1.0 / Jul 21, 2022
(0/5) (400)


於1991 年Dos時代發行,由精訊資訊製作的武俠RPG遊戲《俠客英雄傳》,在發行25年後推出《俠客英雄傳25周年紀念版》,讓玩家回味玩武俠RPG遊戲的樂趣。

App Information 俠客英雄傳25周年紀念版

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  • Updated
    Jul 21, 2022
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  • Requires Android
    Android 7.0
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  • Category
    Role Playing
  • Developer
    4F.-9, No.4, Ln. 609, Sec. 5, Chongxin Rd., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Google Play Link


成語接龍-填填看 1.0 APK
Idiom Solitaire - Fill in the crosswords of idioms (slang) thatcontain more than 20,000 levels.
俠客英雄傳25周年紀念版 1.0 APK
於1991 年Dos時代發行,由精訊資訊製作的武俠RPG遊戲《俠客英雄傳》,在發行25年後推出《俠客英雄傳25周年紀念版》,讓玩家回味玩武俠RPG遊戲的樂趣。
金牌麻將(玩十張) 1.0 APK
金牌麻將(玩十張)【金牌麻將(玩十張)】是台灣常見的麻將玩法。因應手機小螢幕及網路時代來臨,特別將手牌張數由十六張改為十張,讓玩家可以快速胡牌,而胡牌台數也比照十六張與十三張保留特有的台型。讓胡牌更加刺激。遊戲中特別加入玩家錄音功能,開放讓玩家自由錄製【叫牌聲】,並自動上傳至雲端。當遊戲開始,同局的玩家便即聽到你所特錄的【叫牌聲】,使遊戲富臨場感更加有趣。若玩家不好意思錄製【叫牌聲】,也可以直接選用本遊戲特別為玩家準備的十四位角色,這裡的每位角色都有獨俱個性的配音表現。1.辣妹豔星 2.歌德蘿莉 2.OL 4.社交名媛 5.女高中生 6.楊貴妃 7.ShowGirl8.街頭少年 9.視覺系 10.蠻牛小丈夫 11.特務MIB 12.有錢背背 13.魔鬼阿諾 14.小牛哥"遊戲中另備有語音頻道,玩家可以直接開口聊天,超極有臨場感及趣味。本遊戲胡牌台型:1.底,五台,胡牌者可得的基本台。2.莊家,一台,做莊家者,無論胡牌或放槍都多算一台。3.連莊,一台,莊家胡牌或是流局,稱為連莊。4.拉莊,一台,莊家胡牌或流局即為連莊,連莊即有拉莊加算一台。5.聽牌,一台,只差一張即胡牌,是謂聽牌,宣示後即不可以換牌,直到胡牌或自摸。6.門前清,一台,胡牌時,沒有吃牌、碰牌、明槓。7.自摸,一台,胡牌的牌由自己摸進。8.不求(門清自摸),一台,完全沒吃牌也沒碰牌,且胡牌的牌由自己摸進。9.風牌(門風台),一台,拿自己所屬的風位的刻子。以開門為東風逆時針依序為東、南、西、北。10.風圈(風圈台),一台,拿到與圈風相同的風牌刻子。11.花牌,一台,與風牌計台方式相同,以開門為東風(梅、春)逆時針依序為東(梅、春)、南(蘭、夏)、西(竹、秋)、北(菊、冬)。符合自己的方位時花牌一張即一台。12.搶槓,一台,聽牌時,因別人加槓而加槓的那張牌,恰巧是可以胡的牌。13.三元牌,一台,中、發、白任一種刻子。14.獨聽,一台,邊張、中洞、單吊。15.半求,一台,手牌只剩一張牌單吊自摸,而其餘全吃或碰。16.槓上開花,一台,因摸到花牌、暗槓或加槓而補牌,補牌後恰巧胡牌。17.河底撈魚,一台,胡別人丟出的最後一張牌。18.海底撈月,一台,摸牌牆最後一張牌,而自摸者多計一台。因摸到花牌或加槓造成其結果為最後一張牌時,亦以海底撈月計之。19.平胡,二台,胡牌由五組順子及一個對子組成,胡他人牌非自摸。牌中無字、花牌、呈兩面聽狀態,均為不算。20.全求,二台,手牌只剩一張牌單吊胡牌,而其餘全吃或碰,且胡他人牌。21.花槓(梅蘭竹菊),二台,胡牌時門前有『梅蘭竹菊』。22.花槓(春夏秋冬),二台,胡牌時門前有『春夏秋冬』。23.三暗刻,二台,手牌裡,有三組刻子(包括暗槓)。24.三色同順,二台,同一個順搭,三色(筒 萬 條)。25.三色同刻,二台,同一個刻子,三色(筒 萬 條)。26.一條龍,二台,同色有1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9。27.三槓子,二台,胡牌時手中有三組槓子(明槓,暗槓皆可)。28.混全帶么,二台,胡牌時,完成的牌面不論是否有順子、刻子(碰牌)或槓子皆可,但每組順子、刻子或槓子都含有1或9或大牌,就可算是混全帶么。29.斷么九,二台,胡牌時,若完成的牌面上不可有碰牌(含大牌),全部須由2~8的牌組成的。30.雙龍抱,二台,胡牌時,牌組為門清並牌裡有兩副同花色同數字的順子牌。31.混老頭,二台,胡牌牌面完全是1, 9的刻子與雀眼與字牌。32.清老頭,二台,胡牌牌面完全是1, 9的刻子與雀眼。33.地聽,四台,在無人吃碰情況下,配牌後打出第一張牌即聽牌,且叫聽後不能換牌。門清、不求不能算,可以加計自摸。34.碰碰胡,四台,胡牌全部由刻子再加一個對子組成。35.小三元,四台,胡牌者中、發、白其中二組是刻子一組是對子。36.混一色,四台,胡牌者只有一種數牌,及字牌混合所組成。37.天聽,八台,配牌即聽牌,且叫聽後不能換牌。門清、不求不能算,可以加計自摸。38.大三元,八台,胡牌時,有中、發、白三組刻子。39.小四喜,八台,胡牌者完成東、南、西、北其中三組刻子,一組對子。40.清一色,八台,整副牌為同一花色所組成,由筒、條或萬所組成的牌。41.字一色,八台,全由字牌所組成之牌種,圈風、門風、三元牌台數皆可以複合計算。42.七搶一,八台,持七張花牌得搶入他人之一張花牌湊齊滿花而胡牌。43.八仙過海,八台,拿到全部八張花牌時,應完成補牌動作,才可喊胡,三家通賠一底八台。補進之牌,胡牌者,應另加計。44.天胡,十六台,莊家取完牌後,已經胡牌,稱為天胡。不得加計門自摸、門清、不求、天地聽。其餘另計。45.地胡,十六台,配牌後,第一巡內,無發生吃、碰、明槓之情況,閒家於此巡內第一次摸牌即自摸胡,不得加計自摸、門清、不求、天地聽。其餘另計。46.人胡,十六台,配牌後,第一巡內,無發生吃、碰、明槓之情況,胡他人牌,算清16台,不得加計門清、天地聽。其餘另計。Gold Mahjong(playten)[Gold Mahjong (play ten)] is common in Taiwan mahjong gamesareplayed.In response to the small screen phones and the advent oftheInternet era, in particular, the number of hand sheets madesixteento ten, so that players can quickly winning hand, but alsothenumber of points to win Taiwan cf. sixteen and thirteenspecifictable reserved type. Let the first player moreexciting.Game special player added recording function allows playerstofreely open sound recording [bid], and automatically uploadedtothe cloud. When the game starts, the player with the Bureauofregressing to hear your special sound recorded [bid], to makethegame more interesting rich presence.If a player embarrassed sound recording [bid] can also bedirectlyselected fourteen special role in this game for the playerstoprepare, where each character has unique personality allvoiceperformance.1. 2. babes porn socialite song De Luoli 2.OL 4. 5. 6.Yang7.ShowGirl female high school students8. visual kei street children 9. 10. 11. spy husband smallbullmoney back back MIB 12. 13. The Running Man 14. Little Gur"Another game with the voice channel, the player can directlyopenchat, presence and have super fun.The first player game platform type:1. bottom, five, first player who can get the basic units.2. The dealer, one to do the dealer, whether or firing aremorepoints to win a single operator.3. even the village, a banker first player or stream Bureau,calledeven the village.4. Pull Village, a dealer is the first player or even thevillagestream Bureau, even the village that is considered a pluspullvillage.5. draws, one Taiwan, namely're just a winning hand, is thatthedraw, can not be declared after the renewal of licenses, oruntilthe first player Zimo.6. before the door, one Taiwan, when the first player, not alicenseto eat, touch the cards, bright bars.7. Zimo, one Taiwan, winning hand of cards by themselvesdeepinto.8. do not ask (Zimo clear door), a full license without food didnottouch the cards, and the winning hand of cards by themselvesdeepinto.9. Winds (door air station), one Taiwan, to take the wind bitpungthey belong. Dongfeng counterclockwise to open the door inorder,is east, south, west and north.10. Wind Circle (wind circle station), one Taiwan, get the ringwiththe same wind wind pung cards.11. wreath, one Taiwan, and Taiwan Winds count the same way,inorder to open the door to the east (plum, spring)counterclockwisesequence for the East (plum, spring), south (blue,summer), West(bamboo, autumn) North (chrysanthemum, winter). Inline with theirposition when a card that is a flower.12. grab bars, one Taiwan, when the draw, because people plusplusbars and bars of that card, can happen to Hu cards.13. Dragons, one Taiwan, the hair, the white child anymoment.14. Solo, a Taiwan, while Zhang, in the hole, single hanging.15. Semi-seeking, one, only hand a card single hanging Zimo,whilethe rest all eat or touch.16. flowering bar, a flat, due to touch wreath, plus bars anddarkbars or outs, happened after the first player outs.17. river for fish, one Taiwan, Hu someone threw thelastcard.18. Haidilaoyue, one Taiwan, the last card drawn in the wall,andwere more Zimo count one. Because touch wreath or add barscausethe results when the last card drawn upHaidilaoyuetimepieces.19. Ping Hu, Taiwan, the group consists of five straight pointstowin and a pair composed of non-brand Zimo Hu others. No wordcards,flower cards, both sides were listening state are not.20. In our global, Taiwan, left hand hanging points to win asinglecard, while the rest are all to eat or touch, Hu andotherscards.21. Flowers bar (Merlin, bamboo and chrysanthemum), Taiwan, whenthefirst player in front of "Merlin, bamboo andchrysanthemum."22. Flowers bar (seasons), Taiwan, when the first player in frontof"seasons."23. The three dark moment, two sets of hands, there are threegroupsof pung (including dark bars).24. tricolor with cis, Taiwan, with a smooth ride,three-color(cylinder ten thousand).25. tricolor same moment, two sets, carved with a child,three-color(cylinder ten thousand).26. The one-stop, two sets of the same colorhave1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.27. The three thick stick, Taiwan, when the first player inthehands of three groups of taping (clear bars the dark barscanbe).28. What mix full band, two sets, when the first player tocompletethe hand faces, whether or not straight, pung (pong) ortaping canbe, but each straight, pung or taping contain 1 or 9 orbig , itcan be mixed with the whole band.29. Why break IX, Taiwan, when the first player, if done on acardcan not have touch the cards (including big), all cards shallbecomposed of 2 to 8.30. Ssangyong hold, Taiwan, when the first player, deck doorisclear and there are two cards of the same suit with thenumbersstraight draw.31. mixed old man, two sets, first player cards face completelypungwith birds eye with plate 1, 9.32. clear old man, two sets, first player cards face completelypungwith birds eye 1, 9.33. listening, four, under no circumstances touch the food,afterplaying cards with the first card that is a draw, and the callcannot hear for a license. Door, who does not seek can notbeconsidered, can be added to the count Zimo.34. Hu bumper, four, plus all the winning hand consists of apairpung.35. The small triple, four, who have a winning hand, hair, whiteinwhich two groups are pung is a group pair.36. mixed color, four, the number of points to win by onlyonebrand, and mixed plates composed.37. Listen day, eight, with a brand that is a draw, and the callcannot hear for a license. Door, who does not seek can notbeconsidered, can be added to the count Zimo.38. The Big Three, eight, when the winning hand, there is thehairand white groups pung.39. small Sixi, eight, first player to complete the east,south,west and north where three pung, a set of pairs.40. uniform, eight, the entire cards of the same suit composed,bythe brand tube, bar or ten thousand thereof.41. The word color, eight, all kinds of licensing by theplatescomposed of, circle the wind, the wind door, three cards arethenumber of units can be compounded.42. Grab a seven, eight, seven holding wreath was a rush intotheothers put together full flower wreath and winning hand.43. Eight Immortals, eight, time to get all eight wreath, theactionshould be completed outs, before shouting Hu, pay athree-passbottom eight. Up into the cards, winning hand, shouldadditionaldollars.44. HU-day, sixteen, after the dealer take complete card, hasawinning hand, Hu called days. Plus the door can not be Zimo,door,who does not seek, the world listen. The restseparately.45. to Hu, sixteen, after the distribution license, thefirstpatrol, without eating occurs, touch, the situation is clearthebar, in the first round in this free home Mopai namely Zimo Hucannot add dollars Zimo, door clearance , not for heaven and earthtolisten. The rest separately.46. ​​Hu, sixteen, after the distribution license, the firstpatrol,without eating occurs, touch, the situation is clear thebar, Hulicensing others, settled 16 units, plus the door can notbe clear,the world is listening. The rest separately.
美女金撲克 1.0 APK
【美女金撲】是精訊資訊,融合了傳統的五張撲克與拉霸,最新企劃的手機遊戲 。【撲克斯洛】撲克斯洛是使用撲克牌的拉霸,共有五乘三張牌,可押取九種線組合,若押中各線的組合,可以獲得豐厚的獎勵。若獎勵點數超過當回合押注金,玩家可以選擇【得分】取得分數,或【比倍】來進行更刺激的【比大小】遊戲。賠率表:1: J 以上的對 X22: 兩對 X33: 三條 X54: 順 X105: 同花 X256: 葫蘆 X507: 四枚 X1008: 同花順 X2509: 五枚 X50010: 同花大順 X1000【闖天關】闖天關是一種節奏快速的撲克牌玩法,瞬間就可定輸贏的方式,刺激的遊戲方式,長久以來都有死衷支持的玩家。基本玩法如下:一開始發給玩家五張打開的牌,玩家可任意選擇0~5張要留下來的牌卡,除了玩家選擇留下的牌卡,其他則拿出去換牌,換回來的牌卡與留下來的牌若組合出來的牌型,便可獲得相對押注的獎勵點數,每次獲得獎勵後,玩家可以選擇【得分】,【比倍】來或的獎勵點數。若兩者都不選,遊戲便會進入下一關,而獎勵點數加數,有五個加倍關卡,最多可以加32倍獎金。賠率表:1: J 以上的對 押注X22: 兩對 押注X33: 三條 押注X54: 順 押注X105: 同花 押注X256: 葫蘆 押注X507: 四枚 押注X1008: 同花順 押注X2509: 五枚 押注X50010: 同花大順 押注X1000【撲克麻將】類似於中國傳統遊戲麻將,是與電腦對戰的麻將遊戲,電腦與玩家手中各個握有四張牌,而桌面上有24張牌稱為山牌,玩家依序由山牌中摸回一張牌,並與手中的牌組合成五張牌,手中的牌若是能組合成兩對,順,同花,葫蘆,四枚,同花順,五枚,同花大順,便稱為自摸,若無法湊成上列組合,便需丟出一張牌至海底,而對方可以依照丟出的牌來決定是否【撿回】,或是選擇由山牌取回一張稱為【撿回】,再重複上述的玩法,直到任一家胡牌,或海底流局,若【撿回】的牌可以湊成胡牌組合時,玩家便可以胡牌,若是撿回的牌無法胡牌時,有必須打出一張牌至河底,讓對手決定是否撿回。胡牌台數的算法:天胡:10台地胡:10台自摸:10台兩對: 2台順:10台同花:25台葫蘆:50台四枚:100台同花順:250台五枚:500台同花大順:1000台河底撈月:10台海底撈月:10台【比大小】三種遊戲中,若有贏得點數,玩家在遊戲中或是遊戲結束時可以選擇【比倍】,由玩家來猜下一張牌【比七大】或【比七小】,若玩家猜中撲克牌的點數大小,遊戲點數便會加倍,反之則會喪失所有贏得的點數。※若撲克牌點數是七則算平手,可繼續比牌或是直接得分。【JP輪盤】玩家每贏1000倍的基本押注分數時便可累積一次玩【JP輪盤】的機會,獲得全額連線獎金的機會為千分之一,並有其他小金額的獎勵點數。※三種遊戲中的鬼牌,為萬用牌,可以充當52張撲克中的任何一張。[Beauty] is fine goldrushNews information, a blend of traditional five poker and slot,thelatest plan of mobile games.[Flutter Kesi Luo]Flutter Kesi Luo using poker slot, a total of five timesthreecards, you can take charge nine kinds of line combinations, ifthecombination of the line charge, Keyihuodegenerousincentives.If the bonus points when the bout bets than gold, players canchoose[score] score points, or [times] than to be more excitingthan thesize of the [game].Odds Table:1: J or more for X22: two pairs X33: Three X54: Shun X105: Flush X256: Gourd X507: four X1008: Flush X2509: five X50010: Royal Flush X1000[Blast]Blast is a fast-paced poker games are played, winning and losingcanbe given instant way, exciting gameplay, have long beendeadheartfelt support of the players. The basic gameplay is asfollows:In the beginning gives the player five open cards, playerscanchoose from 0 to 5 cards to stay card, in addition to theplayerschoose to stay in the license card, while others comeenchantcards, in return license card and stay out of thecombination ofcards if card type can be obtained relatively bettingbonus pointsrewarded after each player can choose [score], [than]to fold orbonus points. If neither option, the game will then go tothe nextlevel, and bonus points addend, five doubles points, youcan add upto 32 times the bonus.Odds Table:1: J above to bet X22: two pairs bet X33: Three bets X54: Shun bet X105: Flush bet X256: Gourd bet X507: four bets X1008: Flush bet X2509: five bet X50010: Royal Flush bet X1000[Poker] MahjongSimilar to the Chinese traditional mahjong game, Mahjong is agameagainst the computer, and the computer in the hands of eachplayerholds four cards, and there are 24 cards called the Mountcards onthe table, the player cards in sequence from the mountainback intouch a card , and combining it with their hand to fivecards inthe hands of cards if it can be combined into two pairs,along withflowers, gourds, four, straight flush, five, Royal flush,theycalled Zimo, If you can not scrape together a combination oftheabove, it is required to throw a card to the seafloor, whiletheother can follow to decide whether to throw cards [] toretrieve,or retrieve a card chosen by the mountain called [] toretrieve,repeat above play until any of a winning hand, or underseaflowBureau, [if] to retrieve the cards can make up a winninghandcombinations, players will be a winning hand, if the timetoretrieve the card can not be a winning hand, there is a needtoplay cards to the river, opponents decide whether toretrieve.Winning hand the number of units of the algorithm:Hu Days: 10To Hu: 10Zimo: 10Two pairs: 2Shun: 10Flush: 25Gourd: 50Four: 100Flush: 250Five: 500Royal Flush: 1000River fishing month: 10Haidilaoyue: 10[] Than the sizeThree game, and win points if you can select the player in thegameor the game is over [times], by the players to guess next cardthanseven [] or [] than seven small, if the player guessed pokerpointsize, game points will be doubled, otherwise it will loseallearned points.※ If the cards are seven points tie operator can continue toscoredirectly than the brand or.Roulette [JP]Players each win 1000 times the basic bet when a cumulativescorecan play roulette [JP] the opportunity to receive a fullbonusopportunity to connect one-thousandth, and there are othersmallamount of bonus points.※ three game in the wild card for the universal card, can actas52 poker any one.
Play Hill Climb APK
This is a sea track competitive racing game.
成語連連看 1 APK
Idiom-Lianliankan divides the four-character idiom into twovocabulary words. The player can simply eliminate the twovocabulary words into a correct idiom.
成語接龍-陞官榜 1.0 APK
This is an idiom solitaire game. Just connect the upper and lowervocabulary of the four-character idiom into a correct idiom toeliminate the word cards. When all the screen questions arecleared, you can pass the level.