Top 17 Apps Similar to Right Neck Browser

PostureScreen Mobile 2.4
Posture evaluations and analysis for clinicians andfitnessprofessionals.
Forward Head Posture (FHP) 1.1.2
SD Net
Measuring the state of your neck and provide exerciseforimprovement.
Posture CHECKER plus 5.1.1
"Posture CHEKCER plus" provides the leaning degree of the body.
Tai Chi 13 Postures 1.0.5
Learn the original 13 patterns of Tai Chi from Master Yang (YMAA)
Posture Reminder 1.1
Or Oz
Proper posture is one of the most important aspects of havinggoodhealth. Often times, a slouched back and neck can lead toserioushealth issues down the line. “Posture Reminder” allows youto settime intervals in which you receive custom notifications toremindyou to fix your posture. The app also features a brandnew,innovative Smart Alert option not found in any other app. TheSmartAlert is triggered by carefully estimating if your head isangleddownwards via monitoring the phone accelerometer. This alertisalso specially optimized to have little to no batterydrain.“Posture Reminder” is the first posture app to implementelementsof Google’s slick, new Material Design UI. The app isprogrammed tobe easily navigated and follow an aesthetic colorscheme. To usethe app, just press on the Settings gear button andconfigure thenotification options you desire. Once you set youralarm, simplyexit the app. That’s it! Note, the app does not send areminder atthe exact interval, rather it sends them at minordeviations fromthe chosen time (a few seconds off the actualinterval) assuggested by Google’s guidelines to maintain efficiencyand savebattery life. I discovered that the best way to improveposture iswith constant reinforcement. With the “Posture Reminder”app, youcan set easy, convenient reminders that operate in thebackgroundat all times. Please, rate and leave feedback so I canget back toyou as soon as possible. Thank you.
Good Posture 2.6
The aim of this methode is to help you tostandand sit up straight naturally and spontaneously !Discover the methode here : www.good-posture-training.comThanks to a recurring reminders, Good Posture app will walkyouthrough progressive training of your back’s deep muscles. Youwillalso take the habit to stand and sit up straight, until itisnatural for you !The app includes :- A demonstration video of how to stand straight. It doesnotmean pushing too hard on your back to keep itcompletelystraight- The description of the two specific strength exercises forbackmuscles that help to hold the straight posture.- The description of the Good Posture methode, that you canalsofind on the internet : A notification tool for the exercises in the active phase.- The recurring notification tool in the passive phase.
UPRIGHT PRO attaches to your lower backandtrains you to maintain an upright posture by vibrating everytimeyou slouch.The UPRIGHT PRO mobile app generates a personalized trainingprogramcustomized to meet your individual needs. Through the app,you willbe guided with video tutorials and an interactive userinterface,and you will be able to track your progress and viewyour posturalanalytics & statistics.Training with UPRIGHT PRO will allow you to achieve a posturethatyou can be proud of. Whether your goal is to look taller,radiateconfidence, or be more productive, start and finish eachdayupright.
요가투데이 [영종도 공항신도시점] 7.2
인천 영종도 공항신도시 요가투데이(원장: 송지현032.752.3110)에서는다이어트, 비뚤어진 체형교정, 어깨통증, 목. 허리 디스크, 요통해소에 효과적인요가&SNPE체형교정 운동을수업하고 있다. 또한 다양한 도구(교정벨트5개, 도자기, 경추베게, 나무손 등)를사용하여 더욱더 전문적이고, 효과적인요가수업을 진행하고 있다.영종도 공항신도시 요가&체형교정전문학원 요가투데이어플개발 ▶ 어플코리아 (010.5399.9228)Yoga Today YeongjongdoNewTown Incheon Airport (Director: songjihyeon 032.752.3110) inthediet, crooked body modification, shoulder pain, neck.Herniateddisc, Yoga & SNPE body modification is an effectiveexercise torelieve back pain and classes. In addition, a variety oftools(calibration five belts, pottery, cervical pillows, woodenhands,etc.) to more professional use, and effective yoga classinprogress.Yeongjongdo new city airport Academy Yoga Today Yoga &BodyCalibrationApplications development Applications ▶ Korea(010.5399.9228)
Straighten your back 1.10
Every day, keeping your back straight, you becomemorebeautiful,more successfully and healthier. You forget to keepyourpostureregularly? This app reminds keep your posture severaltimesa day.To do this, set the number of alerts a day, and do notforgettokeep your back straight with us. POSTURE IS SOFT KEYTOSUCCESS,HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Ask yourself, how the successfulpersonlooks?Surely his beautiful posture. Externalconfidencestrengthensinternal and all that you need: + REMEMBERABOUT YOURBACK. Theapplication will not let you forget to keep yourbackstraight.Just set up reminders frequency, always runapplicationand:RECEIVE BONUSES LIKE IN GAME. For each press, "Ihavestraightened"you receive experience and coins. Then you can:+RECEIVE PRIZES INTHE SHOP. It's not boring to live when you canbuysomething. Youcan buy: cards with quotes, boosts andbeautifulbackgrounds tomake your application more beautiful. +SHARE WITHFRIENDS. If youlike the app you can also share it withothers.
How to Get the Perfect Posture 1.0
Fitness Tips
It is so easy to forget about it, that wecango all day with a very bad posture. A bad posture willhaveconsequences in both your health and your happiness. That's whyitis so important to keep reminding ourselves of our posture.This app will show you how to have a perfect posture!
Posture Check 1.7
Spinal Check Procedure:1.Fill in personal information (only use for furtheranalysis)2.Capturing the front view and the side view of body3.Dragging the points into specific position4.View the resultOther functions:1.View the nearest chiropractors (map & list)2.Export the result in PDF format, and email ittochiropractors3.Records4.Share the result to messages6.Suggested exercise videos
Back Pain Exercises 1.0
Body Program
Simple routine consisting of 10 effective back painreliefexercises.
Relieve Neck Pain 1.2.2
Easiest way to relieve neck pain, use it daily
Fizik Tedavi Egzersizleri
Illustrated introduction of daily exercise for our health
Posture Perfect 2.0
It has been observed that the impactoftechnology on our social, mental, physical and environmentalhealthcan be devastating if we don’t keep ourselves in check. Butwecannot deny the benefits we have gained fromtechnologicaladvancements. Therefore, we, students of AhlconInternationalSchool have taken an initiative to make you aware ofhealthy eatinghabits and postures while using technology.By the means of this website, we want to make people awareofappropriate postures while using different technologicallyadvancedequipment . It can result in better concentration as well.A badposture results in several complications over time, suchasincreased risks of slipped disc, back aches, back pain,pressureinside your chest, poor blood circulation. We have takenaninitiative to guide you about some common good postureandexercises that can save you from many such problems .
Get Pain Relief! Back Pain 26.0
**For the moment this program is onlyavailablein German language! An English version will followsoon!**Get Pain Relief! Rückenschmerzen lindern mit Hypnose• Blockaden und Verspannungen im Rücken lösen• (Wieder) Auf die Signale des Körpers hören lernen• Seelischen Ballast loslassenSie leiden unter starken oder sogar chronischenRückenschmerzen?Sie haben das Gefühl, Sie tragen ständig eine großeLast mit sichherum? Besonders unter Stress macht sich Ihr Rückenbemerkbar?„Ich habe Rücken!“, der bekannte Ausspruch von HapeKerkelingsAlter Ego Horst Schlemmer, steht wie kein anderer für einweitverbreitetes Leiden: Rückenschmerzen. Egal obHexenschuss,Bandscheibenvorfall, Kreuzschmerzen oderRückenprobleme, sie habeneines gemeinsam – sie sind äußerstschmerzhaft. ChronischeRückenschmerzen sind zudem eine häufigeUrsache für Fehlzeiten odersogar völlige Arbeitsunfähigkeit.Neben Bewegungsmangel, Fehlhaltungen oder zuschwacherMuskulatur, sind insbesondere Stress und psychischeProbleme dieUrsache für den quälenden Schmerz im Rücken. Und istder Schmerzeinmal da, beginnt schnell ein Teufelskreis ausSchonhaltungen undneuen, schmerzhaften Verspannungen.Das Hypnoseprogramm „Get Pain Relief! Rückenschmerzen lindernmitHypnose“ unterstützt Sie dabei, Verspannungen und Stressgezielt zulösen. Sie lassen mit Hilfe der Hypnose gegenRückenschmerzen allesBelastende nach und nach los. So finden SieIhre innere Balancewieder, die sich äußerlich in einem starken,schmerzfreien Rückenmanifestiert.Wirkung und Anwendung„Get Pain Relief! Rückenschmerzen lindern mit Hypnose“ isteinProgramm aus der Reihe medizinischer Hypnosen, die KimFleckensteinin enger Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr. Ralf Herwig vonderUniversitätsklink Wien entwickelt. Das 33–minütige Programmisteine wirksame Kombination aus medizinischen Erkenntnissenundklassischer Hypnose. Es richtet sich an Menschen, dieunterregelmäßigen oder auch chronischen Rückenschmerzen leiden.Auch fürFrauen mit Rückenschmerzen in der Schwangerschaft ist dasProgrammals sanfte Methode zur Schmerzlinderung geeignet.Im Zustand der Tiefenentspannung können Sie durchgezielteSuggestionen körperliche und vor allem mentale Blockadendauerhaftlösen. Ihre Rückenschmerzen werden dadurch erträglicher,inEinzelfällen bis hin zur völligen Schmerzfreiheit. Sieentwickelnein neues Bewusstsein für die Dinge, die Ihnen nicht guttun, undlernen „Stop“ zu sagen. Sie richten sich innerlich undäußerlichauf und gehen wieder gestärkt durchs Leben.Um den bestmöglichen Effekt zu erzielen, sollten Sie dasProgrammüber einen Zeitraum von mindestens 30 Tagen einmaltäglichhören.Dauer: ca. 33 MinutenBITTE BEACHTENBitte hören Sie dieses Programm nicht beim Autofahren oderbeiTätigkeiten, die Ihre uneingeschränkte Aufmerksamkeiterfordern.Das Programm ersetzt keinen Arztbesuch oder Medikamente,diekrankheitsbedingt benötigt werden.Hypnose ist prinzipiell für alle körperlich und geistiggesundenMenschen geeignet. Sollten Sie in therapeutischerBehandlung sein,z.Bsp. aufgrund einer Depression oder Psychose, und/ oderverschreibungspflichtige Medikamente einnehmen, halten Siebittevor Anwendung dieses Programms Rücksprache mit IhrembehandelndenArzt. Das Programm ersetzt keine Behandlung beikrankhaftenAngststörungen.Wissenswertes über die Anwendung und Wirkungsweise vonHypnose.Hörproben und weitere Angebote finden
10 Min Lower Back Therapy 1.0.0
Most physical therapy programs designedtotreat low back pain and some radicular pain (pain radiatingdownthe leg) will include a combination of the following typesoftherapeutic exercise:StretchingProper stretching of the muscles along with active exercisewillhelp maintain normal range of motion and provide relief formusclesthat are often suffering disuse atrophy (shrinking musclesfromlack of use) or in spasm from inappropriate posture ornerveirritation.For many patients it is best to follow a stretching routinethathas been individually designed for them by a physical therapistorsports physician. As a general rule, low back pain patientsshouldfocus on stretching the lower back muscles, abdominalmuscles, hipsand legs. The patient should never bounce duringstretching, andall stretches should be slow and gradual.Dynamic stabilization exercisesThese exercises involve the use of a variety of exercises andmayinclude use of exercise balls, balancing machines orspecificstabilizing exercises. The point of dynamic stabilizationexerciseis to strengthen the secondary muscles of the spine andhelpsupport the spine through various ranges of motion.Core strengthening exercisesThese are specific exercises to strengthen the abdominalmusclesand low back muscles (erector spinae) to provide theaforementioned‘belt of muscle’ around the spine. These exercisestypicallyinclude:Specific abdominal strengthening, such as pelvic tilts,crunches,abdominal machines, and properly controlled legraises.Low back exercises (hyperextensions), which can be performedonmachines or by simply lying on the stomach and slowly raisingthechest off the ground. This exercise utilizes the lower backmusclesto ‘hyperextend’ the spine.Water TherapySome physical therapy centers may also provide aquatic(water)physical therapy. Water supports the body and minimizes theeffectof gravity, making it easier for patients to start anexerciseprogram. Aquatic therapy can be very helpful for elderlypatientsand disabled patients who may not have the strength to dosome ofthe exercises outside the aquatic pool.Lumbar tractionAnother aspect of physical therapy program may includelumbartraction. With lumbar traction, the patient lies on his backand issecured on a special table with a cable coming from thefoot-end ofthe table that attaches to a strap that has been placedaround thepatient’s hips. The cable is attached to weights at thefoot-end ofthe table that provide a continuous and gentle pullingforce on thehips toward the foot-end of the table. The goal oftraction is tounload the disc space and muscles in the lumbarspine. Thisunloading is thought to provide a recuperative periodwhich allowsthe muscles to rest and takes pressure off the discspace. Researchabout the effectiveness of traction iscontroversial, with somestudies showing that it adds value andother studies showing thatit is of little or no value for patientswith low back pain.