t_ahman Apps

TaHslOnlineInfo 1.1.39
HSL means of transport areas and locations of bus data and the freecity bikes
TaWeatherInfo 3.3.50
Local weather info in Finland
TaJunaInfo 1.0.8
Sovellus näyttää junien paikat kartalla.Valitun junan kohdalla näytetään lisätietoina mm. junatunnus,lähtöaika sekä etäisyys ja suunta laitteeseen nähden, jos käyttäjänGPS-sijainti on tiedossa.Tiedot ovat HSL:n avointa dataa.Yksityisyyden suojaTämä sovellus käyttää sijaintitietoasi sijainnin sekä junienetäisyyden ja suunnan näyttämiseen.Sijaintitietosi saatetaan lähettää nimettömästi avoimen datanpalvelun tuottajalle.The application displaysthe trains locations on the map.Selected train the additional information is displayed mm. trainnumber, time of departure and the distance and direction to thedevice, if the user's GPS location is known.The information is HSL's open data.Privacy policyThis application will use your location to display the distance anddirection, as well as the location of trains.Location Your data may be sent anonymously open data serviceprovider.
TaNopeusKamerat 1.0.13
Sovellus näyttää Suomen nopeuskameroiden sekäkäyttäjän GPS-sijainnin kartalla.Kameran ollessa alle 1000 metrin etäisyydellä, sovellus vaihtaaetäisyystekstin värin ensin keltaiseksi, sitten oranssiksi jalopulta punaiseksi sekä antaa toistuvia äänimerkkejä etäisyydenollessa alle 500 m.Kun lähin kamera on yli 15 km päässä, etäisyystekstiä einäytetä.Kameran kuvaketta klikkaamalla näytetään lisätietoja sekäkameran etäisyys käyttäjästä.Kameroiden tiedot perustuvat avoimeen dataan, joka löytyyosoitteesta: http://www.gps-waypoints.net/gps/?language=fi.Jos kamerasta ei ole suuntatietoa, ilmoitus annetaan kaikistasuunnista lähestyttäessä.Näytettävien kameroiden määrä on rajoitettu 50 km säteellekartan keskipisteestä.Kun 'seuraa omaa sijaintia' -valinta on käytössä oma sijaintipidetään kartan keskellä.Sovellusta voi käyttää myös ilman internet-liityntää, jolloinnäytetään vain nopeus-, etäisyys- ja suuntatiedot.Sovellus käyttää sijaintitietoasi ainoastaan sijainninnäyttämiseen ja kameroiden etäisyyden määrittämiseen.The application displaysthe Finnish-speed cameras, as well as the user's GPS location on amap.The camera is less than 1000 meters, the application will changethe color of the text within the first yellow, then orange andfinally red and provide repetitive beeps at a distance of 500m.With the nearest camera is more than 15 km away, the distance thetext is not displayed.click on the camera icon will be displayed, as well asadditional information about the distance of the camera.Camera information is based on open data, which can be found at:http://www.gps-waypoints.net/gps/?language=fi.If the camera is not the direction information, the notice is givenwhen approaching from all directions.The number of displayed cameras is limited to 50 km radius ofthe center of the map.When 'followed by your location' option is enabled your locationwill be held in the middle of the map.The application can also be used without an internet interfaceto be displayed only on speed, distance and directioninformation.The app uses your location to show only the location of thecameras and determine the distance.
TaEcoSpeedoMeter 1.3.1
A small app for displaying current, averageand maximum speed, as well as current compass direction andG-forces.Current and average speed are also shown with different colorson an 'eco' bar.Speed unit (km/h, mph, knot) can be selected in this settingspage.
TaGramPriceCounter 1.1.6
Enter product name, concentration, package size and price for thetwo products, select concentration unit, and the app shows the unitprices (EUR/g).
TaNfcTasker 1.0.8
Simple app for writing and processing NFC tags. App supportswriting simple tasks to change phone settings and open a Uri link.
Displays lifting, pickup and deposit automatons as well as userlocation on the map.
Ilmanlaatu 1.1.24
The application displays the most recent air quality and the levelof background radiation in Finland
Ping utility for Wifi and mobile networks.
Liikennetilanne 1.1.29
The application displays the latest road traffic conditions inFinland
Collects and stores acceleration values and noise level.
Convert between commonly used different SI and (mostly) imperial USunits.
StopWatch app which can also be used as a countdown timer.
TaBubbleLevel 1.1.10
TaBubbleLevel is a simple spirit level (bubble level) application.
TaNoiseMeter 1.0.9
The app visualizes approximate noise level near the device.
BackToStart 1.0.12
The app displays the direction and distance to the saved targetlocation based on GPS location information. When you hold thedevice in a horizontal position in front of you, the gray arrowshows your latest movement seen by the GPS sensor, the blue arrowshows the direction to the target location and the red dash showsthe compass north. Additionally the app shows your latest measuredspeed and compass direction as well as distance and compassdirection to the target location. Once the target is selected, thetarget selection button is disabled until explicitly released witha menu action. Privacy policy: This application uses your locationinformation only to determine and display distance and direction tothe target location.
Finnish ALKO finder 1.0.21
The app for you who just want to find thenearest (open) liquor store in Finland.The app displays ALKO liquor stores and the user's GPS-basedlocation on map.Tap on a store symbol to view additional information and thedistance of the store from the user.The store location and information is based on Alko Oy open data,which is found at:http://www.alko.fi/myymalat-palvelut/asiointi.The stores are shown up to 500 km radius from the center point ofthe map.Privacy policy:This application uses your location information only to visualizeyour location and to find the nearest liquor stores.
The app displays Alko Oy liquor stores on map
Saves and displays geolocations with comments on map.
TaReturnTrackGuide 2.2.20
Saves the track of movement and guides back to the startingpoint,with GPS only. During the operation, the application showsthetrack data in various formats, e.g. as graphical polyline(workswithout nework connection), in tabular format (duration,distancemoved, average speed, distance and direction to startingpoint,etc.), or on map when a network connection is available orthe mapof the area has been saved earlier to the device. Calculatesalsocalory consumption when user's weight is saved in app settings.Thetarget locations and tracks can be saved in device memory andtheycan be studied also later.
TaClock 1.0.7
A simple analog clock
TaSudoku 1.0.8
Simple and free Sudoku app without ads
TaGForceMeter 1.2.11
Simple G-force visualizer.
YritysHaku 1.0.13
Displays the requested company information provided by the BISsystem.
TaNotes 1.0.14
Simple app to create, view and edit short notes with timestamp.
Shows selected target, e.g. a landmark, and the device on a map.
Calculates and shows average fuel consumption both numerically andgraphically.