Top 6 Apps Similar to Escape Emotional Abuse

Stop Pushing People Away 1.0
Are you always pushing people awaywhenwhatyou'd really like is to get closer to them?Do you avoid letting people get close in case you get hurt?Emotional pain is one of the most deeply 'painful' hurtswecanexperience, even though it is invisible. We can get hurtbecauseofwhat others do, and we can also get hurt because ofwhatweourselves do. Whatever the cause, it's only natural towanttoprotect ourselves. So we take steps to see it won'thappen.Likepushing people away.Why fending people off seems like a good ideaPutting up a barrier between yourself and other peoplecanseemlike a good way to protect yourself. If you don't letthemgetclose, they can't hurt you, can they? If you rejectthemfirst,they won't have a chance to reject you. And this isquitetrue. Butif you maintain this approach for any length of time,youriskending up isolated and lonely. This is not only no fun, itisquiteliterally bad for you, as research has shown.Never letting anyone close can backfire on youNow of course there are some people whom you shouldexcludefromyour life, if you can.There are people who wouldn't be good for you, peoplewhocouldhave a seriously negative effect on your life. It'simportanttolearn to identify who is 'toxic' for you, and give themawideberth. But it's equally important not to 'tar everyonewiththesame brush'. Because there are also people with whom youcouldhaveclose and rewarding relationships that you can reallyenjoy.Itwould be a terrible shame to drive them away.But if you've fallen into a pattern of fending peopleoffbecauseof a fear of rejection or hurt, it can feel very scarytostartletting people come closer again. How do you dealwiththosefeelings of anxiety that increasing intimacy can bring on?Howdoyou manage the process comfortably and stay in controlofwhat'shappening?Hypnosis can help you quickly master anewrelationshippatternStop pushing people away is an audio hypnosis sessiondevelopedbyrelationship psychologists that will help you overcomeyourfearsabout intimacy and start to build moresatisfyingrelationships.
Expect The Best 1.0
We'd all love to have a crystal ballwhichwould tell us for sure how things are going to turn out. Wedon'thave one, so we guess - things are either going to go wellorbadly. If you've had a few bad experiences in life - beencheated,let down, injured, and so on - it makes sense that you tendtothink things are going to turn out badly.If you expect the worst, and it doesn't happen, that's amiracle.And if the worst actually does happen, you will havethesatisfaction of being right - the pessimist's comfort zone.Why pessimism is bad for youAdopting a view that things are likely to turn out badlymoreoften than they turn out well, has been shown tomeasurablyincrease the number of bad outcomes experienced. Youcould say thisperson is just 'unlucky', and that the bad outcomewas somehow outof their control. The link between control and a badoutcome istrue in some instances, but research tells a differentstory about'luck'.Research shows 'lucky' people generate their own good fortuneResearch carried out by Professor Richard Wiseman, apsychologistat the University of Hertfordshire, has uncovered therealexplanation why 'lucky' people (who naturally expect thebest), getmore out of life, and 'unlucky' people (who naturallyexpect theworst) have such a hard time of it.Wiseman discovered that 'lucky' people generate their owngoodfortune via four basic principles:they are skilled at creating and noticingchanceopportunitiesthey make lucky decisions by listening to their intuitionthey create self-fulfilling prophesies viapositiveexpectationsthey adopt a resilient attitude to life that transforms badluckinto good.Wiseman's fascinating research showed that pessimistic people,whoexpected things not to go well for them, consistently misspositiveopportunities, even when these are put in front of them inthe mostdramatic way possible. It is as if they become 'blind'toopportunities.Fortunately, even if you've developed a pessimistic attitudetolife, in response to your experiences, or perhaps influenced bytheculture of cynicism and skepticism around you, it is stillpossibleto cultivate a new optimism, and actually learn to expectthe best.And the easiest way to overcome ingrained attitudes andoutmodedbehavior patterns is to avail of the power of hypnosis tochangeyour mind.Open your eyes to the opportunities around youExpect the best is an audio hypnosis session which willenableyou to discover how to really open your eyes to theopportunitiesaround you. Through deep relaxation, Expect the bestwill firstallow you to establish an optimum learning state in yourmind andbrain. You will discover a new and positive use for yourcarefullyhoned skills of skepticism.When you listen to Expect the best, you will findyourselfnaturally developing your own creative and intuitive skillsin waysthat will amaze you and transform your life.Download Expect the best - and prepare for lift off!
Stop Interrupting 1.0
Have you been told (perhapsratherbrusquely)that you should stop interrupting people?Do you find it hard to let others finish what they havetosaybefore you respond or start on a new topic?How we talk with other people is governed by complexsocialrulesthat nobody ever really explains to you. You're supposedtojustpick it up somehow as you grow up. The kinds ofconversationyouexperience as you're growing up, combined with yourownpersonality,go together to make up what you think of as'normalconversation'.It can be a shock to meet other people whohave atotally differentidea of what is acceptable.Is it always rude to interrupt?In fact, it is all a matter of convention. There isnoabsolute'right' way to talk to other people. Experienceshowsthatreasonable 'turn taking' and staying more or lessontopic,overall, leads to more enjoyable conversationsforallparticipants, but there simply is no hard and fast rulethatisguaranteed to work in all situations. You always have to'playitby ear', depending on who you are with.However, if your ear has picked up that peopleyouregularlyinteract with think that you interrupt (or changethesubject) sooften that it is annoying, you might want todosomething aboutthat so that you don't risk damagingrelationshipsor upsettingpeople. It can feel rather difficult tochange along-establishedway of communicating - because it justdoesn't feelnatural to youto do it any other way.This is where hypnosis can help you.Hypnosis is an ideal way to quickly learnflexibleconversationskillsStop interrupting is an audio hypnosis sessioncreatedbypsychologists that will make it so much easier foryoutounconsciously adjust the balance between how much youlistenandhow much you speak in a conversation.As you repeatedly relax and listen to thepowerfulhypnoticsuggestions in this download, you will noticethatyou feel increasingly centered in yourself andrelaxedaroundothersthe compulsion to interrupt or change the subject fades awayyou feel more in tune with those around youyou can still interject if you really need toDownload Stop interrupting and enjoy muchsmootherconversationsall round.
Stop Smoking with Allen Carr 1.1
OVER 14 MILLION EASYWAY BOOKS SOLDThis app contains vintage footage of Allen Carr himself–presenting his revolutionary method. After 80 engaging minutes“inthe company of” Allen Carr – you will gain the key to setyourselffree.Please note: The app streams video to your device and willworkbest over a WIFI connection.Whatever you do – DO NOT STOP SMOKING before you have viewedthisentire app. Given that you’re planning to stop smoking - beingtoldto “carry on” for a little longer is probably a littleconfusing…butno doubt music to your ears.At this point you’re probably finding the concept of itbeing“easy to stop smoking” a little hard to believe but all we askisthat you progress through this app, carry on smoking, andfollowthe instructions. When you are ready to have your finalcigaretteyou’ll understand why Allen Carr’s Easyway method has soldmorethan 14 MILLION books worldwide almost entirely on the strengthofword of mouth; it works!Whether you are a chainsmoker, an occasional smoker, a cigarorpipe smoker, young or old, or whether you’re usinge-cigarettes,nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or any other nicotineproduct thisapp can set you free. If you haven’t smoked in the pastfew days –there is no need to do so – other than that – please docarry onsmoking as normal while you make your way through thisapp.AN ADDED BONUSThis app is proudly supported by Allen Carr’s worldwidenetworkof stop smoking clinics. If at any stage during or after theuse ofthis app you have any questions or concerns or requireadditionalguidance you are very welcome to contact your nearestAllen Carr’sEasyway Clinic for free of charge advice. A link to theclinics isincluded in the app.Allen Carr’s Easyway is the most successful stop-smoking methodofall time. It has helped millions of smokers from all over theworldquit•instantly•easily•painlessly•permanentlyAllen Carr’s Easyway does not require willpower as itremovesyour desire to smoke. It eliminates the fears that keep youhookedand you won’t miss cigarettes. There are no gimmicks orscaretactics, you won’t put on weight, and you continue to smokewhileyou watch.IF YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS IT IS EASY TO BECOME AHAPPYNON-SMOKER FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE“Allen Carr explodes the myth that giving up smokingisdifficult.” – The Times“A different approach. A stunning success.” – The Sun“Allow Allen Carr to help you escape painlessly today.” –TheObserver“His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependenceoncigarettes.” – Sir Richard Branson“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of thesuccessand fame of Allen Carr’s Easyway, there were no gimmicks andtheprofessional was something a GP could readily respect. I wouldbehappy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.” –DrPM Bray MB, CHb, MRCGP“Instantly I was freed from my addiction. I found it notonlyeasy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.” – SirAnthonyHopkins“Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking program achieved for meathing that I thought was not possible – to give up athirty-yearsmoking habit literally overnight. It was nothing shortof amiracle.” – Anjelica Huston
Abusive Relationship 1.0
Are you looking for help leaving anabusiverelationship?Do you feel daunted and overwhelmed by the prospect?Some people know early on that they are caught in anabusiverelationship. Others only find out after what can seemanastonishingly long time. That's because abusive partnersdon'tannounce themselves. Nobody would hitch up with someone whosaid onthe first date "I'm going to make your life hell." Insteadthey say"We were meant to be together!" And "You are the one Ialwaysdreamed of!"What's more, it seems as if they really mean it. Abusivepartnersdon't generally think of themselves as 'bad' people. Whentheproblems start, the bullying, the manipulation, the controllingandpunishing behavior, they always have a plausible justification.Thecommonest of which is "You made me do it!" It can take you along,long, long time to realize that you are trapped - like a flyin aspider's web.Why people need help leaving an abusive relationshipAnd by that time, your resilience has been eroded. And yourselfesteem. And any faith you might have had in your owncapacities.You may even have completely bought into the idea thatit's allyour own fault, and that you did make them do it.Hopelessness anddespair can overwhelm you.But there is hope.An abusive partner regularly reinforces the idea that youcan'tescape, and that you can't manage without them, because thisiswhat they want you to believe, so they can keep control ofyou.However, IT ISN'T TRUE.You may feel scared, and anxious, and that'scompletelyunderstandable, but there is a whole world out there,quite outsidethis hell you are living in, and you can break freeand rejoin thatworld and build a new life for yourself.What you need is the courage and determination to take thefirststeps.Safety first!Your safety is top priority. Violence is never acceptable andifyou have started excusing any violence towards you then yourselfesteem has really taken a battering. You need to get out,becauseit's dangerous. There is no excuse in the world forviolence,constant nit-picking or verbal bullying.It's important to have an escape plan, which may mean workingoutwhere you are going to live, how you are going to financeyourselfand how you will socialize.If you are in any way physically frightened of yourabusivepartner, then make sure other people are close by when youfinallysplit - don't be alone with them. And if they arephysicallyabusive make sure you have a safe place to go to ifyou've beenliving with them.
iVH HIT 2.17
iVH-HIT offers daily advice about Health & Wellness.