策略戰爭 Apps

超級艦隊--軍事策略 1
-------------遊戲介紹-------------2016年度海戰策略大作,鋼鐵巨艦戰爭題材,SLG深度策略玩法,完美詮釋了二戰海戰的實景。派兵佈陣,資源掠奪,稱霸世界。今夏上演二戰大型海戰,戰爭準備打響!-------------遊戲特色-------------◆城邦建築,打造帝國遊戲的主城,以建築玩法為主核心,玩家可以通過建造、升級建築獲得更多資源,以及生成更高級的軍艦。每個採礦場由您隨意放置,打造屬於自己的城邦。◆艦隊佈陣,智慧海戰軍艦兵種之間能相互克制,洞察敵人陣型,排兵佈陣,是致勝的關鍵。智慧將為您帶來勝利。◆資源掠奪,世界大戰資源掠奪,讓全體玩家無國界,無時限的進行掠奪PK,這是一場實力的較量,戰爭就是要激烈!◆多種戰艦,隨您選擇潛艇、航空母艦、巡洋舰、護衛艦,每一個兵種都有自己分支,讓你指尖間操控二戰所有的軍艦。-------------特色系統-------------經營系統:任性經營,自主分配資源建築陣型技巧:靈活運用兵種特性,排兵佈陣特色軍團:萬人集火副本,特色軍團戰,軍團技能長官技能:不一樣的屬性操作,締造自己的軍團配件系統:軍艦深度改造,技能大進階掠奪系統:無國界,無時限,全球掠奪關卡系統:詮釋二戰每一個經典戰役軍艦系統:各大軍艦,隨心開發,隨心操控-------------gameintroduction-------------2016 annual naval strategy masterpiece, steel ship in the wartheme, SLG depth strategy games are played, the perfectinterpretation of real naval battle of World War II. Troopsmanoeuvering, resource plunder and dominate the world. This summerstaged a large-scale naval battle of World War II, war preparationsstarted!The game features ------------- -------------◆ city building, build empireGame of the main city, to play the main core of the building,players can build, upgrade buildings to get more resources andgenerate more advanced warships. Each stope randomly placed by youto build your own city.◆ fleet lineup, naval intelligenceBetween ships arms to restrain each other, insight into the enemyformation, formations, is the key to success. Wisdom will bring youto victory.◆ resource plundering, WarPlunder of resources, so that all players without borders, no timelimit predatory PK, which is a strength of the contest, the war isto be fierce!◆ variety of warships, the choice is yoursSubmarines, aircraft carriers, cruisers, frigates, each branch hasits own arms, fingertips let you control all of World War IIwarship.------------- ------------- Characteristics of the systemOperating system: capricious management, resource allocationindependent buildingFormation techniques: flexible use of arms features,formationsFeatures legion: people set fire to a copy of the characteristicsof the Legion war, corps skillsEXECUTIVE skills: not the same attribute manipulation, to createhis own legionAccessories Systems: warship depth transformation, large advancedskillsPredatory system: no borders, no time limit, global plunderLevel System: Each interpretation of the classic battle of WorldWar IIWarships system: the major warships, heart development, heartmanipulation