Top 20 Apps Similar to Chile Travel

Guía de Santiago de Chile 1.0.2
Descubra Santiago de Chile con la nueva GuíadeCiudades de Descargue gratis en su Android la guíadeturismo de y consulte toda la informacióntotalmente enespañol. Mapas, recorridos, puntos de interés, losmejores hoteles ymucho más!Es gratis y muy fácil de usar.  Seleccione y descarguelaguía de Santiago de Chile para contar con toda lainformaciónnecesaria para aprovechar al máximo su viaje.Conozca el Barrio Bellavista y la Catedral Metropolitana!Armesus itinerarios para conocer cada rincón de Santiago de Chileconlos mejores datos! Opiniones, críticas y recomendacionesdeviajeros. Las Guías turísticas de cuentan con lamejorinformación en español para que planifique se viaje. Todaslasactividades que puede realizar, con el mejor asesoramiento delosusuarios.INFORMACIÓNConsulte todas las atracciones y las actividades imperdiblesparaorganizar su viaje como si fuera local. Encuentre todalainformación de Santiago de Chile, mapas, tips,recomendaciones,opiniones, críticas, distancias, ubicaciones ymedios de transportepara moverse sin problemas.QUÉ HACERDescubra un mundo de actividades! Conozca la ubicación delosprincipales puntos de interés, museos, zoológicos, plazas,parques,aeropuertos y hoteles. No se pierda los mejores lugares deSantiagode Chile para ir de compras, disfrutar los espectáculosmásimportantes, aprovechar la vida nocturna o  apreciarlanaturaleza.Toda la información de Santiago de Chile estará disponible ensuAndroid con sólo descargar la aplicación de!HOTELESTodos los hoteles en un mismo lugar! El listado más ampliodehoteles en Santiago de Chile se encuentra en las Guías deTurismode Consulte y reserve los hoteles próximos asuubicación; precios, servicios y condiciones de contratación,yconozca las puntuaciones y opiniones de otros usuarios. Losmejoresprecios garantizados de Hoteles de!FAVORITOSSea su propio guía! Organice su lista de favoritos paratenersiempre en cuenta las actividades que no se quiere perder,marquelos lugares de Santiago de Chile que desea conocer y nopierdaningún detalle!Descargue gratis en su Android la guía turística deDespegar.comy tenga toda la información para su viaje totalmenteenespañol.Discover Santiago deChilewith the new Guide Cities. Free Download inyourAndroid tour guide and see all the informationinSpanish. Maps, tours, attractions, best hotels and more!It's free and easy to use. Select and download the guidefromSantiago de Chile to have all the information needed to makethemost of your trip.Meet the Bellavista and the Metropolitan Cathedral! Buildyouritineraries to know every corner of Santiago de Chile with thebestdata! Reviews, reviews and traveler Travel Guides have the best information in Spanishtoplan you trip. All activities can be performed with the bestadvicefrom users.INFORMATIONSee all the attractions and activities you must do to organizeyourtrip like a local. Find all the information about SantiagodeChile, maps, tips, recommendations, opinions, reviews,distance,location and means of transport to move smoothly.WHAT TO DODiscover a world of activities! Know the location of the mainpointsof interest, museums, zoos, parks, airports and hotels. Donot missthe best places in Santiago de Chile for shopping, enjoythe showsmost important, make the nightlife or appreciatenature.All information in Santiago de Chile will be available onyourAndroid by downloading the application!HOTELSAll hotels in one place! The most comprehensive list of hotelsinSantiago, Chile is in the Tourist Guides. Browseandbook the hotels close to their location, prices, servicesandconditions of employment, and meet scores and reviews fromotherusers. Best prices guaranteed Hotels!FAVORITESBe your own guide! Organize your favorites to always takeintoaccount the activities that do not want to lose, mark theplaces inSantiago de Chile you want to know and do not miss anydetails!Download for free on your Android tourist guideandhave all the information for your trip entirely in Spanish.
Araucanía 5.55.14
WELCOME TO THIS APPLICATION OF ARAUCANIA!The official tourism application of Araucanía in ChileHere you will find a complete guide with all theinformationtomake your staying more comfortable en entertaining+Know the five tourist zones+ Discover the six tourist experiences that you can gothroughinthis Southern region+ Remember all the events by means of theAraucaníaCalendarspecially done for you+ Search all the tourist services that offer thetouristcompaniesin Araucanía. Keep at hand the mostimportantinformation: telephonenumbers, emails among otherdata.+ Know hundreds of stories and news from peoplewhopromotetourism in Araucanía region+Additionally, this application provides you thepublicusefulinformation such as tourist information, meansoftransport,telephone numbers, emergency contacts and others.+Furthermore information, photographs and videos injustoneapplicationWe invite you to know and to communicate thisapplication.Unloadthis app from your smartphone today.For comments and suggestions,[email protected]
Chilevisit App 10.0.0
ChileVisit es una completa guía deturismocontoda la información útil para que turistasnacionaleseinternacionales puedan recorrer Chile con todacomodidad, yaquecuenta con toda la información al alcance de lamano.La aplicación busca ser una herramienta que ayude aposicionaralpaís como uno de los principales destinos anivelmundial,entregando contenidos actualizados y rescatando laofertadeproductos típicamente nacionales.ChileVisit isacompletetour guide with all the useful information fornationalandinternational tourists can travel comfortably Chile,since ithasall the information at your fingertips.The application seeks to be a tool to help position thecountryasone of the top destinations worldwide, deliveringupdatedcontentand rescuing typically offer domestic products.
Chile Travel Guide by Triposo 4.6.0
The Chile travel guide contains complete and up to date cityguidesfor Santiago de Chile, Valparaíso, Punta Arenas, San PedrodeAtacama and many other travel destinations in Chile. Itworksoffline, you don't need an internet connection. Eachlocationcontains a sightseeing section with all the monuments. Pickyourideal restaurant in the eating out section containing thebestrestaurants. Discover the nightlife of Chile! Bars, pubs&discos in Antofagasta, Valdivia, Puerto Montt, Concepción. Usethedetailed offline maps to simply find out where you are andseewhat's around. The complete background information can beaninteresting read at home or on the road to your nextadventure.Useful when you are there: - Currency converter. -Phrasebook forSpanish. - Weather forecast (updated when online). -Directions onhow to get to a place by public transport. - Bookhotels and toursin Chile directly from the app (when online). AboutTriposo Foundedby and for travelers, Triposo delivers up-to-dateinformation,detailed maps and intelligent recommendations for morethan 40,000destinations in 200 countries around the world. To makeour guideswe use the content that is freely available. Open contentsiteslike Wikivoyage, Wikipedia, World66 and OpenStreetMap areamong thebest resources for any traveler. Whether you are a plannerorprefer to go with the flow, Triposo helps you discovertheunexpected and experience travel in a new way. If you seeanyproblem with the app, please write us an [email protected] so we can figure out what's wrong and fixit.Thanks!
TouristEye - Travel Guide 4.0.7
February 2014 - Version 4.0! We believethatyou should have an unforgettable experience on your trips.That'swhy we have designed the most user-friendly app to plan yourtripin seconds. More than 800,000 people have already traveledwithTouristEye taking all the information, user tips and maps ontheirmobile phones without Internet.TouristEye features:✓ Collect ideas for your trips and getaways. If you seeorsomeone recommends you a destination that you want tovisitsomeday, save it in a wishlist.✓ Plan your trips in seconds without missing anythingimportant.Do it in a visual and simple way, with over 10,000locations and300,000 places, activities and unique experiencesavailable.✓ NEW! Nearby recommendations while you are on your trip.Werecommend you the spots to go next depending where you are,whatyou want to see and the time of day. It works offline!✓ Community-created Wishlists and collaborativewishlists.Discover wonders like "The best beaches for surfing" or"VisitingNew York with children" and asks your friends for help tofind newideas.✓ Texts, photos and maps 100% offline. Forget aboutpayingroaming charges or relying on wireless connections.• Discover the experiences that you have to live ineachdestination. Sunsets, local dishes, secret gardens andthousands ofunique experiences in each city to make yourtripunforgettable.✓ Receive personalized ideas to escape every weekend. Wewillpropose you new ideas near your city so you can escape themonotonyand enjoy something new every week.=======================• TouristEye is now a product of Lonely Planet, a world leaderinindependent, trusted travel advice.• More than 800,000 people have traveled with TouristEye.• Featured on Techcrunch, Gadling, Wired, The Next Web andotherprestigious blogs.=========================★ Hundreds of cities available ★We have City Travel Guides of thousands of cities, andeverydayour community adds more places to visit, experiences tolive andrestaurants to eat.✓ EuropeParis, London, Barcelona, Rome, Madrid, Venetia,Florence,Amsterdam, Granada, Seville, Prague, Berlin, Lisbon, SanSebastian,Toledo, Santiago, Salamanca, Bruges, Cordoba, Segovia,Valencia,Versailles, Pisa, Majorca, Cadiz, Ibiza, Istanbul,Santander,Bilbao, Vienna, Edinburgh, Siena, Brussels, Milan,Budapest,Munich, Porto, Dublin, Pamplona, Canary Islands, Tenerife,LasPalmas, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Saint Petersburg,Disneyland,Zurich, Moscow, Dublin, Oslo, Varsovia, Athens, Spain,France,Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Portugal,Belgium,Austria Travel Guide...✓ North AmericaNew York, San Francisco, Orlando, Las Vegas, Miami,Washington,Chicago, Walt Disney, Los Angeles, San Diego, Boston,Philadelphia,Santa Monica, Seattle, Niagara Falls, New Orleans,Mexico, Cancun,Havana, Toronto, Vancouver, Quebec, Montreal, UnitedStates, USA,Canada, Cuba, Mexico Travel Guide...✓ AsiaTokyo, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore,Sydney,Melbourne, Japan, China, India, Australia TravelGuide...✓ South AmericaBuenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Santiago,Argentina,Brazil, Chile Travel Guide...✓ AfricaMarrakech, Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, Aswan, Egypt, Morocco,SouthAfrica Travel Guide...=========================PermissionsInternet: You can change the setting: Offline, WiFior3G/WiFiContact list: It's ONLY used if you want to invite a contact toatrip. We do NOT use the call log (but it is the same permissionasthe contact list)List of applications: It's used only when you want toconnectthrough Facebook or Twitter to use their apps.
Trekkingchile 1.9.13
Information about outdoor activities in Chile andneighboringcountries with tips for excursions, restaurants andaccommodation.The map and the GPS route can be downloaded and savedto the phonethrough the Trekkingchile application, which can beused evenwithout connection on your mobile phone. Additionalservices ofthis application are the rescue system SARS and an indexof localguides. You can find the right hiking map in ouronline-shop.
Turismart 1.9
La forma entretenida de conocer nuestropaísconlos mejores datos y recomendaciones. Sólo funcionalparaChileThe fun way tolearnaboutour country with the best data and recommendations.Onlyfunctionalfor Chile
Carretera 8.0.1
Pedro Quijada
Manage your road trip, estimated costs and shows route information
Cheap Flights Chile 1.5
Cheap Flights ChileUp to 75% discount on your flights in ChileReserve cheap flights in Chile. We cover thefollowingdestinations in Chile..- Easter Island- Hanga Roa- Curico- Iquique- Concepcion- Antofagasta- Calama- Osorno- Puerto Montt- SantiagoAdditional details is provided for Achao, Algarrobo, Alhué,Altodel Carmen, Alto Palena, Andacollo, Angol, Ancud, Isla ReyJorge,Arica, Atacalco, Ayacara, Bahia Inutil, Posesión,Balmaceda,Bulnes, Cabildo, Cabo de Hornos, Caldera, Caleta, Cañete,Carrizal,Casablanca, Castro, Cauquenes, Cerro Castillo, CerroParanal, CerroSombrero, Chaitén, Los, Chañaral, Chepica O'Higgins,Chile Chico,Chillán Biobío, Cholguán, Chonchi, Choshuenco,Chuquicamata,Cobquecura and Cochamó.
Despegar: vuelos y hoteles 18.11.1
App de viajes
Find exclusive offers and benefits on flights, accommodationandmore.
Chile - Travel Guide 21.2.20
Travel Chile: Illustrated Guide,PhrasebookandMaps. Includes Santiago, Valparaiso, Easter Island& more.(MobiTravel)MobileReference guides help you get the most out ofyourvacation.The guides are available for most destinationsworldwideand alwaysinclude FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3millionMobileReference TravelGuides have been downloaded.The world’s most popular electronic guides developedforyoursmartphone have the following features:✔ GPS map loads to your smartphone memory - nonetworkaccessneeded once the app is downloaded.✔ GPS map displays your location along with nearbysightsandattractions.✔ MobileReference guides use vector-based maps so theyloadquicklyand are easy to zoom and scroll.✔ Unlike other travel guides, GPS coordinates forattractionshavebeen verified by users on the ground.✔ Attraction articles can be accessed from both an alphabeticalandacategorical index.✔ Top 10 attractions article features sights that novisitorshouldmiss.✔ Articles include tips on what to do and seeinyourdestination.✔ Articles can be added to a list of favorites.✔ Phrasebooks include list of common words and phrases.✔ The top restaurants have been individuallyselectedbyMobileReference editors. These restaurants are marked bya starinthe EAT chapter and are plotted on the GPS map✔ Listen to articles on the go with Text-To-Speech✔ No ads✔ No roaming chargesMobileReference Travel Guides providedetailed,practicalinformation about attractions, landmarks,transportation,culturalvenues, dining, lodging, history and muchmore. They areindexedalphabetically and by category, making iteasier toaccessindividual articles. Attractions can be viewed on anofflineGPSmap along with your current location so that you caneasilyfindattractions near you as you explore the city.TABLE OF CONTENTS:Essentials: Phrasebook | Eat | Drink | Sleep | Stay Healthy|StaySafe | Respect | Talk | Buy | ContactGeneral: History | Geography | Climate | Politics |Demographics|Economy | Culture | Religion | LanguagesMaps: Chile | Regions | Santiago | Santiago Metro |Valparaíso|Easter IslandTransport: Get in | Get AroundAttractions: Top 10 | Cities | National Parks |Volcanoes|Archaeological Sites | Chilean Wine | Ski CentersSantiago: History | Geography | Economy | Culture | Eat |Drink|Sleep | Contact | Get Out | Get in | Get aroundSantiago Attractions: Top 10 | See | Do | Buy |Buildings|Museums | Churches | ParksOther Cities: Antofagasta | Arica | Castro | Chonchi|Concepción| Frutillar | Iquique | Pichilemu | Pucón | PuertoVaras| PuertoWilliams | Punta Arenas | San Pedro de Atacama |Santiago| LaSerena | Temuco | Valdivia | Valparaíso | Viña delMarOther Destinations: Atacama Desert | Cape Horn|ChiloéArchipelago | Chiloé Island | Easter Island | ElTatioGeysers |Juan Fernández Islands | Mano del Desierto | LaPortada |RobinsonCrusoe Island | Salar de Atacama | San Alfonso delMar |Torres delPaine National Park-MobileReference®. Free maps for worldwide destinations™.
Chile Offline Map 9.5
The whole of Chile in one app: search and navigate withoutinternetconnection.
DescubreTalca Chile
DescripciónDescubreTalca es una invitación de la juventud Talquina a todaslasgeneraciones de talquinos así como sus visitantes a descubrirlosatractivos de Talca la capital de la Región del Maule, Chile.Desde hoy podrás descubrir en Talca:* Audiotours de lugares atractivos* Artistas locales (música, artesania, folclor, pintura, graffitiymás)* Foro en el cual puedes expresarte como quieras* Servicios (hotelería, publicidad, taxis, repostería y más)* Promociones para premiarte* Eventos de interés artistico y culturalEl nombre Talca nace del vocablo mapudungún, "TRALKA",quesignifica "lugar del trueno". Talca (capital de la RegióndelMaule, Chile) ha sido a lo largo de la historia de granrelavanciapara el país. Es en esta ciudad de la Región del Mauledonde sefirma la Independencia de Chile el 12 de Febrero de 1818 ynacenimportantes figuras a nivel nacional e internacional.En la actualidad Talca se consolida como un sólidonúcleoadministrativo de la Región del Maule, así como también elprimercentro industrial, cultural y universitario del Valle CentraldeChile.En lo referente al turismo, Talca concentra un granatractivohistórico-cultural en el epicentro de la Región del Maule,Chiledebido a su estrecha relación con sucesos históricos y elamplionúmero de artistas que se encuentran en la escena Talquina.Es estala razón por la cual DescubreTalca ofrece audiotoursgratuitos quedescriben los atractivos, historia y patrimonio de laciudad deTalca así como ofrece la posibilidad de conocer artistas,artesanosy servicios de Talca de forma fácil y oportuna.Anímate a ser parte de un Efecto Dominó que le de un orgullo alaciudad de Talca, Maule y Chile. Sabemos que nuestra genteesimportante y por eso sabemos que todos podemos propiciarundespertar más interesante a la capital de la Región delMaule,Chile.
World Explorer - Travel Guide 4.1
The essential guide for your travels, holidays and weekends !
Aeropuertos Chile 1.5
Aeropuertos Chile es una app que tepermiteconocer el estado de los vuelos con origen y/o destino alosprincipales aeropuertos chilenos en tiempo real. Podrásconsultarlos horarios de los vuelos, tanto de las llegadas comosalidas devuelos nacionales o internacionales de los principalesAeropuertosde Chile como el Aeropuerto de Santiago de Chile,Antofagasta,Iquique y Puerto MonttEn esta primera versión, podrás conocer la información delosvuelos de los siguientes aeropuertos chilenos:- Aeropuerto Internacional Comodoro Arturo MerinoBenítez(Santiago)- Aeropuerto Internacional Cerro Moreno (Antofagasta)- Aeropuerto Internacional Diego Aracena (Iquique)- Aeropuerto Internacional El Tepual (Puerto Montt)También podrás conocer el pronóstico del tiempo de la ciudaddedestino gracias a la información meteorológica queproporcionaOpenWeatherMap. Contará con el tiempo esperado y latemperaturamáxima y mínima del día actual y los cuatro siguientesdías, paraque pueda planificar su viaje adecuadamente.Dependiendo los servicios que tenga configurado en susmartphone,podrá compartir la información sobre el estado de losvuelos conarribo o partida en los aeropuertos argentinos a travésdel lossiguientes servicios:- Twitter- Correo electrónico- FacebookLa información de los vuelos puede variar en cualquiermomento.Por lo tanto, esta información puede estar incompleta,podríacontener errores o estar desfasada. Se deberá, por lo tanto,antesde tomar alguna acción derivada de su contenido, verificarlainformación, poniéndose en contacto con la oficina deinformacióndel aeropuerto respectivo. Para toda la informaciónreferida alíneas aéreas, consultar con dichas empresas.Debido a cambios en los sistemas de los operadores delosdistintos aeropuertos, es posible que la aplicación pueda dejardefuncionar en un futuro. Por este motivo, el usuario reconoceyacepta que este servicio puede ser suspendido o canceladosinprevio aviso.Airports Chile is anappthat lets you know the status of flights departing and /orarriving at Chile's major airports in real time. You can checkthetimetable of flights, both arrivals and departures ofinternationalor domestic flights to major airports in Chile AirportSantiago,Antofagasta, Iquique, Puerto MonttIn this first version, you'll know the information of theflightsof the following Chilean airports:- Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez InternationalAirport(Santiago)- Airport Cerro Moreno International (Antofagasta)- Diego Aracena International Airport (Iquique)- Tepual International Airport (Puerto Montt)You can also learn the weather forecast of the destinationcityby providing weather information OpenWeatherMap. It will havetheexpected time and the maximum and minimum temperature ofthecurrent day and the next four days, so you can plan yourtripaccordingly.Depending on the services you have configured on yoursmartphone,you can share information on the status of the flightsarriving ordeparting in Argentine airports through thefollowingservices:- Twitter- Email- FacebookFlight information can change at any time. Therefore,thisinformation may be incomplete, may contain errors or beoutdated.It should, therefore, before taking any action arisingfrom thecontent, verify the information, by contacting theInformationOffice of the respective airport. For all theinformation onairlines, check with these companies.Due to changes in the systems of operators of differentairports,it is possible that the application can not work in thefuture.Therefore, the user acknowledges and agrees that thisservice may besuspended or terminated without notice.
RUTA7 Carretera Austral 9.2
Carretera Austral runs with the information you RUTA7 delivery
Offline Maps & Navigation
Here we created another great navigationappbased on offline maps.You can enjoy unlimited navigation features, lifetime freemapupdates with no hidden costs. Our real-time traffic helps youtoavoid traffic jams. Features: - Free offline GPS navigation- Offline maps- Lifetime free map updates- Speed limit warnings- 3D buildings - Large POI database- Pedestrian, car, or even bee-line navigation- Night mode based on local sunset time Advanced:- Real-time traffic- Multi-language voice navigation- Speed camera warnings- Lane guidance- Track recording- Navigate to photo- Travelbook- Support Free version includes 90 days Advanced features with voiceguidednavigation. After 90 days use offline maps and trip planningforfree or upgrade to unlimited voice guided premiumnavigation.
TripIt: Travel Planner 12.5.1
TripIt, Inc.
TripIt® from Concur instantly organizes all your travel plans inoneplace.
Rhineland-Palatinate tourism 3.8.4
Holidays in Rhineland-Palatinate!
Michelin Travel
Discover the world with Michelin!Explore30,000 points of interest in 80 countries, all reviewed byourauthors. Find top sights for any destination. Get trip ideasfortop cities. Find and book Michelin-selected restaurants, hotelsandtours directly from your phone. Save your travel ideas tofindlater. Michelin Travel: your free travel guide!Michelin Travel has been completely redesigned from the ground uptogive you a great travel experience.• Explore content for 30,000 points of interest and thousandsofcities, across more than 80 countries• See the closest sights as soon as you open the app• Take advantage of the Michelin star rating for sightsanddestinations: one star “Interesting”, two stars“Recommended”,three stars “Highly Recommended”• Browse Top Sights for any location worldwide• Get inspired by 3-Day Itinerary suggestions for Paris, Rome,NewYork, Barcelona, London, Venice, Amsterdam, and Brussels• Follow unique Walking Tours made by our authors, startinginmust-see areas of Paris• Reserve a table at Michelin-selected restaurants, shown rightonthe map• Book cut-the-line tickets, tours, and activities withourpartners• Find and book hotels, wherever you travel• Filter results by what inspires you: nature, art andculture,heritage, entertainment• Starting in select top destinations, filter sights byuniquecriteria chosen by our authors: must-see, wow!, zen,kids-friendly,off the beaten path, romantic, by night• Favorite your travel ideas to easily find again later• Get instant travel directions to any point of interest, usingyourpreferred navigation appMichelin Travel uses your location to find great ideas whereveryouare.We have exciting new features coming soon, with new contentaddedregularly, so check back often!Please let us know what you think (and how we can improve!)at:[email protected] of covered countries and cities:EuropeThe Netherlands: Amsterdam, RotterdamSpain: Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, SevilleGermany: Berlin, MunichGreat Britain: London, EdinburghFrance: Paris, NiceItaly: Rome, Venice, NaplesCzech Republic: PragueNorth AmericaUnited States: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San FranciscoCanada: Montreal, Vancouver, TorontoCentral and South AmericaBrazil: Rio de JaneiroMexico: Mexico CityArgentina: Buenos AiresChile: SantiagoAsiaThailand: Bangkok, Chiang MaiChina: Beijing, ShanghaiHong KongSingaporeJapan: TokyoAustralia: SydneyMiddle EastUnited Arab Emirates: Dubai