Top 5 Apps Similar to 圈信

易信 4.7.1
Netease Mag
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搖尾巴 4
功能特色: 照片記錄生活-用照片紀錄寵物生活中各種可愛的行為,分享毛小孩的歡樂給大家 寵物同好互動-寵物同好聚集在同一個平台,一起互動、留言、討論、揪團 追蹤喜好寵物-關心的寵物訊息不漏掉 共同管理照顧-家人一起照顧關心寵物,直接分享自己拍的照片,一起接收來自好友、美容師、獸醫師的關心 寵物店家搜尋-到一個不熟悉的地方想找寵物店,只要打開GPS立刻顯示出周圍的寵物店 詳細店家資料-想找大家推薦的店或預約資料,不用上網問,評價、營業資訊通通清楚呈現 店家即時關心-美容師、獸醫師都是朋友,隨時關心寵物近況 串聯寵物店家-店家可直接透過app通知飼主,也可以透過app成為店家會員 累積腳印積分-在社群中活躍成為明星寵物,當星爸星媽不是夢搖尾巴官方網站搖尾巴粉絲專頁 photographic record of life - life with a photo record ofpetbehavior in a variety of cute, hairy child share the joytoeveryone interactive pet enthusiasts - pet enthusiasts gathered in thesameplatform, along with interactive, voice mail, discussiongroupspulling track like pets - pet care not to miss the message jointly managed care - family care pet care, directly sharetheirphotos, along with receiving care from friends,hairdressers,veterinarian pet store find - to an unfamiliar place looking for a petshop,simply open the GPS shows the pet shop aroundimmediately store detailed information - we recommend looking for shopsorreservation data, do not ask the Internet, evaluation,clearlyshowing all the business information stores immediate concern - beauticians, veterinarians areallfriends, ready to pet care situation series pet stores - stores available through app 通知 ownerscanalso become members directly through the app store Points accumulated footprints - active in the community tobecomea star, pets, when Star Star Mom Dad is not a dreamWags its tail official website its tail fan page
Dating - online chat & meet 1.8.7
Dating is a global social platform toattractsingles from different countries to communicate, date, flirtandeven marry. Via instant translation service, it's convenienttoshare, communicate, meet, hook, date, match, flirt or marry,andthis service also builds bridges for global single adults, soitbecomes simple to share photos, communicate and meet withnewpeople, hook and date beauties and dreamers. Millions of usersarefrom over 180 countries and regions, like Frenchmetrosexualities,Russian hot girls, German gentlemen, AmericanBlondie, Japanesebeauties, etc. Sharing, chatting, meeting, hookingand flirtingfollowers and marrying your dreamers become so simple.Only onesecond registration, come to communicate and date withyourfollowers and dreamers, and learn languages immediately.Moreover,login by Facebook is really a convenient way tostartcommunication.Now, sharing, chatting, meeting, matching and flirting withoverseasbeauties and metrosexualities, are feasible without limitsandbarriers. Browse list, find beauties or metrosexualities, andthenstart to share and interact. Share, meet and date those peoplewhohave same interests like music, games or sports; Hook or flirtwiththe singles you are match; eventually, you can marry yourdreamers.Sharing photos is useful to attract attentions fromsingle adults,win chances to integrate into local life, meet newpeople, andattend local parties. Meanwhile, you can also holdparties to invitesome hot girls, metrosexualities, beauties,gentlemen and followersnearby, this is feasible to expand yourglobal social network.Dating creates an independent platform that help single adultstoform interest groups or community clubs. This platform willhelpyou meet and communicate with new people nearby whenlearningoverseas, find partners who have same interests, or sharefavoritegames with your overseas friends or locals. Moreover, usingthisplatform is a feasible way to learn languages and cultureinadvance, so integrating into local life will bemoreefficient.Features:[Smart Translation]Top instant translation service, provides almost all languagestohelp users communicate directly, so you may not be worriedaboutbarriers of interaction.[Covered Globally]Millions of users are from over 180 countries and regions,includinglike like French metrosexualities, Russian hot girls,Germangentlemen, American Blondie, Japanese beauties, etc. Let'ssharephotos, have parties, chat, meet, hook, date, flirt and evenmarry.All styles of beauties and metrosexualities are here,interact withyour dreamers immediately. It's feasible to date andmatch withoverseas people or locals, so come to hold and attendpartiesimmediately![Interesting & Fun ]No barriers of languages and territories in communication. Nomatterwhere you are, you can share your feelings, opinions andphotosfreely and interact with your overseas friends at any timeandfollowers from different interest groups or communityclubs.[Instant communication]Find the people you like, just press "Hi" button to start chatting,then meeting, hooking, matching, flirting or evenmarrying.Moreover, any update about new posts from beauties andhunks willbe pushed to you in first time, vice versa. Moreover,locals willhelp you learn languages as well.[World Square]Browsing posts & sharing from chicks and hunks, you willhavemore chances to find interesting overseas singles. Then, say Hitothem and then chat and meet. The more photos and posts, themorechances to communicate and hook single adults or followers.Inaddition, Facebook is really a convenient and feasible waytologin.[Destiny Match]Shake your phone to match your dreamers who do shaking at thesametime.
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碰友 3.0.4
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