Top 14 Apps Similar to Commissions Inc for Agents

AirWatch Agent
The AirWatch® MDM Agent allows youtoauthenticate and enroll your device in AirWatch. Theintuitiveenrollment process will prompt you to authenticate, accepta Termsof Use agreement and to install the applications, contentandprofiles set by your IT administrator. From the AirWatch MDMAgent,you can view device details, read messages from IT, verifyyourcompliance status and request support from your ITadministrator.The AirWatch MDM Agent will report device details andcompliancestatus to the admin console.Note: AirWatch MDM Agent works in conjunction with and ismanagedthrough configurable system settings within the adminconsole.AirWatch MDM Agent will not operate without the requiredAirWatchinfrastructure. Please contact your IT administratorbeforeinstalling AirWatch MDM Agent.AirWatch MDM Agent Key FeaturesEnrollment• Easy user authentication• Intuitive, prompted device enrollment over-the-airAccess to Corporate Resources• Automatic access to apps, content and resources configured byyourIT administrator• Single sign on for all AirWatch applicationsSelf-Management• View device details, such as free memory, currentcompliancestatus and telecom usage• Receive messages when out of compliance• Contact support for additional assistanceInstructions for ActivationStep 1: Download and install the AirWatch MDM Agent on yourdevicefrom Google Play StoreStep 2: Enter your corporate email addressStep 3: When prompted, enter your credentials and accept theTermsof UseStep 4: The apps, content and profiles configured by yourITadministrator will prompt you to install automatically
AirWatch Inbox
AirWatch® Inbox for Android is asecure,containerized email client that provides complete separationofenterprise and personal data on devices. Protected with AES-256bitencryption, AirWatch Inbox is configured with advanced datalossprevention capabilities to secure sensitive corporate data,whileproviding you with quick access to corporate email, calendarandcontacts. AirWatch Inbox is ideal for highly regulateddeploymentsand BYOD programs.Note: AirWatch Inbox works in conjunction with and ismanagedthrough configurable system settings within the adminconsole.AirWatch Inbox will not operate without the requiredAirWatchinfrastructure. Please contact your IT administratorbeforeinstalling AirWatch Inbox.Key Features of AirWatch Inbox :Security• Protect with AES-256 bit encryption• Protect with password/pin authenticationEmail• Create, rename and delete folders and subfolders• Search for email by ‘To’ and ‘Subject’• Filter flagged, unread and high priority email• Preview attachments before opening• Perform bulk actions to emails• Support HTML email• Insert custom signatures automatically• Support Exchange ActiveSync (EAS)Calendar• View all events and respond to invites• See chronological list of events for each dayContacts• Create, edit and delete contacts• Call and send messages to contacts• Search for contacts in Global Address ListSteps for Activation:1. Download and install AirWatch Inbox on your device throughtheGoogle Play Store.2. Enroll your device with the AirWatch® Agent3. Based on a profile set by your IT administrator, AirWatchInboxconfigures itself and prompts you for additional inputs.4. Once you complete the configuration steps as prescribed byyouradministrator, AirWatch Inbox starts syncing your email,calendarand contacts.For more information on the AirWatch solution, pleasecall866.501.7705.
VMware Browser
The VMware Browser application provides asafeand accessible alternative to the native web browser forAndroidmanaged device users. Corporate IT administrators cancustomize andconfigure the Browser to meet unique business andend-user needs,whether the need is to restrict web access fromcertain websites orto provide a secure internet "kiosk" for devicesused as a mobilepoint of sale.By securing all internet transactions and limiting internetaccessto custom-defined websites in the Browser's Kiosk andRestrictedmodes, the VMware Browser gives your corporation thebenefits ofmobile technology but with fewer distractions andrisks.The IT administrator can remotely configure theBrowsersimultaneously with other MDM policies from AirWatch'sweb-basedconsole, providing centralized and easy access toyourcorporation's mobile device management and securitypolicies.Configure the Security Settings• Default view that provides options for enabling/disablingfeaturesin the VMware Browser that may be a security concernEnable a Browser Operation Mode• Kiosk mode restricts users to a single landing page inthebrowser.• Restricted mode employs either a blacklist policy forrestrictedsites or a whitelist policy to limit browsing toallowedsitesSupport for App Tunneling• Integrates with the AirWatch Tunnel and F5 devices to allowusersto browse websites inside a company’s firewall• Integrates with regular proxies to redirect thebrowser’strafficRestrict documents to open only in allowed apps• Allows an administrator to enforce that all downloads can onlybeopened in the Secure Content Locker or on otherallowedapplications
Agent Inbox 1.11
Agent Inbox
DESCRIPTION:Agent Inbox is a real estate application that is transformingtheway real estate agents communicate and schedule. Theapplicationhas created an easy to use scheduling and showingprocess for allparties through a secure mobile messaging platform,route planner,and an agent-to-agent scheduling system. Agent Inboxwillstreamline and automate the current process of using endlesspaper,phone calls, emails, and texts to communicate.AVAILABILITY:Agent Inbox is a tool provided to Real Estate agents throughtheirMLS. If your MLS is currently partnered with AgentInboxdownloading and signing up is simple and fast. Unfortunately,ifyour MLS is not partnered with Agent Inbox, the tool willbeunavailable for your use.KEY FEATURES:- Agent-to-agent scheduling- Secure and simple messaging- Effortless MLS Searching- Route Optimization- Property Detail Organizer
Field Agent 3.15.3
Make Money While You Shop with Field Agent
Skype for Business for Android
Skype for Business, formerly Lync 2013,forAndroid extends the power of Lync and Skype to your favoritemobiledevice: voice & video over wireless, rich presence,instantmessaging, conferencing, and calling features from asingle,easy-to-use interface.Key Features:-Initiate a group IM or video conversation and inviteadditionalparticipants-Join, rejoin and initiate a Skype for Business Meetingtocommunicate and collaborate on amazing ideas-Share your video and view speaker's video during aconference-Control the meeting (mute or remove attendees) and know moreaboutparticipants’ modalities-Look at your upcoming meetings and join via one click-Find your recent conversations and pick them up from whereyouleft-Search your contacts by name, email, or phone number-Enhanced security via Active Directory AuthenticationLibrary(ADAL)Anyone can use the Skype for Business Mobile app when invited toaSkype for Business or Lync 2013 meeting. However, you must haveaSkype for Business or Lync account in order to use (and enjoy)thefull capability of the Skype for Business Mobile app. Also,somefunctionality might require an update to Lync or Skype forBusinessServer or might not be available to all users. If you’renot sureabout your account status, please contact your ITdepartmentIMPORTANT: THIS SOFTWARE REQUIRES CONNECTIVITY TO VALIDLYLICENSEDCOPIES OF MICROSOFT LYNC OR SKYPE FOR BUSINESS SERVER OROFFICE 365/ LYNC ONLINE / SKYPE FOR BUSINESS ONLINE AND WILL NOTWORK WITHOUTIT. UPDATES TO MICROSOFT LYNC SERVER OR SKYPE FORBUSINESS MAY BEREQUIRED FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE. SOME FUNCTIONALITYMAY NOT BEAVAILABLE IN ALL COUNTRIES. IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT YOURCOMPANY’SLICENSE TO AND/OR DEPLOYMENT OF LYNC OR SKYPE FORBUSINESS, PLEASECONTACT YOUR IT DEPARTMENT. SKYPE FOR BUSINESS APPIS ONLYAVAILABLE FOR Android 4.0 OR GREATER.
Agent Mela 5.0
Agent Mela is a one stop Unique Platform to bring all sortsofAGENTS together at one place. If you are an agent pleaseregisteryourself and get hired easily be it International orNationalLevel. If you are a user you can search all kinds of agentsat yourfingertip using Agent Mela app. Benefits to Agents : ■ Freedisplayof agent profile to the world ■ Now Agents Can Create OwnPackages■ Location based agents listing which will help agents toget morebusiness in their vicinity ■ User can upfront give ratingsandwrite reviews which will help agents to gain popularity ■Hasslefree simple one time registration and can upgrade theirprofileanytime which will be synced immediately. ■ Agents whobelieve infixed price can mentioned their price in "Other info"duringregistration in order to have smooth business Benefits toCustomer/ User of Agent Mela App:- ■ Find an Agent at fingertip ■Find bestTravel Agent , Passport Agent , Visa Agent ,Property Agentof anyother kind of agents. ■ Share Agents contact info via watsapporany other platform as per your device among your friends ■ NearbyService will help you to find multiple agents and you cannegotiatewith them. ■ Filter your agents based on other usersfeedback forbetter service ■ One platform to find all kind ofagents ■Recommend your friend & family if you like any agentsserviceand may be get discount for referral ■ Easy way to find anagentAgent Mela app has some interesting features such as -■International Agent Feature can help user in many ways suchasGetting Jobs, School Admissions , PR , Immigration,Studies,International Tourism , Expat in various countries,EducationConsultant , Detective Agency , Income Tax Consultant,DrivingLicense Consultant and many more stuff you can think of... ■AgentMela app has Registration Form is for agents who wish toregister.( For agents only- pls fill in the correct information) ■AgentMela app has Search Agent based on Agent Type like (PropertyAgentor Travel Agent or any other kind you can think of ) ■Searchon MAP( GPS Enabled with range ) ■Turn on your GPS while using theapp toget better results on Agent Mela app. ■Easily share Agentinfo withother people using share button. ■ We have added AgentReviewswhich will help to know more about agent ■ We encourage youto plsread our disclaimer before using the AgentMela App.
NPG Agent Portal 1.8
NPG (your dream builder) is a dynamic insurance agencythatservesevery consumer’s need in sourcing the best andmoststablefinancial solution. It is one of the fastest growingplayersin theindustry that has registered a brisk growth fromRM1.2millionin2005 to RM21million in 2009. In 2010, NPGachievedarecord-breaking RM23million in terms of first yearpremiumsales.With specialized experiences in Personal SavingandRetirementPlanning, NPG has 150 dedicated agents thathavecommittedthemselves to generating maximum benefits in themostsecure wayfor all clients. At NPG, the client’s satisfaction istoppriorityhence we are very proactive in the grooming of newagentsto ensurethey are ambitious, passionate and most of allinrealizing dreams.By working closely with MMTS Consultant -Dato'Dr. Chua,Malaysia’s prominent training agency, NPG hasgenerated agroup ofaggressive, energetic and high-performing agentsdedicatedtoprovide value-added services. Each year, we are proudtoproducemore MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) qualifiersinthecompetitive industry. NPG Agent Portal is the app for NPGAgentstouse. It is a very powerful tools for agents to getlatestupdatesand boost their sales.
For corporate users only! PROMT Agent is a client applicationforPROMT Neural Translation Server, allowing you to maketranslationson your smartphone or tablet and featuring: • NeuralMachineTranslation • Text translation • Website translation •SMStranslation • Voice typing • Dictionary with pronunciation Ifyoudon’t have PROMT Neural Translation Server system, you can sendarequest by filling in a contact format TO ACCESS PROMT FROM ANYWHERE To access PROMT Agent,usethe same username and password that you use for PROMTNeuralTranslation Server on your workplace. You will also need tospecifyinformation about the corporate server where PROMT isinstalled.For this information, please contact the IT department ofyourcompany. THE SAME PROMT, MORE COMPACT In your PROMT Agent youwillfind the same language pairs and translation profiles as onthePROMT translation server in your company. Mainapplicationfeatures: • Text translator. Text input is possible viakeyboard,copying from the clipboard or voice typing. • Dictionaryentrieswith pronunciation and variants of translation. • Sharebutton forsending translation to other apps. • Website translation.•Translation history. To work with the application, INTERNETISREQUIRED to connect to PROMT Neural Translation Server. Ifyouenjoy using our PROMT Agent, please rate it and leave a commentinthe app store! If you have any questions or suggestionsregardingPROMT Agent, please contact us at [email protected]. Formoreinformation visit ourwebsite:
42Gears SureMDM 27.25009
Secure, Monitor, and Manage your Android devices from onecentralweb console.
AGENT(エージェント)お客様用アプリ 1.0.12
AGENTのお客様専用アプリです。日頃のカーライフに必要な機能がすべて勢揃い!このアプリでカーライフの不安を取り除きましょう。[主な機能 ] *お客様専用「チャット機能」*店舗への「直通無料電話」、「スタッフ情報」*お得情報「店舗からのお知らせ」「クーポン情報」 *お車の事で困った時の「緊急ダイヤル」
National Life Group Agent App 3.0.0
For agents who sell products issued bythecompanies of National Life Group, this app enables you toaccesscritical information about your business on-the-go andon-demand.For example, you will have the ability to search and viewyour newbusiness records based on Policy Status, Annuitant/InsuredName,Action Required, and Recent Searches. Functionality mirrorswhatagents have through the National Life Agent Portal withadditionalaccess to Agent News that provides critical business andproductupdates, along with company announcements.National Life Group is a trade name of National LifeInsuranceCompany (Montpelier, VT) and its affiliates.TC83185(0115)p
Zap - Real Estate CRM 5.2.3
ZapLabs LLC
Zap empowers you to keep up with all of your clients,gathervaluableinsight into their needs, and run yourbusinessmoreeffectively–anywhere and everywhere. - Task and leadmanagement-Locate your incoming requests and tasks for the day, allinoneplace. - Update your requests as you fulfill themthroughouttheday. - Communication on the go - Scheduleappointments, sendhomeand search recommendations, and stay in touchwith allyourcontacts. - Comprehensive contact profile -Rememberyourconversations. Take a note to capture yourcontact’suniquequalities and preferences. Check your contact’shistory torefreshyour memory. - Get an insider look on yourcontact’ssearchactivity. Know what homes and search areas they’reinterestedin. -Marketing tools - Share key details about propertiesyou’veseen orgive local tips on the neighborhoods you know andlove.NOTE: Touse Zap on mobile, you will need a Zap account ingoodstandingwith a brokerage affiliated with Better Homes andGardensRealEstate, Coldwell Banker, Century 21, or ERA.
Yammer, Inc.
Yammer is the enterprise social networkthathelps you and your team collaborate openly and stay on top ofitall. With Yammer, you can connect to the right people inyourorganization, share and search for information across teamsandorganize around projects and ideas so you do more.With Yammer for Android, work gets done anywhere. You cancontributeand collaborate with your team, even on the go.- Collaborate openly with your team: share ideas,worktogether and iterate in real-time in Yammer groups, whereveryouare.- Connect with everyone: don’t let the org chart get intheway. Yammer brings together people who share the same goalsacrossthe whole company or organization, so fluid collaborationjusthappens.- Stay connected: with Yammer for Android you're just atapaway from coworkers, information and conversations.- Share photos and videos: snap a pic or capture avideo,then easily share it with coworkers, regardless forfilesize.- Get interactive notifications: get notified ofimportantactivity right when it happens – and take action rightfrom thelock screen of your Android device.- Work across languages barriers: bring down languagesilosin your organization with 25-language support in Yammer forAndroid– including integrated, on–the–fly messagetranslation.Get access to early versions of Yammer! Join the Yammer Betaprogramby visiting: