Top 2 Games Similar to Strike a Match

15 Sticks 1.1
The Stick game is a simple game playedwith15toothpicks, matches or 15 of anything that is easy tomoveanddoesn’t take up to much room for the location the game istobeplayed in.We, that is two old vets, one from the Korean and theotherfromthe Vietnam conflict have spent many an hour playingStickswithour fellow service men and women and fishing, drinkingandhuntingbuddies as well. We have played in barracks, saloonsandfish campshere and abroad when completely sober and whenslightlyinebriatedand some times a little more than slightlyinebriated.Those of youwho have had the honor to serve this greatcountry ofours may havefound yourselves in situations in theservice whereyou spent a lotof time in replacement depots or whatever they callthem thesedays, we have, and games like Sticks helpedfill theseeminglyendless time we spent in those situations.We learned the game at Fort Lewis Washington in the springof1953from another service man whose name unfortunately wecannotremember. In all of our travels we have never foundanotherpersonthat knew of the Stick Game, except for that one GI inFtLewisWashington. In our travels we have never met anyone thatcouldbeatus at the game consistently either; in fact we usuallymanagedtodrink free most of the time.One of the problems with the Stick Game is that you havetofind15 of something to play the game with, some objects aretoosmallwhile others are too large or are hard to pick up or evenmaynotstay put on the playing surface. We have solvedthoseproblems,Sticks 15 is now available as a Android application,ifyou haveyour phone with the Sticks 15 Android App downloadedyouhave thegame with you at all times. All you need isanopponent.So download the Sticks 15 App for less than a cup of Joandstartimpressing your friends with your new game. By buyingSticks15 youwill be helping out two vets plus 25% of our profitswill goto TheWounded Warrior Project(
Sticks 2.0.43
JKC Games
Your next addiction... Prepare toimmerseyourself in the world of sticks! The favorite pastime cardgame hasnow gone mobile!Match sets and runs of three or more to complete the sticksbeforetime runs out, and earn your way up the trophy rankingbycompleting the trophy requirements.Showcase your trophies as you earn them on your trophy board andaswell in game.Get as many Sticks as you can!Sticks are funSticks are challengingSticks are in!Key Features:- Interactive game play- Each level gets more challenging as the sticks get harderandharder.- You will have to use strategy to be able to move on levelafterlevel.- Three Levels of Trophy-ism: Bronze, Silver, Gold and theelusivePlatinum- Showcase your trophies on the trophy board as well asingame.- Show off your trophies earned on Facebook!- Fast responsive game play