Top 8 Games Similar to mahjong 麻将美女

天天欢乐美女麻将馆 3.5.56
1.精致的界面、多样的玩法、丰厚的奖励、众多美女高手云集,为您带来不一样的麻将(麻雀)新体验!2.正宗台湾麻将(麻雀)16张玩法,见字见花,正港台湾味!3.新奇二人麻将(麻雀),豪杠、加倍、对局任务,劲爆刺激!4.标准四川麻将(麻雀),妹子陪你血战到天亮!5.人气超旺,过十万真人同时在线,从此再也没有三缺一的烦恼了!6.一大群妹子等你来挑战哦!7.神来也、神来也帮我来个自摸13么!更多信息可关注腾讯公司的 WeChat 微信订阅号:WW075582871499(蛙蛙游戏)QQ 客服号码:518735605客服邮箱: [email protected]客服电话: (+86) 400-680-12121. refinedinterface,avariety of gameplay, rich reward, many beauty expertsgatheredtobring you a different mahjong (sparrow) newexperience! 2. Authentic Taiwan Mahjong (Sparrow) 16 play, see the wordseetheflowers, is Hong Kong and Taiwan taste! 3. Two new mahjong (sparrow), Hao bars, double, gametasks,tostimulate the world's best! 4. Standard Sichuan Mahjong (sparrow), sister to accompany youtothebloody dawn! 5. popularity Chao Wang, over one hundred thousand livewhileonlineand never need a fourth of trouble! 6. a crowd sister waiting for you to challenge oh! 7. God also, God also helped me a 13 Zimo it! More information can be concerned aboutTencent'sWeChatmicro-channel subscription number: WW075582871499(froggame)QQ customer service number: 518 735 605Customer Service Email: [email protected] Service Phone: (+86) 400-680-1212
真實麻將 1.0.4
全球首款面對面連線麻將誔生了!"平板就是牌桌,手機就是麻將牌"只要連結相同WIFI或相同熱點,讓你在任何移動場所:火車,客運,高鐵,餐廳,辦公室,機場...等,隨時隨地跟『自己的好友』打到抽筋的『真實麻將』!.『真實麻將』:排隊消遣,好友聚會,必備遊戲!(至少需要二台設備以上)功能:1.遊戲最少需要二台設備以上才能進行(平板或手機),最多可支援四位玩家同步連線。(也就是五台設備)2.選擇一台設備點選建立牌局來開牌桌。(建議用平板因為螢幕大)3.其餘好友的設備點選加入牌局即可連上牌桌同步遊玩。 (所有設備請連上相同WIFI或熱點即可)4.牌桌點擲骰後,會自動把牌發到您的手機上。 (IOS及Android系統可以跨平台連線)5.點住不要的廢牌往螢幕上方托移,即可將牌丟入海底。6.具備AI人工智慧,缺咖時可協助代打。7.當玩家離線(接電話)時電腦會進行代打,等玩家在登入時可繼續接手。8.提供計分版讓玩家自行輸入分數。9.海底可選擇麻將以及桌布之花紋顏色。10.提供台灣十六張麻將基礎教學。
Mahjong 7.3.6
chen weiru
This Mahjong is a popular globalsinglemahjongarcade game, fun exciting, do you like to playmahjong? Butoftencan not find four people to play with? Then thisgame isforyou.This mahjong games are played the most complex, butinteresting.Itsbasic style of play is simple, easy to use,butunpredictablecombinations vary. Thus, mahjong has become one ofthemostattractive form of entertainment.During the game you can eat, touch, Hu, Zimo and soon.Multiplewinning hand way, very interesting.Hurry Invite your loved one, your partners together to joinit.Funtoo!Perfect stand-alone version of mahjong:1, single game, no login, no registration directlyfromthegame.2, support 2.2 or android phone screen to 480 * 800 or more.3, artificial intelligence, superb skill cards, givesplayersastrong opponent.4, beautiful images.
马来三人麻将 1.0.14
新馬最火爆的麻將遊戲!马来三人麻將符合现代人的生活需求- 快!简单!刺激!** 请在一个网络好的地方玩我们的游戏,不然可能会出现断线或卡等情况。**Malaysia's mostpopularmahjong game! Malay trio MahjongIn line with the modern needs of life - fast!Simple!Exciting!** Please play our game in a good place to network, or mayappearbroken or card and so on. **
正宗四川麻将-含血流成河 3.3
麻將天后宮 1.0
經典台灣16張麻將;和大牌天后天王們一起打麻將,享受清一色,大三元,五暗刻等超猛大牌道具的威力!Classic Taiwan16Mahjong;and big days later kings were playing mahjongtogether,enjoy thepower of the all-Big Three, five dark carvedwhoppingbigprops!
Girl Match 1.2
In the limited time to find the same girlofcard.
正宗杭州麻将 1.6