Top 19 Apps Similar to smoking!!

Cigarette calculator 1.1.0
Tobacco calculator
Quit Smoking -No smoking day 2.0.7
Ready to quit smoking? Right now is a great time to quit smoking.
Smoking manager - Smokegram 1.7.3
Cho bro
Record your smoking, Checking yourself better than yesterday
Quit Smoking 3D! 2.0
UD4M Games
There was no smoking quittingapplicationuntilnow!World first 3D high quality quit smoking helper 3DAndroidversionis realeased!Lately, it is hard to find the place to smoke duetoGovernment`santismoking policyYou resolutely announced to quit smoking but it is notthateasy,right?Quit Smoking 3D help you to quit smoking!The best graphic, health data according to time ofnon-smoking,andgame that will release your stress from quittingsmoking~Right now, start to quit smoking with Quit Smoking 3D!# Play Movie[Feature of Quit Smoking 3D]◈ The best high quality 3D animation-There was no high quality 3D quit smoking app until now!-Real time quit smoking information on screen saver!!-At work~! At home~! Check real time quit smokinginformationinanytime.-Forget about existing boring quit smoking program~!!-Start to quit smoking fun and exciting~!!-Elegant and high completeness graphic enhance the valueofchargedpurchase.◈ Check real time quit smoking informationwithscreensaver!-You can check time passed and number of un-smokedcigaretteandsaved money since the start ofquitting smoking with fun Smoker-Check myself being healthy with real time quitsmokingdataaccording to time of non-smoking-It strengthen your willpower for the success ofyourquitsmoking◈ Release stress with mini game!-Stress and cigarette that weakens your will to quit smoking!-Enjoy the exciting action game that releasecravingforcigarette-You can release stress with mini game-Shoot smokers from left, right and front of screen usinginclineofcellular phone!Then, are you ready to quit smoking?Let`s start to quit smoking with Quit Smoking 3D forhealthoffamily, friends and yourself!※ Please check before using the app- It is unavailable to withdraw the subscription once thepurchaseiscompleted. Please purchase carefully.- Deletion of game and initialization of cellphone dataunabletherestoration of existing data.- Inquiry/advice regarding game [email protected] include name, mobile phone number, mobile phonemodel,Androidversion and screen shot in inquiry mail.
노스모킹 - (금연 도우미 & 금연 타이머) 2.10
This application helps to quit smoking is no smoking.
Quit Smoking 2.0.5
For health, Start quit smoking now!
금연 타이머 1.2
- 금연 기간을 계산하는 타이머- 흡연 욕구가 생길 때 타이머에 기록된 시간을 보고 한번만 참아 보세요. 아깝잖아요~- 금연 시간에 따른 회복 증상이 적혀 있습니다.// 제가 쓰려고 만든 어플인데 혹시 다른 누군가에게도 필요 하지 않을까 해서 올립니다.// 저는 이걸 만든 12년 12월 31일 부터 금연중입니다.***모두 금연에 성공하여 삶의 질이 높아 지길 바랍니다.***
QuitNow: Quit smoking for good 6.54.0
The app to quit smoking recommended by the World HealthOrganization
금연시계 1.12
It is a simple application indicating the non-smoking one hour.
금연통장(PinkEdition) 2.3
2014 New Year's resolutions! Google play featured appsSmokingaccount (BlueEdition) 2 shots! Kakao talk Meetchicle. ^^
Let's quit smoking! 2.1.1
Let's quit smoking!
금연길라잡이 2.9.4
Meet the better with smoking More from mobile.
금연도우미(STOP) 1.5
Bongrim BIT
금연을 하고자 하는 사람들을 위한 어플리케이션*현재 4.0 버전의 디바이스에서 날짜입력이 되지않아 앱을 사용조차 못하는 오류를 발견하였습니다.4.0아이스크림샌드위치버전의 사용자분들께 양해부탁드립니다.*Applications for thosewhowish to quit smoking* I found the error does not even use the app does not havethedate entered in the device's current 4.0 version. 4.0 Pleasenotethat the Ice Cream Sandwich version for those users. *
금연 환경조성 솔루션( 흡연신고 ) 1.92
When a smoker is found in a non-smoking area, thesurroundingcitizen himself or herself uses the "app" or"non-smoking bell"
금연 성공 캠페인 1.0
금연 하기 그동안 어려우셨죠?이번 금연 성공 캠페인을 통해서 저희가 도와 드리도록 하겠습니다.여러 약국들과 함께 금연 보조제품을 경품으로 나눠 드리고 있으며, 금연 성공을 돕기 위한 다양한 자료를매거진화 하여 보기 쉽게 전달해 드립니다.함께 금연해 봅시다.Meanwhile, it isdifficultto quit smoking, right?Through this campaign, we have a smoke-free success, letmehelp.With several pharmacies divided into smoking cessationproducts'dprizes and a variety of resources to help the successofsmoke-freeView the magazine Tue easily delivered.Let's together non-smoking.
Smoke Free, stop smoking help 5.5.5-core
Dr Crane
We want to help you stop smoking★ See how long you’ve been smoke free★ The money you’ve saved from not smoking★ The number of cigarettes you’ve not smoked★ How your health is improving★ Earn badges for your progress★ Share your successes with your friends★ Record your cravings in a diary★ And moreHelps you through the difficult first month of your quit -andbeyondThis is the app that science built. Proven techniques to helpyoustop smoking are delivered in a beautifully clear and veryhumanway. The calculator tells you how much money you've saved andhowmany cigarettes you've not smoked, the calendar tells you howlongyou’ve been smoke free and how much life you've regained, barsshowyou how giving up smoking is improving your health, and adiaryshows how your cravings for cigarettes are decreasing overtime.Plus filling it out seems to help, even if you only use ittovent.Filling it out also helps us, because this is the app thatscienceis building. If you give us permission, we’ll use theinformationyou give us to learn how to help even more people stopsmoking. Asyou know, quitting smoking is hard. But tens ofthousands of peopledo it successfully each month. We want to knowmore about whatworks and what doesn’t and your data can help futurequittersquit.The quit processHere’s what we know so far. The science is pretty clearthatnicotine replacement therapy helps people stop smoking. Butitneeds to be taken as directed (many people don’t completethecourse) and that means it’s best if you get it from yourdoctorrather than the pharmacist. But don’t worry if you don’t wanttouse NRT, this is your quit, you do what works for you. Theothergolden rule about giving up smoking is to make your mantra‘not onemore puff’. Because one puff almost always leads to moreand you’resoon back smoking again. It doesn’t seem to matter howmuchconfidence you’ve got about quitting and nor does it matter ifyouplan your quit ahead or quit or the spur of the moment. Thesocialsupport you get from programs such as Stoptober are helpfulbutwhat really seems important is getting a real understanding ofhowmuch progress you’ve made, all the benefits you gain from givingupsmoking and all that you’d have to lose by starting smokingagain.Giving you that is the core way this app hopes to keep yousmokefree.Electronic cigarettesE-cigs seem to help lots of people stop smoking. The ones thatlooklike cigarettes seem less effective than ones you getfromspecialist vape shops. They also seem pretty safe, much saferthansmoking cigarettes. However, we don’t have much long-termevidenceso it’s probably best to use them as a way to stop smoking,ratherthan a replacement for cigs.The experimentWe’re running an on-going experiment that tests different thingstohelp people give up smoking. Everyone gets all thefeaturesmentioned above, the calculator that shows how manycigarettesyou've not smoked, the calendar that tells you how longyou’ve beensmoke free, the bars that show how your health hasimproved fromgiving up smoking.Some people will get additional features. We can’t tell youwhatthey are, partly because it might invalidate the experiment,partlybecause they change frequently. Don’t feel you’re missingoutthough. We don’t know if these things will help peoplestopsmoking, we just want to learn whether they do. Don’t worrythatthey’ll want to make you smoke more either. We would nevertryanything we thought might make people more likely tosmoke.This is all entirely voluntary and you can use the app fullywithouttaking part in the experiment. But everyone who does takepart willhelp the quitters who follow. So do yourself a favor bystoppingsmoking. And do your fellow smokers a favor by helpingthemunderstand how it’s done.
국가암정보센터 1.0.3
‘국립암센터’에서 제공하는 올바른 암정보 만나보세요!본 앱은 보건복지부, 국립암센터가 운영하는‘국가암정보센터(’에서제공하는내용으로, 100개의 다양한 암정보 및 암예방건강정보를 언제 어디서든 손쉽게 확인 할 수 있도록제작되었습니다.암 종류별 발생 원인, 예방법, 검진방법, 진단방법 및 치료, 생활 관리까지 검증된 최신의암정보를상세히제공합니다.암정보 상담전화(1577-8899) 및 금연 상담전화(1544-9030) 서비스가 연계 되어있을뿐아니라,일반인,전문가를 위한 최신의 암 통계자료가 수록되어 있고, 암 관련 책자와 암예방 그림책 등이 담긴e-book서비스를제공합니다.본 어플리케이션과 관련된 문의사항은 [email protected]로 남겨주시기 바랍니다.
금연계산기 1.0
Baek Keon Hyo
금연을 목적으로 금연 날짜와 금연한 일수 금연으로 아낀 담배값 계산
No Smoking Helper 2.8
"No Smoking Helper"We made this application including functionsusefulfornon-smoking, based on our experience with smoking, rightnowwe'vequit smoking.This application has simple functions notcomplicatedexplanationand pictures.The first step for successful no smoking is resolutiontoquitright away.We hope this application will help your resolution.** Functions **Notification message- This app motivate you to quit byreceivingencouragementmessages(You can set reminders whatevertimeinterval).- You can control sound and vibration dependingonyoursituation.Voice recording- You can record the voice of your family or lovers(Recordingtimeup to 30 seconds) After recording you canlistenthe encouraging voice you choose.Widget- You can easily see the non smoking progress through Widget.- The default size : 4 * 2, The minimum size : 3 * 1SNS- Twitter, Facebook, you can take advantage of the app.Check the progress of non-smoking- You can check Start date, elapsed time, saved money.* You can be a successful hero in no smoking withNoSmokingHelper. Cheer up!