Top 48 Apps Similar to 5d-Flash Energy

Awair - Breathe Easy 1.3.5
Awair™ is a smart device that helps youtrackand improve your air and shows how the indoor environmentaffectsyour health.AWAIR SCOREAwair measures the indoor air quality by reading five data pointsinthe air: Temperature, Humidity, CO2, VOCs and Dust. It thenanalyzestheir aggregate levels to determine the air quality of aspecificspace and assign an Awair Score on a 0 to 100 color-codedscale. 0being poor air quality and 100 being awesome.SET YOUR PREFERENCESAwair is smart. It learns from your habits andlifestylepreferences. Simply tell Awair what matters to you most,such asallergies, sleep or productivity. It will track daily airqualitylevels in a given room and give you recommendations to helpchangeyour behavior, based on what’s important to you.MOTIVATION TRUMPS KNOWLEDGEWith action cards on the Awair App, you get insights and quickfixrecommendations that are easy to implement into your dailyroutine.This will help you create optimal conditions for your homeandoffice.DEVICE DIMENSIONSWidth: 6.30 inch (160mm)Height: 3.54 inch (90mm)Depth: 1.97 inch (50mm)SENSORSTemperature: -40 to +125°C (-40 to +257°F)Humidity: 0 to 95%CO2: 0 to 4000 ppmDust: 0 to 500 μg/m3VOCsCONNECTIVITY2.4GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n)POWER100-240v power supplyWHAT'S IN THE BOXOne Awair deviceAC power adapterQuick Start GuideREQUIREMENTSWi-Fi connectionSmartphone with support for BLE 4.0 running Android 4.3orlaterFree Awair accountWIRELESSWorking Wi-Fi connection: 802.11 b/g/n @ 2.4 GHzBluetooth 4.0CUSTOMER SUPPORTWebsite: support.getawair.comEmail: [email protected]
Biorhythm Calculator 2.4
A simple & complete Biorhythm Calculator with dynamiccharts& interpretations.
ACPP Core2 Posture Measurement 1.0.2
ACPP Core2 Posture Measurement is designed specificallyforpeoplewho pay attention to their own posture and for sportandfitnesslovers, it provides measuring tool that assistspostureanalysisfor professional personnels such as models,trainers,sportsmen,amateurs, and it also serves the purpose forstandardizedreferenceanalysis. Utilizing delicate design of ACPPCore2PostureMeasurement to analyze and record your correct posturewithease.ACPP Core2 main function: Gridline: Use the gridlinebutton onthetop right corner of the screen to quickly switchbetweengridlineswith different densities according to the needofanalyst.Calibration: Analyst can use the calibrating cursor intheredcircle on bottom left corner of the screen tocalibratetherelative angle between lens and subject in order togreatlyreducethe impact from differences of horizontal viewangle.Capture:integration of selected gridline and the taken photosaresavedautomatically in photo album of mobile phone, they canbesavedindividually for long term tracking and comparison analysis.
noSpy Biorhythm 1.00.68
personal biorhythm with partner comparison, for free
Live Aurora Network, Live HD Camera Streams FREE 1.0.23
Now free, Northern Lights! Live Aurora Network’s HD camerassendyoureal-time alerts when the majestic aurora is detected.WiththeAurora season now in full swing Set your alert level,Visibletothe eye, Aurora moving slowly, or Sky's Alive. Unlikeallotheralert apps in existence, which rely on NOAA‘spaceweather’forecasts that require experience to use, LiveAuroraNetwork sendsout real time alerts based on what is actuallyseen inthe sky, wesend alerts based on the visual detection ofaurora fromourNetwork of Cameras. currently Iceland/Norway withCanada andAlaskacoming soon! The only truly real-time video alertappavailableglobally - the unique algorithm not only detectstheauroraborealis, but visually grades it based on the strengthoftheaurora. Users can choose the level they wish to be notifiedatsothat they need only hit the road for displays theydeemsuitable.All other top selling Aurora notification appscurrentlyon themarket are based on the global Kp index which runsfrom 0-9and isbased on magnetometers around the world. This isproblematicforlocal aurora alerts, and not the most effectiveparameterforknowing when local auroral activity is highest. LiveAuroraNetworkpushes out alerts in real time, thanks to softwaredesignedtodetect the colours of the Aurora, while grading thedensityandpercentage of the sky that is showing the lights.Thisisespecially helpful to find breaks in the clouds! Also, inthisapp:- HD live stream from every location - Zoomable map ofIcelandandNorway with directions to our dark sky areas. -Localizedweatherforecast at each location. - Current Live KP rating-Customisablealert level Our unique Icelandic/ Norwegiancameralocations: -Overlooking Eyjafjallajökull, the volcano thatcausedchaos withair traffic in 2010. - Overlooking KirkjafellMountain inWestIceland - Underneath a beautiful mountain range inSouthWestIceland. - Overlooking Iceland's biggest freshwater lake.-Themagical Lofoten Islands Norway New cameras added soon! Ourappiscomplementary to Aurora citizen scienceinitiativeslikeAurorasaurus, a project created by NASA spacephysicist DrLizMacDonald, that makes scientific use of crowdsourcedauroradata.Such collaborations enhance research return from theLiveAuroraNetwork observations. Our science advisors includeDrMelanieWindridge, the bestselling author of Aurora: In SearchoftheNorthern Lights, and Dr Tamitha Skov, these expertsandotherscontributed to the development of the app.
Akashic Power 1.3.0
Have you ever wondered about where your personality comes from?Whatabout your fears and phobias? Is it possible that you havelivedbefore? What if you could tap into your past lives and accesshiddentalents, wisdom and knowledge? Interested? That is what thisapp isall about. Think about all the lifetimes you have lived, andaboutall the wisdom, knowledge and spiritual learning you mayhavegained. All of this information is stored within yourspiritualjar, known as the Akash. Your Akash is a gold mine of yourownhistory waiting to be opened. This door opens when you giveintent.Lee Carroll and KRYON will guide you in accessing your ownAkashicwisdom. This app contains: • channelled messages from Kryonto useevery morning and evening; • six specific Kryon channeledmessagesrelating to the following categories: health,relationships, jobs,business & money, finding peace, lifepurpose and dropping oldstuff; • the ability to journal and recordyour experiences; and •a detailed explanation on what you can do tobegin mining yourAkash.
Personal Biorhythms Calculator 1.5.2
Pavel Petrov
Application for calculation personal biorhythms forecasts fortheselected date.
Biorhythm Calculator 1.5.17 Release Version
Personal biorhythm calculator. Free and easy to use. Cleanandresponsive design
Sensorium - Synesthesia Medita 1
Guided Synesthesia Meditation for synesthetic mindfulness&sensory awareness
Yoga Journal+
Create and share your own custom pose sequence
Atmotech Inc.
Your personal air quality coach®
Earth Hero: Climate Change 1.2.06
Earth Hero
Act on climate. Protect our Earth. Track eco, emissions, andcarbonfootprint.
Measurements Notebook 3.2.2
*Paid versión of "Measurements Notebook" ad free, with moreblankspaces for your own measurements, and automatic backups everytimeyou use the app.* ¡New! Export your measurements in aspreadsheet.This "Measurements Notebook" has been created with theaim ofhelping in taking measurements for tailoring in those momentsyoudon't have a paper o pencil, or just don't remember allthemeasurements you neded to take. You'll always know where youhaveyour measurements stored and will able to take them at anytime. Inaddition, now you can easily measure anybody thanks to thepicturesand explanation of each measurement, just touching it'sname.Perfect for sewing beginners You can store all themeasurements youwant of your friends, family, clients, etc. An adda photo of them.You will also be able to send your measurements orsomeone else'sby email, or just store them on the cloud, to haveaccess fromcomputer, print them... whatever you want. This can beespeciallyuseful to help tailors or professional of pattern makingto contactwith their clients and be able to take and receive themeasurementsat distance. This app makes really easy for anyone totake it's ownmeasurements and send them. Includes a new feature tobackup yourmeasurements list which is stored in your downloadsfolder or inDropbox. You can also export your measurements in aspreadsheet tohave them everywhere. If you need to pass themeasurements fromfree version, just enter free version, make abackup, enter thepaid version, and click on "restore", and that'sall :) This app isbeing continuously developed and updated, and anysuggestions wouldbe apreciated. Specialy with languaje andtranslation errors orimprovements you think I might add. And ofcourse let me know anycomments, questions and every thing you need.(We are havingtroubles with our mail provider, to contact best,please [email protected]) Hope you find it useful.
huerray! Philips Hue and LIFX 5.4.1
Philipis Hue, LIFX: This is a remote app for the Philipis HueandtheLIFX light system. You need at least the Philips Hue Bridgeforusingthis app. You can connect also Living Colors, LivingWhitesandLiving Ambient lights to the Hue Bridge. Some ofthesefeaturesrequires a premium upgrade -This app makes it veryeasy tocreatenew scenes and show them in a dashboard gridview. -Foreachroomyou will get an own dashboard. You can swipebetweenthosedashboards. -You can control also the room brightnessfromeach ofthose dashboards -You can create animations frame byframe-You canuse a sunrise animation to trigger an alarm. Whichgivesyou thefeeling about a sunrise in your room -If you put yourphoneover aNFC Tag you can connect a scene and trigger it -Youcanactivateyour lights by entering your home wifi -If you want,youcan turnlights on and off by shaking your phone -The MusicFeaturewill useyour microphone to animate your lights to the music-With alock-and homescreen widget it is possible to control thelightswithoutstarting the app
Aurora Forecast 3D 8.5
Fred Sigernes
The app forecasts the location of the auroral oval up +3 daysintime.
Pilatesology 395
PILATES WORKOUTS! Get your Pilates body on a busy schedule.
Rephysio - Rehabilitation and 2.1.7
The App used to perform rehabilitation at home or indedicatedplaces.
Contractors License Exam Prep 3.2
This is a California Contractors LicenseExamPreparation App. This app makes obtaining a contractors licenseinCalifornia a very simple process. This app provides veryusefultools that simplify the licensing process.The app contains access to the following tools:Practice ExamsApplication VideosApplication Review SystemStudent's AccountThis app allows users to watch instructional videos forapplicationhelp. These videos will walk the user through theCaliforniacontractors license application process.The user is then able to take a picture of the completedapplicationand upload it into their account for ContractorsIntelligence Schoolstaff to review the application and givesuggested corrections.These corrections can also be viewed throughthe user'saccount.This app allows users to take Practice Exams. The appremembersusers, therefore it is not necessary for the user tore-login everysingle time. So, if the user has only few minutes tostudy, thisapp allows him or her to take practice exams withoutwastingtime.This app is exclusively available through ContractorsIntelligenceSchool and requires the user to either have an existingaccountwith the company or create a new account with thecompany.
Sungazer 1.2.0
Skiily LLC
Gaze Upon The Sun
VitaEnergy - The Body Meridians 1.0.7
«VitaEnergy» is a mobile app for conductingpulsediagnostics.Electrical and mechanical phenomena occurring intheheart,simulate the external signs of a pulse wave. With thehelpofmathematical methods, "Vita Energy" analyzes the languageoftherhythm of the heart. This allows us to evaluate the workofbothindividual organs and systems of the body, and the state ofmanasa whole. How does it work? Mobile app pulsediagnosis«VitaEnergy»real-time monitors changes in heart rhythm.This doesnot requireany expensive special sensors or devices,because theheart rateregistration performed using only the built-incamera ofyoursmartphone (there is synchronization mode with theheartratesensors). App with using the camera reads bloodcirculationinfinger, which gives necessary information on work ofheart.Afterpulse being detected, the registration of theinterpulseintervalsand recording of the cardiointervalogram areconducted.Theduration of each cardiac cycle differs from theprevious and appisestimated with an accuracy of one millisecond.Sequentialchangedurations cardiac cycles forms a complex rhythmthat isanalyzed byapp. After the end of the survey, app assessesthefunctional stateof the energy meridians of the main bodysystemsbased on theanalysis of heart rate variability (HRV) andtheteachings ofeastern medicine. App is compatible with Polar H7,MioLink andother heart rate sensors Bluetooth Low Energy, and alsoabuilt-inheart rate sensor samsung.
My Aurora Forecast Pro 6.2.6
My Aurora Forecast Pro is the app for the Northern Lights andAuroraBorealis.
Fitstream: Body Tracking & Fitness Community
Transform your body with Fitstream - track measurements,progresspics & notes
PostureScreen Mobile 2.4
Posture evaluations and analysis for clinicians andfitnessprofessionals.
Take charge of your training and become an asset to your team
Binaural Chakra Therapy 2 1.3.0
Scappy Apps
Designed to put you into a state of relaxation and balance outyourchakras.
Wattson Blue 2.9.07
Wattson Blue
Balanced stress & recovery for cyclists, runners &highperformance individuals
Electricity Maps 1.73.0
Live CO2 emissions of electricity consumption
InstElectric Pro - Electricity 4.72
Calculation of electrical installations (cables,protections,conduits, etc.)
Camera Heart Rate Variability 1.1.4
A.S.M.A. B.V.
Camera Heart Rate Variability is the first app that lets yourecord,plot and export time and frequency domain Heart RateVariabilityFeatures (as well as heart rate and RR intervals),without requiringany heart rate monitor. Camera HRV uses atechnique calledphotoplethysmography (PPG for short), whichconsists in detectingchanges in blood volume during a cardiaccycle, by illuminating theskin and measuring changes in lightabsorption. PPG has become quitea popular non-invasive method forextracting physiologicalmeasurements such as heart rate and oxygensaturation. However, mostapplications today focus simply on heartrate or respiration rate.Camera HRV can assess cardiac autonomicregulation throughquantification of sinus rhythm variability.Since HRV aims atquantifying autonomic regulations, it can be usedas marker ofsympathetic or parasympathetic predominance, andtherefore becomerelevant in many applications. In athletes forexample heavytraining is responsible for shifting the cardiacautonomic balancetoward a predominance of the sympathetic over theparasympatheticdrive, and HRV analysis attempts to quantify thisshift. Otherapplications span from stress monitoring, assessmentof pathologicalconditions and even emotional regulation duringfinancialdecision-making. Main Features: - extracts, plots, storesandexports heart rate, rr-intervals, time and frequency domainheartrate variability features (AVNN, SDNN, rMSSD, pNN50, LF, HF,LF/HF)- configurable time window for feature extraction (30seconds to 1minute) - automatic RR-interval correction - dataexport/storage onDropbox or via email (csv format, exports rrintervals, and computedfeatures). Find out more at thislink:
Space Weather App 2.15.13
Only a few taps away from real-time space weather.
My Moon Phase Pro 4.4.6
The moon phases app for tracking the lunar calendar, blue moonandfull moon.
Field Trip: Psychedelic guide 2.0.2
Expand your mind: guided journaling, meditation, music,andpsychedelic support
Liftopia: Ski Lift Tickets, Rentals, Resort Deals 1.2.66
Get discount lift tickets right from your phone!Liftopiaworksdirectly with hundreds of ski resorts to get youdiscountsforbooking before you go. Find new local ski resorts, andonesforyour next vacation. Save money, so you can spend moredaysskiingand snowboarding. Search for lift tickets, lessons,andrentals.Ski Resort Partners Local favorites and topdestinationsincludingMammoth Mountain, Squaw Valley, Mount Snow,CopperMountain,Arapahoe Basin, Big Sky Resort, Grand Targhee,HunterMountain,Alta, Snowbird, Mont Tremblant, Solitude, Attitash,DeerValley,Sun Peaks Resort, Whiteface, and many others. MainFeatures• Saveon lift tickets, snowboard and ski lessons, equipmentrental,andmore at over 200 ski resorts. • Book, manage, and redeemrightfromthe app. The Liftopia app makes it easy to get on theslopes.•Discover new ski resorts with detailed information such asskiandsnow reports, mountain information, and terrain parkdetails.Howcan we offer such awesome deals? Because ourcustomersbookdate-specific lift tickets, lessons and rentals inadvance,skiresorts give us access to exclusive prices. From hiddengemskiresorts like Mad River Glen in Vermont toworld-famousdestinationslike Aspen/Snowmass in Colorado, it's neverbeen easieror moreaffordable to hit the slopes.
limeade 1.24
Check-in on your company's well-being, engagement, orinclusionprogram.
Houzz Pro 21.1.3
Houzz Inc.
The all-in-one business solution built just for you. Jointhousandsof home building, remodeling, and design professionals whogrow andmanage their business on Houzz Pro. We are a businessmanagementsoftware that spans the full customer lifecycle,includingmarketing, CRM, estimation & proposals, onlineinvoicing andpayments, project management and client communicationandcollaboration. Houzz Pro provides the following key featuresandmore: - CRM - Client collaboration - Estimates - Paymentrequests -Change orders - Internal notes
FindAir – Asthma Diary 1.123
Find out what triggers your asthma attacks. Understand andpredictyour asthma
Northern Eye Aurora Forecast 3.3
wow much app
The easiest way to forecast Northern Lights!
Pilates Exercises - All Levels 5.0.3
Pilates exercises are a great way to build strength and mobilityathome.
U Pilates: Pelvic Floor Exercises & Workout Videos 3.29
Your thriving community for Pilates workout videos, livePilatesclasses, and Pelvic Floor exercises - U Pilates has all thisandmore! Get fit with the ultimate home workout, offering youPilatesanytime you want. Together, Pilates experts Siân Marshalland JudyTams have over 22 years of global Pilates teachingexperience. Theyare passionate about the power of the Pelvic Floor.It’s thefoundation to any Pilates practice. And now they want tosharetheir community, show you Pelvic Floor exercises andPilatesworkout videos (including Mat Pilates) that’ll make yourhomeworkout even better. Tone your core, get fit and strengthenyourPelvic Floor with a variety of Pelvic Floor exercises. Improveyourstretching and flexibility with Mat Pilates exercises that’llboostyour home workout. And tone up with U Pilates anytime,anywhere.BENEFITS FOR U: Tone your core and Pelvic Floor with easyto followPilates exercises Get fit with Pilates experts SiânMarshall andJudy Tams Only have 5 minutes? Increase your corestrength withPilates anytime you want Prepare for birth withPregnancy Pilatesand feel-good stretching techniques Tone all over- flatter tum,firmer bum! Better orgasms, Pain-free back, betterposture andincreased flexibility See Pilates exercises and workoutvideos forbeginners, Pregnancy Pilates and workouts for pros. THECORE APP ISFREE, AND ALL USERS GET TO ENJOY: 4 Pelvic Floorexercises createdby Siân Marshall and Judy Tams 101 bite-sizePilates workout videosMat Pilates, Pregnancy Pilates and stretching- get fit and toneyour core! U Community - join in, post your ownPilates videos andshare! 14-Day Pilates programme YOUR U PILATESPASS GIVES YOU:Premium Pilates workout videos 14+ Live Classes amonth with SiânMarshall and Judy Tams Pilates classes with guesttrainers PastClasses archive videos Tone your core, get stretchingand maximisethe benefits of your home workout with our Pilatesexercises. Plus,try pregnancy Pilates or Mat Pilates for free. JoinSiân Marshall,Judy Tams and the whole U Pilates community. Andharness the powerof U.
Uptivo helps Fitness Club Members to Track their Workoutsoutsidethe Club.
ithlete -Train.Recover.Perform 4.0
HRV Fit Ltd.
Know when to train, how hard to train, when to rest tooptimisefitness & health
FLApp: Future Lab Aachen App 2.2.3
FLApp: The new science guide. Experience Aachen in a whole new way!
PULSOID: Heart Rate Streaming 7.16
Pulsoid allows adding your heart rate on a live stream.
AirLief - Air Quality Monitor 2.6.6
Reliable air quality app with info for aqi and advices from doctors
Pollen Wise - What's in your a 3.1.1
Own Your Seasonal Allergies with the Pollen Wise App.
Omada Mind 1.6.3g
Omada Health
Omada Mind is an app designed to help you feel better and moreincontrol.
Aura Astrology Plus 1.10
Sinin Studio
Aura Astrology (the old name -"AuraZodiac")==============================================Theprogramincludes: * Translations in 43 languages *Astrologicalbasecoordinates 138 000 settlements of the world with apopulationof1,000 people, and even less (names of cities inseverallanguages)* The newest base astrological time for alltheamendmentssubmitted settlements since the early 20th centuryto2014 * Latestastrological ephemeris NASA declared with anerrorless than 1 ''(current pro version includes astrologicalephemerisfor 1870-2050gg. And will soon be expanded) *AstrologicalEphemeris majorplanets, the Lunar nodes, Chiron,Lilith, Proserpine* Systems ofhouses: Cosmogram, Placidus, Koch,Ravnodomnaya fromAsc,Ravnodomnaya from MC, Morinus Meridian * 20visualthemes==================================================Keyfeatures: *Natal chart (natal horoscope) *Astrologicalinterpretation (risingsign, planets in the signs,planets inhouses, houses in the signs,aspects of planets) * Aspectsofplanets and house cusps * Scalingmaps * Scaling font sizes*Transit map * Dynamics of Time *Dynamics of transit * Thedynamicsof progression (3 types) *Calculation solarium (withthepossibility to quickly build transitNatal) * Calculation ofLunar(with the possibility to quicklybuild transit Natal) *Allocationof long-term aspects * Isolationand / or disable thedivergentaspects * Database with the abilityto import and export(in theformat Astroprocessor Zet 9.0) *Astrological aspects table*Astrological table rulers *Astrological table speed of theplanets* Table of the elements,crosses hemispheres * Table ofhouses andsigns * Additionalastrological tables * Flexiblesettingsastrological chart andinterface (size, elements, etc.).*Screenshots (including a delayof 5 and 10 sec.) * Settingthedisplay and aspects of the planets/ cusps * Displays the phaseofthe moon and the astrologicalplanets speed radials * Displaysthedegrees of the planets andcusps (including minutes) totheastrological chart * The abilityto insert data into aformatAstroprocessor Zet clipboard * Andmuch more...==============================================Differencesbetweenversions: The main limitation of Free-versionareephemeris.Astrological database is limited to 1900-2020 to7planets.1990-2020 - without restrictions (15 planets).Otherdifferences aredescribed in detail intheprogram.============================================== Thankyoufor yourfeedback!
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PROS & CONS helps you make difficult life decisions easier.