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ATA Chapters 32
Aviation ATA reference
Army Survival Manual FM3-05.70 3.0
the Army has several basic survivalkits,primarily for issue to aviators. There are kits for coldclimates,hot climates, and overwater. There is also an individualsurvivalkit with a general packet and medical packet. The cold,hot, andoverwater kits are in canvas carrying bags. These kits arenormallystowed in the helicopter's cargo and passenger area.An aviator's survival vest (SRU-21P), worn by helicoptercrews,also contains survival items.U.S. Army aviators flying fixed-wing aircraft equippedwithejection seats use the SRFU-31/P survival vest. Theindividualsurvival kits are stowed in the seat pan. Like all otherkits, therigid seat survival kit (RSSK) you use depends ontheenvironment.Items contained in the kits may be ordered separatelythroughsupply channels. All survival kits and vests are CommonTable ofAllowances 50-900 items and can be ordered by authorizedunits.Figures A-1 through A-6 describe the various survival kitsandtheir contents.Food packets.Snare wire.Smoke, illumination signals.Waterproof matchbox.Saw/knife blade.Wood matches.First aid kit.MC-1 magnetic compass.Pocket knife.Saw/knife/shovel handle.Frying pan.Illuminating candles.Compressed trioxane fuel.Signaling mirror.Survival fishing kit.Plastic spoon.Survival manual (AFM 64-5).Poncho.Insect headnet.Ejector snap.Attaching strap.Kit, outer case.Kit, inner case.Shovel.Water bag.Kit, packing list.Sleeping bag.Figure A-1. Cold Climate KitCanned drinking water.Waterproof matchbox.Plastic whistle.Smoke, illumination signals.Pocket knife.Signaling mirror.Plastic water bag.First aid kit.Sunburn-prevention cream.Plastic spoon.Food packets.Compression trioxane fuel.Fishing tackle kit.MC-1 magnetic compass.Snare wire.Frying pan.Wood matches.Insect headnet.Reversible sun hat.Tool kit.Kit, packing list.Tarpaulin.Survival manual (AFM 64-5).Kit, inner case.Kit, outer case.Attaching strap.Ejector snap.Figure A-2. Hot Climate KitKit, packing list.Raft boat paddle.Survival manual (AFM 64-5).Insect headnet.Reversible sun hat.Water storage bag.MC-1 magnetic compass.Boat bailer.Sponge.Sunburn-prevention cream.Wood matches.First aid kit.Plastic spoon.Pocket knife.Food packets.Fluorescent sea marker.Frying pan.Seawater desalter kit.Compressed trioxane fuel.Smoke, illumination signals.Signaling mirror.Fishing tackle kit.Waterproof matchbox.Raft repair kit.
Air War: Современная Авиация 1.0.1
sv soft
Самая полная (более 600самолетов)энциклопедиясовременной боевой авиации (с 1945 по нашидни).- фотографии (более 4000)- летно-технические характеристики- модификации- интересные истории создания и испытаний- удобная система фильтров- автоматическое обновление БД- ограниечение бесплатной версии: 3 фотографии на самолети1000символов истории.После первоначального скачивания базы данныхтребуетсянесколькоминут на ее распаковку. В зависимости отустройства этозанимает3-5 минуты.Внимание база данных занимает более 200MB. Убедитесь, чтонавашемустройстве достаточно свободного места.База скачивается после установки программы.The most complete(over600aircraft) encyclopedia of modern combat aircraft (1945totoday).- Photo (4000)- Performance characteristics- Modification- Interesting stories of creation and testing- Comfortable filter system- Automatic update of the database- Ograniechenie free version: 3 photos on a plane and1000charactersstories.After the initial download a database requires a fewminutesatits decompression. Depending on the device takes 3-5minutes.Attention database covers more than 200MB. Make surethatyourdevice has enough free space.Database is downloaded after installation.