Top 22 Games Similar to Fleet Commander Beta

Fleet Commander 1.05.10
Cat Studio
Command your space fleet!
Celestial Fleet v2 2.0.21
Space Fleet Warfare. Formations and Tactics. And stunning graphics.
超級艦隊--軍事策略 1
-------------遊戲介紹-------------2016年度海戰策略大作,鋼鐵巨艦戰爭題材,SLG深度策略玩法,完美詮釋了二戰海戰的實景。派兵佈陣,資源掠奪,稱霸世界。今夏上演二戰大型海戰,戰爭準備打響!-------------遊戲特色-------------◆城邦建築,打造帝國遊戲的主城,以建築玩法為主核心,玩家可以通過建造、升級建築獲得更多資源,以及生成更高級的軍艦。每個採礦場由您隨意放置,打造屬於自己的城邦。◆艦隊佈陣,智慧海戰軍艦兵種之間能相互克制,洞察敵人陣型,排兵佈陣,是致勝的關鍵。智慧將為您帶來勝利。◆資源掠奪,世界大戰資源掠奪,讓全體玩家無國界,無時限的進行掠奪PK,這是一場實力的較量,戰爭就是要激烈!◆多種戰艦,隨您選擇潛艇、航空母艦、巡洋舰、護衛艦,每一個兵種都有自己分支,讓你指尖間操控二戰所有的軍艦。-------------特色系統-------------經營系統:任性經營,自主分配資源建築陣型技巧:靈活運用兵種特性,排兵佈陣特色軍團:萬人集火副本,特色軍團戰,軍團技能長官技能:不一樣的屬性操作,締造自己的軍團配件系統:軍艦深度改造,技能大進階掠奪系統:無國界,無時限,全球掠奪關卡系統:詮釋二戰每一個經典戰役軍艦系統:各大軍艦,隨心開發,隨心操控-------------gameintroduction-------------2016 annual naval strategy masterpiece, steel ship in the wartheme,SLG depth strategy games are played, the perfectinterpretation ofreal naval battle of World War II. Troopsmanoeuvering, resourceplunder and dominate the world. This summerstaged a large-scalenaval battle of World War II, war preparationsstarted!The game features ------------- -------------◆ city building, build empireGame of the main city, to play the main core of thebuilding,players can build, upgrade buildings to get more resourcesandgenerate more advanced warships. Each stope randomly placed byyouto build your own city.◆ fleet lineup, naval intelligenceBetween ships arms to restrain each other, insight into theenemyformation, formations, is the key to success. Wisdom willbring youto victory.◆ resource plundering, WarPlunder of resources, so that all players without borders, notimelimit predatory PK, which is a strength of the contest, the waristo be fierce!◆ variety of warships, the choice is yoursSubmarines, aircraft carriers, cruisers, frigates, each branchhasits own arms, fingertips let you control all of World WarIIwarship.------------- ------------- Characteristics of the systemOperating system: capricious management, resourceallocationindependent buildingFormation techniques: flexible use of armsfeatures,formationsFeatures legion: people set fire to a copy of the characteristicsofthe Legion war, corps skillsEXECUTIVE skills: not the same attribute manipulation, to createhisown legionAccessories Systems: warship depth transformation, largeadvancedskillsPredatory system: no borders, no time limit, global plunderLevel System: Each interpretation of the classic battle of WorldWarIIWarships system: the major warships, heart development,heartmanipulation
戦艦帝国-228艘の実在戦艦を集めろ 2.1.41
“Battleship Empire” with over 200 real-life ships.Realisticwarships such as Daiwa, Shinano, Musashi, and Nagato
七洋爭霸 1.1.0
xue lian
2016年度最火爆,最真實的海戰策略大作,真3D鋼鐵巨艦軍事題材,全視角SLG超強策略玩法,深度詮釋二戰海戰的炮火轟鳴,血海廝殺。佈陣,掠奪,收集巨艦,稱霸海洋。二戰大型海戰,馬上打響!——遊戲特色——◆收集巨艦利炮全3D模組,絕對高精度真實還原所有知名戰艦,日本『大和』、美國『愛荷華』、德國『俾斯麥』..就等你的智慧去指揮操控各國經典船艦,扭轉世界大戰的結果了!◆打造海洋帝國前線炮火轟鳴,後方穩固發展!為了取得最終勝利,需經過激烈戰鬥獲取資源,建築強大的海洋帝國,盡快研製更高等級軍艦,培養更強力的艦長,無論是升級基地,還是擴張礦場,最終都需要變得更強!◆智慧排兵佈陣比拼智力的遊戲!排兵佈陣,洞察先機,選賢任能是制勝關鍵!感受談笑間敵艦灰飛煙滅的暢快!◆掠奪敵方資源,打破世界格局沒有朋友,只有利益!無限制的進行掠奪PK,勇敢面對兇殘敵人,戰爭就要流血!——特色系統——建築系統:合理營運,科學分配資源建築軍艦系統:各大軍艦,隨心開發,隨心操控超強畫面:全視角真3D,絕對的視覺盛宴陣型調配:排兵佈陣,靈活運用不同軍艦名將系統:收集各國名將,締造無二軍團軍艦改造:軍艦超強改造,全面增強威力掠奪系統:無差別掠奪,有朋友,更看利益!-------------聯繫我們-------------官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]
BattleShip YAMATO 1.1.0
The tactics SLG appearance for battleshipswiththe battleships of the battleships!I did this game mainly on a sea fight carried out in World WarIIparticularly bombardment war between battleshipsIt is a tactics simulation game.Although it is easy, the fleet motion becomes the thingwhichreproduced a historical fact and is the representativeshootingmethodI simulate good chance marksmanship.With the game that is nearer in a historical fact than lookingoverby too free fleet motion in defiance of a historical factinconventional bombardment war SLGIt becomes.Six scenarios which are attachedScenario 1The battleship vs. battleship (exercise scenario)It is the exercise scenario that Soviet Union battleship andYamatofight.Scenario 2The Yamato vs. Musashi (history IF scenario)I am opposed over peace after the Mariana Islands sea fightvictoryin the military authorities,A rebel army is Musashi, and Yamato prevents it toward theU.S.fleet attack.Scenario 3Gulf of Ishikari sea fight 1945 (history IF scenario)The history IF scenario which the Japanese Navy includes victoryinby Leyte sea fightThe Soviet Union forces invade and attack by this scenarioinHokkaido in last years of Pacific War,It overthrows confrontation, that of Soviet Union battleshipcorpswith YamatoIt is to defend Hokkaido to the death.Scenario 4Okinawa offing sea fight 1945 (history IF scenario)Yamato confronts a U.S. battleship corps by the activity oftheJapanese military Airlines corps by this scenarioIt is history IF scenario doing.Scenario 51951 Manchurian disturbance Tsushima offing sea fight (historyIFscenario)By this scenario victory by the Mariana Islands sea fight ofJapanand failure of the Normandy landing operation,I build the world assuming German Soviet Union peace afterthewar.I simulate a marine decisive battle of the Soviet Union forcesandthe Japan-U.S. Allied Forces which invaded and attackedinManchurian.Scenario 6Malaysia offing bombardment war (history IF scenario)In the world where navy disarmament treaty was not collected inbythis scenario 88 fleets, three years plan fleetI reproduce British Orient fleet and the confrontation oftheJapanese battleship corps centering on the Japan-U.S.confrontationthat I completed.The scenarios may increase at the time of application update.A program: KOSEGraphic: KOSEBGM: I use material of Purgatory garden.I confirmed movement in Android2.3.6 GalaxyS2,Android4.0.2SonyTablet S.It supports a tablet terminal.煉獄庭園
超級艦隊:怒濤指揮官《遊戲酒吧》 1
公元2274年,全球氣候劇變。全球暖化,大海覆蓋面積達到82%。人類生存空間嚴重受限,資源間的搶奪更形激烈。各地軍閥崛起,重金開發尖端海戰船艦,擁艦自重。意圖爭霸這片怒海的最強指揮官名號:【怒濤】你,準備好了嗎?★經營策略:基地建設,資源調度,艦隊配屬,展現你的謀略長才!★軍事整備:戰列艦、護衛艦、潛艇、航空母艦。強悍艦隊生產調度!★奪島競爭:資源掠奪,競爭的時代,對敵人仁慈就是對自己殘忍!★軍團結盟:單打獨鬥不如眾矢成城,呼朋引伴結盟出戰,共同成就怒海霸業!海》》》聯絡我們《《《FB粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]酒吧官網:
Ark of War: Aim for the cosmos 3.34.0
Space-Based Strategy Game, Win by your strategy!
Fleet Combat
*** Thanks to the 2,000,000+ players who have already fallen inlovewith Fleet Combat, and helped us to No.1 in several countries!***Are you tired of the Defense games that towers never move? Areyoubored with those games that you always win? We players call foraDefense Revolution, and the revolution has come. Say goodbyetostupid AI and almighty heroes, and welcome the revolutionaryFleetCombat! As a fleet commander, you will lead in epic futurenavalbattles, utilize your high-tech ships to bring victory toyourpeople. Sometimes we chase storms, sometimes we are thestorm.Fleet Combat will give you the most fascinating gamingexperience.20 soul-stirring battles 3 types of sea waters 15 kindsof shipborne artilleries 20 kinds of missiles 25 kinds of aircrafts25kinds of playing modes And a huge amount of various navalvesselsof 5 categories and 30 kinds -Beautiful and Delicate- Thereare thegrand world map, the attractive blue sea, the differentstyles ofislands and the various elegant warships. You will feelimmersive!-The Free and Flexible Weapons Collocation- ● 15 kinds oftheautomatic weapons and 70 kinds of manual weapons ● Freecombinationaccording to the different carrier abilities and theweapon weight● To structure the Defensive Matrix through using theweapons ofthe different ranges ● To promoting the maximum damageoutput in anunit time through controlling the cooling time of theweapons -TheAbundance Combat Factors- ● 10 shapes of the enemywarships ● Indifferent battles, the enemy warships equipped withdifferentweapons ● Various especial fleets totaling 25 kinds ●Varioussoul-stirring battles such as pursuit and attack, breakingthrough,defensive and so on. -The huge but easy Upgrade System- ●All ofthe weapons can be unlocked and upgraded through getting EXPin thebattles. ● Various warships can be got through using thelevelstarts got in every battles. -The Attractive and DynamicOriginalMusic- ● The mystery in the open, the grandness in theworld map,the enthusiasm in the shipyard, the exciting one in thebattles,the intension in the decisive battles, the relieved feelingin theend… There are 6 original songs to bring the top experiencestoyou! If you want to get more information, please pay attentiontothe following contents: videotrailer-[email protected]://
Star Wars:指揮官 3.7.1
★★★★★全新《Star Wars:指揮官》,星球遷移讓戰鬥響徹銀河★★★★★《Star Wars:指揮官》是由『盧卡斯影業』授權的正版手遊!還原豐富多元劇情,續寫星戰不朽傳奇!《StarWars:原力覺醒》已於12月17日全面上線!原力回歸,開戰在即!《StarWars:指揮官》也一同更新了諸多功能,為你帶來更流暢的遊戲體驗與更豐富的任務系統,助你成為銀河戰爭中的傳奇指揮官!指揮官們!即刻加入《StarWars:指揮官》,遊戲操作簡易、卻又考驗著你的策略思維,獨特雙陣營系統,把選擇權交給你,將命運掌握在自己手中!隨著詭譎多變的銀河戰場,轟烈肅殺即將大爆發,引人入勝的劇情帶領夥伴們進入科幻刺激的豐富副本,高度還原的電影劇情,重新體驗星際大戰主角冒險歷程!震撼的原版電影音效,讓穿越星際的戰鬥更加扣人心弦!【善惡一線之隔,掌握自己的命運】準備好選擇加入帝國或反抗軍,率領自己組建的小隊,與盟友們並肩作戰一起對抗萬惡的敵人。衝破分隊排行榜吧,將你們分隊的名稱深深烙印在每一位銀河指揮官的心中!【高自由度的陣型搭配,打造最獨特堅固的堡壘】範圍防禦的護盾、阻斷敵人的護牆、多種形態的砲塔和它們共同保護的資源,這一切將會考驗你所運用的排兵策略,來讓它們發揮出最大的作用!並使其逐漸茁壯,穩固自己的帝國!你可以一次次的嘗試不同的擺放方式,淬鍊出讓你最滿意的專屬防禦陣型。【眾多兵種組合,決戰巔峰武力全開】不論是帝國的AT-AT、風暴士兵、TIE,還是反抗軍的主宰號坦克、烏奇族戰士、軍醫機器人,都將是你征戰各個星球的堅實依靠!而且你的選擇,絕不止這幾種,有多達二十餘種兵種等你搭配,組合出最強的軍隊,以你的運籌帷幄與他們的英勇奮戰登頂銀河排行!【傳奇英雄強勢覺醒,助陣征服銀河系】你可以號召達斯·維德、莉亞公主、韓‧索羅、路克‧天行者自己陣營的英雄加入戰鬥為你保駕護航,他們都是銀河戰爭史上的傳奇!現在,就讓他們和你一起造就新的傳奇!↓官方資訊↓《Star Wars:指揮官》客服信箱:[email protected]《Star Wars:指揮官》粉絲團:《Star Wars:指揮官》基地:《Star Wars:指揮官》官網: Super Nova悅動娛樂遊戲平臺:↓適配機型↓《Star Wars:指揮官》需要 Android OS4.0 或以上系統,同時支持平板和手機平臺。
指揮與征戰 1
沒時間解釋了!!趕緊上船吧!!!!-----------歷史介紹------------1941年12月7日清晨,日本海軍的航空母艦艦載飛機和微型潛艇突然襲擊美國海軍太平洋艦隊在夏威夷基地珍珠港以及美國陸軍和海軍在瓦胡島上的飛機場。太平洋戰爭由此爆發。-----------戰艦背景-----------這次襲擊最終將美國卷入第二次世界大戰,它是繼19世紀中墨西哥戰爭後第壹次另壹個國家對美國領土的攻擊。這個事件也被稱為珍珠港事件或奇襲珍珠港。其中,航空母艦起到了重要的決定性作用。------------遊戲介紹-------------2016年度海戰策略大作,鋼鐵巨艦戰爭題材,SLG深度策略玩法,完美詮釋了二戰海戰的實景。派兵佈陣,資源掠奪,稱霸世界。今夏上演二戰大型海戰,戰爭準備打響!-------------遊戲特色-------------◆城邦建築,打造帝國遊戲的主城,以建築玩法為主核心,玩家可以通過建造、升級建築獲得更多資源,以及生成更高級的軍艦。每個採礦場由您隨意放置,打造屬於自己的城邦。◆艦隊佈陣,智慧海戰軍艦兵種之間能相互克制,洞察敵人陣型,排兵佈陣,是致勝的關鍵。智慧將為您帶來勝利。◆資源掠奪,世界大戰資源掠奪,讓全體玩家無國界,無時限的進行掠奪PK,這是一場實力的較量,戰爭就是要激烈!◆多種戰艦,隨您選擇潛艇、航空母艦、巡洋舰、護衛艦,每一個兵種都有自己分支,讓你指尖間操控二戰所有的軍艦。No time to explain!!Quickly aboard! ! ! !Historical Introduction ------------ -----------December 7, 1941 morning, the Japanese Navy's carrier-basedaircraftcarrier and mini-submarine suddenly attacked the US Navy'sPacificFleet base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the airport is inthe Armyand Navy in the island of Oahu. Pacific War erupted.Background ----------- ----------- warshipsThe attack eventually the United States into World War II, itisfollowing the Mexican War in the 19th century the first timeOneOne other countries to attack US territory. This event isalsoknown as the Pearl Harbor attack or surprise attack onPearlHarbor. Among them, the aircraft carrier played an importantanddecisive role.------------game introduction-------------2016 annual naval strategy masterpiece, steel ship in the wartheme,SLG depth strategy games are played, the perfectinterpretation ofthe Second World War naval real. Troopsmanoeuvering, resourceplunder and dominate the world. Staged alarge-scale naval battle ofWorld War II this summer, warpreparations started!The game features ------------- -------------◆ city building, build empireGame of the main city, to play the main core of thebuilding,players can build, upgrade the building to get moreresources andgenerate more advanced warships. Each stope randomlyplaced by youto build your own city.◆ fleet lineup, naval intelligenceBetween ships arms to restrain each other, insight into theenemyformation, formations, is the key to success. Wisdom willbring youto victory.◆ resource plundering, War of the WorldsPlunder of resources, so that all players without borders, notimelimit predatory PK, which is a strength of the contest, the waristo be fierce!◆ variety of warships, the choice is yoursSubmarines, aircraft carriers, cruisers, frigates, each branchhasits own arms, fingertips let you control all of World WarIIwarship.
Galaxy at War Online 2.1.2
Fight to control the galaxy, conquer the universe, lead theallianceto victory!
Star Battleships
Command your starship fleet and battle across the stars!
手遊地帶:艦隊收藏攻略 1.0.0
Space STG - Galactic Strategy
Space STG 3 - Empire of Extinction is asequelto the intergalactic strategy game. It’s tactics &strategygame that recaptures and improves on the magic of theinterstellargame. You can find universe campaigns and a lot ofcelestial units.It is also designed to focus more heavily on themultiplayeraspect.Immerse yourself in a mortal war of clans. Explore solarsystems,manage cities, develop technology and create space fleetandmassive armies. Delightfully challenging, yet simple enoughtograsp.Mega corporations, more powerful than any galaxy government,competeagainst each other in a race for the galaxy's vastresources andtreasure. Their galactic riches bring them more Techas well asexpanding private militaries locked in bloodlust forinterstellarsupremacy.FEATURES:★ Achievements, Leaderboard, Quests,★ New development features will enhance the game experience,★ Groundbreaking single player campaign with missionsandrewards★ Over the course of 40 campaign missions,★ Multiplayer in galaxy - play with friends!★ Command & conquer cosmos in additional 30 bonusgalacticmissions,★ Cloud save via Google Services,★ ★ ★ BUILDINGS ★ ★ ★☆ Main base - Main base provides population limitnumbergalaxy.☆ Metal mine - Metal mining provides metal minerals.☆ Crystal mine - Crystal mining provides crystal minerals.☆ Graphene mine - Graphene mine provide mining and productionofgalactic graphene minerals.☆ Power plant - Power plant produces energy in planet. Low energyonplanet causes slower building.☆ Ship yard - Provide the ability to buy galactic spacecraft.Everylevel provides increase building speed of units.☆ Defense building - Defense building provides the ability tobuyplanetary defenses. Every level provides increase building speedofunits.☆ Laboratory - Research and develop technology. Provides theabilityto buy technology. Every level provides increase buildingspeed ofunits.★ ★ ★ SHIPS ★ ★ ★☆ Transporter - It transports minerals betweengalacticplanets.☆ Colonizer - It colonizes an empty planet which allows you tobuildbuildings as a conqueror.☆ Fighter - Light and very fast fighter. It can performquickattack.☆ Destroyer - Medium class spaceship. Has ability increasegunspower.☆ Battlecruiser - Battleship has the ability to destroybuildingsand defense from distance.☆ Dreadnaught - Powerful spacecraft with ability to shoot fromlargedistance.☆ Protector - Protector has nebula ability to hidethroughbattle.☆ Overlord - Most powerful galactic unit among stars with abilitytochange destination through space flight. Big blast weapons allowtodestroy several ships parallel.★ ★ ★ DEFENSE ★ ★ ★☆ Soldier - Soldier is weak short distance defense unit.☆ Xr-10 - weak long distance defense option.☆ Mech warrior - Mech warrior average short distancedefenseunit.☆ Xr-x10 adv - advanced is heavy mech with decent long rangeattacklevel.☆ Vector - Vector is big strong defense unit.☆ Plasma cannon – Master of orion cannon can destroyseveralspaceships parallel.★ ★ ★ TECHNOLOGY ★ ★ ★☆ Defense station - Defense station defends space. It haslongdistance weapon to maintain order in space. Send itintospace.☆ Mining station - Mining station allows you to mine mineralsfromgalactic asteroids. Send it to an galactic asteroid andchoosemineral to mine.☆ Merchant station - Merchant station provide ability totradegalactic minerals. Use transporters to start exchange mineralingalaxy.☆ Defensive shield - Defensive shield enables layer all overtheplanet. It can defend from nuclear missile, bomber attack andenemyships invasion.☆ Invisibility - Makes player's ships invisible in galaxy.☆ Missile – Nuclear rocket can destroy buildings anddefenseunits.☆ Electrical storm - It is a offense/defense option. Use itwhenenemy ships are near to deal damage.☆ Probe - Probes provide information of galaxy about anenemy'sbuildings, ships, defense and technology.
Haegemonia - Legions of Iron 1.00
Anuman - 16/20 "The beauty and wealth of itsgameplaywilldelight fans of the genre…" "A highlysuccessfulsoundscape"Gamekult - 8/10 "By subtly combining strategyandmanagement inmagnificent environments, Haegemonia will delightthemany spaceconquest fans" "The magical reconciliation of twogenres:STR andManagement" - 8,3/10 ”Haegemonia:Legions ofIron isa 3D space strategy featuring all the bestelements of itsgenre” - 9/10 Editors choice ***Earth... this termusedto mean Mankind... until technology finallygave humanitytheability to explore space. As humans began to seekout adventureandnew territories beyond the safe boundaries ofEarth, the numberofcolonists who were not born on the home planetincreased. Inthe22nd century almost 1 billion people were living onvariousplanetsthroughout the Solar system. With the growth oftheireconomic andmilitary power, new tensions arose between Earthandthe colonies.Their leaders agreed that a peaceful solutionwasneeded andEarth's Moon was chosen to host a meeting betweenthem...InHeagemonia Legions of Irons, the player has to exploreandconquerthe galaxy as the head of his fleet,planningcolonization,terraforming planets, managing his resourcesanddeciding on theappropriate technological research to leadmankindwhere he wantsit to go. Research, combined with a top-notchspynetwork, willenable the player to survive in a stellar systemwhichis much moredangerous than it would first appear to be.Blackholes, asteroidfields, nebulas, cosmic clouds and wormholes aswellas alienraces... make each fleet sortie a perilous affair.•Breathtakingreal-time space battles. You can also interruptthefighting toissue new orders. • 2 campaigns available: Earth orMars• Managecolonies. Build their defenses and decide ontheirproduction. •Send your spies to spread chaos, assassinateenemyheroes, or stealthe adversary's technologies... • 40imperialvessels, military andcivilian bases • More than 200inventions todevelop • 50 differentcategories of planet (Gas,Forest, Arctic,Oceanic, Volcanic,Acidic, Rocky, etc.) • 5 classesof hero(Soldier, Spy, Scientist,Governor, Tyrant) and many skillstodevelop for each one • Yourcrews gain experience and expertiseasthe fighting progresses. •New random events allow you toenrichyour experience and bepromoted. • 3 levels of difficulty,from easyto difficult *** Youhave a comment, an opinion, aquestion, aproposition about one ofour games or apps? Join ourFacebookfanpage! You have atechnicalissue?Contact [email protected]
天啟艦隊 Naval Empire - 共和國光輝 2.6
Reshine Group
Starship Wars 1.5
Starship Wars, a 4X Strategy Space Game.Build your own Galaxy Empire!!Design your starship, play with firends, war withenemy,challengeboss.
Fleet Command – Win Legion War 1.9.2
Movga Games
Fleet Command is the best naval warfare strategy game.
Little Commander 2 1.8.3
Cat Studio
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*** Join Millions in the #1 SpaceCombatStrategy Game on Android ******Featured by Google in over 100 Countries Worldwide***Mankind is in danger of extinction! Command a heroic starfleetof legendary captains and incredible spaceships tosavehumanity.Discover the incredible space combat MMORPG featured by Googleinover 100 countries and enjoyed by millions. Play for FREE!✔ All-out universe war!  Compete with thousandsonlineplayers on one massive space battlefield
✔ Lead your own star fleet and reign as the top commander
✔ Recruit a fleet of heroic captains to explore the universe
✔ Forge the greatest alliance in the galaxy to dominatespace
✔ Defeat ruthless foes across the galaxy to save humanity
✔ Use your own strategies and combat tactics todominateopponents
✔ Conquer other online players in the galactic arena and reachthetop of the rank.
✔ Customize each ship with powerful upgrades to form theultimatefleet
✔ Explore the vast universe and discover the unknown
✔ Research advanced technologies to enhance your power
✔ Construct formidable space colonies to restorehumancivilizationIn the year 2841, an exciting new chapter in the storyofhumanity begins as we expand to the furthest reaches of space. Inasci-fi landscape of mystery, intrigue, and opportunity, youmustuncover a devious plot to save mankind. Make strategiccombatdecisions and recruit the right commanders to join your fleetasyou fight to uncover the truth. You’ll be faced with the threatofspace pirates, terrorists, alien beings and opposingfleetcommanders on your way to becoming a true legend.Join our online community:
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