionale).

Non sai dove andare a dormire? Oppure devi scegliere un buonristorante? Vuoi comprare qualcosa di bello? Troverai informazionidettagliate su alberghi, ristoranti e negozi presenti sulterritorio di Saint Vincent. E per il tuo tempo libero, visita lasezione Eventi.

Cosa aspetti: Vivi In Saint Vincent!
Official application ofInSaintVincent Consortium. In one application, the best of SaintVincent and surroundings.

Visit the section, you can find plenty of information on localattractions.

For hikers, there is a section dedicated to hiking in thesurroundings of Saint Vincent (with particular regard to the mostbeautiful areas of the hiking scene and practices date informationthrough webcam and regional weather service).

You do not know where to go to sleep? Or you have to pick a goodrestaurant? Do you want to buy something nice? You will finddetailed information on hotels, restaurants and shops in the areaof ​​Saint Vincent. And for your free time, visit the Eventssection.

What aspects: Live In Saint Vincent!

App Information InSaintVincent

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Gran Paradiso Valleys 1.4.1 APK
Laser Srl
Fondation Grand Paradis – official AppThe “Gran Paradiso Valleys” APP is a guide to discover thecountless treasures of the Gran Paradiso National Park territory.It helps the visitor to orient himself and to organise his holidayby respecting the extraordinary environment of the area.The “How to get here” section gives information on the differentmeans of public transport that are available to reach the AostaValley, the Gran Paradiso Valleys and on how to move around in thearea. In this section visitors travelling by car can also finduseful information about parking areas.The “visiting” section guides visitor to discover themunicipalities of the Gran Paradiso area; the APP recognizes yourposition and signals you the nearest points of interest: sites ofcultural interest, historical centres, religious buildings, parksand nature, and the observation binoculars set in strategicpositions.The APP also offers a very rich description of innumerable hikingtrails, from the basic stroll to the excursion for expert hikers.You can also share your discoveries and emotions with your friendssending them an e-postcard, choosing among a wide photographiccollection.The APP, realised in the spirit of sustainable mobility, has asection titled “Gran Paradiso mobility” which allows users to movethrough the territory choosing the best service according to theirneeds: the electric bike sharing connects inhabited centres, thetrekbus is at disposal of those who want to afford intervalleytreks and need to come back to the starting point. For people wholike exploring nature to discover hidden corners, the eMTB(electric pedal assisted mountain bikes) are at disposal.The section dedicated to the “ITER project” shortly presents theEuropean project of cross-border cooperation "ITER - Imaginez unTransport Efficace et Responsable", thanks to which this APP wasrealised.Try “Play ITER”, a nice game to put yourself to the test!The Info&News section allows you to receive all the updatednews about the activities carried out by Fondation Grand Paradis onyour smartphone and to find the nearest WiFi point, where you willbe able to connect to the internet for free. Using the APP you alsocan check the weather situation in real time thanks to the WebCamarranged by the Aosta Valley region and to consult the regionalweather forecast.You can save pieces of information in the “Favourites” section inorder to have them available also in case of absence ofconnectivity.Join the Fidelity section to subscribe to Fondation Grand Paradispromotional initiatives. You can collect the points by playing thegame and sending postcards and recommendations. For the completerules, please check the APP section and the website:www.grand-paradis.itIn the section “Correlated APPS” a showcase of other useful mobileapps about the Aosta Valley region is at the disposal ofusers.Treatment of Personal DataThe user is herewith informed that all personal data (e.g.name,surname, email) will be used by Fondation Grand Paradis (Owner ofthe Treatment) and by eventual subjects (responsible or nominated)in respect of the rules on privacy and safety and only to carry outthe activities necessary for a better service and specialpermission will be needed if they are required for legalobligations. We advise you to read all the information on Privacyavailable on www.grand-paradis.itUtilization of material loadedThe user recognizes to Fondation Grand Paradis all rights toreproduce, diffuse, memorize and publish, by any present or futuretechnological means or by any other means available, all thematerial loaded, through the App section REPORTS. It is herewithunderstood that the user concedes and transfers indistinctively,definitely and completely free of charge,all economic andcommercial rights relative to material transmitted for Italy toFondation Grand Paradis.
CollineCanavesane 1.3.0 APK
Laser Srl
This application was created through aninitiative of the Vialfrè Proloco (association promoting localculture and tourism), with the aim of promoting the town’ssurrounding territory, and has been motivated by the many requestsfor informative material by people passing this way. We believethat the tourist value of the area is to be found first of all inits pathways through natural surroundings, which can be travelledon foot, by bicycle or on horseback and are accessible all the yearround. Another attraction, as witnessed by the frequent passage ofcyclists that are to be seen every day, is in the many surfacedcycle routes along secondary roads with little traffic, connectingour hills to the spectacular hollow of the Morainic Amphitheatre onone side and the East bank of the Orco torrent on the other. Wehave tried to acquaint you with this area and encourage you tovisit it. In spite of being only a short distance from the bigcities of the north west, it features an environment little changedby human activity. Its large spaces include wild woodland, wideflatlands surrounded by beautiful mountains, evocative lakes andponds, areas of marsh and bog and charming hamlets which, if lessimportant than some other sites in our Region, are neverthelessrich in history.In making this effort, all on a voluntary basis, we have posed theproblem of responsibility towards you, especially in the momentwhen we address a public that we do not know. While our environmenthas almost unspoilt, not greatly frequented areas, we do notbelieve that it poses excessive risks for those who venture there,because there are no particular hazards in the woods (e.g verythick vegetation, very steep slopes, cliffs, rock ledges and soon). We know however, especially for those coming from citysurroundings, that moving in the natural environment without duecaution can transform a pleasant trip into a situation of seriousdanger. The means at our disposal do not allow us to properlysignpost all the routes; in fact if we did we would be taking awaya good part of the charm of our territory. So we have also chosento include unsignposted routes. However, you may not have access tothis section of the application unless you have carefully read andaccepted this text, which we have written to safeguard everyone,you and us, from improper and potentially dangerous use of theinformation given.The route descriptions that we provide, except in a few particular,limited cases, have the sole purpose of giving you an idea of theitinerary and of providing data for length and height; they do notaim to guide you along the trail. Instead, for this purpose we giveyou the opportunity to download the route on your smartphone ortablet in GPX or KML format and to follow it using one of the manyspecialised applications that exist for this type of function.Within the Application we also give you a very simple function,“Follow”, which however we invite you to use, especially in thewoods, only if you are familiar with tools of this kind and haveadequate experience, equipment and training. We didn’t rank theroutes by difficulty, because we think each one of us has differentperception of it. We preferred to give you enough information tomake your own decision, taking in account your personal level andyou parameters.We thought it would be useful to give you some information aboutevents in the Canavese territory, with special focus and dedicatedservices for the events on the Vialfrè area.
Laser Srl
VivilBiellese è l’applicazione ufficiale di Gal Montagne Biellesi econcentra in un’unica applicazione tutto quello che serve peresplorare, conoscere e apprezzare il territorio del Biellese. Nonesiste la tipologia classica del turista, e proprio per questo lanostra app cerca di assecondare tutti i desideri di coloro che siavventurano nel territorio biellese: dai fanatici della cultura,che potranno scoprire itinerari e punti di interessi legatiall’arte, alla storia e allo spettacolo, fino agli sportivi piùesigenti, che potranno mettersi alla prova con escursioni a piedi,in bicicletta o con i cavalli, passando per gli amanti dellacucina, che, perseguendo l’ideale della qualità a km 0, potrannoconoscere e gustare i prodotti tipici del nostro territorio (lecosiddette eccellenze del Biellese). Non mancano, poi, informazionipiù pratiche, ma ugualmente fondamentali: dove dormire, dovemangiare, dove acquistare. Un’app completa e in continuoaggiornamento, che sarà un grado di far conoscere qualcosa di nuovoanche a chi, il Biellese, lo conosce come le proprie tasche. Gliutenti, infatti, non solo saranno sempre aggiornati sugli ultimieventi attraverso la sezione “news”, ma potranno anche contribuiread arricchire l’offerta del territorio attraverso la sezione“segnalazioni”, comunicando sia aspetti positivi (fotografando unluogo, un bene culturale o ambientale non presente nell’app), siaquelli negativi, individuando e sottolineando alcune criticità, inuna logica di dialogo e di miglioramento continuo che miraall’eccellenza. Un’app che unisce la curiosità all’utilità, ilgusto della scoperta al piacere del gusto. Non aspettate: scaricatel’app, caricate lo zaino e scoprite il nostro territorio.
Bus Romagna 2.0 2.0 APK
Laser Srl
Bus Romagna è l'app gratuita che ti permettedi conoscere gli orari di effettivo passaggio dei mezzi pubblici diForlì e di Cesena.Con Bus Romagna potrai utilizzare il tuo smartphone per:- visualizzare su mappa la posizione delle fermate rispetto allatua posizione e al raggio di interesse;- cercare le fermate tramite indirizzo o codice fermata;- visualizzare tutte le fermate di una linea, ricercando per"numero linea" o "codice" di una fermata;- visualizzare i prossimi 5 orari di partenza del bus relativi auna fermata;- richiedere di essere avvisato in prossimità della fermata didestinazione.Bus Romagna is the freeapp that allows you to know the times of the actual passage ofpublic transport Forlì and Cesena.With Bus Romagna you can use your smartphone for:- View map of the location of the stops with respect to yourposition and the radius of interest;- Search for the stops by address or stop code;- Display all the stops of a line, searching for "number line" or"code" of a bus;- View the next 5 departure times of buses relative to astop;- Request to be notified near the stop destination.
Itinerari di gusto 1.1.0 APK
Laser Srl
The “Itinerari di gusto” are food and winetours that, starting from the city of Torino, reach the areas ofCanavese and the Lanzo Valleys, the hills of Torino and Chieri,Pinerolo, Susa Valleys and Sangone.A selection of tour proposals for really discovering pleasure andknowledge, to find goodness and share experiences of healthy andsustainable practices in line with the main theme of Expo Milano2015.The territory covered by the “ITINERARIES OF TASTE” containsbusinesses and services for tourists and are noted for theirexcellent art and architecture and the very beautiful landscapesand natural scenery.The idea of the app is to offer a wine and culinary journey fortourists leading to ancient and new recipes to be tasted, seen,heard, touched and smelled.At the centre of the architecture, unique production territoriesand communities, close but distinguished by specific ways ofworking, making the products and preparing the recipes.The visitor can take the lead in the journey, starting withchoosing the TYPICAL PRODUCTS that, grouped in categories, areidentifiable by an icon along the 7 ITINERARIES winding through theterritory.With Torino acting as the central hub, some 315 municipalities areinvolved, providing a perfect composition of various types ofplains, hills and high mountains with many traditions in foodproduction and a varied heritage of local, excellent delicacies toenjoy.Apart from being introduced by a short description and apicture, each TYPICAL PRODUCT comes with the list of PRODUCERS(georeferenced on the map) where it can be bought and the EVENTSassociated with it.There is also a description of the attractions and the mainpoints of interest in the main LOCATIONS crossed by theitineraries.In the “LINK” section are included the websites for pickingrestaurants, accommodation facilities, tourist information,etc.
VdaCultura 3.3 APK
Laser Srl
The new official Application to keep up withthe glint and sparkle of the cultural heritage of Aosta Valley andcultural events and exhibitions - currently open or scheduled -organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture of theAutonomous Region of Aosta Valley.Easy and nimble to navigate, CultureVdA is divided in twosections: “Events and Exhibitions” and “Art”.The “Events and Exhibitions” section allows you to track downconcerts, shows, fairs, exhibitions and every other culturalhappening in Aosta Valley. Your search can be tailored and filteredby date, type of event, name or location. You can create your listof favourites or consult the information on opening times, tickets,discounts, etc.The Calendar shows which events and exhibitions are currentlyopen or scheduled. The Map will promptly indicate which venue is inyour immediate surroundings.The “Art” section allows you to find castles, monuments,museums, churches, sanctuaries but even traditional villages andevery other cultural site in Aosta Valley. You can create your listof favourites or consult opening times, tickets, or website linksto more information.In both sections the Map allows you to visualise your positionin relation to the site or event of your interest. The quickestitinerary to reach it will then appear on the Map.You can share your favourite cultural sites or rendezvous withyour friends, by sending them an email or by using our link to themajor social networks.Discover the cultural panorama of Aosta Valley.
Tic-Toc Pesariis 1.2.1 APK
Laser Srl
Tic-Toc Pesariis è un'applicazione gratuitache permette di visualizzare sul proprio dispositivo tutte leinformazioni utili sul percorso dell’orologeria persarina e sugliorologi monumentali presenti nella frazione di Pesariis (Comune diPrato Carnico) riconosciuto e tutelato come centrostorico-architettonico di primario interesse.Si possono trovare informazioni dettagliate, immagini e audio guidasu ogni singolo Orologio e informazioni sul Museo di Pesariis , cheospita al suo interno oltre un centinaio di orologi, di varieepoche e provenienze e per la maggior parte prodotti nella ValPesarina.Sono presenti anche gli Itinerari per la navigazione liberadell’utente (con o senza geolocalizzazione) e percorsi guidatipredeterminati per visitare la frazione di Pesariis ed i suoiOrologi.Per comprendere al meglio alcune caratteristiche tecniche didescrizione degli orologi è stato previsto un Glossario con alcuneterminologie ed il loro significato.Disponibile per le seguenti lingue : italiano,tedesco einglese.Tic-Toc Pesariis is afree application that allows you to display on your device all theuseful information about the location of watchmaking persarina andmonumental clocks in the village of Pesariis (Comune di PratoCarnian) recognized and protected as an historical andarchitectural primary interest.You can find detailed information, images and audio guide on eachclock and information on Pesariis Museum, which houses over ahundred internal clocks of various ages and backgrounds and for themost part produced in Pesarina.There are also routes for the free navigation of the user (with orwithout geolocation) and guided tours to visit the predeterminedfraction of Pesariis and its watches.To better understand some technical description of the watches hasbeen provided with a glossary of certain terms and theirmeaning.Available for the following languages: Italian, German andEnglish.
Alp Conv 1.1 APK
Laser Srl
The official APP of the Alpine Convention isnow available in five languages!An innovative way to get to know the Alpine Convention, itsactivities and its official documents and be regularly informedabout new developments. Follow on a friendly interface theitineraries of the different editions of SuperAlp! - thesustainable crossing of the Alps, or find out where the sites ofthe Unesco World Heritage are located in the alpine region. Lookingfor a challenge? Test your knowledge regarding the Alps withAlpGame!© Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, February2013Concept Marco Onida, Coordination Antonello LavegliaFeatures:- Five languages (English, French, German, Italian,Slovenian)- News: what’s new in the world of the Alpine Convention- Documents: the official documents and the contents of the AlpineConvention presented in a simple way- SuperAlp!: itineraries and information about the sustainablecrossing of the Alps based on an online OpenStreetMapInterface- AlpGame: 3 steps and 6 topics to test your knowledge- Unesco: discover the peculiarities of the Alpine Unesco WorldHeritage sites- Fotogallery: fascinating landscapes and alpine life pictures