
Chinese Mahjong 4.8
Authentic Chinese mahjong is a classicquintessence - Chinese mahjong thirteen tickets to the game. Thegame uses authentic mass mahjong and GB Mahjong Rules, you canchoose whether to support the God of wealth (mixed card) function.You can select the network mode to experience real fun andchallenge to the war, also can choose single exercise.Games beautiful interface, computer with artificial intelligence,strength, more challenging.The game is simple and clear, game player can be easily carried theleisure entertainment, broad and profound experience of thismillennium the quintessence of mahjong.12 computer opponents with simulation modeling, visual effects, tobring you a better gaming experience.Human voice, feel more realistic.To exit the game when the automatic archiving function let you tosave or game, achieve the relaxed entertainment real
富豪麻將單機版(單機麻雀) 1.3
專業團隊用心打造最好玩的單機麻將遊戲! 遊戲支持大眾麻將、國標(競技)麻將、二人麻將、四川麻將血戰到底、廣東麻將雞平胡、廣東麻將推倒胡、貴陽麻將、香港麻雀(Hongkongmahjong)遊戲規則。後續還將六續加入地方麻將遊戲規則!富豪麻將讓您再也沒有三缺壹的煩惱,隨時隨地想玩就玩,自由的中斷、恢復遊戲,電腦人工智能強勁,遊戲界面精致美觀,永久免費,趕緊下載使用吧!在游戏中你可以慢慢熟悉各种大牌规则和游戏技巧,体验各种大牌番型带来的超强游戏成就感!
Rich Taiwan Mahjong 16 4.2
Rich Taiwan Mahjong 16 uses sixteen playmahjong, a total of 144 tiles (including pine, orchid, bamboo,chrysanthemum and spring, summer, autumn, winter eight flowercards), you can eat / touch / bar / listen.Game Features:Completely free;12 computer opponents choose;Excellent computer AI;Traditional flavor of the game interface;Live voice effects.
富豪锄大地 (锄大D/大佬二) 1.1
富豪锄大地,好玩的单机锄大D/锄大地/大老2/大佬二游戏!专业团队精心打造,精美的游戏界面,中国大陆,香港,台湾地区规则选择,更加贴切的本地区游戏体验!Regal dig the earth, funstand-alone hoe big D / dig the earth / Tate 2 / Gangster twogames!Professional team carefully crafted, beautiful game interface,mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, rule selection, more appropriateregional gaming experience!
單機鬥地主(甘蔗鬥地主單機版) 2.2
好玩的單機鬥地主遊戲-甘蔗鬥地主登陸安卓平臺啦!甘蔗鬥地主是壹款精美好玩的鬥地主遊戲,支持單機鬥地主和聯網鬥地主遊戲,3D遊戲界面和2D遊戲界面任您選擇!此遊戲具有如下的特色:遊戲特色:/智能單機遊戲模式,靈活的電腦人工智能 ;/精彩網絡模式,體驗真人對戰的樂趣和挑戰;/3D模式和2D模式選擇;/網絡模式下優化網絡協議,流量更省,真正讓您輕松遊戲;/美觀的遊戲界面,角色生動可愛,豐富的動畫效果;/自定義規則更加貼近不同玩家的需求;/完全免費;/自由的進度保存;甘蔗鬥地主安卓版全面支持各種安卓設備(手機,平板電腦),支持各主流分辨率.
拱豬大戰 1.0
拱豬也叫華牌,是流行於華人社會的壹種經典撲克牌遊戲。拱豬大戰采用流行壹副牌規則,可以選擇自由亮牌、除羊全亮和全亮。NPC具有較高的人工智能,界面美觀漂亮,是您休閑娛樂的好選擇!拱豬規則介紹:發牌:使用去掉大小王後的 52 張牌,由系統隨機發給 4 個玩家。牌的大小:大小按如下順序遞減: A 、 K 、 Q 、 J 、 10 、 9 、 8 、 7 、 6 、 5 、 4 、 3 、 2豬、羊、變壓器:黑桃Q 代表“豬”,方塊J 代表“羊”,櫻花10 代表“變壓器”亮牌:也叫賣牌。開始出牌前,玩家將手中的豬 (Q) 、羊 (J ) 、變壓器 (10 ) 、A 亮出來,這些牌的分值加倍。在壹副牌的 4張中如果有 3 張已經亮過,則第 4 張自動亮出來。分牌:分牌就是有分的牌,包括“豬”Q ,“羊”J ,“變壓器”10 ,所有紅桃。“豬”Q 是負 100 分,如果賣過則是負 200 分。“羊”J 是正 100 分,如果賣過則是正 200 分。2 、3 、4 算 0 分。5 、6 、7 、8 、9 、10 每個負 10 分。J 負 20 ,Q 負 30 ,K 負 40 ,A 負 50。如果A 賣過,則所有紅桃的分數加倍。得到 “變壓器”10 的玩家,手中其他牌的分數之和 *2 ,如果10 賣過,則 *4。如果玩家手中除了10 沒有其他分牌,則得正 50 分,如果賣過則得正 100 分。註意:如果除了10 ,還有其他分牌,且其他分數之和為 0 ,則總分數記為 0。出牌:壹次只能出壹張。 第壹局遊戲由得到2 的壹方首先出牌,並且必須出2 ;以後每局由上壹局得到豬牌 (Q ) 的壹方首先出牌。後面的玩家必須和首家出相同花色的牌,如果沒有該花色,可以墊其他花色的牌。壹輪出牌後,最大方得到該輪的所有分牌,墊其他花色者算最小。亮過的牌不能在該花色首輪出牌時出,但在出其他花色時可以墊。玩家該花色只有壹張牌時,則不論是否亮過都必須出。滿紅:如果壹方在壹輪遊戲結束時將全部紅桃收到自己手中,稱為滿紅。註意要收齊 13 張紅桃,包括2 、3 、4 。 壹副牌的情況下:此時得到正200 分。如果A 亮過牌,則得正 400 分。Gong Zhu also calledChina card, is popular in Chinese society One kind of classic pokergame. Chase the Pig War One cards using the popular rule, thefreedom to choose their cards, in addition to sheep, all bright andfull brightness. NPC has a higher intelligence, the interface isbeautiful beautiful, is a good choice for your entertainment!Gong Zhu rules introduced:Licensing:Queen size using remove 52 cards, the system randomly distributedfour players.Card size:Size decreasing in the following order: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,5, 4, 3, 2Pigs, sheep, Transformers:On behalf of spades Q "pig", box J stands for "sheep", Sakura 10for "Transformers"Showdown:Also selling brand. Before the start of play, the players in thehands of the pig (Q), sheep (J), the transformer (10), A light out,these cards score doubled. One in four of the cards if there arethree already too bright, then the first four automatically lightup.Scoreboard:Scoreboard is partakers of licenses, including the "pig" Q, "sheep"J, "transformer" 10, all hearts."Pig" Q is negative 100, if sold is negative 200 points."Sheep" J is a positive 100 points if it is being sold 200points.2, 3, 4 count 0 points.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 minus 10 points each.J negative 20, Q negative 30, K negative 40, A negative 50.If A is sold, all hearts scores double.Get players, "transformer" 10, scores of other cards in the handsand * 2, if 10 sold, then * 4.If the player did not hand in addition to 10 other sub-licensing,then get a positive 50 points if you have sold a positive 100points.Note: If in addition to 10 other sub-licensing, and other scoressum to zero, the total scores recorded as zero.Cards:One time only the One sheets. One game from the first innings toget the first 2 One side of the cards, and must appear 2; aftereach round by the Board to obtain the One pig plate (Q) One side ofthe cards first.Players must be behind the first cards of the same suit, if not thecolor, can pad the other suit cards. One round after the cards, thebiggest party cards to get all points of the round pad other colorsare considered a minimum.The cards can not be too bright in the first round when the cardsout of the suit, but in the other colors can pad. The suit is onlyOne player cards, then whether or not the light-off must.Man Red:If One side will receive all the hearts in their hands at the endof Round One game, called full red. Note 13 to the receipt of allhearts, including 2, 3, 4. One case of the cards: this time to givea positive 200 points. A bright if checked, then get a positive 400points.
正宗四川麻将-含血流成河 3.3
富豪二人麻将 1.4
Regal uses two mahjong 13 Mahjong rules, is a stand-alone 2-playermahjong game. Leaving only the game thousands of words and wordcard, easily Hu big!
Malaysia Mahjong 2.5
Malaysia joker mahjong has a fast rhythm, easy to play, and popularin Malaysia . The 16 flowers (spring, summer, autumn, winter, plum,bamboo, chrysanthemum, cat, rat, centipede, 4 heads) are white inthe south east north west, zhong,fa,bai , 4 in the fly. Altogether,there are 84 cards. Flying card (universal card Joker), Hu card canbe used as any card, you can add a card to play cards. Specialattention: it must take 5 or more Fan to make Hu, 10 or moreexploded (also called Man Hu).
Tien Len World 1.3
Tien len ("Tiến lên"), the popular card game , is a game for 4players.
正宗广东麻将 3.9
Authentic Cantonese Mahjong supports Jipinghu and Overthrowing HuMahjong (new support for Overthrowing Hudaigui) rules.
Hong kong Mahjong 4.0
Hong kong Mahjong is thirteen rules sparrow mahjong stand-alonegame.
Japanese Mahjong (sparrow) 2.5
4-player console mahiong game which is based on the Japanesemajhong rules