Top 5 Apps Similar to Expiry Calculator

Expiry Reminder 1.0
A free apps that keep tracks of differenttypesof items that has an expiry date such as food, medicine,documentsand so on. Expiry Reminder also allows you to store someextrainformation such as image of the item, date of purchase,descriptionand etc.
Food'n Stuff 1.1.0
Food'n Stuff is a simple app that allows youtokeep a list of all the food you have at home.Check what you bought and keep an eye on the expiry date oftheproducts to avoid wasting it.Apart from foodstuffs, it is even possible to addproductswithout an expiry date: this way you will notice when youarerunning out of something!Food'n Stuff allows you to organize your shopping indifferent"shelves", so that you know what is in the fridge withoutthe needof opening it or what is in the cellar without the need ofdoingthe stairs!Finally, there is even a "shopping-list" function: writedownwhat you have to buy and, once you got it, move the products intheshelf you prefer.
Expiry Alert ! 1.1
Expiry Alert was created to remind youofyourrefrigerated food’s expiry date. This app relies on acalendaranda camera only. You will only need to take a picture oftheitemyou’ve just bought (like a pack of milk), and then slideitnext tothe date given on your food. You will then receiveanotificationthree days before the sell by date to remind youofeating it.A study by the FAO (UN Food and AgricultureOrganisation)showedthat food wastage represents as much as 7.3billion tons peryear.This represents a third of the totalproduction of food forhumanconsumption.At a global level, a quarter of the amount of foodproducedisthrown away and not eaten.In developed countries, food wastage is estimated between30and40% of food production.These figures are extremely shocking, when you realise thatatthesame time, 13% of the world population suffersfromundernourishment.This wastage represents $830 billion.Expiry Alert is a simple and convenient way to help yousavemoneyand fight off food wastage.
All in One Calculator 1.0.5
All in one Calculator is the bestcalculatorapp contains several useful calculators and converters.Try thispowerful calculation capabilities and intuitive &stylishdesigned app.The following are the applications listed in the app:1. Percentage Calculator:Percentage Calculator is simply the fastest way to calculate Whatis% of ? %. Is what percent of ? % and Percentage off calculation.Itis used for quickly determinate how much you will save and whatthefinal price will be after applying the store's discountwithDiscount Calculator.1.1 Simple percentage1.2 Percentage off.2. Interest Calculator:This Interest Calculators Application is simple, elegant anduseful.This free Interest Calculator app is able to calculate thecompoundInterest, simple interest, Annual percentage rate andRegulardeposit. Compound interest - You are able to calculate thecompoundinterest. Just enter the principal or sum, rate per annumand thetime period. Simple interest - You are able to calculatethe simpleinterest. Just enter the principal or sum, rate perAnnum and thetime period.2.1 Simple Interest2.2 Compound interest2.3 Annual percentage rate.2.4 Regular deposit.3. Loan calculator:Loan Calculator is useful for anyone who wishes to take up aloanfrom the bank or simply loan money to a friend. Apart fromtheusual monthly payment calculation, Loan Calculator also enablesyouto calculate any one of the following based on the inputs fromtheother 3: Number of years, Interest Rate, Loan Amount andLoanTerm.3.1 Loan payment calculator4. BMI Calculator:The body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, is a measure forhumanbody shape based on an individual's mass and height. BMI letsyouknow about your body fitness factors such as correct weight,correctheight, calorie requirements, diet routines, weight loss orweightgain progress etc….4.1 Metric BMI4.2 Standard BMI5. VAT Calculator:You can calculate vat value and vat price using our simplevatcalculator. Get the vat result by just entering original costandvat percentage.6. Body Fat:The Body Fat Calculator can be used to estimate your total bodyfatbased on your age and your BMI. How much fat are you carrying?Findout if you are in the healthy range with this fat calculator.ThisBody Fat Calculator provides: body fat percentage for women,bodyfat percentage for men body fat calculation.6.1 Women's Body Fat6.2 Men's Body Fat7. Fraction Calculator:This Fraction Calculator gives the best and easiest way to dealwitheveryday fraction problems. This is a free math calculatorlets youadd, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. You can usecommonfractions (like 1/2) and mixed fractions (like 2 4/5).Bestmathematical tool for school and college! If you are a student,itwill help you to learn arithmetic and calculations withfractionnumbers.8. Blood group finder:Parent’s blood group finder calculator finds the possible bloodtype(group) of the father when child's blood type and mother’sbloodtype are known. This calculator is solely based ontheoreticalprinciples and cannot be used as a confirmatory testfor paternityissues or any legal court evidence. You can calculatepossible childblood type just by entering father and mother bloodgroups.8.1 Child Blood Type8.2 Parent Blood Type9. Unit Converter:Unit Converter is a simple and user friendly converterapplicationthat helps you convert all commonly used units. Itprovides a fast,reliable and comfortable tool to convert valuesinto differentcategories such as Length and Temperature.9.1 Length converter9.2 Temperature converter
Sketchpad Calculator 0.0.3
Work with numbers vertically like youwouldwith pencil and paper.I caught myself doing math on scratch paper, then using an apptocalculate the answer. It struck me, "What am I using pencilandpaper for when I have a pocket super computer?"Something was lacking in the standard calculator interface, orIwould not have needed pencil and paper. Sketchpad Calculator isanattempt to fix this problem. It is similar to most calculators,butarranges the problems vertically and displays a constantlyvisiblehistory.The killer feature is the ability to touch any number onthescreen to insert it into the current calculation. Withtraditionalcalculators, I was frequently re-entering numbers that Ihad justentered or calculated. Typing the same numbers over andover is notonly a waste of time, but an unnecessary source oferrors.There is no "Clear", "Clear All", or "CE" (whatever thatis)button needed to remove previous operations. WithSketchpadCalculator, what you see is what will be calculated. Thereis nomystery math. But what if you need to erase a calculation?Youdon't. Just move on and enter the next one.There are no memory buttons needed either. All the memoryyourequire and more is on the screen as part of thescrollingcalculation history.The $ button is something new, but they way it works issimple.If any term in a calculation contains a dollar sign, thenitsresult will be rounded to the nearest penny.Speaking of rounding, if any term in a calculationusesscientific notation, then the result will be rounded to theproperprecision: the number of significant figures in the leastpreciseterm.The % button can be used to add a percent sign to the leftorright of any non-currency number as a shortcut for "dividedby100." (÷ 100)