Lokisis Apps

Expiry Alert ! 1.1
Expiry Alert was created to remind you ofyourrefrigerated food’s expiry date. This app relies on a calendaranda camera only. You will only need to take a picture of theitemyou’ve just bought (like a pack of milk), and then slide itnext tothe date given on your food. You will then receive anotificationthree days before the sell by date to remind you ofeating it.A study by the FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organisation)showedthat food wastage represents as much as 7.3 billion tons peryear.This represents a third of the total production of food forhumanconsumption.At a global level, a quarter of the amount of food producedisthrown away and not eaten.In developed countries, food wastage is estimated between 30and40% of food production.These figures are extremely shocking, when you realise thatatthe same time, 13% of the world population suffersfromundernourishment. This wastage represents $830 billion.Expiry Alert is a simple and convenient way to help yousavemoney and fight off food wastage.