Top 8 Apps Similar to AWARENESS

Awareness in Activity 1.1.9
Awareness in Activity App – is a reminderandmotivation tool to increase awareness and embodiment, andthereforehealth and well-being.It can be used for self-development and together withbody-mindtechniques, such as the Alexander Technique, Mindfulness,Yoga,etc. The App is useful in bringing greater (body) awareness toourevery day activities, as well as when learning any specificskilllike; mastering a sport, playing a musical instrument,parenting orrunning a business with less stress.TOOLS AND TRAININGOur App is build on three simple themes Awareness Focus andActiveRest, and the Tracking of these practices long term.AWARENESS FOCUSThe formulated list of Awareness Focuses gives you examplestochoose from or you can create your own, this can also bedonetogether with your personal coach or teacher.EMBODIMENT AND RELAXATIONThe App includes a recorded audio for a guided 15 minuteActiveRest, a relaxation and embodiment exercise. You can also useatimer to set your own Active Rest duration.PROGRESS AND CONTINUITYStay on track by filling in the Questionnaire, the collectedresultswill show in the calendar view.MOTIVATIONIn the Calendar overview you can see at one glimpse howyourawareness practise is going. The activities are summarized inaninspiring and neutral way, with a distinctive colour paletteofyour choice.REMINDERAn advanced Reminder set-up makes it easy and fast to set andturnoff Reminders for each activity, at your chosen timesanddates.DIARY AND NOTESStore your personal discoveries, notes and questions in theApp.They will also appear in the calendar overview.COMMUNITY AND SHARINGShare your practise with friends and stay motivated.
Project Awareness 1.0
Juiced In
Project Awareness is an applicationcreatedtoinform and to spread awareness about various diseases.Accordingtothe Center for Disease Control, the leading cause ofdeath intheUnited States is a disease: Heart Disease; killing787,000peoplein 2011. Despite global efforts to hinder the effectofdiseases onlife on Earth, society fails to comprehend the scopeofdiseases'influence. Project Awareness is designed tospreadfactual,reliable information to all corners of theworldthroughtechnology, giving users the knowledge about thedisease,it'seffects, it's prevalence, all in their very fingertips.-----------------------------------------------------Information is categorized into:-Background-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Prevalence-Curability-Opportunities to aid-----------------------------------------------------Project Awareness was created by the developer team"JuicedIn."in 2015. The necessity for on-demand informationregardingdiseaseswas brought to light as the start-up club"YouthOrganization forDisease Awareness" was founded at John C.KimballHigh School inTracy, CA. A developer team was founded todesign,code, and curateinformation for an application that wouldprovide,not only clubmembers at Kimball high school, but the entireworldan easy,reliable source of disease-related information.-----------------------------------------------------**What to expect in future updates**-Push notifications notifying users of the disease beingfocusedoneach respective month-More diseases-Certification of Project Awareness disease informationbycertifieddoctors and specialists
Neuroscience News | Neuroscien
Update You!
Neuroscience News: always up to date on the latest Neurosciencenewsand reviews
Meditation Music: Sleep Sounds 6.0
Avryx Apps
Meditation app with peaceful music, sounds & guided zen musictorelax & do yoga
Relaxing sounds - sleep music Meditate Relax and Sleep 0.6
Cool Future
Sounds to relax and sleep better. Deep sleep assured!
PsykeApp Autostima 1.1.1
PsykeApp è stata creata da un gruppodipsicologhe, sessuologhe e psicoterapeute conapprocciopsicocorporeo Biosistemico.Attraverso i loro studi ed esperienze professionali,hannoapprofondito il tema dell’autostima, fondante per ilbenesserepsicologico della persona.Nasce così PsykeApp: uno strumento interattivo, dovepotraisviluppare la tua autostima, accorgendoti di avere, oltreallamente, anche un corpo e delle emozioni.Proprio attraverso esperienze che coinvolgono e integranocorpo,mente ed emozioni, otterrai una consapevolezza più viva di tee unanuova forza per essere profondamente te stesso!Come è fatta?PsykeApp è composta di una parte centrale di esercizi e unapartedispiegazione per approfondire i temidell’autostima,dell’integrazione psicocorporea e del metodobiosistemico.È presente una pagina di contatti con i riferimenti dellepsicologheautrici della App.Per partire al meglio, ti consigliamo di iniziaredall’esercizio“Crea la tua base” e poi passare agli altrinell’ordine chedesideri.Gli esercizi sono stati pensati per essere svolti in un tempodicirca 15-30 minuti, richiedono uno spazio tranquillo eunabbigliamento comodo (in particolare quelli psicocorporei).Aumentare l'autostima con PsykeAppL’autostima è la stima che dai a te stesso, il valore chetiattribuisci come persona e nelle cose che fai, il modo in cuitivaluti, la sicurezza che sperimenti quando affrontiledifficoltà.L’autostima può variare a seconda delle situazioni e deltuostato d’animo: quindi puoi provare talvolta sensazioni dibassaautostima o alta.Questo è fondamentale! Non è una condizione immodificabile! Senellamaggior parte delle situazioni senti di avere una bassaautostima,lavorando su di te, puoi aumentarla.Ma come si fa?Non esiste una ricetta che vale per tutti, perché ognuno di noièunico, ha una propria storia e personalità.Quindi, la chiave, secondo noi, è nel contattare cosavuoiveramente, quali sono i tuoi bisogni, pensieri edemozioni.Attraverso gli esercizi potrai allenarti, proprio come inpalestra,a fortificare te stesso, ascoltare chi sei veramente,sentire diavere un corpo che parla e che spesso è più saggio dellatua mente,affollata di pensieri contrastanti.Ecco, talvolta dobbiamo silenziare quei pensieri per ascoltarelanostra parte più autentica.Con gli esercizi di PsykeApp ti allenerai anche a riconoscereipensieri disturbanti, che ti ostacolano nel sentire iltuovalore.Autostima è essere te stesso, in ogni momento esituazione!PsykeApp ti aiuterà a migliorare la tua autostimaattraverso unoriginale percorso di sviluppo personale, in cuiintegrare corpo,mente ed emozioni, vere risorse del nostrobenesserepsicofisico!Le autrici:Lara [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] was created byagroup of psychologists, psychotherapists and sessuologhewithpsicocorporeo Biosistemico approach.Through their studies and professional experience, have examinedtheissue of self-esteem, founding for psychological well-being oftheperson.Thus was born PsykeApp: an interactive tool, where you candevelopyour self-esteem, accorgendoti to have, in addition to themind, abody and emotions.Right through experiences that engage and integrate body, mindandemotions, you become more deeply conscious of yourself and anewforce to be deeply yourself!How is it made?PsykeApp is composed of a central part of exercises and apartofexplanation to explore the themes of self-esteem, and the methodofintegration psicocorporea biosistemico.There is a page of contacts with the references of the authorsofpsychologists App.To go to the best, you'll want to start over from the"Createyour base" and then switch to the other in the order youwant.The exercises are designed to be carried out in a time ofabout15-30 minutes, require a quiet and comfortable clothing(especiallypsychosomatic).Increase self-esteem with PsykeAppSelf-esteem is the estimate that by yourself, the valueyouattribute as a person and in the things we do, the way youassessthe security you experience when you face difficulties.Self-esteem can vary depending on the situation and your stateofmind: then you can try sometimes feelings of low self-esteemorhigh.This is critical! Is not unchangeable! If in most situationsyoufeel you have low self-esteem, working on you, you canincreaseit.But how?There is no recipe that applies to everyone, because each of usisunique, has its own history and personality.So, the key, according to us, is in contact what you reallywant,what are your needs, thoughts and emotions.Through the exercises you can train, just like in the gym,tofortify yourself, listen to who you really are, you feel thatyouhave a body that speaks and that it is often wiser than yourmind,crowded with conflicting thoughts.Here, sometimes we need to silence those thoughts to hearourmost authentic.With exercises PsykeApp you allenerai also to recognizethedisturbing thoughts that hinder you hear your value.Esteem is to be yourself, at any time and situation!PsykeAppwill help you improve your self-esteem through an originalpath ofpersonal development, in which integrate the body, mindandemotions, real resources of our psychological well-being!The authors:Lara [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
HappyBox - The Stress Buster 1.0
Fingent Corp
A stress busting, anti depressionappwithinteractive games, videos, quotes and guidelines toboostyourspirit.Magic Box - An interactive motion sensing servicethatmagicallyrelieves your stress with inspirational quotes toliveby.Game Box - The platter of entertaining games include hittheball,country guess, eight queens’ problem and identify thepicturegamesmeant to boost your confidence and problemsolvingskills.Video Box – Life-transforming cluster of videos toraiseyourspirits.Skill Box – Expert advice guidelines to raise your EQ, CQandAQthereby transforming the way you approach life.
Mindfulness with Petit BamBou 5.6.8
Guided Mindfulness Meditation for Sleep, Stress Relief&Relaxation