Top 8 Apps Similar to Enterprise LEADER: Sample

Leadership 3.03
Pilotage industriel
★ Use an "Adaptive management" to improve your leadership :becomeaneffective leader. ★ This application allows you to:-Discovertechniques for an effective proximate leadership.-Consolidateyour assets in animation. - Develop yourmanagerialpower. ★ Deployyour leadership through several steps: -prepare agood start withyour team - drive effectively your team -determineyour ownleadership - obtain the best of your team -motivate yourteam ★Learn how to manage difficult situations throughconcretecases,for example: - manage the complaint of an employee, -respondto agrouch. ★ Easily evaluate your leadership with a quiz.★Noparticular knowledge is required to use thisapplication:-Beginners will appreciate: road map to self deployyourleadership,topics that may be read independently, explanationswithlot ofdrawings, calculators for main Lean indicators,sendquestions toauthors; - Experts will appreciate: materials touse onworkplace,concrete examples. ★ Improve this app: if you wantmoreinformationabout a topic or if you want information about anewtopic, contactus: [email protected]. ★ Keywords:adaptive leader,supervisor, foreperson, team leader, cellcoach,management,leadership, lean manufacturing, lean management.
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO 1.04
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO-------------------- no permissions- no advertising- support the developer-------------------Have you just founded a company and want to equip your PointofSale or a mobile booth with a cash register that is nottoocumbersome in purchase and installation? This applicationworksperfectly both in restaurants and smaller shops and itgetspredominantly good feedback by the users. What is the reasonforthis? Just have a look at some simple functions of theapplicationand its advantages:Use of a device and equipment that you are familiar withThe Point of Sale application is being installed on yourtabletcomputer which is why you do not have to get used to anew,unfamiliar device. The further advantage: having aprinterconnected via Bluetooth, you can easily print out statisticsorbills. Thus, you are ready to start immediately without anynewinstallations or cable tangle.Top quality statistics for planning your assortmentofgoodsMany traditional cash registers only offer the function ofenteringa price and the category of the product. Our POS-Point ofSaleApplication offers the possibility to define and name thesingleproducts (respectively food and drinks): consequently, youreceivea survey of the ongoing sales when just clicking on thebutton„statistics“- thereupon you can discover bestsellers and youcanreorder and plan your assortment of goods better thanever!Additionally, you discover the most popular products at aglance!Both for a fixed and mobile sales booth the right intentionforsale and necessary storage can save you a lot ofmoney:insufficient storage as well as a too much storage can costyou alot.Clearly arranged allocation of 300 buttons possible
Havinginstalled the Point of Sale App, you can arrange up to 300buttonsand thus can make cashing even easier in case you do notwant tomake use of bar codes. Especially in the gastronomy, orderscaneasily and intuitively be entered, which leaves more time fortheguest and the service.A well-tried allocation –as shown in our product’s illustration-isthe one using colours: choose different colours for softdrinks,food, alcoholic drinks and hot drinks. Thus, the entering oftheorder must only be clicked, and you still have a clearlyarrangedsystem even when providing a great assortment.Using the screen size and clear arrangement of yourtablet
ThePoint of Sale App uses the full screen size of the tabletso thatthe usability is getting much more clearly arranged andoffers manypossibilities of combination. Just think of the menu ora pricelist which is available at each work station. Besides, itispossible to switch between this app and further applicationsonyour tablet. You can access product information orillustrationsanytime.Have a look at the Point of Sale App and test some of thefunctions.You will be enthusiastic on recognizing how a normaltablet can turninto a fully-fledged cash register. 
Please notice that this application is in process of developmentandis an offer free of charge. It practically offers all functionsof acash register. However, we cannot guarantee a legallycompliantaccount at the moment since this would require a fullpermission oftax authorities. The cash register application is atool whichoffers a survey and helps accounting- it cannot replacethe fulllegal documentation though. Please mind your taxcomputation andadhere to deadlines on your own responsibility. Theprogrammer of„cash register for free“assumes no liability.
Не тратьте время на то, что не приноситдоход.Контейнер был создан, чтобы вы могли вести бизнес в любоймомент ив любом месте. Скачайте приложение бесплатно, и вы получитебогатуюфункциональность 1С в удобном и интуитивно-понятном дизайне.Дажеесли вы никогда раньше не сталкивались с 1C в своей работе, вамнесоставит труда найти общий язык с нашим приложением. Вампомогутсистемы обучения и подсказок. А самое главное - как бы нибыл великваш бизнес, с Boss он поместится в кармане!Скачайте бесплатно, и прямо с вашего устройства вы сможете:- Покупать и продавать товары и услуги в розницу и оптом, в долгиза наличку- Вести склад и формировать прайс-лист- Получать и тратить деньги в любых валютах- Вести взаиморасчеты с клиентами, поставщиками ипрочимиконтрагентами- Проводить инвентаризацию и переоценку товаров- Сканировать штрих-коды камерой телефона- Вести учет сразу в нескольких валютах- Считать прибыль и рентабельность- Скоро - синхронизация с другими программами 1ССовершайте сделки, выставляйте счета, проводитеинвентаризацию,составляйте отчеты, и все это одной рукой. Ведьвторая вам будетнужна для того, чтобы считать деньги! Вы начинаетеэкономить сразупосле нажатия на кнопку “установить”. В ваших рукахокажетсяудобный инструмент, способный заменить дорогостоящее ПОитехнику.Контейнер разработан на платформе 1C Предприятие (1С Enterprise)инаделен всеми плюсами этой платформы:☆ Мультивалютная оплата дает возможность вести расчетыодновременнов нескольких валютах☆ Вы можете добавить штрих-код и фото каждого товара, облегчивсебеучет склада (камера сканирует штрих-код)☆ Универсальность приложения позволяет ему идеально подходитьииндивидуальным предпринимателям ( ИП ), и СПД☆ Интеграция с 1C дает возможность выставлять и отправлять счетаинакладные прямо из приложения☆ В пару кликов вы можете сформировать отчеты по продажам, отчетыподолгам, отчеты по остаткам, отчеты по прибыли и другиеотчеты☆ Приложение позволяет разделять затраты и расходы по статьям☆ Инвентаризация склада доступна в реальном времени☆ К вашим услугам встроенная система управления отношениямисклиентами - crm (црм, срм)☆ Вы можете рассчитать рентабельность по товарам удобным длявасспособом☆ Доступны два варианта доступа - Кассир (продавец) иСобственник.Собственник определяет доступ к функциям приложения иинформациидля Кассира (продавца).Что же вас ждет после установки?На стартовом экране располагаются ключевые показатели:продажи,остатки товаров, деньги, долги, дебеторка, расходы. Выможетедобавить любой нужный вам показатель.В верхней части меню приложения находятся быстрые действия:Продать,Оплатить, Принять оплату и Курсы валютДалее идут журналы движений:- Продажи: расходные накладные и возвраты- Деньги: Приход денег (ПКО - приходный кассовый ордер),Расходденег (РКО - расходный кассовый ордер), перемещение иобменвалют- Закупки и Склад: перемещение, оприходование,списание,инвентаризация, ввод остатковСправочники: Товары и услуги (она же Номенклатура),Клиенты(Покупатели), Поставщики, Сотрудники, Валюты, Кассы,Склады.Далее следуют отчеты. Отчеты представлены в виденастраиваемыхтаблиц и графиков. Доступны различные фильтры иотборы. Вариантыотчетов:- Продажи. Отчет показывает продажи в разрезе покупателей,товаров,складов и документов. Он может учитывать рентабельностьинаценку.- Товары. Отчет по остаткам. В нем вы увидетесебестоимость,количество и сумму в любом типе цен.- Деньги. Доступны 4 вида: Остатки, Обороты, Динамика иДенежныйпоток (cashflow).- Долги. Дуступны для анализа: дебиторка, кредиторка,динамика,обороты.- Доходы и расходы доступны в разрезе статей. Можно добавлятьновыестатьи расходов.- Прайс-лист. Важно, что цены можно менять прямо в прайс-листе.Наего основании будет сделана Переоценка- Ну и конечно - Финансовый результатРабота над Контейнером продолжается каждый день. Вашисоветыпомогают нам сделать Boss еще лучше.Do not waste your timeonsomething that does not bring revenue. The container was createdtoenable you to conduct business anytime, anywhere. Download theappfor free and you will get the rich functionality 1C in aconvenientand intuitive design. Even if you've never encountered 1Cin yourwork, you will not be difficult to find a common languagewith ourapplication. Will help you learning the system and prompts.Andmost importantly - no matter how big your business with Bossitfits in your pocket!Download for free and directly from your device, you can:- Buy and sell goods and services in retail and wholesale, indebtand for Cash- Maintain the warehouse and create a price list- To receive and spend the money in any currency- To conduct settlements with customers, suppliers andothercounterparties- Conduct an inventory and revaluation of goods- Scan barcodes camera phone- Keep records in multiple currencies- Read and profit margins- Coming Soon - Sync with other programs 1CMake transactions, billed to conduct an inventory, generatereports,and all with one hand. After the second, you will need tocount themoney! You start saving immediately after clicking on the"install"button. In your hands will be a handy tool that canreplaceexpensive software and equipment.The container is designed on the platform of 1C: Enterprise(1CEnterprise) and is endowed with all the benefits ofthisplatform:☆ Multi-currency payment makes it possible to performcalculationssimultaneously in multiple currencies☆ You can add bar code and picture of each product, simplifyyourstorage account (camera scans the bar code)☆ application versatility allows it to be ideal andindividualentrepreneurs (SP) and the SPD☆ Integration with 1C allows you to display and send billsandinvoices directly from the application☆ In a few clicks you can create sales reports, reports on debtsonbalances reports, reports on profits and other reports☆ The app allows you to share the costs and expenses of items☆ warehouse inventory is available in real time☆ There is a built-in relationship management with clients -crm(CLD, cpm)☆ You can calculate profitability by goods convenient for you☆ There are two ways to access - Cashier (seller) and the owner.Theowner determines access to features and application informationforthe cashier (the seller).What you will find after installation?key indicators are located on the start screen: sale, remnantsofgoods, money, debt, debetorka costs. You can add anydesiredrate.At the top of the application menu are fast action: Sell, Pay,takepayment and Exchange RatesNext come the movements of magazines:- Sales: Account overhead and refunds- Money: Parish of money (FFP - cash order), cash flow (CSC -theaccount cash warrant), and currency exchange movement- Purchasing and Warehouse: move, posting, write-offs,inventory,balances inputReferences: Products and services (it Nomenclature),customers(buyers), Suppliers, Employees, Currency, Cashier,Warehouse.This is followed by the reports. Reports presented as customtablesand graphs. Various filters and selections.ReportingOptions:- Sales. The report shows sales in the context ofcustomers,products, warehouses and documents. It may take intoaccount theprofitability and margin.- Goods. Report on balances. In it you will see the cost ofthenumber and amount of any type of price.- Money. There are 4 types: Remains, turnover, cash flowanddynamics (cashflow).- Debts. Dustupny analysis: accounts receivable,kreditorki,dynamics, speed.- Income and expenses are available in the context of articles.Youcan add new items of expenditure.- Price list. It is important that prices can be changed directlyinthe price list. At its base will be made Revaluation- Well, of course - Financial resultWork on Container continues every day. Your advice helps us maketheBoss even better.
PANTHEON RA is part of the PANTHEONRetailfamily and covers cash operations on mobile Androiddevices.Since sales are not always bound to a specific location, itisimportant that the merchant has the possibility of usingcashoperations on the field. With PANTHEON RA, you can do businessonAndroid tablets or smartphones with an Internet connection andaconnected portable printer. In addition to issuinginvoices,PANTHEON RA offers warehousing and stock management,businessoverview and many other features such as:• Combining products and services into sales packages• Quick selection with pictures of products and services• Quick search by description or bar code• Entering and printing an order, transforming the order intoaninvoice• Multiple orders and invoices open at the same time• Automatic upgrade to new versions of the program• Printing invoices via USB, Bluetooth or Ethernet(TCP/IP)connection• Arranging products according to your activity• Selling combined products and managing their stock ascombinedpackages or separately• Setting units of measurement adapted for quick calculationofprices• Managing multiple areas (if the premises include aninteriorspace, a terrace, etc.)• Multiple users on one cash-register• Review of received invoices• Review of cash-registers per day• Records of daily turnover (per day and time, per shift,perdeposit, per cash, total daily turnover)• Records of issued invoices (date, invoice number, Partner – iftheinvoice is issued to a legal person, invoice amount andpossibilityof reprinting)• Review of invoices in HTML format• Printing a simple invoice and a detailed invoice• Creating an archive in the cloud, on a USB key or viae-mail• Synchronisation of master data and items from the back-end• Simple reports and sales analysis• Easier data transfer to accounting
Pepperi Sales Rep App 16.50.3 (513)
Pepperi Ltd.
**This app is only available to Pepperi customers. NotaPeppericustomer? Contact us for a demo at an enterprise-grade sales repapp, a mobile CRM tool forsalesreps and their managers designed topresent catalogs, takeorders,prepare sales reports, manage andtrack sales ordering,performin-store merchandising, routeaccounting, DSD, tradepromotions andmuch more. Pepperi equips fieldagents with the CRMtools they needto make their numbers and presenta professionalimage. Pepperi’ssales rep app offers out of the boxintegrationwith popularaccounting, ERP, and CRM systems includingSAP ERP, SAPBusinessOne, Netsuite, Salesforce, Oracle Sales Cloud,QuickBooks,Xero,MYOB, Sage and more, and fully integrates withleadingpaymentsystems. With over a thousand customers in 64countries,13languages and dozens of industries, Pepperi is the#1e-catalog,order taking and CRM sales rep app serving all sizesofbusiness.Pepperi main modules: e-Catalog that sells for you●e-Catalogincludes unlimited dynamic categories for allyourproducts ●Merchandising is easy with high resolutionphotos,multiple viewoptions and customizable fields Order taking isfast& easy ●Mobile ordering is faster than you can imaginewithPepperi ● Ordertracker lets you track past orders and set upfutureorder dates ●Order management options include flexiblediscountpolicies ●Ordering and selling are easier than ever withourflexible toolsIncrease order size with trade promotionsincludingupselling &cross-selling ● Buy X, Get Y Free ● Buy X,Get Y atZ% discount ●Buy from list X and get from list Y ● TiereddiscountsWin at theshelf with in-store merchandising ● Plan thewhichin-storeactivities are to be performed by your fieldagents,schedule storevisits, and map the routes to take ● Capturein-storeactivitiesusing mobile forms that are completelycustomizable ●Performstock-taking, picture taking, planogram auditsandcustomersatisfaction surveys Sell-through visibilitywithinventorytracking ● Pair Pepperi with a UPC barcode scannertoleveragePepperi as an in-store inventory scanner ●Gainsell-throughvisibility to minimize dead inventory at thestores,and tooptimize manufacturing ● Track sales and purchaseswithPepperi’sbarcode scanner Pepperi CRM tool integrates withPepperie-CommerceStorefront ● Pepperi integrates seamlessly withPepperie-CommerceStorefront, a self-service ordering app for retailstores● Managesales quickly and conveniently - distributors andretailersorderstraight from your website or mobile app ● Salesrepshaveimmediate visibility into self-service orders placed bytheirB2Bcustomers Enterprise-grade mobile salesforce automation(SFA) ●SFAmade easy with mobile apps that are fully andeasilyconfigurable,running on Android mobile devices. ●State-of-the-artsecurity (ISO27001 and ISAE 3402 certified) ensuresthat your datais safe andnever compromised. ● Mobile CRM designedto easilyintegrate withthe existing ERP and Accounting systems thatrun yourbusiness: ●SAP ERP ● SAP ERP Business One ● Salesforce ●NetSuite ●Oracle ●Sage ● Microsoft NAV ● QuickBooks Online ●QuickbooksDesktop ●Xero ● Many more Industry-specific demos ●Mobile CRM toolincludespre-built demos for dozens of industries ●Fully functionalfreetrial available for download with no commitmentBusinessmanagementis easier than ever with Pepperi sales rep app,whetheryou own asmall business or are a large wholesaler. CRM toolsforfieldagents, field sales, mobile ordering, ordermanagement,retailmerchandising, productivity and activitiestracking, salestrackingand more are included. Requirements: 5"screen, Android8.0, Min4GB RAM, 1080x1920 resolution for phablets,1920x1200 fortablets.
Dotypos PoS system 1.236.26
The Dotypos app, used with a high-quality touch cashregisterandother accessories, presents an affordablepoint-of-salebusinesssolution for gastronomy, accommodationservices, shops orprovidersof various services. Dotypos offers manyuseful featuresthat helpyou manage your business with ease and keepattractingnewcustomers. It means you are not getting just a PoSsystem, butalsoa reliable helping hand for your operation. Try thefullversion ofthe Dotypos app FOR FREE FOR 30 DAYS • The Dotyposapp issuitablefor small and medium-sized shops, restaurantsandcafés,accommodation services, stand sales, craftsmen andsoletraders andall other types of services and business • Fivesystemsin one –PoS, stock, reservation, attendance and ordering •Alsooffers adetailed overview of your operation, stock andemployees •Runs onthe Android platform • Includes an easy-to-enableEETfeature •Works offline; no internet connection required •Automateddatabasebackups in case the internet connection or EETserver goesdownMain benefits: • 24/7 technical and customer support•Unlimitednumber of items, categories and receipts •Stockmanagement –Stocktaking, warehouse management,operations,ingredients • Cloud– detailed overviews, reports andcharts •Detailed text and videoguides • Regular updates includingchangesin legislation Featuresfor restaurants and cafés: • MobileWaiter –ordering right at thetable • Warehouses – stocktaking,batch stockin, ingredients,warehouse operations… • Cloud – fullcontrol overyour business atany time and anywhere • Free ordersystem – • Loyaltyprogrammes, happy hours, sales andpromos •Connecting othersystems – Order, accounting or camerasystems andPoS terminalsFeatures for shops and services: • Connectyour PoS toan e-shop •Stock system – ingredients, batch stock in,stocktaking,supplieroverview • Detailed reports, overviews andcharts in aCloud •Support for connecting certified scales, barcodereadersandoptional accessories • Accepting bonus, customer anddiscountcards• Making reservations via a reservation system •Option ofusingmultiple reg. numbers at one PoS Integrations andconnections:•Order system – Vyzvednisi, Adaptee Gastro • Shoptet –connectyourPoS to an e-shop • Connecting PoS terminals, theNetrexcamerasystem or to Qerko • Using an API, the PoS can beconnectedtoother accounting, reservation, information or ERPsystems. APoSsystem for small and medium-sized shops, restaurantsandcafés,accommodation services, craftsmen and soletraders,hairdressers,cosmeticians and various other types ofbusiness…
Accounting App - Zoho Books 5.26.03
Online small business accounting & bookkeeping softwareforgrowing businesses
SoftSkills - IEE 2.1.4
The SoftSkills App has been designed fortheInstituto de Estudios Empresariales (IEE), which is aninstitutewhich collaborates with organizations in the integralformation oftheir executives and high-potential employees for theperfection oftheir skills, abilities and leadership skills. This application provides unique capabilities that will help you,asa student or person interested in the courses; a moreaccessible,quick, daily updated, with sharing options for yourfriends orfamily, the location information of the institute, anddetailed newsand course information.Application Features:- Information of courses.- Information on the latest news, live.- Learn more about what the Institute of Professional Studies(IEE)offer.- Find the location of the Institute (EEI), using GPS, eitherWAZEor MAPS.- Send comments directly to the institution (IEE).- Share application, course information or (IEE) in just a coupleoftaps.The Instituto de Estudios Empresariales (IEE)SoftSkillsapplication focuses on people who want to improve theireducationand professional skills, we have a complete applicationwithupdated information that you can provide query options,shareinformation and news or courses within reach of some taps.What is the IEEE?MissionThe Instituto de Estudios Empresariales has the missionofsupporting individuals, businesses and institutions, bothpublicand private, in the formation of its officers and executives,inthe development of management talent to become more competitivebyplacing the human being as center organizations and creatingstrongteams, facilitating companies endure long term.ViewTo be recognized as the best option in the market in theformationof people in the development of management talent, hisstrongbackground in management skills, making the most humane andmoreproductive enterprises.Values• Excellence• Integrity• Service to others• Christian anthropological vision• Continuous improvement and development• Reconciliation between work and familyAbout IEEEThe IEE began as an initiative by entrepreneursforentrepreneurs. A number of businessmen under the leadershipofformer Vice President Don Rossi Jorge Chavarria, looked at theneedfor a program to develop its employees with the greatestgrowthpotential within organizations. They wanted to form themanagementskills to optimize their professional andpersonalperformance.After seeking allies in several countries, it was identifiedthatwas the best placed ICAMI of Mexico, associated with IPADEBusinessSchool, one of the best business schools in LatinAmerica.The ICAMI is an institution founded in 1968 by Mexicanbusinessmenwho attended the IPADE for advice and support. It isdedicated tothe training and development of managers, supervisorsanddepartment heads of the companies, with emphasis on thedevelopmentof the individual and using participatory methodologyinvolvinganalysis of business cases.To date, he has contributed to the formation ofapproximately107,000 graduates from more than 7,000 public andprivate companiesin Mexico.