Top 35 Apps Similar to Фитнес тренер беспл.

Программы тренировок для зала от звёзд FitStars 2.5.12
Любишь заниматься в зале? Делай это правильно вместескомандойFitStars! Профессиональный фитнес тренер поможетдостичьнужногорезультата: скинуть лишний вес, набрать мышечнуюмассу илижеподдерживать себя в здоровой физической форме и нетолько!Почемуименно «Программы тренировок для зала от звёздFitStars»?✓Возможность эффективно тренироваться в зале; ✓Уникальныепрограммыот известных тренеров: Вовк, Соколова,Селиверстов, Гусеви многиедругие; ✓ Программы для девушек и парней;✓ Программы наразличныйуровень подготовки; ✓ Легко следить иотмечать свойпрогресс; ✓Возможность участвовать в онлайн марафонах;✓ Делитьсясвоимрезультатом с единомышленниками; 🏃 Какие естьформатытренировок?Тренировки предоставлены в двух форматах: видеона 20-30минут«смотри и повторяй за тренером» и в форматеупражнений, гдеможноотмечать активность подходов, расписаниезанятий, дневноепитания,засекать время с таймером. 💪🏻Какойрезультат ждет тебя за30 днейтренировок? Все зависит от цели:похудеть, накачать пресс,набратьмассу, накачать ягодицы/ноги, сестьна шпагат за неделю.Мыразработали разные программы тренировкиспециально длязала:тренировки для ног и ягодиц, для похудения свесами,упражнения дляпресса. Авторские программы от нашихтренеров:«ProКачка в зале», «Похудей в зале» и многое другое!👍Реально липохудеть за 30 дней? Вприложении вы можете найтипрограммытренировок известных фитнестренеров которые помогли ужемногимнашим пользователям скинутьлишний вес. Фитнес тренерразработаетдля вас уникальную программудля похудания и диеты ибудет вампомогать на всех этапахпрохождения курса через личныесообщения вприложении.
ReGYM - workout diary 2.15
Diary for workouts in the gym and at home. Timer,measurements,calendar.
Дневник Зожника v8.126.4
Science-based articles on healthy lifestyles + handy dietandexercise diary
GymPAD - notepad for your work 1.1.7
Simple and useful notepad for your workouts
Твой Тренер 23.886
Bodybuilding and fitness training in the gym and at home.Diets,articles, exercises
Mintalitea - Mental Health CBT 1.2.15
Gratitude & Emotions Tracker
Weight Loss & Healthy Coach 1.23.12
Wispence Inc.
Wispence — the preeminent platform for creating a healthyandconscious life.
WELPS: daily exercise planner 6.5.0
Exercise planner. Home workouts for men and women. 30 dayweightloss challenge
Мой тренер PRO 2.4.1
sLife Team
A wide range of training programs, a large variety of exercises.
Психология медитации. Практику 1.4
Book of meditation techniques based on psychology, yoga andEasternphilosophy
BodyFlex 4.4.1
Our application contains all the exercises gymnasticsBodyflex.Listscommon mistakes beginners and advice coach. Themainadvantages ofBodyflex - simple exercises efficiency(quickresults), theopportunity to practice regularly, becausebasecomplex time takesonly 15-20 minutes a day. Bodyflex - notjusteffective, but usefuland natural weight loss. ExerciseprogramBodyflex tones the body andimproves health. All exercisesof thiscomplex is based on properbreathing, in which all cells ofthebody will be filled with oxygen.Supplemental oxygen to burnexcessfat. Regular classes Bodyflexalready three months can reducetheamount of your body by 10-30 cm,and the first results willbevisible after a week of classes. Themost important thing intheBodyflex - systematic and regularclasses. Even the 15-minutedailysessions will give you excellentresults.
Медитация, Осознанность, Сон - 1.3.47
Медитация и осознанность, сон, осознанная работа,снижениетревожности и стресса
ЗОЖ - Здоровый Образ Жизни 4.9
Reference to strengthen the immune system and a healthylifestyle.Internet is not needed!
Счетчик калорий диета 10Levels
We are losing weight using pp recipes and individual weightlossplans
Место Силы 3.1
Получения полезного видео, аудио и текстового контента,прямыхэфировна широкие темы: селф-менеджмент, управлениесвоимнастроением,постановка задач и целей, отслеживаниесвоегопрогресса и т.д.
Цитаты и афоризмы 1.0.1
You can appreciate the app "Quotes".
Mood tracker Grindeks 1.6
JSC Grindeks
Free mood tracker to track your daily mood and share resultswithyour doctor.
Калькулятор калорий МЗР v8.126.4
Calorie calculator, BJU, vitamins and minerals, nutritionandexercise diary
Fitlog - Workout Log & Gym Log 1.2.4
Workout diary & workout planner. Timer. Workout tracker.Bodymeasurement.
Exercises for gym 1.8.1
Exercises for gym
Этикет от А до Я 2.6.1
Knowledge of etiquette allows a person to make a pleasantimpressionon others
Мудры 8.9
Mudra - mystical hand gestures performed to thinenergyconcentration.
BB Workout Log & Tracker 2.0.13
Bodybuilding Workout Log is a very easy touseworkout tracker application. The goal of this app is to allowyouto workout and log your training results without looking atthephone all the time, with as little screen taps as possible.Puretraining log! Both beginners and experienced lifters(inbodybuilding, power lifting or fitness) will benefit fromthisworkout journal's simplicity and features which include:★ free choice of workout exercises. You do not need to deal withalong list of exercises that you never use in your training.Addexercises that you love and name them in a way that is cleartoyou;★ import of popular exercises for a quick start (as well as asampleroutine);★ saved training routines with pre-defined exerciseselection;★ dynamic training routines, where one can select exercises onthego;★ comments/notes for sets;★ always visible history of sets, reps, weight, comments andresttimes (no need to interrupt your training to viewprevioushistory);★ detailed workout history with a calendar and stats;★ progress tracking with graphs for 1 rep max;★ deletion of incorrectly logged workout sets;★ rest timer with vibration and an optional soundnotification,which is extremely useful if you train withheadphones;★ smart automatic rest interval selection;★ option to show best results from each workout only;★ option to show results from the same routine only;★ log of 1RM changes;★ export of all workout history to a CSV file on the SD card;CSVfiles can be opened and processed with mostspreadsheeteditors;★ summary of achievements displayed after training (includingnewrecords, total weight moved, trainingtime,intensity);★ sharing of summary screens (Facebook, email, SMS or anyothersharing provider that is installed on your phone);★ resuming of incomplete workouts;★ performing supersets using back/forward navigationandcomments;★ smart pre-entering of weight for the next set;★ add/remove/reorder exercises during training;★ backup and restore of all exercises and training history, youcanmove all created exercises and all training history toanotherdevice at any time.Please visit our site for newsaboutnew workout tracker features and version releases. Or followus ontwitter to get thelatestupdates.This application uses free icons from (CC3.0license)
Медитация для начинающих - пра 2.0
2d2b Games
Complete the basic course of mindfulness meditation, and youwillsee a change in your life!
Trigger Points 2022.12.30
Treatment of headaches, back, leg cramps and much more.
Sati - your awakening path 1.9.1009
Meditational app with a deep mindfulness course.
Meditation Steps 2.8.2
Meditation Steps — yoga and meditation course.
Анатомия Человека 8.0
The issues of the structure of the human body, individual organsandsystems are covered.
Центр семейной психологии Артё 1.2.5
Author's meditations and video courses of Artem andAlexandraTolokonin
Prosto: Медитация и Сон 1.0
Audio meditation lessons for sleep and soothing music.Practicemindfulness!
Weight tracker with goals, BMI, girths, skinfolds v 3.18.59
Health and body aesthetics – Measure your BMI - body mass indexasaheight and weight ratio. Calculate your perfect weightusingwristcircumference, height and age. – Figure the idealproportionsandbody girths for a certain height and bone thickness.Findtheparameters of a perfect and beautiful body proportions. –Getthebody far percentage using your girths or skin folds. Getgoalsforweight loss and fat burning. Fitness & wellness –Findyourideal ratio of calories and nutrients (protein, fats andcarbs)forhealthy eating, keto diet or zigzag diet, usingthecaloriescalculator. Estimate your calorie BMR and maintenanceleveland theamount of pure water you should drink. – Calculatetheefficientheart rate zones for fat-burning workouts andenduranceexercise,using the resting heart rate or LTHR. Learn abouthow fityou are!The unique combination of a few dozens of thelatestfitnessformulas and methods of calculations based on theresultsofscientific studies and recommendations from theWorldHealthOrganization (WHO). The results of each calculationareexplainedby our experts. The results can be saved and sharedwithfriends. -BMI – Body Mass Index Estimate how your bodyweightgenerallyaffects your health and check deviations from thenorm.Idealweight and somatotype Find your perfect weight accordingtoyourbone type and skeleton design. Perfect femalebodyIdealmeasurements, proportions, elegance and sex appealforcertainheight and body weight. Athletic body Perfectgirthsaccording tobodybuilding ideologists. Body fat percentageCalculatethe amountof excessive fat and expected weight after thefat loss.Body fatwith skinfold test Body fat mass and lean mass - 4methodstomeasure fat percentage using skinfold calipers.CaloriecalculatorCalculate the daily amount of calories, carbs,proteinand fat forweight loss, muscle building or boostingmetabolism.Daily waterintake Calculate your personal norm of dailywaterintake to stayhydrated. Target heart rate zones Personal heartratetrainingzones for improving endurance, explosive power orweightloss. -Measurements and girths: height, weight, age, gender,neck,chest,waist, hips, upper arm, biceps, forearm, wrist, thigh,shin,ankle.Skin folds: thigh, chest, abdomen, triceps,biceps,suprailiac,subscapular, midaxillary, calf.
FitUp – Workout at Home 2.0
"FitUp - Workout at Home" is a training program based onthecreationof Paul Wade "Convict Conditioning" and supplementedwiththe abilityto save the results of training, to be able totrackyour ownprogress. It helped thousands of people build musclesandimprovetheir shape without help of individual coaches and goingtothe gym.The program involves the use of its own weight only.Usethe minimalset of surrounding objects, the rarest of which canbejust ahorizontal bar. In the app there are training forhands,legs, back,chest, press and the whole body. These exercisesarecollected fromthe theory and practice of the "oldschool"athletes: • Push-ups(triceps, chest) • Squats (legs) •Pull-ups(biceps, forearms, backmuscles) • Leg lifts (press) •"Bridge"(back) • Handstand push-ups(shoulders) Each basic exerciseisdivided into 10 difficulty levels.Training starts withsimpleelements, which are able even forbeginners andunpreparedathletes. After completing the norm, thetrainee goes onto thenext more difficult exercise. The last levelwill besubverted onlyto real professionals. Download theapplication toaccess the mosteffective training program with itsown weight.Study the trainingprogram. Practice at any timeconvenient for you,withoutconnecting to the Internet. Save yourresults to track yourownprogress. Application features: • Offlineaccess totrainingmaterials (without an Internet connection) •Training diary• Itwill always be completely FREE • No advertising •Beautifulandcomfortable design • Localized for two languages ​​-RussianandEnglish
StayFit workout trainer
Street Workout, CrossFit, and Bodybuilding workouts andtrainingprograms...