Top 17 Apps Similar to Древние боги Египта

Gods of Egypt 1.27
Short guide to the main gods of Egypt.
Едем в Египет 2.9.0
В этом приложениипредставленомножествоинформации, которая может пригодится припланированииотдыха вЕгипте.In thisapplication,withlots of information that can be useful whenplanning a holidayinEgypt.
History of Ancient Egypt 4.1
Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient NorthAfrica,concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River,situated inthe place that is now the country Egypt. AncientEgyptiancivilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalescedaround 3100BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) withthepolitical unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes(oftenidentified with Narmer). The history of ancient Egyptoccurred as aseries of stable kingdoms, separated by periods ofrelativeinstability known as Intermediate Periods: the Old Kingdomof theEarly Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Ageandthe New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age. Egypt reached thepinnacleof its power in the New Kingdom, ruling much of Nubia and asizableportion of the Near East, after which it entered a period ofslowdecline. During the course of its history Egypt was invadedorconquered by a number of foreign powers, including the Hyksos,theLibyans, the Nubians, the Assyrians, the Achaemenid Persians,andthe Macedonians under the command of Alexander the Great. TheGreekPtolemaic Kingdom, formed in the aftermath of Alexander'sdeath,ruled Egypt until 30 BC, when, under Cleopatra, it fell totheRoman Empire and became a Roman province. The success ofancientEgyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adaptto theconditions of the Nile River valley for agriculture.Thepredictable flooding and controlled irrigation of thefertilevalley produced surplus crops, which supported a moredensepopulation, and social development and culture. With resourcestospare, the administration sponsored mineral exploitation ofthevalley and surrounding desert regions, the early development ofanindependent writing system, the organization ofcollectiveconstruction and agricultural projects, trade withsurroundingregions, and a military intended to assert Egyptiandominance.Motivating and organizing these activities was abureaucracy ofelite scribes, religious leaders, and administratorsunder thecontrol of a pharaoh, who ensured the cooperation andunity of theEgyptian people in the context of an elaborate systemof religiousbeliefs. The many achievements of the ancient Egyptiansinclude thequarrying, surveying and construction techniques thatsupported thebuilding of monumental pyramids, temples, andobelisks; a system ofmathematics, a practical and effective systemof medicine,irrigation systems and agricultural productiontechniques, thefirst known planked boats, Egyptian faience andglass technology,new forms of literature, and the earliest knownpeace treaty, madewith the Hittites. Ancient Egypt has left alasting legacy. Its artand architecture were widely copied, and itsantiquities carriedoff to far corners of the world. Its monumentalruins have inspiredthe imaginations of travelers and writers forcenturies. Anew-found respect for antiquities and excavations inthe earlymodern period by Europeans and Egyptians led to thescientificinvestigation of Egyptian civilization and a greaterappreciationof its cultural legacy. This app is about history andfor researchPurpose .
e Wicca:Wiccan & witchcraft ap 3.3
Witchcraft spells for all ocassions and wicca guide for beginners
Великие боги (Мифология)
100 great gods of antiquity - whose mythology is closer to you?
Flags of the world. 1.10
Flags and capitals of countries in the UN
Civ V Buddy 1.4
The Ultimate Unofficial Civ V Companion App Is Here!
Два сфинкса. В.И.Крыжановская 2.0
New Apps Land
"Два сфинкса" В.И.Крыжановской-этоувлекательное повествование о невероятных приключениях магаиегоюной наложницы. История начинается в ДревнемЕгипте,продолжается вДревнем Риме и завершается в наши дни. Сквозьвременаи годыпровели героев жажда счастья и борьба с судьбой.Разработчик приложений New Apps Land ставит передсобойцельпопуляризации произведений классической русскойизарубежнойлитературы среди нового поколения читателей.Чтобы создать у пользователей впечатление чтения реальнойкнигивприложении создан эффект перелистывания страниц.Приложения от New Apps Land являются бесплатными.Приложениянезапрашивают у пользователей отправку SMS с мобильныхтелефоновнаплатные номера а также не отслеживаютличнуюинформациюпользователя.Как небольшая компенсация за труд создателяприложенийвприложение встроен рекламный модуль AdmobЕсли данное приложение Вам понравилось -оставьте,пожалуйста,отзыв."Twosphinx"V.I.Kryzhanovskoy - it is a fascinating story oftheincredibleadventures of a young wizard and his concubines.Thestory beginsin Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, continues andendstoday. Throughthe seasons and years spent heroes thirstofhappiness and strugglewith fate.The application developer New Apps Land aims topopularizetheworks of classical Russian and foreign literature ofanewgeneration of readers.To create the impression among people reading realbooks,theapplication creates page turning effect.Applications from New Apps Land are free. Applicationsdonotprompt the user to send SMS from mobile phones topremiumnumbersand also do not track your personal information.As a small compensation for the work of the creatoroftheapplication in an application built Admob advertisingmoduleIf you like this app - please leave a review.
Bible, Stories
A free android book with 116 Bible Storiesand153 images: to the Flood- God Begins to Make Things- A Beautiful Garden- The First Man and Woman- Why They Lost Their Home- A Hard Life Begins- A Good Son, and a Bad One- A Brave Man- Giants in the Earth- Noah Builds an Ark- The Great FloodThe Flood to the Deliverance from Egypt- The First Rainbow- Men Build a Big Tower- Abraham—A Friend of God- God Tests Abraham’s Faith- Lot’s Wife Looked Back- Isaac Gets a Good Wife- Twins Who Were Different- Jacob Goes to Haran- Jacob Has a Big Family- Dinah Gets into Trouble- Joseph’s Brothers Hate Him- Joseph Is Put into Prison- Pharaoh’s Dreams- Joseph Tests His Brothers- The Family Moves to Egypt- Job Is Faithful to God- A Bad King Rules Egypt- How Baby Moses Was Saved- Why Moses Ran Away- The Burning Bush- Moses and Aaron See Pharaoh- The 10 Plagues- Crossing the Red SeaDeliverance from Egypt to Israel’s First King- A New Kind of Food- Jehovah Gives His Laws- The Golden Calf- A Tent for Worship- The 12 Spies- Aaron’s Rod Grows Flowers- Moses Strikes the Rock- The Copper Serpent- A Donkey Talks- Joshua Becomes Leader- Rahab Hides the Spies- Crossing the Jordan River- The Walls of Jericho- A Thief in Israel- The Wise Gibeonites- The Sun Stands Still- Two Brave Women- Ruth and Naomi- Gideon and His 300 Men- Jephthah’s Promise- The Strongest Man- A Little Boy Serves GodIsrael’s First King to Captivity in Babylon- Saul—Israel’s First King- God Chooses David- David and Goliath- Why David Must Run Away- Abigail and David- David Is Made King- Trouble in David’s House- Wise King Solomon- Solomon Builds the Temple- The Kingdom Is Divided- Jezebel—A Wicked Queen- Jehoshaphat Trusts Jehovah- Two Boys Who Live Again- A Girl Helps a Mighty Man- Jonah and the Big Fish- God Promises a Paradise- God Helps King Hezekiah- Israel’s Last Good King- A Man Who Is Not Afraid- Four Boys in Babylon- Jerusalem Is DestroyedCaptivity in Babylon to Rebuilding of Jerusalem’s Walls- They Would Not Bow Down- Handwriting on the Wall- Daniel in the Lions’ Pit- God’s People Leave Babylon- Trusting in God’s Help- Mordecai and Esther- The Walls of JerusalemBirth of Jesus to His Death- An Angel Visits Mary- Jesus Born in a Stable- Men Guided by a Star- Young Jesus in the Temple- John Baptizes Jesus- Jesus Cleans Out the Temple- With the Woman at the Well- Jesus Teaches on a Mountain- Jesus Raises the Dead- Jesus Feeds Many People- He Loves Little Children- The Way Jesus Teaches- Jesus Heals the Sick- Jesus Comes as King- On the Mount of Olives- In an Upstairs Room- Jesus in the Garden- Jesus Is KilledJesus’ Resurrection to Paul’s Imprisonment- Jesus Is Alive- Into a Locked Room- Jesus Returns to Heaven- Waiting in Jerusalem- Set Free from Prison- Stephen Is Stoned- On the Road to Damascus- Peter Visits Cornelius- Timothy—Paul’s New Helper- A Boy Who Fell Asleep- Shipwrecked on an Island- Paul in RomeWhat the Bible Foretells Comes True- The End of All Badness- A New Paradise on Earth- How We Can Live Forever――――――― ――――――― ――――――― ――――――― ―――――――Development of Android application by Automon:http://[email protected]:// Apps by Automon: Books by Automon: Games by Automon:
Biography of Salahuddin Ayyubi 1.2
Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb (1137/1138 – March 1193),betterknownin the Western world as Saladin, was the first Sultan ofEgyptandSyria and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty. A MuslimofKurdishorigin, Saladin led the Muslim opposition to theEuropeanCrusadersin the Levant. At the height of his power, hissultanateincludedEgypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Hejaz, Yemen and otherparts ofNorthAfrica. Originally sent to Fatimid Egypt by his ZengidlordNurad-Din in 1163, Saladin climbed the ranks of theFatimidgovernmentby virtue of his military successes againstCrusaderassaults onits territory and his personal closeness to thecaliphal-Adid.When Saladin's uncle Shirkuh died in 1169,al-AdidappointedSaladin vizier, a rare nomination of a Sunni Muslimtosuch animportant position in the Shia Muslim-led caliphate.Duringhisterm as vizier Saladin began to underminetheFatimidestablishment, and following al-Adid's death in 1171 hetookoverthe government and realigned the country's allegiancewiththeBaghdad-based Abbasid Caliphate. In the following years,heledforays against the Crusaders in Palestine, orderedthesuccessfulconquest of Yemen and staved off pro-Fatimidrebellionsin UpperEgypt. Not long after the death of Nur ad-Din in1174,Saladinpersonally led the conquest of Syria, peacefullyenteringDamascusat the request of its governor. By mid-1175,Saladin hadconqueredHama and Homs, inviting the animosity of hisformer Zengidlords,who had been the official rulers of Syria. Soonafter, hedefeatedthe Zengid army in battle and was thereafterproclaimed the"Sultanof Egypt and Syria" by the Abbasid caliphal-Mustadi. Hemadefurther conquests in northern Syria and Jazira,escapingtwoattempts on his life by the Assassins, before returningto Egyptin1177 to address issues there. By 1182, Saladincompletedtheconquest of Syria after capturing Aleppo, butultimately failedtotake over the Zengid stronghold of Mosul. UnderSaladin'spersonalleadership, the Ayyubid army defeated theCrusaders at thedecisiveBattle of Hattin in 1187, leading the wayto theMuslims're-capture of Palestine from the Crusaders whohadconquered it 88years earlier. Though the Crusader KingdomofJerusalem wouldcontinue to exist for an extended period, itsdefeatat Hattinmarked a turning point in its conflict with theMuslimpowers ofthe region. In 1193 he died in Damascus, havinggiven muchof hiswealth to his subjects. He is buried in a mausoleumadjacentto theUmayyad Mosque. Saladin has become a prominent figureinMuslim,Arab, Turkish and Kurdish culture. App Feature : -Have7avalaiblelanguageEnglish,Arab,Indon,Malay,French,Benggali,RussiaandTurkish
Three-Hundred Sayings 3.5.2
Сollection of Patristic aphorisms with everyday citation.
Фараон Мернефта В.Крыжановская 2.0
New Apps Land
Вера Ивановна Крыжановская —популярнаярусскаяписательница начала XX века. Автормножестваисторических,фантастических, мистических романов.Библейская история пророка Моисея и исхода евреевизЕгипта,рассказанная непосредственными участниками событий—матерьюМоисея, его другом Пинехасом и телохранителемфараонаМернефты, —предстает перед читателем в новомсвете,дополненнаяживотрепещущими подробностями и яркими деталями изжизниДревнегоЕгипта.Разработчик приложений New Apps Land ставит передсобойцельпопуляризации произведений классической русскойизарубежнойлитературы среди нового поколения читателей.Чтобы создать у пользователей впечатление чтения реальнойкнигивприложении создан эффект перелистывания страниц.Приложения от New Apps Land являются бесплатными.Приложениянезапрашивают у пользователей отправку SMS с мобильныхтелефоновнаплатные номера а также не отслеживаютличнуюинформациюпользователя.Как небольшая компенсация за труд создателяприложенийвприложение встроен рекламный модуль AdmobЕсли данное приложение Вам понравилось -оставьте,пожалуйста,отзыв.VeraKryzhanovskaya-popular Russian writer beginning of XX century.Author ofmanyhistorical, fiction, mystery novels.The biblical story of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt,toldthedirect participants in the events - the mother of Moses,hisfriendand bodyguard Pinehasom Pharaoh Mernefty - before thereaderin anew light, supplemented by topical details and vividdetailsoflife in Ancient Egypt.Application Developer New Apps Land aims to popularizetheworksof classical Russian and foreign literature of anewgeneration ofreaders.To create users experience reading real books,theapplicationcreates page turning effect.Applications of New Apps Land are free. Applications donotpromptthe user sending SMS from mobile phones to premiumnumbersand do nottrack personal information.As a small compensation for the work of creationapplicationsinembedded application Admob advertising moduleIf you like this app - please leave a review.
Фараон. Болеслав Прус 1.0
New Apps Land
Исторический роман известногопольскогописателяБолеслава Пруса (1847—1912) из жизни ДревнегоЕгипта.Главный геройромана - молодой фараон Рамсес XII(вымышленныйисторическийдеятель), жизнь которого подчинена однойцели -возродить могуществосвоего государства.Разработчик приложений New Apps Land ставит передсобойцельпопуляризации произведений классической русскойизарубежнойлитературы среди нового поколения читателей.Чтобы создать у пользователей впечатление чтения реальнойкнигивприложении создан эффект перелистывания страниц.Приложения от New Apps Land являются бесплатными.Приложениянезапрашивают у пользователей отправку SMS с мобильныхтелефоновнаплатные номера а также не отслеживаютличнуюинформациюпользователя.Как небольшая компенсация за труд создателяприложенийвприложение встроен рекламный модуль AdmobЕсли данное приложение Вам понравилось -оставьте,пожалуйста,отзыв.Historical novelofthefamous Polish writer Boleslaw Prus (1847-1912) in thelifeofancient Egypt. The protagonist of the novel - theyoungpharaohRamses XII (fictional historical figure), whoselifeissubordinated to a single goal - to revive the power of thestate.Application Developer New Apps Land aims to popularizetheworksof classical Russian and foreign literature among anewgenerationof readers.To create users the impression of reading a real bookintheapplication creates a page turning effect.Applications New Apps Land are free. Applications donotpromptthe user to send SMS from mobile phones to premiumratenumbers anddo not track personal information.As a small compensation for the work of the creatorapplicationinan application built Admob advertising moduleIf you like this app - please leave a review.
Five Books of Moses Torah book 9.0.0
Pentateuch (Hebrew. חֲמִשָּׁה חֻמְשֵׁיתּוֹרָה- Hamish humshey Torah or Hebrew. חֻמָּשׁ - Chumash), theso-calledLaw of Moses - the first five books of the canonicalJewish andChristian Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, NumbersandDeuteronomy. Pentateuch forms the first part of the JewishTanakh -Torah. The word "Torah" is a literal translation from Greek-πεντάτευχος from πεντε - «Five" and τευχος - «that book."The book of Genesis tells the story of Creation and the formationofthe Jews as a family;• Exodus has a prologue and an epilogue, separating it fromotherbooks and tells of the Exodus from Egypt, the giving of theTorahon Mount Sinai and the construction of the tabernacle - thatis,the design of the sons of Israel as the Jewish people;• The book of Leviticus is devoted mainly priestly legislationandthe temple service;• Book of Numbers tells the story of the Jews wandering inthedesert after the Exodus from Egypt;• Deuteronomy is Moses' deathbed speech, in which he repeatsthecontents of other books.
World History: Ancient History
Learn our world history especially ancient civilization. Havefunwith History.