Top 19 Apps Similar to Dukan Diet Recipes Free

Dieta Dukan Receitas 4.0
El Nono
Learn how to do the dukan diet, check out many recipes toloseweight
Dukan Diet – official app 4.0
Owly Labs
The Dukan Method is the result of doctor andnutritionistPierreDukan’s 40 years of experience and is one of themostsuccessfuldieting tools in the world today. Meet theofficialmobile app!Main features: • True Weight Calculator; • DietDiary:monitor yourweight, physical activity and mood; •Clearrecommendations foreach day; • List of allowed foods withtips; •350 exclusiverecipes; • Choice of alternating rhythm, from1-1 to5-5; • Recordyour chest/waist/hip measurements in the diary;•Store slimmingprogress photos; • Option to write notes inthediary; • Reminderswith daily recommendations about walks anddiaryentries; • Optionto change True Weight; • Mark your period inthediary and graph; •Reminders to drink water, withfrequencysettings. # Pierre Dukan,diet, recipes, weight calculator.
Du Diet protein diet 1.8.1
Logomotiv LLC
Dukan diet organizer: stages, measure of weight,recipes,instructions and notes
Dieta Dukan Receitas 3.0
Mattias Apps
O aplicativo contém informações sobre aDietaDukan e todos os produtos que fazem parte deste eficientemétodo deemagrecimento.Detalhes do aplicativo:Como funciona a Dieta Dukan?Como fazer passo a passo.Alimentos permitidos na Dieta Dukan.Cardápio Completo da Dieta Dukan.Receitas com a Dieta Dukan.10 dicas essenciais.A Nova Dieta Dukan.Fotos Antes e depois da Dieta.Os Melhores Videos da Dieta Dukan: Meu emagrecimento, como perdi20Kg. Atualização de peso -42kg em 4 meses! Dieta Dukan:Jáexperimentou acreditar em você? e muito mais.Confira nossa aplicação completa da Dieta Dukan: comofunciona,restrições alimentares, tempo de emagrecimento e muitomais.A Dieta Dukan é a solução para emagrecer definitivamente.Confira o passo a passo da Dieta Dukan em nosso tutorial.The applicationcontainsinformation on the Dukan Diet and all products that arepart ofeffective weight loss method.Application details:How does the Dukan Diet?How to do step by step.Foods allowed on the Dukan Diet.Full menu of the Dukan Diet.Dukan Diet Recipes with.10 essential tips.The New Dukan Diet.Before and after photos of the Diet.The Best Videos of the Dukan Diet: My weight loss as I lost 20 kgofweight -42kg Update in 4 months.! Dukan Diet: Have you triedtobelieve you? and more.Check out our full application of the Dukan Diet: How itworks,dietary restrictions, while slimming and more.The Dukan Diet is the solution to lose weight permanently.Check out the step by step tutorial on our Dukan Diet.
Dieta Dukan Passo a Passo 3.0
PureLife Inc.
Com nossa aplicação descubra como fazer aDietaDukan passo a passo para emagrecer rápido.Detalhes da Aplicação:Lista de Compras para quem faz Dieta Dukan.Alimentos Permitidos na Dieta Dukan.Como funciona a Dieta Dukan?Torta Salgada Dukan: de Presunto e Queijo.Abobrinha recheada Dukan.Docinhos de Cenoura: Brigadeiro, Beijinho e Delicinhas Dukan.Dieta Eficaz.Biscoito Dukan.Conheça a nova dieta Dukan e perca até 1kg por semana.Nova versão da dieta dukan, aprenda fazer.Conheça todas as fases com detalhes.Videos de Dieta Dukan.Esta procurando mais informações sobre a Dieta Dukan. Confiranossaaplicação.With our applicationtodiscover how to do step by step Dukan Diet to loseweightfast.Application Details:Shopping List for Dukan Diet who does.Food Allowed on the Dukan Diet.How does the Dukan Diet?Pie Salt Dukan: Ham and Cheese.Zucchini stuffed Dukan.Sweets Carrot: Brigadier, Kissy and feisty Dukan.Effective diet.Dukan cookie.Meet the new Dukan diet and lose up to 1kg per week.New version of dukan diet, learn to do.Meet all stages with details.Videos Dukan Diet.Are searching for more information about the Dukan Diet. Checkoutour application.
Dieta Dukan A Melhor 1.0
AlterEgo Apps
Nesta app você encontra todo o conteúdosobreDieta Dukan, promete emagrecer rápido e acabar com o efeitoioiô.Detalhes:- Primeira fase da dieta.- Fase 2: transição.- Fase 3: consolidação.- Fases de Consolidação e Estabilização Definitiva.- Por que saber o peso certo?- Descubra quais são os perigos e efeitos colaterais dadietaDukan.- Escada Nutricional Dukan: conheça versão mais fácil dadietafamosa.- Receitas Dukan: aprenda pratos da dieta.- Seja para perder peso ou para ter uma alimentação saudável.Aprenda a preparar receitas fáceis e saborosas para todas asfasesda dieta dukan!Sucesso na Europa!In this app you willfindall content on Dukan Diet promises fast weight loss and endtheyo-yo effect.Details:- First phase of the diet.- Phase 2: transition.- Stage 3: consolidation.- Consolidation and Stabilization Phase Final.- Why know the right weight?- Find out what are the dangers and side effects ofDukandiet.- Ladder Nutrition Dukan: Know easier version of thefamousdiet.- Dukan Recipes: Learn diet dishes.- Whether to lose weight or to have a healthy diet.Learn how to prepare easy and tasty recipes for every stage ofdukandiet!Success in Europe!
Рецепты по диете Пьера Дюкана 1.0
Это белковая диета, авторомкоторойявляетсяфранцузский доктор Пьер Дюкан. Отныне вам не нужноизнурятьсебяпостоянными подсчетами калорий или жестко ограничиватьсвойрацион.Инновационный метод доктора Дюкана заключается в том,что вовремядиеты вы можете употреблять в пищу абсолютно все:мясо,рыбу,овощи, молочные продукты... И неспроста слоган диетыДюканагласит:«Ешь столько, сколько хочешь!».Чтобы достичь успеха в борьбе с лишним весом,необходимочеткоследовать специально разработанным фазам диетыДюкана. О них иомногом другом Вы узнаете в нашем приложении.This proteindiet,authoredby French doctor Pierre Duc. From now on, you do notneedto paceyourself constant counting calories or severelyrestrictyour diet.Dr. Ducane innovative method is that during thediet youcan eateverything: meat, fish, vegetables, dairy products... Andnotwithout reason Dukan Diet slogan reads: "Eat as much asyouwant!".To achieve success in the fight against excess weight,youmuststrictly follow a specially designed phase Dukan Diet. Ontheseandmany other things you will learn in our application.
Comment Maigrir vite ! 4.0
El Nono
Discover the tricks to lose weight and how to lose weightfastquickly.
Dukan Diyeti ve Egzersizleri 1.0
Novi Medya
Dukan Diyeti nedir?Dukanegzersizlerinasılyapılır.?En iyi dukan diyet yemek tarifleriburda..İdeal kilovehangi evrenin kaç gün yapılacağınınhesaplanması.Dukanevrelerinelerdir?Diğer kullanıcılarla hem sohbetedin,hemegzersiziniziyapın ,yemeklerini pişirin kilo vererekeğlenmenintadına DukanDiyet ve Egzersizleri uygulamamızlavarın.What is the DukanDiet?HowDukan exercises.? Best Dukan diet recipes burda..idealweightandwhat what hesaplanması.duk the stages will be carrieduniversefewdays? Chat both with other users, and do your exercise,givingweightto cook their meals Duke to enjoy the fun Diet andexercisehave onour application.
Диета Дюкана 1.0
Диета Дюкана – одна из самых популярных диетвнастоящее время.Она основана на потреблении белковых продуктов. При этомвашеменюстановится более разнообразным по мере достижения вамиопределенныхрезультатов.Диета Дюкана состоит из 4 этапов, первые два изкоторыхнацеленынепосредственно на снижение веса, а вторые два - настабилизациюнового веса.Каждый этап имеет свое название, отражающее его суть,исписокпродуктов, разрешенных на данном этапе. Но одноправилодействуетна всех этапах: ешьте, сколько хотите, забудьте о калориях иихподсчете!Ещё ни одна диета не была столь простой,эффективнойипоистиневкусной,как диета Пьера Дюкана,сногсшибательныерезультатыкоторойподтвердили миллионы людей во всём мире.Также мы собрали для Вас лушие полезные советы,которыепомогутнапути к стройной,красивой фигуре.Зачем ограничивать себя в объёме порций,считать каллорииисмотретьголодными глазами на еду? С диетой Дюкана можно худеть иполучатьотэтого процесса удовольствие.Попробуйте!Dukan Diet - one ofthemost popular diet today.It is based on the consumption of protein products. At the sametimeyour menuIt is becoming more diverse as you reach certain results.Dukan Diet consists of four stages, the first two of whichareaimeddirectly with the reduction in weight, and the second two -tostabilize the new weight.Each stage has a name that reflects its essence, andthelistproducts allowed at this stage. But one thing is trueat all stages, eat all you want, forget about caloriesandcounting!More no one diet was not so simple, effective and trulydelicious as diet Pierre Duke stunning results of whichconfirmed by millions of people around the world.Also, we have compiled lushie useful tips that will help tothe way to a slim, beautiful figure.Why limit yourself to the amount of servings, count caloriesandwatchhungry eyes on the food? On the Dukan Diet can lose weight andgetbythe process fun.Try it!
Рецепты Диеты Дюкана 1.0
Наше бесплатное приложение "РецептыДиетыДюкана" послужит для Вас верным помощником в похудении посистемеПьера Дюкана.Столь популярная и эффективная диета получила свое название вчестьразработавшего ее французского диетолога Пьера Дюкана.Многие считают диету Дюкана скорее не диетой, а образом жизнииправильным рационом питания.На этой диете можно сидеть до нескольких месяцев и нетолькопохудеть, но и очистить организм от токсинов, лишней жидкостиижировых отложений.Диета Дюкана делится на 4 основных этапа или фазы. Первая,основнаяи важная фаза называется «Атака». Главным ее принципомявляетсяупотребление продуктов с высоком содержанием белка.Благодаря этомукороткому этапу вы сможете быстро похудеть, и этобудет заметнопрактически сразу.За «Атакой» следует фаза «Круиз», она поможет достичьнормальноговеса. Эта фаза делится на дни на чистом белке и наовощно-белковыедни. И если для похудения вам потребуется скинутьболее 10кг, точередовать такие дни придется по принципу 5:5. еслиже лишний весваш составляет менее 10кг — то тут вы можете выбратьсхему 1:1,2:2,3:3 или 4:4. На фазе «Круиз» вы сидите до тех пор,пока недобьетесь желаемого результата.Третья фаза диеты Дюкана называется «Консолидация». При помощинеевы вернетесь к сбалансированному питанию и закрепитеполученныйрезультат. Время соблюдения третьей фазы зависит от того,сколькокилограммов вам удалось сбросить за первые 2 фазы. Закаждыйсброшенный килограмм — 10 дней на третьей фазе диеты Дюкана.Наэтом этапе вы возвращаете постепенно в своей рацион привычные вамилюбимые продукты.Финальная фаза диеты Дюкана называется «Стабилизация». К этомуэтапувы уже добились желаемого результата и сбросили вес. На этомэтапеэтот вес вам надо постоянно контролировать, чтобы ушедшие стакимиусилиями килограммы снова не вернулись. На этом этапеДюканрекомендует раз в неделю устраивать белковые дни иежедневносъедать по 3ст.л. овсяных отрубей.Our free app "DukanDietRecipes" will provide for you a faithful assistant in theweightloss system Pierre Duc.So popular and effective diet got its name in honor of theFrenchwho developed her nutritionist Pierre Duc.Many feel more Dukan Diet is not a diet, but a way of life andagood diet.On this diet you can stay up to several months, and not onlyloseweight but also to cleanse the body of toxins, excess fluidandfat.Dukan Diet is divided into 4 main stages or phases. First, thebasicand important phase is called "Attack". Its main principle istoconsume foods high in protein. Due to this short stage you canloseweight quickly, and it will be noticeable almostimmediately.For the "attack" phase should be "Cruise", it will help achieveahealthy weight. This phase is divided into days at the pureproteinand vegetable-protein days. And if you need to lose weightto throwmore than 10kg, you alternate days like this will have ontheprinciple of 5: 5. if your weight is less than 10kg - here youcanselect 1: 1, 2: 2,3: 3 and 4: 4. In phase "Cruise" you sit upuntilyou achieve the desired result.The third phase of the Dukan Diet is called "consolidation".Withit, you will return to a balanced diet and fix the result. Timeofcompliance of the third phase depends on how many kilograms didyoumanage to lose in the first 2 phases. For every kilogram thrown-10 days in the third phase of the Dukan Diet. At this stage,yougradually return to their usual diet and your favoritefoods.The final phase of the Dukan Diet is called "stabilization." Bythispoint, you have already achieved the desired result, andloseweight. At this point, the weight you need to constantlymonitorthat departed with such efforts kilos back again. At thisstage,Ducane recommends once a week to arrange a day and protein onadaily basis to eat 3st.l. oat bran.
DuRecipes – recipes Dukan diet 2.3
Logomotiv LLC
Cooking recipes for Dukan diet with photo and description.Attack,Cruise etс.
Du Diet protein diet 1.79v7
Logomotiv LLC
The best app organizer for proteinaceous and vegetable dietinPlay!This app is suitable for Dukan diet. Now all functions ofappisn’tlimited. You may regularly continue trial-time. Feelpleasureofusing Du Diet and upgrade it to Pro-version so you getitwithoutwatching ad. App is easy changed for different proteinandvegetablediet, especially Dukan diet. It has enough tools forit.All what’snecessary for comfortable diet time is in Du Diet App!–Calculatingdiet bases on your own measurements andbuildingindividual preciseschedule – Advices and instructions ofdiet.– Save results andlook at the progress on the graph. Ithelpsyou to keep diet and getthe best results. – More than500tasty and checked recipes ofdishes which are used by proteinandvegetable diet, especiallyDukan Diet. The most dishes arecookedwith simple and easy-boughtingredients. – Checklistofpackage what may be made withadding ingredients from therecipes.Get easy-to-use dailychecklist. Plan your daily ration. –Scheduleof diet has a new cozyinterface. Now you can add value ofweight,change quantity of drunkwater and turn on a walking timer inoneclick. – Protein orvegetable and protein day is? You willneverconfuse about kind ofdiet day. You can see this information onthemain screen and in theschedule. – Water balance and walksarechecked in the app.We’ll never forget to drink enough water orgofor a walk becauseapp reminds you about it. Du Diet has aclueabout duration time fora walk. It depends on stage of diet. –AColorful, vivid and usefulinstruction of diet stagesincludespictographs. It’s very visuallyand shows exactly allimportantaspects of diet. – A lot of usefuladvices andrecommendations.Lose weight easy using Hudelka andeating tastydishes. Du Diet isthe best organizer for protein andvegetable diet.
Дюрецепты Pro. 500+ рецептов 2.1
Logomotiv LLC
Retseptnik for protein and vegetable diet. More than 500 recipesforall stages of the diet.
Dieta Social ® 2.7
È l’app ufficiale Dieta Social®, il primo percorso collettivoalmondo di alimentazione sana, equilibrata e consapevole chesisvolge su Facebook. Un regime nuovissimo, lontano dal sensodisolitudine ed esclusione che accompagna le vecchie diete. Nonsicontano le calorie, non si pesano gli alimenti, non si patiscemaila fame, si portano in tavola cibi sani, selezionati con curadalteam medico-scientifico e di professionisti Dieta Social.Sieliminano per sempre i chili superflui e si adotta un nuovoemigliore stile di vita. Questa nuova versione dell’app permettediseguire i nostri percorsi, gratuiti e per abbonati. Imenusettimanali, le ricette gourmand e le tabelle dellesostituzionisono molto più veloci da caricare e semplici daconsultare. Sarai,inoltre, aggiornato in tempo reale su tutte lenovità del percorsoalimentare che stai seguendo.
Receitas Dukan 3.12
O Receitas Dukan foi desenvolvido paraajudaros adeptos da dieta Dukan.Com ele fica mais fácil organizar suas receitas, semmisturá-lascom as receitas das dietas"normais".Se você é um adepto(a) da dieta Dukan, esse app foi feitoparavocê.O app já conta com mais de 70 receitas cadastradas e vocêpodecadastrar as suas, além decompartilhá-las com quem quiser.Saúde e bom apetite!*Esta versão contém anúncios. Caso prefira, temos uma versãosemanúncios: nossa fan page noFacebook: nossosite:ça nosso aplicativo Receitas LowCarb:ça nosso aplicativo ReceitasPaleo: Dukan Recipeswasdeveloped to help the supporters of the Dukan diet.With it is easier to organize your recipes, without mixingthemwith revenues of diets"Normal".If you are a fan (a) of the Dukan diet, this app is for you.The app has more than 70 recipes registered and you canregistertheir, andshare them with anyone.Health and good appetite!* This version contains ads. If you prefer, we have aversionwithoutads: our fan page onFacebook: ourwebsite: our application Recipes LowCarb: our application PaleoRecipes:
Dukan diet 1.0
wondering how to lose weight? Have youtrieddedketogenic diet? Here is a large choice of Ketogenicdietrecipes withpictures and details. No need for weight losspillswhen you haveweight loss tips.In this application*Attack Phase Recipes*Cruise Phase Recipes*Oat Bran Recipes*Breakfast Ideas*Lunch Ideas*Snack Ideas*Dinner Ideas*List of Foods*Dukan Oat Bran Galette (Pancake)*Dukan Diet Turkey Burger*Luc Lac Beef*Beef kebabs*Stuffed Eggs with Shrimps/PrawnsAnd a lot more Like detox diet, dash diet, diabetic dietorlowcarb diet, Keto diet must be followed after a healthreviewandadvice. Attack dieta dukan If you like please shareandcomment.Find our free android application for phone andtablet
Dieta Dukan: emagrecer rapido 2.1
Desenvolvemos o aplicativo " Dieta Dukan Emagrecer" para pessoasquequerem conhecer mais sobre a dukan diet. Apresentamos técnicaseorientações de como emagrecer rápido, com saúde. Nossa equipeéespecial e o aplicativo funciona em várias versões dedispositivosmóveis. Não perca tempo, aprenda agora mesmo comoperder peso oucomo perder barriga. Antes de mudar qualquer rotina,consulte ummédico ou nutricionista. Baixe e instale.CARACTERÍSTICAS DOAPLICATIVO: ✓ É totalmente gratuito. ✓ Funcionaem 99% dosdispositivos móveis. ✓ O aplicativo apresenta comofunciona a dietaDukan, uma dieta para emagrecer. ✓ Ensina técnicase receitasDukan. ✓ Explica como as fases da dieta Dukan, a receitaparaemagrecer. ✓ Ensina como calcular IMC. ✓ Combate a obesidade.✓Divide os assuntos em capítulos de maneira clara e organizada.✓Atualizado periodicamente. ★★★★★ BOA SORTE! ★★★★★
Dilara Koçak
Dilara Koçak
UZMAN DİYETİSYEN DİLARA KOÇAK,Beslenme ve Diyet uzmanı Dilara Koçak iyi yaşam ve diyetipuçlarınıpaylaşıyor.Lezzetli ve sağlıklı tarifler, kilo vermeyi kolaylaştıranönerilerve bilimsel araştırmalar ışığında diyete dair nevarsaöğreneceksinizDiyetisyen Dilara Koçak sosyal medya paylaşımları tek birplatformdave önerilerinize açık, günlük önerileri kaçırmayınDieticianDilaraKoçakNutrition and diet specialist Dilara Koçak share good lifestyleanddiet tips.Delicious and healthy recipes, suggestions that facilitateweightloss and scientific research in whatever light you will learnaboutthe dietDietician Dilara Koçak social media sharing in one platform andopento suggestions, do not miss the daily suggestions