BiCollector 3.1
Many retailers have needs of collecting dataof the products.In the past, people use barcode terminals to reach the goal.Now, with BiCollector APP, scanning barcodes and collecting thedata become easier than ever.Collect the number, create a text file and share it via e-mail orto other Apps.It’s convenient for you to integrate with the ERP system andgreatly enhances the working efficiency.Compatible Barcodes : EAN8, EAN13, CODE39, CODE138, QRCODE
搖尾巴 4
功能特色: 照片記錄生活-用照片紀錄寵物生活中各種可愛的行為,分享毛小孩的歡樂給大家 寵物同好互動-寵物同好聚集在同一個平台,一起互動、留言、討論、揪團 追蹤喜好寵物-關心的寵物訊息不漏掉 共同管理照顧-家人一起照顧關心寵物,直接分享自己拍的照片,一起接收來自好友、美容師、獸醫師的關心 寵物店家搜尋-到一個不熟悉的地方想找寵物店,只要打開GPS立刻顯示出周圍的寵物店 詳細店家資料-想找大家推薦的店或預約資料,不用上網問,評價、營業資訊通通清楚呈現 店家即時關心-美容師、獸醫師都是朋友,隨時關心寵物近況 串聯寵物店家-店家可直接透過app通知飼主,也可以透過app成為店家會員 累積腳印積分-在社群中活躍成為明星寵物,當星爸星媽不是夢搖尾巴官方網站http://www.jabezpos.com/petwaoostore/Default.aspx?cate_id=pet18搖尾巴粉絲專頁https://www.facebook.com/petwaooFeatures: photographic record of life - life with a photo record of petbehavior in a variety of cute, hairy child share the joy toeveryone interactive pet enthusiasts - pet enthusiasts gathered in thesame platform, along with interactive, voice mail, discussiongroups pulling track like pets - pet care not to miss the message jointly managed care - family care pet care, directly share theirphotos, along with receiving care from friends, hairdressers,veterinarian pet store find - to an unfamiliar place looking for a pet shop,simply open the GPS shows the pet shop around immediately store detailed information - we recommend looking for shops orreservation data, do not ask the Internet, evaluation, clearlyshowing all the business information stores immediate concern - beauticians, veterinarians are allfriends, ready to pet care situation series pet stores - stores available through app 通知 owners canalso become members directly through the app store Points accumulated footprints - active in the community to becomea star, pets, when Star Star Mom Dad is not a dreamWags its tail official website http://www.jabezpos.com/petwaoostore/Default.aspx?cate_id=pet18Wags its tail fan page https://www.facebook.com/petwaoo
Tobey’s遊戲咖啡館 0.0.1
Tobye's遊戲咖啡館APP,是提供給會員專用的APP。會員們可以在直接APP上預約遊戲桌位,接收Tobye's的活動及優惠訊息,查詢熱門遊戲商品資訊。Tobye's也會透過APP釋出離峰優惠時段,歡迎您加入Tobye's的家族,快一起來玩桌上遊戲!!(不要再滑手機了>_<…)註:APP供會員安裝使用,非會員安裝僅可查詢商品、營業資訊,歡迎您成為Tobye's會員,加入會員請洽各店。★巨蛋總店:高雄市左營區立信路286號 07-5507571 營業時間:11:30~22:30 (周末延長到23:00,週一公休)★大福店:高雄市三民區大福街104號 07-3819918營業時間:14:00~22:00 (週五-週日13:00~23:00,周二公休)★楠梓店:高雄市楠梓區土庫三路285號 07-3538507營業時間:14:00~23:00 (週六-週日12:00~23:00)Tobye's game cafe APP, isavailable to members only the APP. Members can make an appointmentat a table directly APP game, receiving Tobye's activities andoffers information, query popular game merchandise information.Tobye's also released by APP off-peak discount period, you arewelcome to join Tobye's family, play board games together fast !!(not to slip a cell phone> _ <...)NOTE: APP for members installation, installation of non-memberbusiness information can only query commodities, you are welcome tobecome Tobye's members, adding a member, please contact thestore.★ Dome Head Office: Fong Road, Zuoying District Kaohsiung 286No. 07-5507571Hours: 11:30 ~ 22:30 (to 23:00 on weekends extend Mondaysabbatical)★ Tai Fook shop: No. 07-3819918 Fuk Street, San Min District,Kaohsiung City 104Hours: 14:00 ~ 22:00 (Fri - Sun 13:00 - 23:00, Tuesday is due toholiday)★ Nanzih shop: Nanzih District Basement Road, Kaohsiung 28507-3538507Hours: 14:00 - 23:00 (Saturday - Sunday 12:00 - 23:00)
搖尾巴粉絲商店CRM系統 0.1
寵物店想要快速輕鬆的管理會員,就一定要用搖尾巴粉絲商店CRM 一掃QRcode資料立即呈現並加入會員 輕鬆紀錄會員來店服務項目 免費快速通知寵物家長 行事曆紀錄工作排程 了解寵物資料 和會員如朋友官網: http://www.jabezpos.com/petwaoostore/FB粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/petwaooPet shops want to quicklyand easily manage member, you must use CRM wags its tail fanshop immediately swept away QRcode information presented and addmembers easy to store records of Member Services free fast notification pet parents record Task Scheduler Calendar understand pet information and membership as a friendOfficial website: http://www.jabezpos.com/petwaoostore/FB fan group: https://www.facebook.com/petwaoo
BMyPOS cloud pos system 9.0
BMyPOS is a cutting-edge and full-featuredmobile point of sale system integrated with cloud services fromJabezPOS.com(1). Without a doubt, POS on Android SmartPhone is aninnovative and revolutionary way for daily point of saletransactions. BMyPOS runs seamlessly on Android SmartPhone, and isa cost-effective and yet the stat-of-the-art POS solution that willmeet your needs in retail or restaurant business.Features:*Offline availability. Your sales associates can continue to ringup customers even though the network or internet is down.*Apply to multiple types of business including retail stores,boutique shops, and restaurant.*Support remote printing through system integration withiCS(2).*Easily upgrade from a single independent store to multi-locationchain stores simply through adding more POS accounts fromJabezPOS.com.*Complete cloud back-office management modules.*Access business information or transactional data from anytime,anywhere.*Language support: English, Simplified Chinese, and TraditionalChinese.1.JabezPOS.com provides cloud POS system services includingpurchasing management, inventory control, bookkeeping management,sales analysis, promotions, membership management and otherback-office modules. Visit the website at http://www.JabezPOS.com.2.iCS stands for ICashSwitch. It can easily connect and controlreceipt printer, scanner and other POS peripherals. If you areinterested in iCS, please check our website at http://www.JabezPOS.com for details.Functions:-Tax ID.-[X]Multiplication key-Delete Order-NS-Product search-Discount in percentage(Disc %)-Discount in dollars(Disc $)-Returns/Exchanges-Sales Associate-Price search-Open Price-Gifts-Log off-Department shortcut
Oscar Pet 奧斯卡寵物星光大道 12.0
快樂寵物‧幸福樂園我們是快樂的一家人We are happy family!奧斯卡寵物連鎖量販體系由蘇方誠先生於1993年創立,為南台灣第一大優良服務GSP寵物連鎖王國,採取平價服務模式,提供寵物百貨商品、專業寵物美容服務,並以對待寵物四部曲『愛心、耐心、熱心、及創新』,作為人才招募核心職能的必備要件,全力打造快樂寵物的幸福樂園。專為會員打造的APP, 讓您透過手機,就可以掌握毛寶貝的狀況!‧HappyHappy Pet ParadiseWe are a happy familyWe are happy family!Oscar Pet chain discount system in 1993, founded by Mr.SuFangcheng, southern Taiwan's largest chain of excellent serviceGSPpet kingdom, take cheap service model offers petmerchandise,professional pet grooming services, and to treat petstetralogy"love, patience, enthusiasm, and innovation, "Recruitmentof corefunctions as an essential element of efforts to build ahappy pethappy paradise.Designed for members to build APP, allowing you via phone,youcan grasp the situation of the baby's hair!
BOrder-cloud order system 6.0
BOrder is a simple and yet cutting-edge mobileordering system integrated with B1POS restaurant POS system. BOrderis an innovative way that will make ordering much easier and moreefficient from anywhere. Without losing any order from yourcustomers, BOrder will effectively capture more sales for yourrestaurant business.Now you can order up everywhere in the restaurant.
BMenu點餐系統 4.0
BMenu是一套更直覺的行動點餐系統,可結合 B1POS餐飲收銀結帳系統,讓您的客戶就可以享受自己平板點餐的樂趣! 並且可以瀏覽店家最新的商品或促銷方案, BMenu還提供了詳細的餐點介面,省去了服務員介紹餐點的麻煩和印刷紙本菜單的成本。有了BMenu行動點餐系統,您的餐飲點餐服務不僅更容易、也更輕鬆、有效率。註:B1POS是一套用於Windows平台的收銀結帳系統,相關訊息,歡迎造訪我們的網站!本公司(宣揚電腦 BCCsoft)為台灣知名pos收銀軟體-流通大師,最新研發,21年專業流通業經驗,軟體功能最齊全,全方位為您打造雲端pos收銀結帳點餐系統及相關延伸應用功能之擴充。
新吉莊 2.0
新吉莊 APP提供了新上里里民一個新的移動溝通平台,不僅能傳達里內訊息、店家優惠,最大的好處在於能支援行動支付,讓志工的服務點數轉化成實際消費的抵扣。透過此APP 帶動新上里里民與店家之間的活絡度,真正有效地來提昇里內的滿足感與方便性。
天恩寢具 1.1.0
寵物哇啊啦 1.0
BBrochure-product album 6.0
Still using heavy NB for presentation orprintmaterial for show in the face to face selling ? TryBBrochureproduct album, to minimize your showcase but maximize yourcreativecommunication skill . No more costly DM stack , no moreflatmessage to the protential customers, more interactiveandmultimedial rich text content to show , the real effor totheenvironment protection , BBrochure is your smart andcarefulchoice.Also you can scan the label of your product,to showproductdata.
行動居服員 5.4.0
(i)資訊網頁 居家服務本系統為居家服務員到宅進行服務時,隨身使用的工作服務軟體,用來記錄服務對象的工作時間以及查看居服督導服務核定內容。 何謂居家服務:為使長期臥床及行動功能障礙、生活自理能力缺損之民眾,能在家中獲得持績性之照顧,經由受過訓練的合格照顧服務員定期至家中提供日常生活及身體照顧等服務,除了舒緩照顧者負荷外,又可提升生活及照顧上之品質。【服務內容】一、家務服務:包含換洗衣物之洗濯及修補、服務對象生活起居空間之環境清潔、文書服務、備餐服務、陪同或代購生活必需用品、陪同就醫或聯絡醫療機構及其他相關服務。二、身體照顧服務:包含協助如廁、沐浴、穿換衣服、口腔清潔、進食、服藥、翻身、拍背、簡易被動或肢體關節活動、上下床、陪同運動、協助使用日常生活輔助器具及其他服務。【服務對象】設籍並實際居住於本單位服務範圍,經日常生活活動功能(ADL)或工具性日常生活活動功能(IADL)評估,日常生活需他人協助之失能者,包含:一、65歲以上老人 二、55歲以上之山地原住民 三、50歲以上之身心障礙者 四、僅IADL失能且獨居之老人
BBarcode Printer-scan&print 4.1
BBarcodePrinter is an APP for printingbarcodeon mobile.You just need to select the label layout, setupbarcodeprinter, and then, you can print barcode from mobiledevice.It'seasy and convenient,also you can scan a old label toedit the item.The system version and login account would be display ontheright-hand side upon the toolbar.Toolbar Instruction:Barcode Management-You can maintain the barcode here(AddBarcode,setting print copies).Printer Setting-Select the barcode printer.(You have setupprinterbefore printing)Label Setup-Select the label layout.(You have setup labellayoutbefore printing)Reset-Clear all information to login.
美的適健康護照 8.2
使用美的適「健康護照」,全心呵護家人的健康!透過健康指數的記錄,長期關注您的健康趨勢;透過APP與藥師互動,您能夠享有美的適最專業的個人化咨詢服務,同時第一時間收到美的適最新的優惠訊息,透過掃描DM上的QRcode,更可享受尊榮的優惠!快來下載美的適健康護照吧!**在地服務據點**找到附近最專業的在地健康好夥伴:「美的適生活藥妝」!**嚴選推薦**當期最新優惠、嚴選熱門商品,給您全新購物體驗!**QR掃描**手邊有美的適最新一期的DM嗎?找到QR code,掃一下馬上享有優惠!**我的最愛**喜歡的商品,通通放進我的最愛!馬上可以前往最近的服務據點體驗專業咨詢、與購買服務~**健康天使**馬上開始個人雲端健康紀錄,規律量測還可以得到超好康優惠。透過飲食記錄讓個人專屬健管師幫您健康把關,填寫健康問卷深入了解健康風險~美的適生活藥妝深刻認知健康管理服務的重要性,在經營藥局通路屆滿20年前夕,擴大整合雲端技術與多年營運服務實力,推出全國首創結合醫院、藥局、資訊平台的「Health+全方位照護智慧藥局」服務!美的適啟動全台第一家EWSS全方位關懷智慧藥局計畫,藉著嶄新的技術發揮社區關懷服務、個人健康的專業照護,為了完整推動「醫、藥、養、護」全方位的功能,更與衛生福利部桃園醫院合作推動「醫藥養護整合轉介系統」提供VIP級的服務諮詢、正確的醫療看診資訊,將智慧藥局的里程碑更是邁進一大步。集團創辦人藍孟宏董事長指出面對高齡化社會的衝擊,「兒童健康是社會永續發展的重要資本,成人健康是社會動能的來源,長者健康則是穩定社會安定的力量」。在美的適生活藥妝20週年慶的前夕,我們更是深思,如何能更完整、有效的帶給居民完整的照護,因此匯集統整出五大區塊,「EWSS全方位整合平台」、「智慧藥局系統」、「醫藥養護整合轉介系統」、「銀髮族樂活健康關懷」以及「婦幼健康管理服務」,我們希望藉由這五大區塊出發,整合雲端技術打造健康雲,建構完整的健康關懷網絡。透過全新改版美的適「健康護照」,我們將完整呈現智慧藥局的服務,以我們的專業服務社區、守護民眾的健康!
宇宙人心情日記 0.0.4
「Lohas樂活+,你就是健康玩家!」快加入為台灣人量身打造「健康」、「好玩」、「方便」的健康平台~。健康生活,當然「找最近的啊」!原來家裡、公司附近有那麼多好玩又健康的樂活去處!。預防勝於治療,取得「免費雲端健康卡」、使用所有雲端量測站。什麼?還有免費健康評估、風險提醒小建議和優惠好康券!別懷疑,這都是真的!Lohas 樂活+ 1.0上線,邀請您一起健康生活,馬上加入全新、免費的健康生活平台!即刻下載,獨享會員三大好康:1.免費:使用遍佈全台、不斷增加的雲端量測點,照顧自己、照顧家人!2.好康:使用APP雲端健康管理,同時享有各大藥妝、運動健身、健康餐飲優惠券不定期發送!3.專業:規律量測,樂活+協助您了解、提醒,讓您遠離三高風險還有更多:**樂活玩家**原來家附近有這麼多好玩的:雲端量測點、健康玩樂、營養/運動專業諮詢、運動中心、小公園、健康美食、籃球場,還有運動社團可以交朋友!**嚴選推薦**最新健康與運動話題,同時嚴選樂活+推薦的「會員獨享」最新、最熱、超優惠健康商品**健康天使**。健康指數:健康紀錄都在這裡,善用它讓自己更健康吧。健康問卷:填寫健康問卷,APP幫你做三高、代謝症候群風險評估。沒注意的健康風險,APP會分析後自動提醒我,還會建議最適合、最優惠的健康商品,為健康加分原來不難**打卡**找到附近的雲端服務站了嗎?馬上前往打卡,開始健康樂活吧!我們是一個對生命有熱情與願景的團隊,希望您更健康、幸福!因此我們致力於整合健康產業、政府資源,提供最棒的健康資訊與服務給您。如果有任何相關建議,請隨時與我們聯絡。我們的APP將定期更新,您不需支付任何更新費用。"Lohas LOHAS +, youarethe healthy players!" Soon joined the Taiwanese tailored"health","fun", "convenient" health platform -. Healthy living, of course, "find the nearest ah!" Theoriginalhome, there are so many fun and healthy place to live nearthecompany's music!. Prevention is better than treatment, and achieved "cloudfreehealth card", to use all cloud measurement station. What? As well as free health assessment, risk reminding tipsandpromotions goodies coupons!Do not doubt that this is true!Lohas LOHAS + 1.0 on the line, invite you to a healthy life,andimmediately join the new, free platform for healthyliving!Immediate download, exclusive member three goodies:1. Free: use throughout Taiwan, increasing clouds measurementpoint,take care of yourself, take care of your family!2. Goodies: Use APP cloud health management, while enjoyingthemajor drug store, sports and fitness, healthy food couponsfromtime to time sent!3. Professional: law measurement, Broadwood + help youunderstand,reminders, allowing you to stay away from three highriskThere is more:** ** Broadwood playersThat there are so many fun close to home: the cloudpointmeasurement, healthy fun, nutrition / sports professionaladvice,sports center, small parks, health food, basketball courts,andsports associations can make friends!Carefully selected recommendation ** **Latest Health and sports topics, while carefully selectedBroadwood+ recommended "members only" the latest, hottest, superdiscounthealth commoditiesAngel ** ** Health. Health Index: health records are here, use it to makethemselvesmore healthy now. Health Questionnaire: Fill in the health questionnaire, APPhelpyou do three high metabolic syndrome risk assessment. Did not pay attention to the health risks, APP willautomaticallyremind me after analysis, will recommend the mostappropriate andmost favorable health commodities for the healthpoints of theoriginal is not difficult** ** PunchFind nearby cloud service station it? Immediately went topunch,began health Broadwood it!We have a passion for life and vision of the team, I hopeyoumore healthy, happy! So we are committed to the integration ofthehealth industry, government resources to provide the besthealthinformation and services to you.If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us. OurAPPwill be updated regularly, you do not need to pay anyrenewalfee.
寧夏 Yes 1.0.1
BPOS cloud pos system 66
BPOS is a cutting-edge and full-featured mobile point of salesystemintegrated with cloud services from JabezPOS.com(1). BPOSrunsseamlessly on any Android tablets. Therefore, traditionalposhardware and Apple-related device are not the ONLY solutionsforyour daily pos transactions. BPOS on Android is acost-effectiveand yet the stat-of-the-art pos alternative that willmeet yourneeds in retail or restaurant business. Features:*Offlineavailability. Your sales associates can continue to ringupcustomers even though the network or internet is down. *Applytomultiple types of business including retail store, boutiqueshop,and restaurant. *Support remote printing through systemintegrationwith iCS(2). *Easily upgrade from a single independentstore tomulti- location chain stores simply through adding morePOSaccounts from JabezPOS.com. *Complete cloud back-officemanagementmodules. *Access business information or transactionaldata fromanytime, anywhere. (1)JabezPOS.com provides cloud POSsystemservices including purchasing management, inventorycontrol,bookkeeping management, sales analysis, promotions,membershipmanagement and other back-office modules. Visit thewebsite athttp://www.JabezPOS.com. (2)iCS stands for ICashSwitch.It caneasily connect and control receipt printer, scanner and otherPOSperipherals. If you are interested in iCS, please check ourwebsiteat http://www.JabezPOS.com for details. Functions: 1.Tax ID:Ifcustomer’s tax ID is needed for tax purposes, entered tax IDwillbe displayed at transaction message area. 2.[X]Multiplicationkey:If a customer is buying multiple quantity for an item, toexpeditethe checkout, just press number of quantity, [X], and theitem.3.Delete Order: Lump sum cancelation of a customer’s order.4.NS:Add remarks with numerical data such as coupon code orclient’s telno. 5.Product search: Allow keyword search by item no.or itemname. Matched items will be displayed on product listingarea.6.Discount in percentage(Disc %): Assign a discount percentagetoan item by entering number of percentage and pressing “Disc.%”button. Discount percentage will be displayed under theitem.7.Discount in dollars(Disc $): Assign a discount in dollaramountto an item by entering number of dollar amount and pressing“Disc.$” button. Discount dollars will be displayed under theitem.8.Returns/Exchanges: Transactions with negative amount willbedisplayed once items are returned or exchanged. 9.SalesAssociate:Select sales associate and his/her information will bedisplayed ontransaction message area. 10.Price search: You cansearch the priceof an item by entering item name, and then bringthe item forcheckout. 11.Open Price: Replace current sales pricewith a newprice for an item at checkout. 12.Gifts: Sales price willbe shownzero once this function is used. 13.Log off: If a cashierhas totemporarily leave the cashier counter, he/she can log offthesystem and log in again to continue cashieroperations.14.Department shortcut: You can setup departmentshortcut atJabezPOS.com back-office. Department-related items willbedisplayed once you press on the shortcut. If items are displayedonmore than one page, you can slide to turn pages.
Cornerstone Laundromat 1.0.18
You can use this app to finish payment on wash/dryer machineinCornerstone Laundromat. Also you can get extra POINTS whenyoudeposit or have transactions in the store. The POINTS can be usetoredeem the product. We also provide some special event indifferentseasons. When you use this App to do your laundry, you cansave alot of money and have a lot of fun.