Top 23 Apps Similar to Lucky numbers in Chi culture

Lucky phone number[trial] 1.3.5
It is capable of distinguishing lucky or unlucky from thephonenumbers.
八卦数字 1.0.2
Snagon Studio
八卦数字可解读身份证/手机号码的运势秘密!身份证字号就是我们的生命磁场。分析它就能解读您个人的运势、性格以及现象!透过后天八卦为根本的数字命理分析法来分辨电话号码的吉凶磁场!即快速、又简单、又准确地洞悉数字磁场对自己所影响及产生的吉凶效应!《《《《《《 认识数字磁场 》》》》》》《《什么是数字磁场》》相信大家都知道,数字中也不过只有0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9而已,一眼就把它看完并且简单易懂的数字真的具有影响力吗?也许不说您不知,由两个或以上数字组成的数字组合,绝对可以影响我们一生的运程!在我们的身边最长出现的号码组合,很自然而然的发出吉凶效应对我们的运势产生调整。《《数字磁场的来源》》大多数人都听过《八卦》,但相信没有多少人能正正了解它到底是什么?八卦是出自于中华历史文化的古书-易经,其八个卦象的名称是乾卦、兑卦、离卦、震卦、巽卦、坎卦、艮卦和坤卦,而数字磁场其实就是从易经八个主卦演变生成出来的。因此,每个数字也都有五行所属,其中也包括了阴阳之分。《《数字组合的奥秘》》数字磁场中一共有8种不相同的磁场名称,其中有4种是属于吉星,另4种属于凶星,而每一种不同的磁场各也有8个组合。因此,总合起来一共是有64个数字组合的磁场。四凶星的磁场名称包括了《生气》、《天医》、《延年》以及《伏位》,而四凶星的磁场名称包括了《五鬼》、《绝命》、《六煞》以及《祸害》。数字组合的磁场不仅是一种可以解读生命磁场、或者更改命运,或强化好运的现实产物,对数字磁场了解越多的人,会发现它同时也是一种观察人,事,物的一种心灵产物。《《从认识生命磁场开始》》《生气》、《天医》、《延年》、《伏位》、《五鬼》、《绝命》、《六煞》、《祸害》你的生命磁场是属于哪个数字磁场类型呢?看到这里,大家不要被这8个名词的字面意义给吓到了,其实这只是借用《易经》的八个名词来作为数字磁场8种类型所涵盖的磁场名字。大家或许不知道,原来我们的身份证号码可以用作分析自己的命格类别。身份证号码虽是国家政府给我们的,但其实就是你与生俱来的生命磁场,在你的生命开始运作后,也会因为你的生命磁场吸引相同的磁场性质来到身边。没错!这就是就简单,就快速,最准确地分析出您的生命磁场!身份证号码是你个人终生专属的,在你的国家、无论做什么、申请什么、去什么地方、填什么表格、买什么产业,你都得记得你的身份证号!这组一世人跟着你的数字磁场,对你一生运势产生了调整的效应。《《数字磁场对我们产生的效应》》身份证里拥有最多的数字组合磁场,可影响我们的日常性格,因此从数字也可观察各种命格的属性特征。数字磁场有4种是属于吉星,另4种属于凶星,每种磁场代表的含义不一。拥有吉星的人不要因此而想不劳而获;拥有凶星的也不要因此而沮丧,因为吉星用的太多也会出现负面的影响,而凶星也可以发挥出好的一面。对于修行的人、在国外发展的人、小孩以及老年人等或许使用身份证的频率非常少,因此受身份证号码组合影响最少。Gossip figures canbeinterpreted ID / phone numbers secret fortune!ID number field is our life. Analysis it can interpretyourpersonal fortune, character and phenomenon!Acquired through gossip numerology as a fundamental analysistodistinguish good and bad field phone number!That is fast, and simple, and accurate insight into the goodandbad effects of their own influence and generate a magnetic fieldofdigital!"" "" "" Understanding digital field "" "" """" What is a digital field ''I believe we all know, but also only numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9it,read it in a straightforward and influential figures reallydo?Maybe not say you do not know, a combination of two or moredigitaldigits can definitely affect our lives fortune! Around usthelongest number combination appears very naturally emit good andbadeffects on our fortune to produce adjustments."The" source of digital magnetic field ''Most people have heard of "gossip", but do not think many peoplecanunderstand exactly what is it in the end? Gossip is from oldbookson Chinese history and culture - the I Ching, the eightimages ofthe name is Qian, against the diagram, from Gua, Zhengua,Sunda Gua,Kangua, Gen Gua and Kun, and digital magnetic field isactually Fromthe I Ching hexagram evolution generated eight mainout. Therefore,each number belongs also has five elements, whichalso includes theyin and yang.'' Digital portfolio mystery ''Digital magnetic field in a total of eight kinds ofdifferentmagnetic field name, which has four kinds belong lucky,the otherfour kinds are unlucky, but each in a different field eachhaveeight combinations. Thus, taken together have a totalnumbercombination of the magnetic field 64. Sixiong star fieldnamesinclude the "angry", "Tian Yi", "sickness" and "V-bit" andSixiongstar field names include "Goki", "Christmas", "six brains"and a"scourge." The magnetic field is not only a combination ofnumberscan be interpreted magnetic life, or change fate, luck orenhancereal product, digital magnetic understand more and morepeople willfind that it is also the kind of person, and things kindofobservation Mind product."" From the field began to understand life. """Angry", "Tian Yi", "sickness", "V-bit", "Goki", "Christmas","sixbrains", "disaster" Your life is what digital magnetic fieldtypeis it? See here, we will not be the literal meaning of thisterm toeight scared, it is merely borrowed "Book of Changes" eighttermsas the name of a digital magnetic field eight types covered.We maynot know, our original identity card number can be used toanalyzetheir own fate category. Although the national government IDnumberto us, but in fact, you are born with life-magnetic field, inthebeginning of your life after the operation, because your lifewillbe the same magnetic properties of magnetic attraction comearound.Yes! This is on simple, fast and accurate analysis of themost lifeout of your field! ID number is your exclusive personallife, inyour country, no matter what to do, what to apply, where togo,what forms to fill in, what industry, you have to remember yourIDnumber! This group of people to follow you a digitalmagneticfield, for your life fortune had adjusted effects."" Digital magnetic field effect on us. ""ID numbers in combination with the most magnetic field canaffectour daily character, and therefore can be observed from thedigitalfeatures of the various attributes of fate. There are fourkinds ofdigital magnetic field belongs lucky, the other four kindsareunlucky, the meaning of each field representative mixed. Donothave a lucky man therefore want something for nothing; hasalsounlucky not therefore frustrated because there will be tooluckywith a negative impact, but can also play a malefic good side.Forthe practice of people, people in foreign development, childrenandthe elderly, perhaps using the identity of the frequency isverysmall, so the least affected by the ID number combination.
TGM Real Lucky Number Finder 1.0.4
The Lucky Number Finder isdevelopedoncompletely on Scientific, Palmistry and astrologicalcalculationbased and reveals your most fulfilling direction andthemajorlessons you are here to learn during thislifetime. The Lucky Number Finder will give you theexactluckynumber suits you. It does not mean that youshould try your lucky number in casino. but thesuggestednumberwill be lucky for you. chooses this numberwhenever you have choice for number.You must provide the true information as input to TheLuckyNumberFinder like your Star, Age and Gender.You may find the multiple results on each scan so try toscanadifferent finger every time to know moreand more about your future. The result will not fitasyourfortune if you provide a wrong inputinformation to The Fortune Predictor like age, star andgenderora finger scan of some one else.Kindly do not use this app for commercial purpose but yesyoucanrefer it to your loving ones if you likeit.Enjoy this Addictive and Amazing The Lucky Number FinderBest of Luck
警政服務 5.2.3
本系統功能計有多項服務如下:1、首頁:左方功能鍵:電話報案(110、165、113)、視訊報案、守護安全。右方功能鍵:治安、交通、服務3大群組。下方功能鍵:臉書專區、推播訊息、使用功略、其他縣市警察局App連結。2、治安:查捕逃犯、失竊車輛、受理案件、失蹤人口(相片比對、身分證號及姓名查詢)、專案線索上傳。3、交通:收聽警廣、違規拖吊查詢、即時路況查詢、即時路況通報、測速執法點查詢。4、服務:服務據點、酒駕防制、入山申請、警廣招領遺失物、警廣協尋遺失物、警廣協尋失車、警廣協尋失蹤人口、關於法律、多國日常問候語。【貼心叮嚀】※無電話功能之裝置,將無法撥打 110、165、113 等通話功能。※程式於背景使用GPS定位,此功能較為耗電。※程式提供您以WIFI/行動網路收聽警廣路況廣播,並可於背景聆聽,如使用行動網路方式收聽,會依照您與行動電話業者簽訂之費率不同,可能造成額外的資料傳輸費用。
Khmer Phone Number Horoscope 2.6
Sothea Biz
Check out lucky telephone number with Khmer result, go forthisapplication!
My Lucky Numbers 2.1.7
Your lucky numbers for your lottery plays every day!
Whats your lucky number? 1.0
You can get numbers from 1-100.
天一黃曆繁體版(萬年曆、稱骨算命、姓名、號碼、解夢、農曆) 1.93
Number Tells 4.4
Phyllis Tang
Download one of the most accuratenumerologyappyou can find online!Numbers affect every area of our lives. We use them todefineourlives. We use them to define ourselves and our placeintheworld.Whether it is Western numerology or Chinese numerology.ithasbeen said, theexistence of numerology is almost as old as the human race.Not everyone knows, the system of numbers havetheirownrespective power, its vibrations, theirindividualmeaning,characteristics and influence on human life.Every one of us wants to have a happy and fruitful life.Butsomeare more fortunate than the others. Usually we blame it onourfateand destiny. Some are seeking for number fortunetelling,astrology,numerology Chinese horoscope in the hope ofchanging fora betterfate and destiny.Number tells app is a primary self-help tool. By simplyusingyourbirth date, one can find out the character traits so thatyouareable to identify yourself.The meaning of numbersclearlyexplainedand reveals every aspects of your strengthandweaknesses.It is the best way to gain greater insight,understandyourpersonality and true nature, your health,career,wealthdirections, relationship, and from here you will knowhowtoeliminate the bad, increase the good and take control ofandmasteryour destiny. As the saying goes, "An ounce of preventioniswortha pound of cure"Number Tells is one of the most accurate Character traits appyoucanever find on the mobile phone.With this app you will be able to :For Personal Gain:o Understand your strong and weak points. Focus your weaktraitstomake good.o Know and understand who your friends are.o Know the character and behavior of your loved ones andguidethemfrom young.o Learn to avoid clashes among family members.o Learn how to make good friends and avoid bad friendso Understand your life partner character, so as todevelopasteadfast relationship.For Organization or Self Employed:o Identify which staff is good and who is more suitableforthejob.o Understand their character, strength,talents,andweaknesses.o Helps in the areas of recruitment.You can also unlock the following features of the app.1) Career- Basing on your root number and element,numbertellsyour best option, your 2nd and 3rd option for yourcareerandbusinesses. And which career will exhaust you, andwhichbusinesswill you should not venture.2) Health- What is wealth without health? Knowingthepossiblehealth challenges enable you to take good care the areaofyourprobable health symptoms or illness of an individual.3) Wealth Directions- Number 6 is Money, 7 is Luck,9isSuccess."Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity"If you haven't prepared yourself to take advantage ofanopportunity,all the luck in the world will be wasted on you.Beprepare to knowyour own 679 directions in Number Tells4) Compatibility- Develop stronger relationshipbyunderstandingyour own personality as well as the personalitiesofothers. Don'tdespair if you are already in a relationship thatisnotnumerological ideal. Identify potential challenges andbepreparedwith alternative strategies to defusenegativesituations.Tags - Number, Numerology, Astrology, Free,Horoscope,Fortune,Fortune Teller, Energy, Lucky Number, Lucky,Magic Number,Magic,Guru, Calculator, Love, Compatibility, Career,Health, LifePath,Year, Day, Month, Date of birth, BasicInterpretation,Strength,Weakness, Direction, Life, Facebook,Twitter...
民俗预测 1.0.1
易爻 CY_20231102_2330
Professional divination software combining the Plum BlossomEasyNumber and the Six-Yao Principle
Random 4D Numbers (Free) 1.8.13
Jimmy Liaw
No inspiration?Don't know what numbers to buy?Usual numbers don't open?Need some numbers on the spot?Or like me, don't wish to select too many options?This app can help.Unlike other random number generator, this appimmediatelyshoweight 4-digit numbers for your reference. And if youdon't likeit,press the button to generate more.Very useful for people who just want to try their luck.Good Luck.This is an ad supported app.
Numerology : Ank Jyotish 14
Know about yourself with Numerology in Hindi
文王神卦 1.3
安裝前請先確保有足夠的記憶體空間Please ensure that you have enough memory before installing.- http://www.icsuntime.com您心中有不解的困惑嗎?面臨抉擇不知如何是好?來試試文王神卦吧,藉由前人智慧的指引,讓所惑之事了然於胸,本程式無複雜的設定,輸入一組數字及多達64樣的測算項目,就能推算不管在事業,升學,婚姻等方面之事,相信可以滿足你的需求。Has anything confused you, or are you confused inmakingadecision?Thia program can help you to face these issueswithoutcomplexprocedures.The prediction result is just the composition of a randomgroupofnumbers between 0 and 999 with a specified topic. Ifyouareinterested in Chinese culture then please do not missthis,anotherancient Chinese wisdom. :)- 需求: Android 2.2 以上Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
紫微斗數-八字命盤分析 線上姓名算命 5.8.4
Enter the name and birth date, arrange fortune-telling toexplainthe development of the fortune in the passing years, thefortune ofthe fortune palace, the level of the fortune of thefortune and theemotional fortune, and the master's professionalguidance to changethe fortune!
Lucky Number
Based on the ancient Chineseastrologyandnumerology, this application is designed so that it canhelp ustoevaluate the numbers to determine the characteristicsofthesenumbers. Whether it can provide a positive impact fortheowner ofthe number.This application is good for:- Analyze Mobile numbers- Analyze bank account number- Analyzing the home phone number- Analyze the office phone numberIt is expected in order to improve the fortunes of theownerofthese numbers.
Khmer Vehicle Number Horoscope 2.0
Sothea Biz
Check out lucky vehicle plate number with English or Khmer result!
大伯公 多多 (Toto) 1.3.2
HZ Mobile App
Through a lot of the big Uncle Toto, you can find your mind Ohluckynumber.
大伯公 4D万字 1.5.2
HZ Mobile App
When what you dream, then or what, as long as you can searchthroughthis your lucky 4D numbers.
Astrologer 14.1
Your guide to the fascinating world of Zodiac signs.
Numerology - Western Free 1.3
Online Numerology App with accuracy based on Modern Numerology.
Horoscope, birth chart, tarot Daily horoscope 2.1
Daily horoscope, birth chart, compatibility, tarot, lovecalculatorand more
Lucky Numbers 1.3
Display numbers one by oneautomaticallyormanually from a list after shuffling. Text canscroll from lefttoright if text is longer than screen width. Also,user can enterhisown text to show slogans in some publicactivities. Textcolour,background colour and text size can bechanged.