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Men Hair Styles 1.2
An early example of an eponymous hairstylewasassociated with the 5th Duke of Bedford. In 1795, when theBritishgovernment levied a tax on hair powder, as a form ofprotestBedford abandoned the powdered and tied hairstyle commonlyworn bymen of that era in favor of a cropped, unpowdered style,making abet with friends to do likewise. The new style became knownas theBedford Level, a pun on a geographical feature of The Fensalsoknown as the "Bedford Level" and also making reference toBedford'sradical ("leveller") political views. It was also known astheBedford Crop. Although natural, the Bedford crop was usuallystyledwith wax to form a side parting.Justin Bieber in 2009The cover band The Crewcuts were the first to connect hair withpopmusic, but they were named after the hairstyle, rather thanthereverse. Although eponymous styles are mostly associatedwithwomen, the "mop-top" Beatle cut of the 1960s (after the rockgroupof that name) was one famous and widely copied example of suchastyle for men.In the early 1970s the singer David Bowie popularizedtheso-called "Ziggy cut", an orange-red form of "mullet"associatedwith the rather androgynous image that he promotedthrough hisalbums The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and theSpiders fromMars (1972) and Aladdin Sane (1973). To the extent thatBowieduring this period appeared to assume the persona of"ZiggyStardust", the Ziggy cut can be regarded, at least partially,as aneponymous style.In the late 1990s, with the success of "ER", GeorgeClooneypopularized the Caesar-style haircut worn by his character,Dr.Doug Ross. The style worked equally well for both young andoldermen alike, and Clooney's distinguished salt and pepper colorbecamevery popular.In more recent times the hair of footballers Kevin Keegan,whoacquired a curly "bubble perm" while playing for Southampton intheearly 1980s, and David Beckham gave rise to much copying, buta"Beckham" was whatever style ("buzz-cut", cornrows, Fauxhawk,evenan Alice band) he happened to wear at a given time.A more specific eponymous example was the so-called "Sawyer"ofJames "Sawyer" Ford, the character played by Josh Holloway intheABC-TV series Lost (2004–2010), or the shaggy "Bieber" debutedbythe pop singer in 2008. Some salons charged up to $150 fortheforward-combed look. When Bieber changed his hairstyle in 2011,itreceived considerable press. He gave the cut hair to talk-showhostEllen Degeneres, who auctioned Bieber's hair on eBay, earningmorethan $40,000 for an animal charity.