Top 20 Apps Similar to HSL Helsinki Live

Bussit Reittiopas 2.4.46
Easiest way to find a bus inHelsinkiMetropolitan Area.Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kirkonummi, Kerava Journey PlannerTransportation application for Helsinki Metropolitan Area(Helsinki,Espoo, Vantaa, Kirkonummi, Kerava)Bussit is a reittiopas clone for android devices.It is easy to use and nice.You can share routes now download and check it out:Example route sharelink is possible to search with address and your location.Shows results conveniently, you can see details of the routesuchas stops lists.Saves search queries to card so you can select locationfromhistory.Live trams, trains, and metro, buses can be seen on the map.Also can select location from map.Tags: HSL, Transport Helsinki, Reittiopas!!!! If maps does crash you need toinstall!!!
HSL Mobile ticket
You now have a ticket machine in yourpocket!Download HSL Mobile ticket app to purchase single ticketsfor allHSL public transport services and all travel zones. Theticketentitles you to unlimited travel and transfers betweenvehicles inthe HSL area within its validity period.The ticket is valid on trams, buses, commuter trains, the MetroandSuomenlinna ferry. There are tickets for all HSL zones:Helsinki,Espoo and Kauniainen, Vantaa, Kerava–Sipoo, Kirkkonummi aswell asRegion, Extended region 2 and Extended region 3. You caneasilyselect the zone every time you order a new ticket.The tickets are charged via mobile payment to your phone bill orviacard payment to your Visa or MasterCard. Card information canbealso stored in payment service.You can board a vehicle and enter the Metro and Suomenlinnaferryplatform areas once the ticket is stored in the app on yourphone.A valid ticket is green. Show your ticket to the driverwhenboarding a bus. When travelling by tram, Metro, train andtheSuomenlinna ferry, you must show your ticket to an inspectororconductor upon request.More information about the ticket app, tickets and how to usethemis available in the app.
Nysse - Journey planner 2.32.0
Nysse is easy to use, feature rich public transport app androuteplanner.
HSL Poikkeusinfo 0.0.5
HSL Exception information displays in public transport onthecurrent situation. 3.0.1
Ignore the tram schedule!
Suosikkipysäkit 3.9
Save HSL-suosikkipysäkkisi easily, see the followingoutputsquickly.
Travel Time- bus & metro times 1.2.3
The simplest, fastest way to see live busandmetro departure times around you." When will my bus / train arrive? "" When will I get to my stop? "" What are all the options around me? "* Great usable design ** The simplest transport app you will ever use ** Uses very little network data and minimal phone memory ** Actively improving and expanding *Reach us at [email protected].
Tampere Nysse Bus Live 2.1
Live tracker & journey planner for Tampereenjoukkoliikenne(Nysse) bus
My Bus - Track HSL bus easily 1.1
Hengda Xiao
Track your bus easily in real time.Nevermissyour bus in cold winter any more. Save bus lane asyourfavoriteroute. Simple and clean user interface to use.My Bus works in Helsinki Area wherever real-time infoisavailablefrom HSL.Espoo city real-time info will be available soon.Allbusesreal-time info will be available end of 2016.Facebook:
Bussit Reittiopas Ad Free 2.4.46
Easiest way to find a bus inHelsinkiMetropolitan Area.Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kirkonummi, Kerava Journey PlannerTransportation application for Helsinki Metropolitan Area(Helsinki,Espoo, Vantaa, Kirkonummi, Kerava)Bussit is a reittiopas clone for android devices.It is easy to use and nice.It is possible to search with address and your location.Shows results conveniently, you can see details of the routesuchas stops lists.Shows results on map with color code also has color codeforcycle route.Saves search queries to card so you can select locationfromhistory.Live trams, trains, and metro can be seen on the map.Also can select location from map.Basically Advertisement Free Version of Bussit ReittiopasTags: HSL, Transport Helsinki, Reittiopas!!!! If maps does crash you need toinstall!!!
Taskuopas 1.0.0
Jari Kuusisto
Taskuopas on yksisivuinen applikaatio, jokatuoHSL:n tarjoamat palvelut kätevästi saataville. Taskuopastarjoaalinkit ja HSL-palautesivuille sekämahdollistaasoiton suoraan HSL:n asiakaspalveluun nappiapainamalla. TaskuopasEI ole HSL:n tarjoama palvelu vaan siitäerillinen palvelu, jokaavaa varsinaiset www-sivut on Helsinginseudun liikenne -kuntayhtymän (HSL)tarjoama reitti- jaaikataulupalvelu. ja HSL- nimienja sisältöjenoikeudet kuuluvat Helsingin seudun liikenne-kuntayhtymälle.The pocket guide isaone-page appliqué, which brings HSL's servicesconvenientlyavailable. The pocket guide provides and HSLreturned to the pages as well as enables thecall directly to theHSL's customer service by pressing a button.The pocket guide isNOT the HSL service provided by but separatefrom the service,which will open the actual web pages in thebrowser. Reittiopas.fithe Helsinki Regional Transport Authority(HSL) offered by theroute and timetable service. andHSL-names andcontent are the property of the Helsinki RegionalTransportAuthority.
Dösäillään Stadissa Reittiopas 1.0
Koskela Jani
Helsinki Traffic Guide isapublictransportation guide which I developed because Icouldn'tfind anytransportation guide which wouldn't have furiatedme moreor less.First off many public transportation guides requiretowritelocations over and over again which is quite annoying formesinceI hate writing with touch based devices. Anotherproblemwithcommon public transportation guides is that it simplytakestoomuch time and effort to show the route I want, ortheydon'tinclude vehicle tracking. One might say these problemsareminorand I couldn't blame them. However I think noone wants toaddthesekind of minor problems on top of bigger ones.I could say Helsinki Traffic Guide is meant for routinelikeroutesearches but it's usable for other uses too. NormallyIfiddle thisapp when I'm on the move and I want to know how fastImust move toget to the bus stop. Before this app I haven't foundapublictransportation guide app which I would be able to use onthemove.When I come from work it's normally enough that Isimplystart theapp and I almost right away know when my bus leavesforhome.A few years have gone by while making this app and indeedI'mveryglad to be able to publish this. I really can't wait toknowwhatpeople think of this app and in case you like it pleasereferthis toyour friends.Helsinki Traffic Guide includes some icons whicharemainlyacquired from Google ( andrestaremade by my with Gimp (you can propably see which onesaremine).App is made possible by HSL (Helsinki RegionalTransportAuthority)and vehicle tracking is provided by HSL Livewhich ismade byMatterSoft. Big thanks to these providers.
Nysset 3.2.12
Janne Kokko
Stops · Lines · Timetables · Route planning · Live map - Inyourmobile!
Tampere Journey Planner 1.3.1
Tampere city journey planner, make your life easier with routingandlive bus tracking! Features: • Routing from/to address,userlocation or bus stops • Show buses on the map while checkingtheroute map • Saving favorite routes • Saving favorite points(fromsearch or maps) • Setting starting point or destination fromthemap • Livemap to track bus locations • Bus stops on the mapwhenzooming closer • Timetablesearch for lines and stops •Defaultlight theme, optional dark theme from the options •Optimized alsofor tablets All the information is provided by TKL.Keywords:tampere, repa, reittiopas, bussit, lissu, aikataulut,timetable,bus, map, tracker
Helsinki Metro Map
Helsinki Metro Map shows Helsinki Subway stations andup-to-datedepartures from Reittiopas API
Depart 1.17
Kimmo Ahola
Depart shows you where the local bus, tram, metro or train isrightnow.
Lappeenrannan bussit
Sovelluksen avulla on mahdollistaselataLappeenrannan paikallisliikenteen aikatauluja japysäkkejäkarttapohjalla sekä seurata reaaliajassa, missäbussitliikkuvat.Using this application,itis possible to browse the Lappeenranta local transporttimetablesand bus stops, as well as a map to follow in real time,where thebuses moving.
One Tap Transit 1.1.10
One Tap Transit is an elegant andsimplesolution to your public transit planning needs.*** Attention - OTT is currently supported in these regionsHSL (Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo)TampereOulu* Realtime timetables - check timetables by simply opening theappwhile at the bus stop / train station* Nearby stops and routes - shows stops and routes in yourcloseproximity* Routing - Calculate the best routes to your destinationusingpublic transit* Journey tracking - OTT will guide you along your journeyinrealtime* Favorites - Manage stops, routes and locations via theOTTfavorites
TaHslOnlineInfo 1.1.39
HSL means of transport areas and locations of bus data and thefreecity bikes
Bussit Tampere Reittiopas 1.49
Ad Supported Versionof way to find a bus in Tampere.Tampere journey planner!Transportation application for Tampere Area (Tampere,Nokia,Ylöjärvi, Pirkkala)Bussit is a repa reittiopas clone for android devices.-- It is easy to use and nice.-- It is possible to search with address and your location.-- Shows results conveniently, you can see details of the routesuchas stops lists.-- Shows results on map with color code also has color codeforcycle route.-- Saves search queries to card so you can select locationfromhistory.-- You can select location from map for journey.-- You can see buses live on the map.-- You can set alarm clock before desired journey.-- Application is Finnish, Swedish, and English.-- You can mail developer anytime and will get a reply :)New features are on the way alwaysTags: Tampere, repa, reittiopas, bussit, lissu,aikataulut,timetable, bus, map, tracker!!!! If maps does crash you need toinstall!!!