Top 8 Apps Similar to Milan Travel Guide

Milan Travel Guide 2.5.0
Milan Travel Guide - tourist essentials, travel tips and more inasingle app!
Milan Travel Guide by Triposo 4.6.0
The Milan travel guide is a complete and up to date city guide.Itworks offline, you don't need an internet connection.Bookmarkinteresting places in the sightseeing section with allthemonuments. Pick your ideal restaurant in the eating outsectioncontaining the best restaurants. Discover the nightlife ofMilan!Bars, pubs & discos in Milan. Use the detailed offlinemap ofMilan to simply find out where you are and see what's around.Thecomplete background information can be an interesting read athomeor on the road to your next adventure. Useful when you arethere: -Currency converter. - Phrasebook for Italian. - Weatherforecast(updated when online). - Directions on how to get to aplace bypublic transport. - Book hotels and tours in Milan directlyfromthe app (when online). About Triposo Founded by and fortravelers,Triposo delivers up-to-date information, detailed mapsandintelligent recommendations for more than 40,000 destinationsin200 countries around the world. To make our guides we usethecontent that is freely available. Open content siteslikeWikivoyage, Wikipedia, World66 and OpenStreetMap are among thebestresources for any traveler. Whether you are a planner or prefertogo with the flow, Triposo helps you discover the unexpectedandexperience travel in a new way. If you see any problem withtheapp, please write us an email at [email protected] so wecanfigure out what's wrong and fix it. Thanks!
Milan Guide Voyage & Carte 6.0.2
Small revolution for this update! + UPDATEEXPO2015Discover the new version of the tourist guide MonumentTracker:Global Redesign of the application in graphics andfeatures, if youwant to know what to do and what to see in Milanduring yourweekend tour or journey, Download now our freeapplication !ALL THE PAVILION OF THE EXPO 2015This year the World Expo 2015 pavilions placed in the cityofMilan, it has a cultural mission, scientific, socialandtechnological. Find the heart of Milan Monument Trackerapplocation-based lodges in areas, to miss anything of thiseventwhich is only held every 5 years.When to visit rhymes with fun. Discover Milan fun andculturalway with the new addictive tourist travel guideMonumentTracker.A true companion interactive and comprehensive trip includingTop10, Top 20 rankings by ages 55 monuments, tours, guidedtours,historic cafes and restaurants.With the new version of Tracker Monument, join 1 millionusersalready conquered by previous European winner of versions forthecreation and innovation in the development of heritage.Discover or rediscover the 55 monuments and sites in thecapitalof Lombardy.Use the géolocalision to view the closest monuments you accessacomprehensive database of information on landmarks liketheCathedral, the Basilica of St. Ambrose, St. Mary of Graces,theCastello Sforzesco, but also the sites, the statues,libraries,pubs, castles, churches, chapels, stations, fountains,hotels,gardens, markets, museums, opera houses, palaces, bridges,squares,theaters, towers, and view history and anecdotes about eachofthese places of Milan.The features built into the application:Your profile: Genuine free personal space to store and shareyourroutes, photos stickées on the plan, favorite items and lists.Youare asked your favorite places? In one click your friendscanfollow your steps.The circuits: Discover Milan through original themesaudioguidetours or guided tours backpacker style: Circuits inprogress.Styles and History: Renaissance, Flamboyant, Art Nouveau,Baroque... You will recognize all architectural styles and impressyourfriends. A monument was built over several periods? youwillrecognize the signs.Missions: Discover the monuments of Milan and have funduringyour trip. This is the concept of the mobile guideMonumentTracker. Leave your phone to your children for treasurehuntingmissions, complete weekly missions, collecting virtualitems,check-in, photo contest, answer the challenges and testyourknowledge with the Quiz. Earn points for each successfulmission,share your successes, publish selfies points to progressfrom levelto level to move from amateur to master! You can publishyour ownchallenges as expert status.Interactivity: Planning visit, Enjoy the many interactivityofthe application by sharing the route of your trip route insupportof your stay, illustrate your own photos positioned on theplan.Are you planning to leave? Use the application to optimizetheoutputs of registering your route in advance.Photo contest: Shoot secret places of Milan, reinterpretphotosof the greatest photographers, be published on the Facebookpage ofMonument Tracker and become the photographer of theweek.Offline Version: Get embedded maps of the city toavoidadditional roaming costs during the stay abroad.Enjoy your stay at Expo Milano 2015 to visit and have funwithMonument Tracker
Milano Guide delle Cità IT 3.9.7
Le guide delle città JiTT.traveltifannorisparmiare soldi, tempo e stress perché trasformanoiltuosmartphone o il tuo tablet in un audiotour di alta qualitàefattosu misura appositamente per te, con punti di interessestoricieculturali dettagliatamente presentati. èstatopensatoper adattarsi al tuo tempo, offrendo un'esperienzadielevataqualità cucita apposta per te.Fai un giro con! funziona offline, perciò non spenderai unafortunaintariffe roaming esorbitanti. L'app crea il tour in baseallatualocalizzazione e al tempo che hai a disposizione.Valuta,infatti,l'ora presente, gli orari di apertura e chiusura dimuseiemonumenti e se vuoi completare o no il tour da doveseipartito.Saranno degli attori a narrare gli avvenimenti chesicelano dietrola storia di Milano e gli aneddoti particolaricheconferisconofascino e personalità alla città. È come se unvecchioamico tistesse guidando per le vie della città non si limiterà a raccontare le storieinordinecronologico, ma terrà in considerazione il tempo chehaiadisposizione. Se sei in un viaggio d'affari conpochissimotempolibero a disposizione per andare in giro, se vuoifare unbrevebreak cittadino, se vuoi goderti il tuo viaggioal100%, costruirà sempre un itinerario da abbinarealtempodisponibile e ai tuoi interessi. Se hai giàvistoqualchemonumento, puoi semplicemente cancellarlodall'itinerario; osevuoi vedere un monumento in particolare, lopuoiaggiungereall'itinerario. L'app sarà in grado di ricalcolareiltuoitinerario e ti mostrerà le bellezze di Milano!Ottimi Contenuti Gratis• Mappe Offline.• Punti di Interesse segnalati sulla mappa.• Teaser dei monumenti e dei punti di interesse di Milano.• Informazioni pratiche su WiFi, ufficio informazionituristicheeATM.• Un route planner che organizza ciò che vuoi vedere con iltempochehai a disposizione.Accedi ai Contenuti PremiumGli acquisti in-app ti permettono di scaricare:• Audio completi per una migliore visita guidata.• Testo integrale, in modo da poter leggere da solo la tuaguidaconcalma e comodamente, compreso il testo delle audio storie,infopercontattare musei e monumenti, orari di apertura e chiusuraeinfosui mezzi pubblici.The guides make you save money, time and stress becausetheyturnyour smartphone or tablet into a high quality audio tourandmadeespecially for you, with points of historical andculturalinterestin detail presented. was thought to fityourtime,delivering a higher quality specially sewn for you.Take a tour with! works offline, so do not spend a fortuneonexorbitantroaming charges. The app creates the tour based onyourlocation andthe time you have available. Currency, in fact,thistime, theopening and closing times of museums and monuments,andif you wantto or not to complete the tour where you left.Theactors willnarrate the events that lie behind the history ofMilanand theparticular anecdotes that give the city its charmandpersonality.It's like an old friend you driving them throughthestreets of will not only tell the stories inchronologicalorder,but will take into account the time you haveavailable. Ifyou're ona business trip with very little time tospare to goaround, if youwant to make a short city break, if youwant toenjoy your trip to100%, always build anitinerary tomatch the availabletime and to your interests. Ifyou've alreadyseen some monument, youcan simply delete it from theitinerary; orif you want to see aparticular monument, it can addto theitinerary. The app will beable to recalculate your route andshowyou the beauty of Milan!Good Content Free• Maps Offline.• Points of Interest marked on the map.• Teaser of monuments and points of interest in Milan.• Practical information on WiFi, tourist informationofficeandATM.• A route planner that organizes what you want to do withthetimeyou have available.Access Premium ContentIn-app purchases allow you to download:• Full audio for a better tour.• Full text, so you can read alone your guidequietlyandcomfortably, including the text of the audio stories,infotocontact museums and monuments, opening and closing timesandinfoon public transport.
GiroClinico 1.6
Audioguida dei beni storici e artistici della Fondazione IRCCSCa’Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano. L’OspedaleMaggioredi Milano possiede uno straordinario patrimonio di opered’arteesposte negli uffici amministrativi e i padiglioni delPoliclinicosono ricchi di innumerevoli storie: desideriamo chetutte lepersone che transitano per questi spazi per i motivi piùdiversipossano apprezzarle con accurati commenti. Per questo vienemessa adisposizione del pubblico Giroclinico: un’audioguidagratuita cheaccompagna alla scoperta dell’antico edificio della Ca’Granda edei padiglioni ospedalieri. Giroclinico è un audioguidamultilingueinnovativa fra le prime in Europa capace, in automaticoe senza unvostro intervento sul dispositivo, di riconoscerel’ambiente in cuivi trovate e di leggervi la relativa descrizione,mostrandovi leimmagini corrispondenti ai beni culturali. Non serveessereconnessi a internet ! Scaricando l’APP caricherete tuttiicontenuti necessari alla vostra visita, per godere apienodell’esperienza di ascolto. Non solo, ma vi porterete a casatuttele descrizioni, e potrete anche sfogliare le spiegazionieriascoltare le schede ovunque voi siate, con una selezionemanuale,senza essere di fronte all’opera. Ogni volta che entreretein unodegli ambienti dell’edificio, o che vi avvicinerete a unoggettosignificativo, sarete riconosciuti dal sistema che viproporrà unaspiegazione, della durata massima di 2 minuti. Tutti icontenutisono anche consultabili ed ascoltabili sfogliandomanualmente lalista delle opere. Molte schede hanno a disposizionedegliapprofondimenti con descrizione ed immagine di beni specificichepotrete ascoltare toccando l’etichetta NFC che trovatevicinoall’opera o selezionando manualmente il numerocorrispondente. Lespiegazioni sono disponibili per gli ambientidella sedeamministrativa di Via Francesco Sforza 28, per ilgiardino, lachiesa dell’Annunciata e la cripta, e per ognuno deipadiglioni delPoliclinico (Via Francesco Sforza 35, Via San Barnaba8, ViaCommenda 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, Via Manfredo Fanti 6, ViaLamarmora 5,Via Pace 9). L’uso del proprio smartphone è piùigienico e piùcomodo di un’audioguida tradizionale. Il percorso èin continuaevoluzione e ad ogni nuova visita potreste avere adisposizionenuovi contenuti: scaricate nuovamente la APP.Giroclinico puòfunzionare anche su versioni anteriori ad Android4.3… ma senza ilriconoscimento automatico. Progetto cofinanziato daRegioneLombardia – DG Culture, Identità e Autonomie. SiringraziaDULCAMARA Grafica e Comunicazione per la realizzazionedelle icone.
Offline travel guides Guide4Me 0.49
Never miss an interesting place innewcity!Tourism is not just about statues and mountains — itisaboutstories. helps you to find a lot of audioguidesforpopular tourist destinations.Guide4Me is now in Beta, so there is a lot more features togo.Soto award early birds we have special bonus: 5 credits (= $5)tobuyfirst few guides. SIGN UP NOW TO GET BONUSES!!!As soon as you purchased and downloaded desired guide andmapsyoudo not need to have working internet connection, sonounwantedroaming charges appear.Explore your destination. Find out interesting pointsandstories,prepare to your trip and impress friends. Readthestories, check outphotos and maps for any purchased guide.Start the guide and leave Guide4Me working in thebackground.Whenyou approach an interesting point, you get pushnotification.No needto stare at the phone all the time, just enjoythe realworldaround!Travelling is our passion, so we know what is important inagoodaudio guide. Just take a look at key features, andyouwillunderstand everything:HUMAN MADE. Our guides are made by humans for humans. Onlythemostinteresting and useful information to enjoy the city.GEOLOCATION. Get information about place you are in exactlywhereyouneed it. Just leave application open, and it willguideyou.MULTIMEDIA. Audio, text, photos, videos, maps — everythinginoneguide. It is the complete experience in your trip. Anddon'tforgetto open your eyes to the real world around ;)MOBILITY. Hundreds of audio guides anywhere, anytime rightinyourpocket. No need to buy paper books! Save the forestandfindeverything you need on the go.FULL OFFLINE GUIDES. Fast Wi-Fi, or cheap 3G are notavailableinevery place in the world. With, you candownloadguidesto your device and use them offline.CREATE GEOLOCATION GAMES. More fun in! Createyourownguide with interesting quests and share it with yourfamilyandfriends.Enjoy the world!Minimum system requirements:Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread or laterGPS-moduleOpenGL 2.0 or laterAvailable cities:Barcelona, London, Rome, Vienna, Amsterdam, Kyiv, Lviv, Delhi,RiodeJaneiro, Bangkok, Milan, Florence, Naples, Lisbon,Paris,Prague,Venice, Nice, Budapest, Madrid, Moscow, SaintPetersburg…and more tocome!Note that running app in the background maydecreasebatterylife.
City guide & Audio Tour + Maps 1.2.016
Tag Azbo llp
City guide "Azbo Audio Tour" is a real catch for thosewhopreferfree style of travelling. This is a professionaltourguide,installed in your smartphone or tablet. City guide"AzboAudioTour" app helps you to explore the city any time youlike.Ourfascinating excursions around the world's most excitingcitieshavebeen specially written by top professional tour-guidesandvoicedby professional presenters. City guide "Azbo AudioTour"featuresroute maps which remain accessible offline. Themust-seesights ofevery city are marked on the maps with yellowstar. Thiswillquicken the search and to help you in composing yourown routwiththe help of our city-guide, if your time is restricted.Cityguide"Azbo Audio Tour" is now completed with the Guide’s Tips–duringyour city walk or your Azbo excursion you can getmorepracticalinformation about local traditions andspecialties,afforded by thetour-guides. They are marked on the mapswith aspecial sign. Youcan opt to take pre-designed excursionroutes, oruse theroute-maker to set up your own tailor-made routethatfigures inyour preferences for both content andduration.Geo-positioningtechnology detects the user's locationthroughoutthe route, andoffers useful information about what'sworth seeingin theneighborhood at any given moment. The off-linemaps will helpyouto find the way even if you do not have access tothe Internet.Theever-expanding range of cities includes: Rome,Venice,Barcelona,Vienna, Prague, Paris, London, Amsterdam,Istanbul, StPetersburg(Russia), Moscow, Milan, Berlin, Hamburg,Madrid,Florence, Tokyo,Sevilla, Munich, Copenhagen, Dublin, Tallinnetc.You are able tomanage previously downloaded excursions. If youneedto clean thedisc space of your gadget, you can deletepreviouslydownloadedexcursions inside the app. If you need themagain, youmay downloadyour excursions back without purchasing themfor thesecond time.And enjoy your walks with our city-guide! Usertip: -buying theexcursions, united in geographically ortheme-basedsectors, willsave you 30-50 %. - to use maps of citiesin offlinemode justdownload a tour or the map Subscribe to ourpagesinFacebook:
Audio Guida Milano Miratour 1.6.6
Miratour ti permette di scoprire Milano inmodosemplice e divertente, ascoltando audio guide professionalisul tuosmartphone. E' come avere la tua guida personale sempre conte!Scarica la App e ascolta i contenuti sulle attrazionituristichepiù belle di Milano, preparate da guide turisticheprofessionali.Scegli tra i numerosi tour e itinerari suggeriti, enaviga tra leattrazioni grazie alla mappa geolocalizzata.Condividi la tua esperienza sui Social Network egoditipienamente il tuo viaggio in tutta tranquillità lasciando acasa lavecchia e ingombrante guida cartacea.Scopri l'arte la storia e la cultura della città grazieall'appMiratour Milano:MAPPA GEOLOCALIZZATA CON NAVIGAZIONE GPS ONLINE E OFFLINEUtilizza la guida Miratour per visualizzare la tua posizionesullamappa e per spostarti comodamente per Milano, anche senzaunaconnessione a internet attiva!ITINERARI E TOUR SUGGERITIIn base al tempo a disposizione e ai tuoi gusti personale,potraiscegliere uno dei molti tour personalizzati creati dallenostreguide professionali, che ti permetteranno di ottenere ilmassimodal tuo soggiorno a Milano.INFORMAZIONI AGGIUNTIVEMiratour Milano contiene tutte le info che ti possonoserviredurante la tua permanenza in città: numero dei taxi, luoghiper loshopping, numeri di emergenza e molto altro.Miratour allows youtodiscover Milan in a simple and fun, listening to audioprofessionalguides on your smartphone. It 'like having your ownpersonal guidewith you!Download the app and listen to the content on the mostbeautifulsights of Milan, prepared by professional tour guides.Choose fromthe many tours and suggested itineraries, and browsedattractionsthanks to map geographic location.Share your experience on social networks and fully enjoyyourjourney in peace leaving behind the old and bulkyguidebook.Discover the art history and culture of the city thanks totheapp Miratour Milan:MAP geographic location with GPS NAVIGATION ONLINE ANDOFFLINEUse the guide Miratour to display your location on the map andtomove easily to Milan, even without an internetconnectionactive!SUGGESTED ROUTES AND TOURSDepending on the time available and your personal tastes, youcanchoose one of many personalized tours created by ourprofessionalguides that will allow you to get the most out of yourstay inMilan.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONMiratour Milan contains all the details that you may needduringyour stay in the city: the number of taxis, shoppingspots,emergency numbers and more.