Top 23 Apps Similar to iBus_新竹市

iBus_新竹縣 2.1.4
提供新竹縣內公車動態資訊查詢,功能包括:公車客運資訊、臨近站點景點、我的最愛、高鐵/台鐵資訊、國道路況、停車費查詢、旅運規劃、新竹縣其他APP服務,說明如下1. 公車客運資訊:可查詢新竹縣市區公車、長途客運、國道客運路線、站點、動態到站時刻2. 臨近站點景點:透過GPS定位及手動搜尋服務,查詢附近站點、景點,並提供站點公車到站時刻和景點觀光資訊3. 我的最愛:公車站點設定加入我的最愛後,提供上車提醒、下站提醒服務4. 高鐵/台鐵資訊:提供高鐵/台鐵時刻表便民服務連結5. 國道路況: 提供國道路況便民服務連結6. 停車費查詢: 提供竹北市停車費查詢網站便民服務連結7. 旅運規劃:提供GOOGLE旅運規劃服務,方便民眾規劃交通參考行程8. 新竹縣其他APP服務:提供新竹縣觀光便民App服務連結
新竹公車動態 18.0
功能如下: 新竹公車動態 搭乘車資訊
iBus_公路客運 2.5.8
Are you still worried about not knowing when the passengerwillarrive? What bus number do I have to take to reach mydestination?[iBus_Road Passenger Transport] provides you with themost completeand real-time passenger information query service, andprovides anumber of intimate quick query functions
桃園公車 3.9.0
Taoyuan city buses provide instant dynamic information fromTaoyuanCity Hall Department of Transportation.
高雄iBus公車即時動態資訊-高雄市政府交通局 3.7.3
The ibus Kaohsiung Bus Dynamic Inquiry System APP developed bytheKaohsiung City Government Transportation Bureau andQuandingTechnology Co., Ltd. is the best choice for you to takepublictransportation in Kaohsiung City!
Bus+ (Bus, Train, Metro, Bike) 3.6.1
Transo Ltd.
Most intuitive bus & MRT & Ubike app in Taiwan!
台灣公車通 (台北/桃園/台中/台南/高雄公車/公路客運)
iBus Cutcsa 1.2.2
Con iBus Cutcsa podrás consultardesdetusmartphone el tiempo que falta para que pasen los2próximosómnibus de Cutcsa por la parada que consultes.Se puede Consultar por Parada o por Línea o Buscar elNúmerodeParada. Podrás guardar en Favoritos tus consultasmásfrecuentespara acceder a ellas rápidamente.Servicio disponible para usuarios de Movistar Uy.With Cutcsa iBusfromyoursmartphone you can check the time left to spend the next2Cutcsabus stop for the consult.You can Check for Line or Stop or Stop Number Search. Youwillbeable to bookmark your most frequent queries toaccessthemquickly.Service available to users of Movistar Uy.
iBUS Orari Trentino 3.7.0
Questa "app" a cura diTrentinotrasportiesercizio S.p.A. ti permette di accedere agliorarisempreaggiornati di tutto il trasporto pubblico Trentino,fareunaricerca percorsi e visualizzare gli orari delle fermatepiu'vicinea te, visualizzare le informazioni del trasportobicicletteedisabili.Trentino trasporti esercizio S.p.A. è l'azienda chesvolgeilservizio di trasporto pubblico, urbano, extraurbano,ferroviarioefunivia Trento Sardagna per l'intera ProvinciaAutonomadiTrentoThis "app" byTrentinoSpAtransport operation allows you to access up to dateschedulesof allpublic transport Trentino, do a search paths andview thescheduleof stops more 'near you, view the informationtransportbicycles anddisabled.Trentino transport operation S.p.A. is the companythatcarriesout public transport, urban, suburban, railway and cablecarforthe entire Sardagna Trento Autonomous Province of Trento
Taichung Bus (Real-time) 2.4.4
Real-time bus tracker for Taichung City.
台中公車 5.7.4
Taichung City Government has launched [Taichung Bus] as amobileapplication of "Taichung Bus Real-Time Information". Inaddition toproviding complete and diversified query services, italso combinesmobile phone positioning to provide you with the mostreal-time businformation at first hand.
Kaohsiung Bus (Real-time) 2.4.4
Real-time bus tracker for Kaohsiung City.
After Navigation King, which has been downloaded more than1.8million times, Qinwei International grandly launched the"TransferLink" which combines the transfer inquiry system of sevenmajorpublic transportation vehicles. The super practical softwareletsyou download it for free! You must download it if you areacommuter!!!
Taipei Bus (Real-time) 2.4.6
Real-time bus tracker for Taipei City.
台中搭公車(最簡單、無廣告) 23.1.0
Provide real-time bus information, without any advertisingimages,welcomed the installation.
Tainan City Bus 2.2.3
This App is to provide information about Tainan city bus.
公車來了沒 4.11
Tainan Bus (Real-time)
Real-time bus tracker for Tainan City.
基隆等公車 5.0.6
Shawn You
My2Pass - Master-Password 1.2
My2Pass is a new password manager that stores NO passwords
TRAFI: Navigate Public Transit 10.8.0
Download TRAFI to get the best publictransportroutes and accurate timetables - even without internetconnection.See real time departures from nearby stops, stayinformed about livetraffic updates.FEATURES► Route search helps you plan your trips across all types ofpublictransport. Choose the best route options to yourdestinationincluding the shortest walking distance, least transfersorearliest arrival.► Accurate timetables of all available modes of transport letsyouplan your trip in advance.► Real time map with moving vehicles gives an overview ofpublictransport around you (in selected cities).► Upcoming arrivals at nearby stops show you which vehicles arejustminutes away (in selected cities).► Offline timetables and route search can be downloaded andusedwithout internet connection.► Live traffic alerts tell you about public transport disruptionsasreported by thousands of TRAFI users.► Personal favorites can be used to save your frequently usedstops,home and work locations for quick access.► Bike sharing map displays closest available bike stations(inselected cities).► Report button lets you notify TRAFI about any route or stopissuesand helps everyone to have most precise public transportdata.ABOUT TRAFI★ 4.4 stars at Play Store★ Best Travel Planner during the Olympic Games, officially chosenbyRio de Janeiro’s Cidade Olimpica★ 2014 app of the year in Turkey App Store★ Featured 6 times in App StoreSUPPORTED CITIES✔ Brazil - Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro✔ Turkey - Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa✔ Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don✔ Taiwan - Taipei✔ India - Mumbai, Bangalore✔ Indonesia - Jakarta✔ Lithuania - Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys✔ Latvia - Riga✔ Estonia - Tallinn
台中坐公車(即時動態) 1.0.6
還在煩惱台中公車何時到嗎?附近有甚麼路線公車可以搭?甚至哪個地區有哪些公車站?以及有那些公車經過這個站?而這些公車下一站是到哪裡?甚至公車路線發車時刻資訊?以上資訊~~~~台中坐公車 都能提供喔!從使用者角度設計台中坐公車,方便台中通車族使用公車動態。軟體版本與功能說明===========================TCBus 1.0.3(15/07/10)修正:》增加公車票價查詢功能》修正300公車時刻表顯示===========================TCBus 1.0.2(15/06/24)修正:》修正地圖路線描繪顯示》增加到站公車車牌資訊》增加站牌停靠路線資訊》增加iBike資訊連結》修正公車無動態閃退===========================TCBus 1.0.1(14/12/14)修正:》修正加入常用路線站點閃退===========================TCBus 1.0.0(14/12/13)上架:》公車路線即時動態 -顯示公車路線到站資訊 -地圖顯示公車行進路線 -公車發車班表資訊 -加入常用公車路線 -加入常用路線站點  特定路線特定站牌動態》公車站牌列表資訊 -以名稱排列站牌 -以距離排列站牌 -站牌經過公車動態 -加入常用公車站牌 -加入常用路線站點  特定路線特定站牌動態》附近站牌查詢功能 -查詢距離內公車站牌 -行政區切換站牌查詢 -查詢附近站牌操作指引》常用路線站牌動態 -常用公車路線 -常用公車站牌 -常用路線站點 -常用公車資訊操作指引》任何問題與建議請至App內的建議回報或Google Play 評論留言
Taiwan Railway Timetable 1.5.3
Timetable for Taiwan Railway