Top 21 Games Similar to 斬!-一言不合就開戰

狂斬三國-單機版 1.0.2
★「狂斬三國」萬千寵愛的 Android 單機版!2014年8月隆重上架。★「狂斬三國」三國題材不稀奇,稀奇的是動作、策略、操作同時體驗。★「狂斬三國」ios Appstore排行總榜 Top 1 單機遊戲。★「狂斬三國」Google play商店 台灣動作榜 Top 3單機遊戲!你值得入手!★ 不定期玩家活動請關注FB粉絲圈facebook專頁:遊戲系統✔ 一點寒芒先到,隨後槍出如龍三國名將——趙子龍!✔ 古風猶存,沉穩、小萌、有意思的將領風格,✔ 獨創劃屏狂斬玩法,斬攻擊敵方軍馬將領頭顱,✔ 手握將領兵權、多種軍隊、兵種,可帶領,可攻城!✔ 華麗技能特效,至炫擊打、多種五虎上將獨有の技能爆發!-------------------------------遊戲特色★大將技能——順勢一擊,雷霆踐踏,絕殺沖陣,劃屏狂斬展現華麗真實奧義。★升級進化——強化稀有武器,進化兵種軍隊,讓你所向無敵,享受奪下每一座敵城的榮譽感。★領兵系統——金槍兵,強弓兵,巨盾兵,虎錘兵,法師陣,術士群,衝鋒陷陣,由你統領指揮!★單機特色——網遊般的眾多內容、大Bossの副本,在單機遊戲中,您可以全部體驗!-------------------------------遊戲關卡《黃巾之亂》、《虎牢關之役》、《赤壁之戰》、《荊州爭奪戰》、《南蠻入侵》等二十多關卡,千萬城池!「三國演義」中的經典劇情都將躍然紙上。白袍將軍趙雲(字子龍)七進七出長阪坡,至今談來依然盪氣迴腸……你最值得擁有的單機遊戲!-------------------------------youtube遊戲視頻:還不能打動您的下載?玩給你看!看完視頻你就明白!狂斬三國單機版,值得你入手珍藏!
光之三國霸王傳【全新猛將 全新關卡 國產無雙動作手遊】 1.0.4
★全球百萬玩家都在玩!你還在等什麼!★2015年度遊戲類金獎手遊!★榮獲用戶5★★★★★大好評!挑戰動作極致快感!★超猛武將免費領!超越三國無雙極限!三國題材無雙遊戲力作!激爽連擊無雙戰鬥+卡片養成雙核心要素,還有物法屬性、靈氣系統、戰意解放…等超豐富系統,讓你感受更具策略感的激爽連擊快感!這一切,都從加入義勇軍開始…亂世出英雄!加入霸王傳,一同無雙稱霸三國世界!榮獲金獎肯定 國產超動作手遊!★無雙霸王登場 一騎當先 萬夫莫敵★※武將可進行切換,派出具有戰略優勢的武將來攻略戰役。※不同的武將有不同技能,專屬的華麗招式,突顯武將的獨特性。※絕招施放,快斬敵軍,享受無雙快感!★物理法術 屬性任你搭★※武將分屬物理、法術兩大類,應對不同關卡,策略組隊來達到事半功倍之效。※玩家可依技能需求,收集不同武將組成專屬於你的夢幻隊伍。★戰意解放 爆氣大絕 橫掃千軍★※無雙能量全滿,將可施放多人必殺技,展現一擊必殺的爽快感。※戰意解放系統讓你時限內強化能力,橫掃千軍無人能敵!※大範圍攻擊、殺戮Combo無限段!★靈氣護體 超神武將★※卡牌升級再進化,靈氣加持打通關。※隊長技能配合靈氣系統,策略搭配無往不利!※靈氣每日免費替換一次,培養專屬武將能力。★百種武將 千種裝備 一同戰三國★※體驗三國著名戰役,解救人質、保家衛國,在敵軍戰火中與三國猛將協同作戰,一統天下!※200多個關卡、多種難度、風格迴異的場景、阻擋多樣不同兵種的侵擾。
Garena 傳說對決:龍來新春版本
Legendary duel is the most exciting 5v5 team battle MOBAmobilegame. As the king dominate the battlefield, lead the wholearmy toattack the enemy and become the winner of the team battle!Thefairest battle and the fastest installation, download now andenteryour legendary realm!
死神:斬之靈(官方正版授權手遊) 1.4.0
DeNA傾力研發製作,日本國民動漫《BLEACH死神》首款正版授權動作手機遊戲《死神:斬之靈》,握緊你手中的斬魄刀,創造屬於你自己的最強死神之路!==遊戲特色==☆ 原班聲優獻聲演繹 ☆無論是堅韌的黑崎一護、冷酷的日番谷冬獅郎,亦或是搞笑的布偶魂,配合原作聲優演繹,完美還原原作經典場景!☆ 獨創斬魄刀切換玩法 ☆每把斬魄刀都是一種嶄新的戰鬥體驗,面對強敵選擇不同戰鬥類型的斬魄刀將助你在戰鬥中佔得先機、克敵制勝!☆ 收集角色靈魂羈絆 ☆百位以上靈魂人物,完美展現原作角色的關係網,同時裝備具有羈絆關係的角色靈魂將使戰鬥體驗大幅提升!☆ 智慧戰鬥輕鬆遊玩 ☆你再也不會為了沒有時間而對動作手遊敬而遠之,智慧戰鬥、快捷一鍵掃蕩,盡可能解放你的雙手,將時間投入到最關鍵的戰鬥中去!==官方資訊==《死神:斬之靈》粉絲團:《死神:斬之靈》官網:《死神:斬之靈》客服信箱:[email protected]
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Play the 5v5 MOBA game on mobile with players worldwide.
Sengoku Defence 1.5.4
We ranked first place in thedailypre-reservation top chart!【 New-style defense game 】織田信長(Oda Nobunaga) vs 卑弥呼(Himiko)!武田信玄(Takeda Shingen) vs 源義経(Minamoto no Yoshitune)!Busho(a military commander) will fight with several generals!!The new defense game based on the history of Japan,which the media is paying attention is now released!▼▽▼This games features▼▽▼---Many patterns of your own unit---Think and use these three kinds of soldiers,Otono, Busho and Hei the best way!*大殿(Otono: a lord)*You'll able to operate the movement and make him attack.Also, it's able to collect the items,which the enemies drops by using Otono,in order to take some advantage in the game.*武将(Busho: a military commander)*Powerful military commander of the Sengoku(WarringStates)period,which really existed in the past.Same Busho can't exist at the same time in the field.But different Busho can, so use the best Busho at thebestpoint.*兵(Hei: soldier)*Regular soldiers.Using the good quality of them will make you win the war.---Stages along the chronological table---The stage will start from 弥生時代(Yayoi period) andgoes、平安時代(Heianperiod)、鎌倉時代(Kamakura period)、室町時代(Muromachi period) and so on.The bosses will be 卑弥呼(Himiko)、源義経(Minamoto no Yoshitune)、弁慶(Benkei)、足利尊氏(Ashikaga Takauji) and other existent person.---Defense game which has a sense of speed---This game goes speedy so you're now stress free from theboring time like the other defense games!▼▽▼Recommended to▼▽▼・Who likes Japanese Sengoku period.・Who loves playing defense games.・Who likes playing simulation games.・Who respects Ninja or Samurai or something like that.・Who wants to study about the history of Japan.▼▽▼Sengoku Defense is introduced through many medias▼▽▼Our Sengoku Defense is now attracting nationwide attention!!▼▽▼Update schedule▼▽▼We're making more stages so, don't miss it!■Shibusan AppsShibusan is the appli service provided by transcosmos inc.We will continue releasing more fun apps.
Heroes of the Dungeon 6.0.0
Recruit heroes to your roster andchallengerival guilds. Master your skills in the dungeon or facedefeat invarious combat modes. Solo campaigns, boss battles, PvP,and GvGcompetitions await you on your adventure.Prologue:Become Lance the Beserker, as he sets out on a journey in thewartorn world Nirvash. It all began during a great battle,betweenrighteous warriors and the dark magic deriving from adragon. Aftermuch bloodshed, conspiracy keeps four kingdomsseparated. It is nowup to Lance and your ability to recruit a teamof heroes. Defeatthe lingering darkness to bring justice andresolution to thekingdoms of Tytania, Nirvash, Dark Wood, andBehrend.★ 20+ heroes with unique skills★ 150+ solo campaign stages★ Challenging boss battles★ 5 multiplayer modes (PvP)★ Stunning visuals and fluid combat★ Dynamic dungeon generator★ Upgrade gear and heroes★ Unlock skins and accessoriesIn this 3D dungeon crawler ARPG, you will lead a multitude ofheroeson a great adventure. The Dynamic dungeon generator offersenjoyablereplayability and diversity. Download today andexperience animmersive hack n’ slash, beautiful Unity 5 enginegraphics, and afriendly community of gamers.Facebook: game is suitable for ages 12 and up.2.This game includes sexual themes, violence.3.This game is free-to-play and offers in-game purchases.
Real Steel 1.86.13
Robot Boxing - Champions aren't born. They're made.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 1.2.7d
Gameloft SE
Become the Amazing Spider-Man in this open-world 3D adventurefullofcrime-fighting, web-slinging, and non-stop action as youfacetheweb-slinger’s greatest challenge yet! New York is underthreatfrom acity-wide crime spree and only our hero Spider-Man canstopit!Standing in his way are Venom, the Green Goblin, Electroandothernefarious villains. Can Spider-Man restore order andsafetytoManhattan?! THE OFFICIAL GAME OF THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2MOVIE•Web-sling, wall-climb and web-shoot as the fastandquick-wittedSpider-Man! • An original story expands on thehighlyanticipatedMarvel film! • Go beyond the Sony movie and intothecomics withnew characters such as Black Cat and Screwball. •UnlockSpider-Mansuits such as Symbiote Spider-Man, Iron SpiderandUltimate ComicsSpider-Man! • Face off against famous villainssuchas Venom, theGreen Goblin, Electro, and Kraven the Hunter!•High-quality voiceacting and 3D cinematic action cutscenesbringthe movie experienceto life! CUTTING-EDGE GAME EXPERIENCE •Intensecombo-focused crimefighting! Defeat Spider-Man’s greatestenemies –from street thugsto super villains such as Electro andVenom – withcrazy acrobaticfighting styles! • Marvel at theamazinghigh-quality, fluidanimations as you swing freely throughtheopen-world city likenever before! • Take the fight to the skywithaction-packed aerialcombat! • Unleash devastating combosthroughenhanced icon controlsfor an intense action gameexperience!MASSIVE ENHANCEMENTS TO THEULTIMATE PLAYGROUND •Adventure in alarger 3D open-world Manhattanwith 6 detaileddistricts to explore,from the bustling TimesSquare to picturesqueCentral Park! •Console-like 3D graphicsoffer a bigger, better, andmore beautifulexperience. • Be thehero in a deep story that takesyou on anexciting adventure,showcasing 6 legendary villains and asuper setof side missions! •Amazing heroic social events, includingbattlingwaves of bossesand opponents inMysterio’sArena!_____________________________________________ Forfans ofactiongames, fighting games, comics, Marvel, andsuper-heromovies._____________________________________________Visit ourofficialsite at Follow us onTwitterat or like us onFacebookat to get more info aboutallourupcoming titles. Check out our videos and gametrailerson Discover ourblogat for the insidescooponeverythingGameloft._____________________________________________This appallows you topurchase virtual items within the app andmay containthird-partyadvertisements that may redirect you to athird-partysite. PrivacyPolicy : Termsof Use: End User LicenseAgreement:
World Robot Boxing 80.80.124
Play with 200 Million Players in Global Multiplayer Battles.
Real Steel Boxing Champions 57.57.126
Craft Mighty Robots & Unleash powerful Elements toReignSupremacy!
Royal Revolt 2: Tower Defense 9.3.0
Clash with hero waves from enemy kingdom castles in this RTSwarstrategy game!
Marvel Contest of Champions 41.3.1
Collect and assemble a team of Avengers heroes and villains towinepic battles!
盜夢英雄 2.3.0
《盜夢英雄》是一款以中西方大亂鬥題材、日韓唯美畫風的3D動作卡牌遊戲,遊戲首創盜夢穿越概念,以眾多歷史神話人物為主要題材,集結東方仙班、西方眾神、歷史名將三大世界英雄,跨越不同時空,超越領域極限!《盜夢英雄》將展現跨越時空的戰鬥,超越想像的英雄組合,讓你領略動作手機遊戲的頂級體驗!粉絲專頁:回報通道: [email protected]客服電話: 0982-499-596【遊戲介紹】全新的視覺饗宴與獨特的英雄設計,你將體會到華麗酷炫的場景動作及靈活自由操控的即時對戰方式!透過360度的無死角操作,將能夠自由發揮並盡情的體驗遊戲。百種大招激情釋放,創造你最強的戰隊走向夢的彼岸!!新一代3D動作卡牌《盜夢英雄》即將到來!一起激戰無限夢境吧!【遊戲特色】 穿越時空的對決x東西方英雄組合搭配!遊戲內英雄來自東西方諸位歷史神仙與名將,每位英雄皆有自已的傳說,在《盜夢英雄》中,他們將齊聚一堂,創造出截然不同的羈絆!全然不同的組合配對,超越時空的世紀大戰,將帶給你全新的遊戲感受與樂趣! 自由操控遊戲走位x施放技能由你決定!《盜夢英雄》的最大特色就是擁可以自行控制英雄走位及任意控制技能發動的時機。與眾多遊戲不同,《盜夢英雄》無論在自動戰鬥或手動戰鬥情況下,皆可自由操控英雄走位與任意更換攻擊目標,同時,在自動戰鬥狀態下,系統也不會自動釋放大絕技能,而是能手動控制大絕釋放時機,讓你掌控全局,成就自已的戰神之路! 經典組合完美呈現x 經典覺醒戰力爆發《盜夢英雄》讓卡牌不再是單純收集,透過各路英雄組合加成,將能帶給戰隊屬性提升的效果。透過遊戲中獨特的系統更能,讓玩家能夠隨意搭配非先發的卡牌英雄加入。此外,《盜夢英雄》中的所有的英雄都能夠進行覺醒,除了能大幅提升能力,還會擁有獨特的外觀,讓你的英雄霸氣十足!【系統建議】支援設備:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌、機型作業系統:Android 2.3及以上內存配置:建議1G以上存儲空間:推薦預留500MB剩餘空間依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔12級:12歲以上之人始得使用。本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲物品等付費服務。粉絲專頁:回報通道: [email protected]客服電話: 0982-499-596
N.O.V.A. 3: Freedom Edition 1.0.1d
The most immersive and impressive sci-fiFPSfranchise on smartphones is now completely free! Fightforhumankind's survival!Four months after Kal Wardin defeated the Volterites,PresidentFolsom is assassinated and the beleaguered coloniessurrender tothe Volterite Protectorate.Since then, Kal has been lying low, but a desperate pleafromYelena calls him back to save Earth and humankind…• An epic storyline: Humanity finally returns to Earthafteryears of exile! Fight in 10 immersive levels across thegalaxy,from a war-torn Earth to a frozen Volterite city.• Multiple weapons and powers: Run, shoot, drive vehicles, andpilota mech to defeat hordes of enemies.• Join 12-player battles in 7 multiplayer modes (Capture thePoint,Free-for-All, Capture the Flag, etc.) on 7 differentmaps.• For the first time, multiple allies can jump inside thesamevehicle and spread destruction on the battlefield._____________________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or likeuson Facebook at to get more infoaboutall our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailerson our blog at fortheinside scoop on everything Gameloft._____________________________________________This app allows you to purchase virtual items within the appandmay contain third-party advertisements that may redirect you toathird-party site.Privacy Policy : of Use : User License Agreement :
永恒战士2-无双战神 1.4.0
The battle for Northern Udar rages on! It's been 100 years sincetheFirst Demon War tore the land apart. Thanks to the EternityWarriorsthe demon threat was held at bay. However the demons havebeenconsolidating their power in a series of Demon Towers builtinlocations throughout Northern Udar. You've been taskedwithcleansing these Demon Towers and defeating an even deadlierdemonarmy than before... THE ULTIMATE DUNGEON CRAWLING ACTION GAMEHITSYOUR ANDROID PHONE AND TABLET! • STUNNING HIGH DEFINITIONvisualsand EPIC MELEE gameplay! • Fluid REAL-TIME COMBAT againstdozens ofNEW demon enemies! • ONLINE CO-OP MULTIPLAYER! Battle witha fellowwarrior in the ONLINE MULTIPLAYER MODE! • Use your SPECIALSKILLSto slice your way through MULTIPLE UNIQUE DUNGEONS! •COLLECTARMOR, WEAPONS and other LOOT! Upgrade your gear to becometheultimate Eternity Warrior in Udar! PLEASE NOTE: - This game isfreeto play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extraitems,which will charge your Google account. You can disablein-apppurchasing by adjusting your device settings. -This game isnotintended for children. - Please buy carefully. -Advertisingappears in this game. - This game may permit users tointeract withone another (e.g., chat rooms, player to player chat,messaging)depending on the availability of these features. Linkingto socialnetworking sites are not intended for persons in violationof theapplicable rules of such social networking sites. - Anetworkconnection is required to play. - For information about howGlucollects and uses your data, please read our privacy - If you have a problem with this game,pleaseuse the game’s “Help” feature. FOLLOW US at [email protected]/glumobile
2015年度最新動作手遊,巔峰巨製全面來襲!暗黑遮天,誰為戰神!與前往粉絲團專頁:♥逼真格鬥場景,猶如身歷其境♥♥酷炫技能連招,讓你停不下來♥♥自由格鬥切磋,展現操作技巧♥♥呆萌精靈魔寵,讓人愛不釋手♥♥跨服匹配格鬥,詮釋戰神風采♥♥華麗時尚服裝,讓你帥的掉渣♥♥跨服多人亂鬥,只為險中求勝♥你就是神之後裔—暗黑戰神!------------------------------------------------------------※經典特色※▼野外地圖開啟▼在這裡,你可以隨心所欲的殺人!殺戮就是一切!▼絕得大亂鬥▼絕地亂鬥,6人任意廝殺,最終勝者為王!▼跨服公會戰▼6V6高配合團戰,12人大混戰,手機的極限!來吧!為公會崛起而戰!※玩法推薦※【巔峰系統】當你站在金字塔的最高層接受萬人的膜拜,你是否想超越自己,獲得前所未有的成就?【怪物競技場】當一大波怪物來襲時,你需要做的是撿起錘子,將團友敲暈,這樣你就可以獨自擊殺怪物大軍,獲得最終的超級獎勵!【結婚系統】是緣分讓我們在暗黑之旅中相遇,今生我非你不嫁/娶,讓我們手拉手一起去看日出~【魔寵系統】古怪呆萌的魔寵,神奇的魔寵技能,讓你的戰神之旅不再孤單,讓你的戰力屬性不斷飆升!【自由格鬥】如果你想和TA一決高下,那麼發出挑戰吧!誰才是最強戰神,讓我們拭目以待!【跨服系統】跨服世界,是戰神對決的擂臺!你既可以隨機匹配其TA戰神一決高下,也可以與團友並肩戰鬥!超級豐厚的排名獎勵等你來拿!【團隊競技】食人魔史芬克斯,湮滅之門的領主西索,審判之塔的地獄三頭犬,終極惡神魔龍拉東已侵佔我們的暗黑大陸,你還在等什麼?崛起吧,和團友一起,為了和平而戰!四大職業,悉數登場,你,準備好迎接挑戰了嗎?更多精彩請前往:遊戲官網:粉絲團專頁面:粉絲專頁: year latest movehandtravel, peak masterwork comprehensive incoming! Diabloshrouded WhoMars!Fans with special page: https: //♥ realistic combat scenes, like immersive ♥♥ cool skills even move, so you can not stop ♥♥ free Fighting learn, to show operating skills ♥♥ stay Meng elf magic pet, addictive ♥♥ inter-service fighting match, the interpretation of God ofWarstyle ♥♥ gorgeous fashion, make you handsome dregs ♥♥ inter-service people melee, only to risk the win ♥       You are thedescendantsof God - Dark Ares!-------------------------------------------------- ----------※ ※ classic features▼ ▼ Open field mapHere, you may want to kill! Killing is everything!▼ never get Fuzion ▼Jedi melee, killing six people in any final winner takes all!▼ inter-service public battle ▼Limit high 6V6 battle with the group, 12 NPC melee, the phone!Comeon! Guild rise to fight!※ ※ play Recommended[] When you stand on the pinnacle of the system the highest levelofthe pyramid to accept people worship, whether you want to gobeyondhimself, unprecedented success?[Monster Arena] when a large wave struck the monster, you need todois pick up a hammer, will tour knocked dizzy, so you can killthemonster army alone, to get the final super bonus![System] marriage is the fate let us meet in a dark journey,thislife I am not you do not marry / married, let us hand inhandtogether to see the sunrise -[System] strange magic pet magic pet to stay Meng magic magicpetskills, to make your trip to Mars is no longer alone, letyourcombat force property soaring!Fighting [free] if you want and the TA a showdown, then issuedachallenge it! Who is the strongest god of war, let us waitandsee![System] inter-service inter-service world, God of War showdowninthe ring! You can either random match its TA Ares a showdown tobefighting side by side with the group! Ranked super richrewardswaiting for you to come and collect![Team sports] ogre Sphinx, Lord Cecil Oblivion's Gate, the TowerofHell trial three-headed dog, the ultimate evil mythicaldragonRadon has invaded our dark continent, what are you waitingfor?Rise of it, and the group together, fight for peace!Four professional, full debut, you ready for the challenge?More exciting, please go to:Games official website: http: // special page: https: // fan page: https: // ref = ts & fref=ts?
EvilBane: ReBoot 2.1.2 your enemies with the power of the Heavenstone!A new era of hack and slash RPG begins now withEvilBane.Bone-shattering action rendered in console-quality 3Dgraphicstakes place in a massive fantasy world with thousands ofloot to beunearthed. Experience the epic role-playing game on yourmobiledevice now!Twenty years after war devastated the land, a dark andpowerfulshadow has returned to the kingdom of Ceroth and challengesthemighty power of the Heavenstone. The land, which had prosperedforso long, now finds its peace threatened. It is time for thechosenRaven to rise and save the world before the shadow demolishesallhope.== Features ==• Gear – Evilbane’s stunning gear is crucial for dominatingthebattlefield. Customize your character with over 1,000differentweapons and armor.• Raid - Team up with your allies to defeat powerful bosses andreapthe glory and riches as your reward.• Dungeon - From thick forests to desert dunes, chillingglaciersand explosive volcanoes, and all the way to a flyingcitadel,endless exploration awaits with opportunities to acquireuniquegear.• Arena - Be prepared and equip yourself with gear worthy ofachampion as you challenge others to test your strength. Letthefighting begin!• Guild – Bond with your closest and strongest allies. You willneedto fight as one to battle against other guilds for honorandpride.Minimum system requirements : CPU Dualcore 1.2GHz, Ram 1GBTerms ofService:※ This game requires a large amount of storage space and mayneedaccess to your external storage. Therefore, we needauthorizationfor the following:* WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE* READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGEAuthorization is recommended for smoother gameplay. It willnotauthorize access beyond installing and reading thisgame.
Critical Strike Portable 3.589
"FPS fans, the moment you have been waitingforhas finally arrived..." -"The gameplay and graphics are absolutely incredible - itjustdoesn't feel like a mobile game." -"A 5/5 to award a great and altruistic work.""Critical Strike is Impossible to put down!! Solid gameplayandsmooth multiplayer experience" -***********************************HOW TO PLAY: let us know of any problems, feedbackorsuggestions!Contact us on Twitter and we will reply within 24 hours! Strike Portable homepage: fan page:***********************************Critical Strike Portable (CS Portable) delivers thenostalgicCounter-Strike style gaming experience on your Androidsmartphoneand tablet! Enjoy the smooth and customizable touchcontrols andplay the exciting cross-platform first person shooteragainst otherplayers on the web and on other mobile platforms.Critical Strike Portable’s awesome features include:- Cross-platform 3D Multiplayer FPS MMO game(Local/Online)between web, iOS and Android!- Single player mode: Player vs. Bots- Smooth and responsive customizable touch controls- All popular Game Types (Classic, zombie survival, TDM,Deathmatch,ect.)- Several guns- Host and customize server settings: Player HP, playerspeed,zombie difficulty, modes: matrix mode, night mode, spacemode,etc.)- Dozens of unique maps (and more added continuously)- Create and upload your own maps with Unity 3d- And most of all, dedicated and passionate development teamthatlistens to your feedback!PLEASE NOTE! Critical Strike Portable has no connection toValveCorporation. Critical Strike Portable tributes originalCounterStrike v1.6 but is an independent game developed from thescratchusing self-made code and resources.***********************************About Us:Critical Force Entertainment, previously known as StudioOnMars, isaFinnish game development studio founded in 2012. Our goal istocreate fun and smooth gaming experiences on variousplatforms.***********************************Some Android devices have encountered problemswhileinstalling/playing the game, we're looking into it. Insomeoccasions the game might freeze for a minute or so, when youload amap. If this happens, just wait a moment. Below the list ofdevicesreported to have some issues. Even if your device is listedhere,it is possible that the game still works in your device (itdoesfor most people).Samsung GT-S5830i (GT-S5830i)Samsung Galaxy S2 (GT-I9100) 5x (4.0.3, 4.01)Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 (GT-P7310)Samsung Galaxy 3 (GT-I5800)Samsung Galaxy Mini (GT-S5570) 3xSamsung Galaxy Gio (GT-S5660) 2xSamsung Galaxy 551Samsung GT-S5300Samsung GT-P6210 (GT-P6210)Samsung GT-I8150B (GT-I8150B)Samsung Replenish (SPH-M580)Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (GT-P7510)Samsung Galaxy Nexus (maguro)Samsung Galaxy Note (GT-N7000)Samsung GT-S5360 (GT-S5360)LGE Optimus One (thunderg)LGE Optimus 2X (p990)LGE Pecan (pecan)Sony Ericsson Xperia Play (R800i)Sony Ericsson R800at (R800at) 2xSony Ericsson R800x (R800x)Sony Ericsson LT18i (LT18i) 2xSony Ericsson WT19i (WT19i)HTC Explorer A310e (pico) 2xHTC HTC EVO 3D X515mHTC HTC One V (primou)HTC Thunderbolt (mecha)HTC Wildfire S (marvel)HTC Desire S (saga)ZTE RACERII (racer2)Huawei M865 (hwm865) 2xToshiba Corporation AT100 (tostab03)Toshiba Thrive Honeycomb 3.1Gun list includes:AK47M4AWPP90UMP45Desert Eaglemp5
CS16Client 1.35
CS16Client is a standalone game which uses Xash3D FWGS engine
Counter Terrorist Strike Force 18
GO GO GO💵 Shooter Strike it is an amazing and fast FPS multiplayer game.Youhave the most amazing maps; de_dust2, awp maps and death machmaps.The fun is guaranteed. 💵🎁 Download now, it is free ! 🎁One of the best First Person Shooter out there. Compete withpeoplearound the world and show them your skill.Live the crazy experience of a counter terrorist force, defeatandstrike the terrorist team and be the savior of the planet.You can buy an ak47, awp, pistol or knife and go findtheterrorists. Find them and show them who is the real deal.Counterand strike your worst enemies, but make sure they don't doitfirst.Features:- Amazing and top quality graphic.- The best FPS controllers that you will ever see.- No lag.- Multiplayer FPS Game- Buy guns and earn money when you strike the terrorists.- Play death match games.- Latest version 16 includes Ads Free Button to purchase gamewithnot ads and includes 2 additional new maps foryourenjoyment.You will have a blast, download now and enjoy.GO GO GO89983551d5