3.9.7 / July 21, 2015
(4.5/5) ()


Le guide delle città JiTT.travel tifannorisparmiare soldi, tempo e stress perché trasformano iltuosmartphone o il tuo tablet in un audiotour di alta qualità efattosu misura appositamente per te, con punti di interesse storicieculturali dettagliatamente presentati. JiTT.travel è statopensatoper adattarsi al tuo tempo, offrendo un'esperienza dielevataqualità cucita apposta per te.

Fai un giro con JiTT.travel!

JiTT.travel funziona offline, perciò non spenderai una fortunaintariffe roaming esorbitanti. L'app crea il tour in base allatualocalizzazione e al tempo che hai a disposizione. Valuta,infatti,l'ora presente, gli orari di apertura e chiusura di museiemonumenti e se vuoi completare o no il tour da dove seipartito.Saranno degli attori a narrare gli avvenimenti che sicelano dietrola storia di Milano e gli aneddoti particolari checonferisconofascino e personalità alla città. È come se un vecchioamico tistesse guidando per le vie della città.

JiTT.travel non si limiterà a raccontare le storie inordinecronologico, ma terrà in considerazione il tempo che haiadisposizione. Se sei in un viaggio d'affari con pochissimotempolibero a disposizione per andare in giro, se vuoi fare unbrevebreak cittadino, se vuoi goderti il tuo viaggio al100%,JiTT.travel costruirà sempre un itinerario da abbinare altempodisponibile e ai tuoi interessi. Se hai già vistoqualchemonumento, puoi semplicemente cancellarlo dall'itinerario; osevuoi vedere un monumento in particolare, lo puoiaggiungereall'itinerario. L'app sarà in grado di ricalcolare iltuoitinerario e ti mostrerà le bellezze di Milano!

Ottimi Contenuti Gratis
• Mappe Offline.
• Punti di Interesse segnalati sulla mappa.
• Teaser dei monumenti e dei punti di interesse di Milano.
• Informazioni pratiche su WiFi, ufficio informazioni turisticheeATM.
• Un route planner che organizza ciò che vuoi vedere con iltempoche hai a disposizione.

Accedi ai Contenuti Premium
Gli acquisti in-app ti permettono di scaricare:
• Audio completi per una migliore visita guidata.
• Testo integrale, in modo da poter leggere da solo la tua guidaconcalma e comodamente, compreso il testo delle audio storie, infopercontattare musei e monumenti, orari di apertura e chiusura einfosui mezzi pubblici.

The guides of thecityJiTT.travel make you save money, time and stress because theyturnyour smartphone or tablet into a high quality audio tour andmadeespecially for you, with points of historical and culturalinterestin detail presented. JiTT.travel was thought to fit yourtime,delivering a higher quality specially sewn for you.

Take a tour with JiTT.travel!

JiTT.travel works offline, so do not spend a fortuneonexorbitant roaming charges. The app creates the tour based onyourlocation and the time you have available. Currency, in fact,thistime, the opening and closing times of museums and monuments,andif you want to or not to complete the tour where you left.Theactors will narrate the events that lie behind the history ofMilanand the particular anecdotes that give the city its charmandpersonality. It's like an old friend you driving them throughthestreets of the city.

JiTT.travel will not only tell the stories inchronologicalorder, but will take into account the time you haveavailable. Ifyou're on a business trip with very little time tospare to goaround, if you want to make a short city break, if youwant toenjoy your trip to 100%, JiTT.travel always build anitinerary tomatch the available time and to your interests. Ifyou've alreadyseen some monument, you can simply delete it from theitinerary; orif you want to see a particular monument, it can addto theitinerary. The app will be able to recalculate your route andshowyou the beauty of Milan!

Good Content Free
• Maps Offline.
• Points of Interest marked on the map.
• Teaser of monuments and points of interest in Milan.
• Practical information on WiFi, tourist information officeandATM.
• A route planner that organizes what you want to do with thetimeyou have available.

Access Premium Content
In-app purchases allow you to download:
• Full audio for a better tour.
• Full text, so you can read alone your guide quietlyandcomfortably, including the text of the audio stories, infotocontact museums and monuments, opening and closing times andinfoon public transport.

App Information Milano Guide delle Cità IT

  • App Name
    Milano Guide delle Cità IT
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    July 21, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    JiTT.travel @ iClio.SA Rua Pedro Nunes, Bloco C 3030 Coimbra Portugal
  • Google Play Link

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Barcelona Guía Turística ES 3.9.8 APK
Las guías turísticas JiTT.travel le ahorrandinero, tiempo y estrés, transformando su teléfono móvil o tabletaen una visita de gran calidad y hecha a medida, que recorre acuraday detalladamente todos los lugares de interés histórico y cultural.JiTT.travel se ha creado para adaptarse a su tiempo ydisponibilidad, ofreciéndole una experiencia hecha a medida y degran calidad.¡Dé un paseo a medida de su tiempo con JiTT.travel!JiTT.travel funciona sin conexión a internet, por eso no segastará una fortuna en tasas de roaming. Esta aplicación creo unavisita basada en su localización y en su tiempo disponible. Tieneen cuenta la parte de día en la que está, los horarios de visita delos lugares de interés y el punto de inicio y fin de la ruta queusted elija. Los actores le contaran los relatos que hay detrás dela historia de Barcelona y las peculiares historias que dan a laciudad personalidad y encanto. Como un viejo amigo que le guía porla ciudad.JiTT.travel no sólo le cuenta las historias de la ciudad a lolargo de la visita, sino que también tiene en cuenta el tiempo delque usted dispone. Tanto si está en un viaje de negocios y tienepoco tiempo para visitar los lugares históricos, como si hace unacorta visita a la ciudad y quiere aprovecharla al máximo.JiTT.travel creará una ruta adecuada a sus intereses ydisponibilidad. Si ya ha visto algunos de los lugares indicados,simplemente elimínelos dela ruta, o si quiere visitar algún sitioen particular, añádalo. ¡La aplicación recalculará la ruta y lemostrará los puntos de interés de Barcelona!Excelente material gratuito• Mapas sin conexión a internet• Lugares de interés señalizados en el mapa• Avisos en los monumentos y los lugares de interés deBarcelona.• Información práctica sobre puntos WiFi, oficinas de turismo ycajeros automáticos.• Un planificador de la ruta, que combina lo que quiere visitar conel tiempo del que dispone para verlo.Actualización al contenido PremiumEsta aplicación le permite descargar:• El audio completo para mejorar la experiencia de su vistaguiada.• Contenido escrito, que puede leer con tiempo y comodidad, incluyelos textos de las historias, contactos de los monumentos, horariose información sobre los transportes públicos.Guidebooks JiTT.travelsave you money, time and stress, transforming your mobile phone ortablet into a visit of high quality and tailor-made laboratoryaccurate and detailed walking all places of historical and culturalinterest. JiTT.travel was created to suit your time andavailability, providing an experience tailored and high quality.Stroll measure time with JiTT.travel!JiTT.travel works without an internet connection, so a fortunewill not be spent on roaming rates. This application created avisit based on their location and in their spare time. It takesinto account part of day that is, the opening hours of theattractions and the start and end of the route you choose. Theactors tell the stories behind the history of Barcelona andpeculiar stories that give the city character and charm. As an oldfriend who guides you through the city.JiTT.travel not only tells the stories of the city along thetour, but also takes into account the time you have. Whether youare on a business trip and have little time to visit historicalplaces, as if making a short visit to the city and want to takefull advantage. JiTT.travel create a suitable route to theirinterests and availability. If you have already seen some of theplaces listed, simply delete them dela route, or want to visit aparticular site, add it. The application recalculates the route andshow you the sights of Barcelona!Excellent free stuff• Maps without an internet connection• Places of interest marked on the map• Messages in the monuments and sights of Barcelona.• Practical information on access, tourist offices and ATMpoints.• A route planner that combines what you want to visit with thetime you have to see it.Upgrading to premium contentThis application lets you download:• Full audio to enhance the experience of your guided sight.• Content writing, you can read time and convenience, includes thetexts of the stories, contact monuments, schedules and informationon public transport.
Beijing City Guide 3.9.5 APK
JiTT.travel city guides save you money, timeand stress by transforming your smartphone or tablet into ahigh-quality, customizable audio tour of carefully curatedhistorical and cultural points of interest. JiTT.travel is createdto fit into the time convenient for you, giving a tailor-made,high-quality experience.Take a walk in time with JiTT.travel!JiTT.travel works offline, so it won’t cost you the earth inexpensive roaming rates. The app generates your tour based on yourlocation and the time you have available. It accounts for the timeof day, opening times, and whether you want to complete your tourat your starting point or elsewhere. Actors tell the stories behindBeijing's history, and the quirky tales that give the city itscharacter and charm. It’s as though an old friend is guiding youaround the city.JiTT.travel doesn’t just tell a city’s stories through time, buttakes into consideration your own available time. Whether you’re ona business trip with minimal free time to take in the historicalsights, or on a short city break and want to make the most of yourtrip, JiTT.travel will create a route to match your available time,and interests. If you’ve already seen one of the sights, simplydelete it from the route; or if you want to see a particularmonument, add it in. The app will recalculate your route and showyou the sights of Beijing!Great Free Content• Offline maps.• Points of Interest marked on the the map.• Teasers of Beijing's monuments and points of interest.• Handy information such as WiFi spots, tourist offices andATMs.• A route planner, which manages what you want to see in the timeyou have available to see it.Upgrade to Premium ContentIn-app purchases allow you to download:• Full audio for an enhanced tour-guide experience.• Written content, so you can read our guide in time and comfort,including the text of the audio stories, monument contact detailsand opening times, and public transport information.
Aveiro 1.5 APK
Com os guias da cidade JiTT.travel, poupa dinheiro, tempo e esforçopor transformar o seu smartphone ou tablet num guia de altaqualidade, com um roteiro personalizável de pontos históricos eculturais cuidadosamente selecionados. JiTT.travel está concebidopara se enquadrar no horário mais conveniente, proporcionando umaexperiência de alta qualidade à sua medida. Take a walk in timewith JiTT.travel! JiTT.travel funciona offline, por isso não vaipagar tarifas de roaming. A aplicação gera o roteiro com base nasua localização, no tempo que tem disponível, horários defuncionamento, permitindo voltar ao ponto inicial ou terminarnoutro lugar. Tem atores a contar as histórias por trás da históriade Aveiro, sem esquecer os diversos aspetos peculiares que dão àcidade o seu carácter e charme. É como se um velho amigo o guiassepela cidade. JiTT.travel não conta apenas histórias, mas leva emconsideração o seu tempo disponível. Se está numa viagem denegócios com pouco tempo livre para visitar os pontos turísticoshistóricos, ou se está simplesmente a dar um breve passeio pelacidade e quer aproveitar ao máximo sua viagem, JiTT.travel irácriar um percurso que combine com o seu tempo disponível e os seusinteresses. Se, por acaso, já visitou um dos pontos turísticos,pode simplesmente excluí-lo da rota, ou se quiser ver um monumentoparticular, pode adicioná-lo. A aplicação irá recalcular o seupercurso e mostrar-lhe os pontos turísticos de Aveiro!Funcionalidades disponíveis: • Mapas offline; • Pontos de Interesseassinalados no mapa; • Textos explicativos e contextualizadores demonumentos de Aveiro e pontos de interesse; • Planeador depercursos, que gere o que quer ver no tempo disponível; • Conteúdoescrito, incluindo o texto, detalhes sobre os pontos de interesse,contactos, horários e informações de transportes públicos. Não seesqueça: o uso continuado do GPS funcionando em background podediminuir drasticamente a carga da bateria.
Berlin Guide de la Ville FR 3.9.1 APK
Les guides JiTT.travel vous font économiser del’argent, vous font gagner du temps et vous libère du stress entransformant votre smartphone ou votre tablette en un guide audiode haute qualité et personnalisable qui vous donne des informationssoigneusement sélectionnées sur les lieux culturels et historiquesprésentant un intéret. JiTT.travel a pour but de s’adapter à votredisponibilité sur place, fournissant ainsi une expérériencepersonnalisée et de haute qualité.Baladez-vous en compagnie de votre JiTT.travel !Votre guide JiTT.travel fonctionne offline, vous évitant ainsiles coûts exorbitants de roaming. L’application crée votre parcoursen fonction de votre localisation et du temps dont vous vousdisposez. Elle prend en compte le moment de la journée, leshoraires d’ouverture et peut aussi vous proposer comme fin deparcours votre point de départ ou tout autre endroit dans la ville.Des acteurs vous racontent des anecdotes et des légendes originalessur Berlin, vous révélant ainsi le charme et le caractère de laville. C’est comme si un vieil ami vous guidait à travers laville.Le guide JiTT.travel ne vous raconte pas simplement l’histoirede la ville mais il prend en considération votre disponibilité. Quevous soyez en voyage professionnel avec une disponibilité pourfaire du tourisme limitée ou que vous soyez en weekend et que vousvouliez profiter au maximum de votre séjour, JiTT.travel créera unparcours adapté à votre emploi du temps et à vos centres d’intérêt.Si vous avez déjà vu ou visité certains endroits proposés, il voussuffit de les effacer du parcours; si vous voulez voir ou visiterun endroit en particulier, il vous suffit de l’ajouter.L’application remettra à jour le parcours pour que vous profitiezau maximum de votre séjour à Berlin.Contenu stimulant et gratuit• Cartes offline.• Lieux intéressants indiqués sur la carte.• Présentation des monuments et autres lieux intéressants deBerlin.• Informations utiles telles que les hotspots WiFi, les offices detourisme et les distributeurs de billets.• Un organisateur de parcours qui gère ce que vous voulez voir aumoment où vous êtes disponible pour le faire.Passez à la version PremiumAchats intégrés vous permettent de télécharger:• L’ensemble des fichiers audio pour une expérience accrue.• Le contenu écrit, ce qui permet de lire le guide lorsque vousdisposez plus de temps, vous aurez ainsi accès à la transcriptiondes anecdotes, aux coordonnées des monuments, aux heuresd’ouverture ainsi qu’aux informations sur les transportspublics.The JiTT.travel guidesmake you save money, you save time and frees you from stress bytransforming your smartphone or tablet into a high qualitycustomizable audio guide that gives you information about carefullyselected cultural venues and with a historical interest.JiTT.travel aims to fit your availability on site, providing apersonalized and high quality expererience.Stroll together with your JiTT.travel!JiTT.travel your guide works offline, saving you the exorbitantcosts of roaming. The application creates your route based on yourlocation and the time you have. It takes into account the time ofday, the opening hours and can also offer you as end of course yourpoint of departure or any other place in the city. Actors tell youstories and legends about the original Berlin, revealing the charmand character of the city. It's like an old friend guides youthrough the city.The JiTT.travel guide does not just tell you the story of thecity but it takes into account your availability. Whether you areon a business trip with availability limited to the tourism orwhether weekend and you want to make the most of your stay,JiTT.travel create a path suited to your schedule and yourinterests . If you have seen or visited some places available, yousimply delete the route; if you want to see or visit a particularsite, simply add it. The application will update the course to helpyou make the most of your stay in Berlin.stimulating and free content• offline maps.• interesting places marked on the map.• Presentation of monuments and other interesting places inBerlin.• Useful information such as WiFi hotspots, tourist offices andATMs.• A route planner that manages what you want to see when you areavailable to do so.Upgrade to Premium Versionapp purchases allow you to download:• All the audio files for added experience.• The written content, which can read the guide when you have moretime, you will have access to the transcripts of anecdotes, contactdetails of monuments, opening hours as well as information onpublic transport.
Milan City Guide 3.9.7 APK
JiTT.travel city guides save you money, timeand stress by transforming your smartphone or tablet into ahigh-quality, customizable tour of carefully curated historical andcultural points of interest. JiTT.travel is created to fit into thetime convenient for you, giving a tailor-made, high-qualityexperience.Take a walk in time with JiTT.travel!JiTT.travel works offline, so it won’t cost you the earth inexpensive roaming rates. The app generates your tour based on yourlocation and the time you have available. It accounts for the timeof day, opening times, and whether you want to complete your tourat your starting point or elsewhere. Actors tell the stories behindMilan’s history, and the quirky tales that give the city itscharacter and charm. It’s as though an old friend is guiding youaround the city.JiTT.travel doesn’t just tell a city’s stories through time, buttakes into consideration your own available time. Whether you’re ona business trip with minimal free time to take in the historicalsights, or on a short city break and want to make the most of yourtrip, JiTT.travel will create a route to match your available time,and interests. If you’ve already seen one of the sights, simplydelete it from the route; or if you want to see a particularmonument, add it in. The app will recalculate your route and showyou the sights of Milan!Great Free Content• Offline maps.• Points of Interest marked on the the map.• Teasers of Milan’s monuments and points of interest.• Handy information such as WiFi spots, tourist offices andATMs.• A route planner, which manages what you want to see in the timeyou have available to see it.Upgrade to Premium ContentIn-app purchases allow you to download:• Full audio for an enhanced tour-guide experience.• Written content, so you can read our guide in time and comfort,including the text stories, monument contact details and openingtimes, and public transport information.
Barcelona City Guide 3.9.5 APK
JiTT.travel city guides save you money, timeand stress by transforming your smartphone or tablet into ahigh-quality, customizable tour of carefully curated historical andcultural points of interest. JiTT.travel is created to fit into thetime convenient for you, giving a tailor-made, high-qualityexperience.Take a walk in time with JiTT.travel!JiTT.travel works offline, so it won’t cost you the earth inexpensive roaming rates. The app generates your tour based on yourlocation and the time you have available. It accounts for the timeof day, opening times, and whether you want to complete your tourat your starting point or elsewhere. Actors tell the stories behindBarcelona’s history, and the quirky tales that give the city itscharacter and charm. It’s as though an old friend is guiding youaround the city.JiTT.travel doesn’t just tell a city’s stories through time, buttakes into consideration your own available time. Whether you’re ona business trip with minimal free time to take in the historicalsights, or on a short city break and want to make the most of yourtrip, JiTT.travel will create a route to match your available time,and interests. If you’ve already seen one of the sights, simplydelete it from the route; or if you want to see a particularmonument, add it in. The app will recalculate your route and showyou the sights of Barcelona!Great Free Content• Offline maps.• Points of Interest marked on the the map.• Teasers of Barcelona’s monuments and points of interest.• Handy information such as WiFi spots, tourist offices andATMs.• A route planner, which manages what you want to see in the timeyou have available to see it.Upgrade to Premium ContentIn-app purchases allow you to download:• Full audio for an enhanced tour-guide experience.• Written content, so you can read our guide in time and comfort,including the text stories, monument contact details and openingtimes, and public transport information.
San Francisco Guía Turística 3.9.0 APK
Las guías turísticas JiTT.travel le ahorrandinero, tiempo y estrés, transformando su teléfono móvil o tabletaen una visita de gran calidad y hecha a medida, que recorre acuraday detalladamente todos los lugares de interés histórico y cultural.JiTT.travel se ha creado para adaptarse a su tiempo ydisponibilidad, ofreciéndole una experiencia hecha a medida y degran calidad.¡Dé un paseo a medida de su tiempo con JiTT.travel!JiTT.travel funciona sin conexión a internet, por eso no segastará una fortuna en tasas de roaming. Esta aplicación creo unavisita basada en su localización y en su tiempo disponible. Tieneen cuenta la parte de día en la que está, los horarios de visita delos lugares de interés y el punto de inicio y fin de la ruta queusted elija. Los actores le contaran los relatos que hay detrás dela historia de San Francisco y las peculiares historias que dan ala ciudad personalidad y encanto. Como un viejo amigo que le guíapor la ciudad.JiTT.travel no sólo le cuenta las historias de la ciudad a lolargo de la visita, sino que también tiene en cuenta el tiempo delque usted dispone. Tanto si está en un viaje de negocios y tienepoco tiempo para visitar los lugares históricos, como si hace unacorta visita a la ciudad y quiere aprovecharla al máximo.JiTT.travel creará una ruta adecuada a sus intereses ydisponibilidad. Si ya ha visto algunos de los lugares indicados,simplemente elimínelos dela ruta, o si quiere visitar algún sitioen particular, añádalo. ¡La aplicación recalculará la ruta y lemostrará los puntos de interés de San Francisco!Excelente material gratuito• Mapas sin conexión a internet• Lugares de interés señalizados en el mapa• Avisos en los monumentos y los lugares de interés de SanFrancisco.• Información práctica sobre puntos WiFi, oficinas de turismo ycajeros automáticos.• Un planificador de la ruta, que combina lo que quiere visitar conel tiempo del que dispone para verlo.Actualización al contenido PremiumEsta aplicación le permite descargar:• Contenido escrito, que puede leer con tiempo y comodidad, incluyelos textos de las historias, contactos de los monumentos, horariose información sobre los transportes públicos.Guidebooks JiTT.travelsave you money, time and stress, transforming your mobile phone ortablet into a visit of high quality and tailor-made laboratoryaccurate and detailed walking all places of historical and culturalinterest. JiTT.travel was created to suit your time andavailability, providing an experience tailored and high quality.Stroll measure time with JiTT.travel!JiTT.travel works without an internet connection, so a fortunewill not be spent on roaming rates. This application created avisit based on their location and in their spare time. It takesinto account part of day that is, the opening hours of theattractions and the start and end of the route you choose. Theactors tell the stories behind the history of San Francisco and thepeculiar stories that give the city character and charm. As an oldfriend who guides you through the city.JiTT.travel not only tells the stories of the city along thetour, but also takes into account the time you have. Whether youare on a business trip and have little time to visit historicalplaces, as if making a short visit to the city and want to takefull advantage. JiTT.travel create a suitable route to theirinterests and availability. If you have already seen some of theplaces listed, simply delete them dela route, or want to visit aparticular site, add it. The application recalculates the route andshow you the sights of San Francisco!Excellent free stuff• Maps without an internet connection• Places of interest marked on the map• Messages in the monuments and sights of San Francisco.• Practical information on access, tourist offices and ATMpoints.• A route planner that combines what you want to visit with thetime you have to see it.Upgrading to premium contentThis application lets you download:• Content writing, you can read time and convenience, includes thetexts of the stories, contact monuments, schedules and informationon public transport.
Guarda City Tour 1.5 APK
The Central Portugal Tourism board invites you to explore Guarda.JiTT.travel city guides save you money, time and stress bytransforming your smartphone and tablet into a high-quality,customizable audio tour of carefully curated historical andcultural points of interest. JiTT.travel is created to fit into thetime convenient for you, giving a tailor-made, high-qualityexperience. Take a walk in time with JiTT.travel! JiTT.travel worksoffline, so it won’t cost you the earth in expensive roaming rates.The app generates your tour based on your location and the time youhave available. It accounts for the time of day, opening times, andwhether you want to complete your tour at your starting point orelsewhere. Actors tell the stories behind Guarda's history, and thequirky tales that give the city its character and charm. It’s asthough an old friend is guiding you around the city. JiTT.traveldoesn’t just tell a city’s stories through time, but takes intoconsideration your own available time. Whether you’re on a businesstrip with minimal free time to take in the historical sights, or ona short city break and want to make the most of your trip,JiTT.travel will create a route to match your available time, andinterests. If you’ve already seen one of the sights, simply deleteit from the route; or if you want to see a particular monument, addit in. The app will recalculate your route and show you the sightsof Guarda! Great Content • Offline maps. • Points of Interestmarked on the the map. • Teasers of Guarda's monuments and pointsof interest. • Handy information such as WiFi spots, touristoffices and ATMs. • Full audio for an enhanced tour-guideexperience. • A route planner, which manages what you want to seein the time you have available to see it. • Written content, so youcan read our guide in time and comfort, including the text of theaudio stories, monument contact details and opening times, andpublic transport information. Continued use of GPS running in thebackground can dramatically decrease battery life.