台南市政府 Apps

府城警政小幫手 2.0.4
臺南市政府警察局為提供便民之需求,提供臺南市民眾快速報案電話播打、警察服務據點搜尋、測速照相位置搜尋、拖吊查詢、最新警政消息…等,讓臺南市民眾可隨時隨地使用相關的警政服務。本系統提供九項服務:(1)最新治安消息:提供本局最新警政消息及公告。(2)警察服務據點:提供本局所屬單位地圖位置及聯絡電話,並可直接點選撥號。(3)違規拖吊查詢:提供查詢本局拖吊車輛、繳費資訊及拖吊場資訊,並可直接點選撥號至拖吊場。(4)意見回饋:提供為民服務聯繫窗口。(5)報案系統:可直接點選撥打「110」報案電話、「113」婦幼專線、「165」反詐騙專線等報案專線電話。(6)警察法規查詢:提供民眾查詢各項警察法規。(7)E化報案:提供連結至內政部警政署APP或下載內政部警政署APP頁面,方便民眾使用警政署APP查詢受理報案登記、查詢失蹤人口…等。(8)測速照相位置:提供本局固定式及移動式違規照相設置地點資訊。(9)違規檢舉:提供交通違規檢舉管道。*需要Android 2.1或以上系統。*無電話功能之裝置,無法撥打110、165、113…等電話。
Tainan Daily 2.1
「Tainan Daily」為台南市政府為因應數位潮流推出的行動應用程式。囊括了台南最具特色的文化、觀光、旅遊、農特產品等資訊,讓非台南在地的民眾能透過「TainanDaily」快速獲知台南正在舉辦的各項活動, 吸引各地的民眾前來台南旅遊觀光。除此之外, 也含有社會福利、教育學習等和台南民眾最息息相關的資訊。透過「Tainan,Daily」,台南市府的便民消息以最即時最直接的方式傳達到民眾的手中。讓關心台南的民眾有最直接、最快速的資訊取得管道。"Tainan Daily" as theTainan City Government response to the trend of the launch ofseveral mobile applications.Tainan encompasses most unique culture, sightseeing, tourism,agricultural products and other information for non-citizens in theland of Tainan can through the "Tainan Daily" Tainan quicklyinformed of the activities being organized to attract people tocome around Tainan Tourism go sightseeing.In addition, it contains social welfare, education, learning andTainan people most closely related information.Through the "Tainan, Daily" news Tainan Prefecture conveniencein the most immediate and most direct way to convey to the hands ofthe people. Let people have a concern Tainan most direct and rapidinformation made pipes.
臺南好停 5.0.1
Smartphone software Tainan City Department of Transportation issued"Tainan Good stop" to provide Tainan area tow parking violationsrelated queries.
臺南福利通 1.0
台南古跡ガイド 1.2
さあ出発です。ガイドのストーリーを聞きましょう。路地裏、廟の周り、大木の下、岸辺に、古きよき台南の記憶が再び流れ、古の台南を巡り、昔ながらの心に出会える新しい探索の旅にでかけましょう。赤崁楼、延平郡王祠、億載金城、安平古堡、安平樹屋、徳記洋行、朱玖瑩旧居などの五大古跡について解説を収録しています。グルメや交通、台南市観光、アートイベントの最新情報も網羅しています。アプリ「台南古跡ガイド」について:「見る」、「聞く」:ガイドによる解説と、台南の古写真・古地図とを照し合わせ、古跡の今と昔を散策します。Facebook、twitterにも投稿できます。「食べる」:古跡周辺の人気グルメを紹介。マップ機能と連携しているのでGPSナビが可能です。「ポジショニング」:古跡の見どころを歩けば、Bluetooth 4.0で自動的にBeacon端末と通信して、ガイド情報を聞くことができます。
Tainan Tour (Manual Version) 1.2
Let’s begin. Listen to the stories the tourguide has to tell.As you explore the old town, you’ll discover that memories exudefrom every street,alley, school, tree, and even the coast and river banks.The guide provides information on five major historical sites inTainan, including FortProvintia, Koxinga Shrine, the Eternal Golden Castle, FortZeelandia, Anping TreeHouse, the Old Tait & Co. Merchant House, and Chu Jiou-yingMemorial Hall, as wellas the latest information on dining, tourism, transportation,and artistic performancesin Tainan.Tainan Historical Site Tour App Function Introduction:"Graphics & Texts" and "Listen to Guided Tour" allow you tosee what changes havetaken place over the years as you explore the historical siteswith the aid of the tourguide as you view old photos and maps of Tainan and share yourthoughts withfriends and family on Facebook and Twitter."Food Tasting" recommends popular dining establishments nearhistorical sites anduses map and GPS functions to guide you there.
臺南古蹟導覽 (手動操作版) 1.1
台南古跡ガイド (手動バージョン) 1.1
南市地政e網通 5.2
T-Bike臺南市公共自行車 1.2.5
T-Bike Bike Tainan public official version
臺南購物節 2.6.7
台南市福利地圖 1.3.3
OPEN台南1999 3.6.5
OPEN Tainan 1999 has developed a diversified service channel forthe public, and developed a dedicated Web App for mobile vehicles.
Tainan City Bus 2.2.3
This App is to provide information about Tainan city bus.
Travel Tainan 2.1.24
Visit the slow-paced ancient city with Travel Tainan App
台南水情即時通 3.12
The water situation in Tainan is real-time, and it is really easyto grasp the disaster funds!
臺南環保通 2.9.2
Issued by the Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau to providepeople with inquiries about clearing and transportationinformation, air quality, favorites, notification functions,contacting cleaning teams and other functions (including operatinginstructions, recycle bin map network, common questions, feedback,and large-scale waste removal transport).
Lí hó Tainan 你好台南 2.4
你好台南旅遊與公車專屬APP無論人在何處,都可以透過這個APP規劃以公車為交通工具的旅遊規劃,並可設定到站提醒,以及導覽服務、推播「景點」、「美食」、「住宿」、等相關旅遊資訊,讓您於旅途中隨時掌握台南觀光即時訊息!1.「到站提醒」功能本APP自動偵測最近台南公車站牌,並提供公車時刻表、即時動態,旅客可設定「到站提醒」,於接近目的地停靠站點前,APP將提前提醒即將下車,節省等候公車時間、避免錯過目的地,讓旅客遊玩行程更加便利、順暢。2.公車動態 即時掌握每一班台南的公車時刻,讓您在台南的任何區域,都能充足安排地點與時間!3.路線規劃想去台南玩,不認識路怎麼辦?快使用「規劃路線」功能,只要輸入起點與終點,就能幫你規劃公車路線。整合全台南所有公車路線,不管是短程還是長程都可以輕鬆完成公車搭乘與下車點的規劃。4.主動推播旅遊所需資訊主動偵測旅客位置,推播台南「景點」、「美食」、「住宿」等相關旅遊資訊,讓旅客於旅途中隨時掌握台南觀光即時訊息。任何一則感興趣的旅遊資訊,只要按下收藏就可以放入我的最愛!5.官方APP 所有旅遊資訊由台南市政府觀光旅遊局提供,資料最正確,內容最專業。讓魚頭君陪您在台南在地文化的旅遊!
"Pakitulu APP of Zahamu Tribal University" provides services suchas course information, online registration, ethnic languagelearning, and information inquiries about aboriginal social welfareand arts and cultural activities of Zahamu Tribal University inTainan City. Welcome to download and use for free
安平GO好行 1.6
臺南市立圖書館-wow愛讀冊 1.1.2
In order to provide the public with better mobile borrowing andbook inquiry services, the Tainan Municipal Library providesmultiple functions such as "My Library", "I'm Looking for Books","Mobile Library Card", and "Account Switching".
台南水情巡查報APP 2.22
The APP provides Tainan City Government WCB inspectionscolleaguesreported that water conservancy facilities and returntheinspection results.
臺南市道路養護資訊系統 14.0
Tainan City Public Facilities Inspection Information andManagement(only available to the city's internal management units)