Top 18 Apps Similar to Ancient and Medieval Warriors,

Medieval Map 1.9.0
An animated and interactive map of the medieval era.
History Battle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 to 2 February 1943)
The ancient book 80.91.30
Directory of ancient books
Ancient World History 2.4
Read and learn more about our Ancient World History
The ancient city 80.91.30
Directory of ancient cities
Cities of Ancient Rome 80.91.30
Directory of cities of Ancient Rome
Ancient Carthage History 1.0
Ancient Carthage was the Phoeniciancity-stateof Carthage. During the 7th to 3rd centuries BC, itssphere ofinfluence, the so-called Carthaginian Empire, extendedover much ofthe coast of North Africa as well as substantial partsof coastalIberia and the islands of the western Mediterranean.The city, called Qart-ḥadašt (New City)in thePhoenicianlanguage, was founded in 814 BC. A dependency of thePhoenicianstate of Tyre at the time, Carthage gained independencearound 650BC and established its political hegemony over otherPhoeniciansettlements throughout the western Mediterranean, thislastinguntil the end of the 3rd century BC. At the height of thecity'sprominence, it was a major hub of trade with tradingstationsextending throughout the region.For much of its history, Carthage was on hostile terms withtheGreeks in Sicily and the Roman Republic, leading to a seriesofarmed conflicts known as the Greek-Punic Wars and Punic Wars.Thecity also had to deal with the potentially hostile Berbers,theindigenous inhabitants of the area where Carthage was built. In146BC, after the third and final Punic War, Carthage was destroyedandthen occupied by Roman forces. Nearly all of the otherPhoeniciancity-states and former Carthaginian dependenciessubsequently fellinto Roman hands.
Ancient Civilization History
Ollite Apps
Free Fascinating Encyclopedia about world AncientCivilizationhistory.
Ancient states 80.91.30
Directory of ancient states
Historical Wars & Battles 1.1.1
Know about Historical Wars and unforgettable victories of theworld.
History of Ancient Egypt 4.1
Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient NorthAfrica,concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River,situated inthe place that is now the country Egypt. AncientEgyptiancivilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalescedaround 3100BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) withthepolitical unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes(oftenidentified with Narmer). The history of ancient Egyptoccurred as aseries of stable kingdoms, separated by periods ofrelativeinstability known as Intermediate Periods: the Old Kingdomof theEarly Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Ageandthe New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age. Egypt reached thepinnacleof its power in the New Kingdom, ruling much of Nubia and asizableportion of the Near East, after which it entered a period ofslowdecline. During the course of its history Egypt was invadedorconquered by a number of foreign powers, including the Hyksos,theLibyans, the Nubians, the Assyrians, the Achaemenid Persians,andthe Macedonians under the command of Alexander the Great. TheGreekPtolemaic Kingdom, formed in the aftermath of Alexander'sdeath,ruled Egypt until 30 BC, when, under Cleopatra, it fell totheRoman Empire and became a Roman province. The success ofancientEgyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adaptto theconditions of the Nile River valley for agriculture.Thepredictable flooding and controlled irrigation of thefertilevalley produced surplus crops, which supported a moredensepopulation, and social development and culture. With resourcestospare, the administration sponsored mineral exploitation ofthevalley and surrounding desert regions, the early development ofanindependent writing system, the organization ofcollectiveconstruction and agricultural projects, trade withsurroundingregions, and a military intended to assert Egyptiandominance.Motivating and organizing these activities was abureaucracy ofelite scribes, religious leaders, and administratorsunder thecontrol of a pharaoh, who ensured the cooperation andunity of theEgyptian people in the context of an elaborate systemof religiousbeliefs. The many achievements of the ancient Egyptiansinclude thequarrying, surveying and construction techniques thatsupported thebuilding of monumental pyramids, temples, andobelisks; a system ofmathematics, a practical and effective systemof medicine,irrigation systems and agricultural productiontechniques, thefirst known planked boats, Egyptian faience andglass technology,new forms of literature, and the earliest knownpeace treaty, madewith the Hittites. Ancient Egypt has left alasting legacy. Its artand architecture were widely copied, and itsantiquities carriedoff to far corners of the world. Its monumentalruins have inspiredthe imaginations of travelers and writers forcenturies. Anew-found respect for antiquities and excavations inthe earlymodern period by Europeans and Egyptians led to thescientificinvestigation of Egyptian civilization and a greaterappreciationof its cultural legacy. This app is about history andfor researchPurpose .
Legions of ancient Rome 80.91.30
Directory of legions of ancient Rome
Chinese Ancient Art of War 1.1
The Art of War, Thirty-Six Stratagems And Wu Qi Art of War.
World War II Aircraft Fighters 2.8
World War II Aircraft Fighters HandbookYou can download application without adshereThe Handbook of aircraft of World War II includes alltheaircraft (except Heavy fighters and Jet- and rocket-propelledfighters) used by those countries which were at war duringWorldWar II from the period between their joining the conflict andtheconflict ending for them.A fighter aircraft is a military aircraft designed primarilyforair-to-air combat against other aircraft, as opposed to bombersandattack aircraft, whose main mission is to attack groundtargets.The hallmarks of a fighter are its speed, maneuverability,andsmall size relative to other combat aircraft.Many fighters have secondary ground-attack capabilities, andsomeare designed as dual-purpose fighter-bombers (like aP-47Thunderbolt or Fairey Fox). Often, aircraft that do not fulfillthestandard definition are called fighters. This may be forpoliticalor national security reasons, for advertising purposes orotherreasons.A fighter's main purpose is to establish air superiority overabattlefield. Since World War I, achieving and maintainingairsuperiority has been essential for victory in conventionalwarfare.The success or failure of a belligerent's efforts to gainairsupremacy hinges on several factors including the skill ofitspilots, the tactical soundness of its doctrine for deployingitsfighters and the numbers and performance of those fighters.Becauseof the importance of air superiority, since the dawn ofaerialcombat armed forces have constantly competed todeveloptechnologically superior fighters and to deploy thesefighters ingreater numbers, and fielding a viable fighter fleetconsumes asubstantial proportion of the defense budgets of modernarmedforces.The Second World War featured fighter combat on a larger scalethanany other conflict to date. German Field Marshal Erwin Rommelnotedthe effect of airpower: "Anyone who has to fight, even withthemost modern weapons, against an enemy in complete command oftheair, fights like a savage against modern European troops, underthesame handicaps and with the same chances of success."Throughoutthe conflict, fighters performed their conventional roleinestablishing air superiority through combat with other fightersandthrough bomber interception, and many fighters were alsopressedinto service in additional roles such as tactical airsupport andreconnaissance.he approach of different belligerents to fighter designvariedwidely, with the Japanese and Italians favoring lightly armedandarmored but highly maneuverable designs such as theJapaneseNakajima Ki-27, Nakajima Ki-43 and Mitsubishi A6M Zero.Handbook including:Biplane fighter aircrafts:Avia B-534Avia BH-33A.W.35 ScimitarBoeing P-12Type 105 Bristol BulldogFairey Firefly IIFairey FoxFiat CR.32Fiat CR.42Gloster GauntletGloster Sea GladiatorGrumman FFGrumman F3FHawker DemonHawker FuryHawker NimrodHeinkel He 51He 51W seaplaneKawasaki Ki-10Monoplane fighter aircrafts:Bell P-39 AiracobraBell P-63 KingcobraBoeing P-26 PeashooterBrewster F2A BuffaloCurtiss P-36 HawkCAC BoomerangCaudron C.714Curtiss P-40 WarhawkCurtiss-Wright CW-21Dewoitine D.500Fiat G.50Fiat G.55Focke-Wulf Fw 190Focke-Wulf Ta 152Grumman F6F HellcatGrumman F8F BearcatHawker HurricaneHawker TyphoonTempestHeinkel He 112IAR 80Ikarus IK-2Kawanishi N1KKawasaki Ki-61Kawasaki Ki-100Macchi C.200Macchi C.202 FolgoreMacchi C.205 VeltroMesserschmitt Bf 109Mitsubishi A5MMitsubishi A6M ZeroNakajima Ki-27Nakajima Ki-43North American P-51 MustangNorth American P-64PZL P.7Reggiane Re.2000Reggiane Re.2001Reggiane Re.2005Republic P-43 LancerRepublic P-47 ThunderboltRogozarski IK-3Supermarine SpitfireVought F4U CorsairVultee P-66 VanguardYakovlev Yak-7You can save every image to SD card or set as wallpaper