Top 23 Games Similar to 小蝦米大武俠 - 只要有心,人人都是大俠《星爺配音》

Invincible Hero
As a martial arts game "Invincible Hero"inherited the essence of Chinese martial arts culture, forthemajority of players to create an authentic martial artsepic." Invincible Hero" does not require a stand-alone network canalsoplay games in the , set survival adventure,can meet thedifferentneeds of martial arts game, we must Play games.Innovative fighting a copy of play, refreshing;Multiple well-designed levels, challenging fun;When everything is getting back to basics. People always relyonthemselves!Game Features:True high-definition picture quality, Centro vocational skills,theultimate aesthetic visual impact; user-friendly interface ofthegame, the overall picture is crisp ; smooth and lifelikefightingoperation, cool gorgeous vocational skills, highly accuratepictureof the game, to bring you a new gaming experience!1, the game where you can experience a variety ofskillsbatter;2, various levels waiting for you to challenge;3, the production of sophisticated game screen, allowing youtoexperience the ultimate fun of the game;4, exciting fighting game, rich game content;5, background sound, so players feel immersive hundreds!"Invincible Hero " shock attack:Horizontal version of the fighting, immersiveMartial arts Cheats, ever-changingMartial arts hegemony Who Controls? Partners assist in thefight,the Battle of Heroes.Severe martial arts hand travel came back, beautiful landingmajorplatform!will play mobile games!* Unleash screen-clearing weapons to destroy waves of enemies* Complete daily challenges to unlock progressivelygreaterrewardsBeautiful new graphicsGorgeous new organic environmentsNew obstaclesUse your dexterity and skill to overcome deadly obstaclesanddestroy menacing enemys on the run! Build your experience tounlockawesome new characters, powerful weapons as you chase thehighscore on the leaderboard.
逍遙吟-2017年最浪武俠手遊 0.0.17
【遊戲介紹】涼風有信,秋月無邊,虧我思嬌的情緒好比度日如年,雖然我不是武林盟主,瀟灑倜儻,但是我有絕世的神功,加開掛的裝備!這位姑娘請不要走,何不與我花前月下、把酒言歡,殺殺人、跳跳舞、生幾個大胖小子,攜手白頭,逍遙闖江湖!【遊戲特色】1.宏大世界觀,豐富的情節設定與无尽地图模式龐大恢弘的江湖世界觀、超過千張美輪美奐的3D地圖場景,豐富的唯美戀愛劇情,讓你親臨其境的感受武俠世界的風流人生,邂逅美麗情緣!2.杜絕雷同單純手點,實時操控,順暢指劃動作,高自由全視角360度pk.還有不主動攻擊的和平模式、主動攻擊的江湖模式、無限殺伐三大戰鬥模式隨心轉換,還有和平保護,幫派保護雙重保險,玩法多多。3.在眾多武俠遊戲中首創技能心法隨時切換玩家可以透過武功心法的切換選擇來打造屬於自己的戰鬥定位,有近身廝殺閃電連擊的日月刀法、有高機動靈活走位的華山太虛劍、或是輸出暗器的唐門要訣。4.打造強勢社交系統,正妹帥男上傳照片,空間交友,為你心愛的男/女神送上鮮花吧!5.完備的武器系統:強化、打造、鑲嵌、洗練、傳承。助你獲取倚天屠龍,號令天下群雄!6.百種夥伴相隨,兄弟叫陣,多人pvp大亂鬥江湖群俠實時切磋——5v5MOBA模式決戰光明頂,即刻激情群戰,笑傲江湖!百種夥伴,輸出輔助,隨你挑選,戰鬥升級一觸即發,讓你體驗端遊式的團隊協作,叫上你的兄弟一起開黑吧!7.創建幫派,逐鹿江湖俠義幫派系統,幫派規模加持成就值,引天下豪傑齊聚義,榮辱與共,歃血為盟;參加江湖懸賞,押運鏢車,通緝無影大盜,樂趣無限。==官方資訊==《逍遙吟》粉絲團:《逍遙吟》客服信箱:[email protected]===關於手機許可權SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW使用的聲明===當手機遊戲用戶使用Facebook帳號登入遊戲時,遊戲內會出現Facebook懸浮視窗,該視窗的功能包括Facebook社交分享功能,這時會啟動SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW許可權
懶人西遊-一路玩到掛 1.1.3
FaceBook粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]懶人西遊是一款西遊題材手機遊戲,玩家可以創建自己的角色-人族、神族、妖族-探索奇幻多彩的地圖世界,挑戰boss怪物,PK挑戰競技場玩家,參加每日團戰,每周公會戰。所有的這一切活動無需要您像打MMORPG那樣熬夜打通關,做任務,妳只需要投入極少的時間便可以獲得極其豐富的任務獎勵,獲得不錯的世界排名。同時遊戲開通了全新聊天室,妳可以隨時隨地和其他玩家聊天,包含語音聊天。遊戲特色▼離線掛機系統▼離線掛機是本遊戲的最大特色。玩家在退出遊戲後,玩家角色仍然會自動打怪,並且能夠正常地獲得裝備和經驗。當玩家再次登錄遊戲後會獲得這段時間內的所有收益。對,你沒有看錯,就是如此神奇如此誘人!經典職業選擇和靈活技能搭配遊戲採用了最經典了人族、神族、妖族三職業和男女兩種性別搭配。你可以選擇威武無懼、具有較高力量的人族,也可以選擇瀟灑飄逸、操縱絢爛魔法的神族,也可以選擇身法靈活、身懷弓箭絕技的妖族。同時,每種職業都有特殊的技能,玩家可以自由搭配技能。自由的技能搭配使戰鬥多彩化,用你自己的智慧來擊潰你的敵人吧。▼獨特裝備熔煉系統▼遊戲中每個玩家在戰鬥勝利後會有一定幾率獲得裝備,玩家可以將不需要的裝備扔進熔爐進行熔煉,熔爐會熔鑄玩家投入的裝備,並且有很大幾率產生更高品質的裝備,甚至是神器!你還在猶豫什麼,象徵你尊貴身分的神器等你來熔鑄!▼激情無限的競技場▼在競技場中,玩家可以選擇和其他玩家進行PK,展現自己的實力。戰勝競技場排名比自己靠前的玩家後,可以獲得他的競技場排名,並且還能夠獲得一定的鑽石獎勵。系統還會定期發放競技場獎勵,排名靠前的玩家獎勵越豪華。排名前20位的玩家會進入排行榜受萬人敬仰!▼火力四射的團戰系統▼玩家戰鬥力提升到一定階段後,可以參加團戰。團戰每天舉行兩次,團戰採取分輪淘汰制,堅持輪數越高獎勵越高。▼特色傭兵系統▼玩家角色在15後可以領取傭兵。傭兵可以幫助玩家作戰(競技場除外),傭兵擁有自己的等級、職業、技能和裝備。在打怪升級、挑戰boss中,傭兵會和你並肩作戰,不離不棄。▼兄弟情深公會系統▼玩家12級可以加入公會,在公會中,會員可以一起挑戰公會boss,一起在公會頻道中交流經驗,一起在公會戰中守衛榮耀。
無盡戰記-王者歸來 1.7.3
Gamecaff LTD
「無盡戰記」是一款西方魔幻風格的第三代放置型RPG手機遊戲,遊戲最大程度還原了當年MMORPG端遊打怪掉寶的遊戲樂趣,並加入新奇玩法;專為上班族,學生族,懶人以及忙碌的人設計,且不用一直盯著手機屏幕,打怪練功升等升級都在您休息時間點進去過過任務就好,每次升等還會送鑽石和獎勵禮包。帶您回歸經典黑暗時代,重溫熟悉的畫面,挑戰神魔,放置掛機,離線也在不間斷戰鬥,打裝備獲得經驗!客服通道 或者寄信[email protected]【遊戲特色】*懷舊的風格,絢麗的特效,交織成為「無盡戰記」這一款具有獨特魅力的冒險魔幻RPG;*遊戲復刻了戰士,魔法師,弓箭手3大經典職業,保留了拍賣行、翅膀、裝備流光等經典元素;*同時還開闢了爭奪戰場,野外PK,金幣搶奪、守护矿洞等各種全新玩法;*傭兵轉職任你組合陣容; 裝備強化,傳承,吞噬,洗煉是您的裝備更具殺傷力;*添加好友、副本組隊、戰盟交互讓您不再感到是一個人在戰鬥;*八大特色功能:激戰BOSS讓您快速過關獲得大量經驗、利用翅膀飛升快速掛機升等、跨服PK搶奪讓您有機會搶奪千萬金幣、絕世神兵系統祝您英雄屬性更上一層樓、交易拍賣讓您不用的道具輕鬆換取鑽石、更有英雄助戰、華麗時裝、多人團戰等特色功能;*寶石時裝是您成為一名無盡英雄的必備裝備。*讓放置變得與眾不同!還等什麼,叫上戰友,一起再創奇跡!"Endless Wars" isaWestern fantasy style RPG type placed third generation ofmobilephone games, games to maximize the reduction of the year endtourMMORPG game Daguai lost treasure of fun and add new gamesareplayed; designed for office workers, students family, lazy andbusypeople design, and not staring at the phone screen, DaguaipracticeShengdeng upgrade all the points go to your rest timeworked ontasks like each Shengdeng will send diamonds andrewardspackage.Takes you return to the classic dark ages, relivingfamiliarpicture, mythical challenge, placing hook, off-line is alsoongoingfighting, play equipment to gain experience!Service Channel: send a [email protected][Game Features]* Nostalgic style, brilliant special effects, intertwinedinto"Endless Wars" This is a fantasy adventure RPG with auniquecharm;* Game engraved warrior, mage, archer three major classicalcareer,retained the auction house, wings, equipment streamer andotherclassic elements;* It also opened up the competition for the battlefield, fieldPK,snatch gold, the guardian of the mine and other new gamesareplayed;* Mercenary you transfer any combination of the lineup; equipmenttostrengthen, heritage, swallowed, the purification of yourequipmentmore lethal;* Add a friend, a copy of the team, Zhanmeng interactive so younolonger feel a person in combat;* Eight Features: BOSS battle lets you quickly cross the bordertoget a lot of experience, take advantage of soaring wings fasthangSheng Deng, cross-service PK snatch gives you the opportunitytosnatch ten million gold coins, I wish you a hero ingeniousmagicsystem property to the next level, trading props auction soyou donot easily exchange for diamonds, more heroic assist in thefight,gorgeous fashion, multiplayer team battles andotherfeatures;* Gemstone fashion is you become a hero of endlessessentialequipment.* Let placement made all the difference! So what, called onhiscomrades, along with another miracle!
天天掛機 - 2016獨特多人線上遊戲 4.2.0
天天掛機是壹款魔幻類手機遊戲(手遊),玩家可以創建自己的角色-法師,戰士,獵人-探索奇幻多彩的地圖世界,挑戰boss怪物,PK挑戰競技場玩家,參加每日團戰,每周公會戰。所有的這壹切活動無需要您像打MMORPG那樣熬夜打通關,做任務,妳只需要投入極少的時間便可以獲得極其豐富的任務獎勵,獲得不錯的世界排名。同時遊戲開通了全新聊天室,妳可以隨時隨地和其他玩家聊天,互加好友。超過壹萬★★★★★ 好評-首次公開在2015台北電玩展遊戲特色▼離線掛機系統▼離線掛機是本遊戲的最大特色。玩家在退出遊戲後,玩家角色仍然會自動打怪,並且能夠正常地獲得裝備和經驗。當玩家再次登錄遊戲後會獲得這段時間內的所有收益。對,你沒有看錯,就是如此神奇如此誘人!經典職業選擇和靈活技能搭配遊戲採用了最經典了戰士、法師、獵人三職業和男女兩種性別搭配。你可以選擇威武無懼、具有較高力量和耐力的戰士,也可以選擇瀟灑飄逸、操縱絢爛魔法的法師,也可以選擇身法靈活、身懷弓箭絕技的獵人。同時,每種職業都有特殊的技能,玩家可以自由搭配技能。自由的技能搭配使戰鬥多彩化,用你自己的智慧來擊潰你的敵人吧。▼獨特裝備熔煉系統▼遊戲中每個玩家在戰鬥勝利後會有一定幾率獲得裝備,玩家可以將不需要的裝備扔進熔爐進行熔煉,熔爐會熔鑄玩家投入的裝備,並且有很大幾率產生更高品質的裝備,甚至是神器!你還在猶豫什麼,象徵你尊貴身分的神器等你來熔鑄!▼激情無限的競技場▼在競技場中,玩家可以選擇和其他玩家進行PK,展現自己的實力。戰勝競技場排名比自己靠前的玩家後,可以獲得他的競技場排名,並且還能夠獲得一定的鑽石獎勵。系統還會定期發放競技場獎勵,排名靠前的玩家獎勵越豪華。排名前20位的玩家會進入排行榜受萬人敬仰!火力四射的團戰系統玩家戰鬥力提升到一定階段後,可以參加團戰。團戰每天舉行兩次,團戰採取分輪淘汰制,堅持輪數越高獎勵越高。▼特色傭兵系統▼玩家角色在15後可以領取傭兵。傭兵可以幫助玩家作戰(競技場除外),傭兵擁有自己的等級、職業、技能和裝備。在打怪升級、挑戰boss中,傭兵會和你並肩作戰,不離不棄。▼兄弟情深公會系統▼玩家12級可以加入公會,在公會中,會員可以一起挑戰公會boss,一起在公會頻道中交流經驗,一起在公會戰中守衛榮耀。FaceBook粉絲團:官網: day is one paragraph hook magic class mobile game(handtour), players can create their own characters - mage,warrior,hunter - explore the world of fantasy and colorfulmaps,challenging boss monsters, PK arena challenges playerstoparticipate in every Japanese team battles, guild war week. Onecutof all this activity is no need for you to play MMORPG that liketostay up late to get through customs, do the task, u just needtoinvest very little time they can get extremely rich quest, getagood world ranking. While the game opened a new chat room, ucanchat with other players anywhere, plus mutual friends.More than ten thousand ★★★★★ praise - for the first timepubliclyin 2015 Taipei Game ShowThe game features▼ ▼ off-hook systemOff-hook is the most significant feature of this game.Afterexiting the game player, the player character will stillbeautomatically Daguai, and can normally obtain equipmentandexperience. When players log in the game again will get allthebenefits of this time. Yes, you read right, that is so amazingsoattractive!Classic career options and flexible mix of skillsThe game uses the most classic warrior, mage, hunterthreeprofessional men and women with both genders. You can choosemightywithout fear, with high strength and endurance of thesoldiers, youcan choose chic and elegant, gorgeous manipulate magicmage, youcan also choose flexible agility, great hunter bows stunt.At thesame time, each job has special skills, players can freelymix ofskills. Freedom colorful mix of skills to make the fight, anduseyour own wisdom to defeat your enemies.Unique equipment smelting system ▼ ▼After the game each player will have a chance to gainvictoryin battle equipment, players can throw unwanted equipmentsmeltingfurnace, furnace equipment will be cast into the player,and thereis a great chance to produce higher quality equipment, andeven theartifact! What are you waiting for, you noble statussymbolartifact waiting for you to cast!▼ ▼ infinite passion ArenaIn the arena, players and other players can choose to PK,toshow their strength. After the victory over the arena thantheirfront rank of the player, you can get his arena rankings, andalsoto get some diamond award. The system also regular paymentarenarewards, more luxurious top-ranking player award. The top20players will enter the rankings admired by the people!Mission flown firepower warfare systemsPlayers combat elevated to a certain stage, you can participateinteam battles. Battle group meets twice a day, the group fightstotake sub-round knockout, the higher the reward, the higherthenumber of rounds persist.Features mercenary system ▼ ▼After the player character can receive 15mercenaries.Mercenaries can help players combat (except Arena),mercenarieshave their own rank, occupation, skills and equipment.Daguaiupgrade, challenging boss, a mercenary, and you will fightside byside, never betray.▼ brotherhood guild system ▼12 players can join the guild, the guild, the guildmemberscan challenge together boss, with the exchange of experiencein theguild, the guild honor guard along with the war.FaceBook fan group: https: // website: http: //
口袋仙侠传-Q版剑仙修炼抓宠物闯关放置游戏迷你RPG挂机离线 1.133.2
Nostalgic classics: Sword fairy-themed hanging mobile gameswilltake you back to the classics and find childhood memories.
神行吧三國_輕鬆掛機玩三國 1.1
Fire Game App
《神行吧!三國》,眾多三國名將由你操控,全天候掛機無壓力,不用擔心手機沒電,讓你當最輕鬆的三國主公~【花費時間最少,提升能力最大】就是一直打一直打,下線關機也停不下來的戰鬥,全天候的掛機系統,讓你脫手機的沒電的日子~【三國名將全數傾出,顛覆傳統的三國遊戲】還在玩死板板的三國遊戲嗎?Q版的三國人物,特殊的遊戲系統,讓你一玩就停不下來~【專屬配音,生動有趣】專屬的新手導引配音,讓你更快的融入遊戲情境中,記得千萬不要關掉音效喔~【稀有裝備輕鬆拿,不花錢也當大爺!】脫離打王搶裝備、花錢買裝備,讓你白裝變神裝,神裝還可以繼承屬性,通通都在《神行吧!兄弟》【搶錢、搶地、搶奴隸】除了佔地為王,還可以要求奴隸蒐集物資,離線的物資金錢都有拉~【多樣系統任你玩!】世界BOSS、比武場、試煉塔、軍團、還有各種系統趣味多多,快邀請好友一同稱霸三國!粉絲專頁:遊戲官網:客服信箱:[email protected]
RPG and Chill - EZ PZ 2.0 1.20.2
Discover the perpetual adventure that isRPG& Chill. Lead your heroes through waves of powerfulenemies,earning constant Loot, Gold, & EXP along the way.Embark on aglorious quest that comes with you wherever yougo.Bringing classic roleplaying game mechanics to the mobileplatform,RPG & Chill has created the definitive pocketgamingexperience. Select a character class, and watch an epicquestunfold before you. You’ll discover new areas, find rare items,andgain EXP every step of the way… even offline!The journey never stops with RPG & Chill, the game thatneversleeps.★★★FEATURES★★★★24/7 Progress★Never fall behind! Even while you’re busy, your character stillgetsEXP, gold, and loot!★Detailed Stats★Know your strengths by analyzing the live combat log andoptimizingyour setup accordingly.★Customize Everything!★Choose one of 3 classes, and make your hero your own withuniqueequipment, skill selections, and party members!★Mercenary System★Choose from over 25 unique mercenaries to accompany you intobattle.Different companions suit different gameplay styles.★Online Social Elements★Meet players from around the globe in the main chat channel.Formalliances and join guilds to reach the top together!★Explore The World★Defeat powerful bosses and earn fantastic loot as youprogressthrough each of the 60 stages on your quest to be thebest!Connect with us and always be up-to-date! Receive inside infoaboutpromotions, giveaways, events, the latest game updates, tips&more…▶VISIT US:▶LIKE US on Facebook:▶FOLLOW US:▶WATCH US:
掛機吧兄弟-三國英雄一鍵輔助Q版 1.4.0
掛機吧兄弟,輕鬆打造屬於自己的三國世界。挑戰boss怪物,PK挑戰競技場玩家,參加每日公會戰。所有的這一切活動無需要您像打MMORPG那樣熬夜打通關,做任務,只需要投入極少的時間便可以獲得極其豐富的任務獎勵,獲得不錯的世界排名。同時遊戲開通了全新聊天室,你可以隨時隨地和其他玩家聊天,互加好友。▼全天候離線掛機,成為史上最輕鬆的主公!▼徹底解放你的雙手,讓你輕輕鬆鬆玩,絕對不落人後!!打怪、升級、爆裝備永不停歇!遊戲適合所有玩家,無論你是忙裡偷閒,還是想打發時間。無論你在逛商城、查看傭兵、熔煉裝備還是關機睡覺,24小時都在幫你推副本。即使不上線,還是可以一直升級哦!▼一键开启辅助,上线即可获利!▼遊戲自帶遊戲助手,雙倍攻擊、召喚魔神、自動索敵、掛機戰鬥,主公一鍵就能開啟!自動幫打世界BOSS,挑戰BOSS無CD,雙倍攻擊buff,再也不用怕趕不上BOSS了。▼實力萌將助戰,扭轉乾坤!▼Q版三國武將文臣出場助戰,萌翻天。助戰技能必定幫助主公扭轉乾坤!爭霸天下,借力各路武將,推倒一眾三國BOSS,张角、吕布、李儒、董卓不再是你的威脅,群雄逐鹿誰能比我硬,統一天下不再是奢望。▼三國來了,玩法多多▼世界BOSS、公會副本、魔神挑戰、降妖伏魔、押送糧草,各種有趣玩法,根本停不下來!FaceBook粉絲團:客服郵箱:[email protected]
全民無雙 1.6.0
——遊戲介紹——2016重磅出擊!傾力打造最龐大的無雙世界!3D MMORPG手機遊戲《全民無雙》!——遊戲特色——【三大職業x四大副本】仙武—物理攻擊,血厚,太靈-超高傷害大範圍群攻,神羽-遠程攻擊。劇情副本-讓玩家融入到全民無雙的世界中,探索這個龐大的世界。還有日常副本、組隊副本、封妖谷副本等豐富內容。【九大系統x十大日常】煉器、成就、試煉、山海經等九大系統等你一一體驗。十大日常,輕鬆獲得大量經驗值、裝備、材料,助你快速升級。還會有多種限時活動,獎勵拿到手軟!【百變造型x華麗翅膀】換裝備等於換造型,越高級越酷炫。超霸氣翅膀,不僅自帶BUFF,還能升級換造型。真人動作捕捉技術,超華麗特效,超震撼!【3D古風x龐大地圖】全3D東方唯美古風,呈現最美麗的修真世界。以Unity 3D引擎精心打造,超清畫質,帶來視覺頂級享受。結合細微粒子特效,讓玩家身臨其境。【社交系統x PK系統】加入工會,或創建工會,呼朋引伴,和好友們打造全服第一工會。隨時隨地都能PK,單挑,群毆,多人同屏激戰,爽快戰鬥,釋放激情。好友系統、仇人系統,隨時知曉他們的動態。FACEBOOK粉絲頁官方網站客服郵箱:[email protected]本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十二歲級本遊戲部份角色穿著凸顯胸、臀之服飾;部份內容需另行支付費用,請避免沉迷遊戲。--gameintroduction--2016 heavy attack!Unparalleled effort to build the world's largest!3D MMORPG mobile game "National Warriors"!- Game Features -Four copies of three professional [x]Wu Xian - physical attack, blood thick, too Ling -ultra-large-scalegroup attack hurt, God Yu - long-rangeattack.Drama copies - allowing the player into the world ofuniversalunparalleled explore this vast world.There are daily copy of a copy of the team, the demon sealedcopyValley and other rich content.Nine systems [x] Ten dailyRefining, achievements, trials, and other nine systemsshanhaichingyou one experience.Ten daily, easy access to a lot of experience, equipment,andmaterials to help you quickly upgrade.There will be a variety of activities limited time, awards togetsoft!Variety shape [x] gorgeous wingsFor equipment equal to change shape, the more advanced themorecool.Super domineering wings, not only comes BUFF, but also changetheshape of the upgrade.Live motion capture technology, ultra-gorgeous specialeffects,stunning![3D antiquity x large map]Full 3D Oriental aesthetic antiquity, showing comprehension oftheworld's most beautiful.Unity 3D engine to carefully crafted, ultra-clear picturequality,bringing top-visual enjoyment.Combined with fine particle effects, allowing the playeranimmersive.[Social System x PK System]Join a trade union, or create a union, their friends, andfriendsare the first to create a full-service unions.Anytime, anywhere PK, singled, gang fights, people fighting thesamescreen, brisk fighting, the release of passion.Buddy system, the enemy system, always be aware oftheirdynamics.FACEBOOK fan Service Email:[email protected] software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach classified as: counseling twelve gradeThis game is part of the role dressed highlight the chest,hip'sclothing; part of the contents to be subject to pay the cost,avoidindulging in the game.
超神掛機---哈皮一夏! 1.1.4
「超神掛機」---哈皮一夏!天庭混亂,等你來戰!新增元神系統,分享紅包!戰力無限,人品無限!神裝戰魂、符石金幣海派不手軟!投帮戰,體驗跨服巔峰,邊聊邊戰!【飛升元神 全新改版戰力無限】全新元神系統加入,九大屬性穩步提升,攻擊防禦全方位突破。戰魂擁有數量上限增加至20,培養更多更優超強同伴!還有6轉12張全新地圖,更爽快推圖去吧!【一日百等 輕鬆也能熱血】全自動戰鬥系統,即使離線也能持續戰鬥,不放過逛街哈啦的每一秒!百級轉生,學習更多酷炫技能,迅猛戰力是你最牢固的城堡。天庭皇室戰爭紛擾不斷,刻不容緩,在這神魔之戰決戰霹靂英雄榜!【部落戰爭 幫派大戰在即】競技場上的單挑,豐富的副本挑戰,還可以與幫會麻吉的並肩戰鬥,共同努力打幫戰獲得幫派皇冠!戰鬥就讓他自動吧,我們在世界、幫派聊天,組織你的戰鬥社群,開啟部落戰爭!「超神掛機」社交系統就是這麼吸引!【實力對決 王者跨服巔峰】單服成王早已不能滿足你的野心,跨服大戰給你全服稱王的機會你,與全服的玩家捉對廝殺,混亂巔峰大戰,全民共斗其樂無窮!「超神掛機」可不是掛機那麼簡單。懶人靠智取,設計你的終極對戰技能,技能順序是成王關鍵。【輕鬆稱王 神裝戰魂加身】神將、妖姬、靈猴三大角色,都各有各自的神級專屬裝備,多達9個種族上古戰魂與玩家立下契約,投入戰鬥之中,收集升級你的皇室戰魂,為你的角色打造量身定制的專屬戰力!【好康神器 助陣熱情派送】神魔之戰,官方豪禮助陣!鑽石法寶,裝備神器,傾情派送;儲值豪禮,升級好康,符石金幣派到手軟,就怕你還不來拿!臉書官方粉絲頁:大大們的「靠北超神」:
飄流幻境M 1.1046.3
New World Adventure! How to give away pets, furniture andprops!Travel around the world and travel through ancientcivilizations,ancient and modern! Decorate your own home, carefullydesign yourown Dream House! Brand new Hong Kong Island! Find thetreasure ofthe pirate king Zhang Baozai!
江湖風雲錄--超自由武俠手遊 4.4.8
2016年超人氣暢銷武俠手遊《江湖風雲錄》,獲得百萬武俠迷的好評和青睞。高度開放引人入勝的劇情,超過120種武功秘笈,貫穿古今的神兵利器,相伴左右勇闖天涯的紅顏知己,讓這款武俠遊戲獨樹一幟,愛不釋手!刀光劍影闖江湖一身俠義淩雲天,下載江湖風雲錄,我們還您一個龐大的、真實的、充滿感情的武俠江湖夢!2016best-sellingultra-popular martial arts hand tour "Wild Tale," wasone millionWuxia Mi and popular acclaim. Highly open fascinatingstory, morethan 120 kinds of martial arts secrets throughoutancient andmodern magic weapon, accompanied by about Globe Trekkerconfidante,so this unique martial arts game, put it down! Kenshin achivalrousswords Lingyun days, rivers and lakes Tale download, wealso you ahuge, real, emotional martial arts arena dream!
Lieyan Arena anime Dragon MMO 4.67
The most hot one! The first leader!ThebestARPG mobile game!Brothers are: side by side in fighting, day by dayinexciting!Facebook: roles ---- Warrior, Mage and ClericSuper engine ---- for smoother combat rhythmPerfect action design ---- for better user experienceWe are responsible for providing various activitiesofPVPbattles,while what you have to do is light yourdream and release your passion.Start your new fantasy trip now or never!High-quality images and oriental magic theme.Martial-arts in the form of anime on the phone,original version for the global!MMOHeroes lay siege to enemies, fight till the end and walk thewayofsuccess through mobile phones in the game. Herethestrongestbecomes the king and be in charge of the world. Donotwait foranother chance to create your own legend, you can takeallin theLIEYAN ARENA world.So do not hesitate any more, pick up your phone to join intheLIEYANARENA world that 9377 create for you guys, and thenenjoyyourexciting time!-------Game Features-------1. Superior picture quality --- beyond retro.2. Instant voice chat system --- communicate in themostconvenientway.3. Wonderful design in fighting --- the same good feelingasusingdesktop.4. Gorgeous special effects --- just enjoy fighting.5. Thousands of users online --- stand and fight together.6. Automatically multiply fastly --- hang up any timewhenyouneed.Role-playing, Action, Martial-arts, Magic,Battle in the fortress, only in the latest official versionofLieyanSocial.Auto MF system & voice chat systemRomantic encounters with prince charming and goddessGet up and pick up your phone to enter the Lieyan Arenaworldandenjoy your time!--------contact us--------Email: [email protected] operation team of will do the best to serve you!First-ever Fusion with friends to be Top Hero!First-ever Blend with groups to create My World!1. Classic Role MMOHundreds of roles well-designed by top team.Classic & Cute Heroes waiting for you.2. Map Instance DragonHundreds of instances with various scenes;Layer tech enables switching anytime;Photo restored in precise details.3. Fierce fighting DragonAroused by combination of gorgeous skills & teamspeed!Instant fight with simulative scenes in phone system!Various states, desktop optimized & smooth screen!4. Lineup Title MMOSkill Strike Direction: Single, horizontal,vertical,cross,whole, etc.Title Info: Swordsman, sailor, snipe, tank, Death, MU,MT,DPS,assist, heal, control, etc.Fetter System: 360°Hundred –killed, Evil Cheetah, Heavy StormPerfect match for video and anime!5. Fusion Combo DragonCouple in lineup can fusion with full anger.Fellows in lineup release fire combo for the 1st intimatetouch.6. Guild SocialFriend chatting system enables you to share game news&tipswith your friends!7. Sharing DragonNew share function. You can share with friends on:Line, Kakao, Wechat, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsappWeibo, Wechat, Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, QQ,QQ-zone, Renren, Moment.8. Online ActivityParty for all players!PS: hot events! Pls read the detail in official website!Most popular anime roles!Take part in voting and get great rewards!More activitiesCome and join us!Share with friends:Line, Kakao, Wechat, Wechat Moment, Facebook,Weibo,Snapchat,Instagram, Whatsapp, Tencent Weibo, QQ, QQZone,Renren热血传奇The game contains revealing clothes, violence (fightbetweengameroles), dating and social contact; some contentneedspayment.Please consciously avoid indulging.-------------------------------------------Vivid plots and enriched tasksImages in Japanese style with rich blendent.Hot and sexy / cute and lovely rolesChat sys and social functionPlease avoid addiction and puppy love!
大掛江湖-武林至尊傳 1.0
RPG Room
什麼是江湖?人即是江湖!什麼是江湖?恩怨即是江湖!大掛江湖!萬人同服!行走武林!唯我獨尊!在江湖里,你可以和你的朋友共奏一曲“笑傲江湖”!也可以憑著自己的絕頂聰明,找尋傳說中的秘籍,練就絕世的武功!也可以打一把自己的劍,十步殺一人,千里不留行,成為傳說中的孤獨劍客!這就是江湖!《大掛江湖》是2016年最新最休閒的武俠放置類RPG手遊,自動打怪,自動練級,自動撿裝備!離綫收益,徹底解放你的雙手!這是史上最懶的武俠手游RPG,這意味著你再也不用熬夜刷副本,或者上班、上課偷偷玩手機,只需花費極少的時間進行換裝等操作,就可以快速提升實力!更有海量福利相贈哦!更有超強好康,等你來拿!這裡擁有超乎你想像的簡單玩法!快來挑戰各大門派!快來收集武功秘笈,根本停不下來的遊戲!離線掛機系統是本遊戲的最大特色。玩家在退出遊戲後,玩家角色仍然會自動打怪,並且能夠正常地獲得裝備和經驗。當玩家再次登錄遊戲後會獲得這段時間內的所有收益。對,你沒有看錯,就是如此神奇如此誘人!遊戲特色:- 創建你的專屬俠客少林!唐門!武當!三大門派六位各具職業特色的俠客,快來選擇並開始一段江湖傳奇!- 無盡的戰鬥戰鬥永遠不會停止,甚至在你睡覺的時候!- 全新的RPG體驗給你的大俠添加傳奇裝備,學習新的技能,稱霸武林!- PVP競技場挑戰競技場,團戰或者一對一,稱霸武林,指日可待!- 武林爭霸!同門情深!和志同道合的玩家加入門派聯合起來!互相幫助,達到頂峰!- 三大護法!三大職業護法,伴你左右,令你的江湖路不再寂寞在這裡,裝備自動撿,BOSS自動打,你需要的只是稱霸武林!
WitchSpring2 1.43
Story of Luna, the Moonlight Witch Story-basedsingle-playsimulation RPG
聖光騎士團-Combo策略類RPG 1.0.3
命運的車輪緩緩前行!愛與榮耀的騎士風雲!是希望還是滅亡!一切的決定權在你的手中!2016盛夏!最夯的策略對戰手游!聖光騎士團榮耀登場!女神降臨之夜 請牽起我的手迎接星辰聖光的洗禮!❤最Q彈的蘿莉大亂鬥——三等身娃娃high爆全場!由日韓專業遊戲畫師製作的Q萌角色形象,具有豐富的表情包和多達12個人偶關節!無論是攻擊動作還是召喚特效,都靈活無比!讓我們拒絕呆板,暢享遊戲!❤最熱血的聯盟大對決——每日BOSS挑戰 & 工會排位賽!豐富的公會生活,就算素不相識也能站在同一戰線~聯盟起身邊的小夥伴和新相識的兄弟,打敗公會BOSS和敵對公會!日常互動多多,不止能夠獲得豐厚獎勵,說不定還能贏得萌妹放心喲!❤最人品的跨服大富翁——連踩五個箱子!感覺今天宜去買彩券!有沒有想過帶著女友和兄弟們一起打遊戲?!女友嫌角色丑?我們有最Q萌的娃娃!女友覺得看不懂?我們可以掛機操作!更有大富翁模式拼人品!邀請你的女友進入房間,擲骰子!看看今晚誰洗碗!Facebook粉絲頁:
剑影奇缘 - PK到底 玄幻武侠 1.0.8
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艾澤英雄傳—部落衝突全民魔獸卡牌掛機手遊 10.0.0
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The Kumamoto
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