Top 23 Games Similar to 總裁鬥地主--王牌对战 赌场风云

一年的蟄伏,博雅四人鬥地主新版本盛大發佈!全新界面,全新玩牌體驗,一切都與眾不同,等你來體驗!★★★★★博雅⋅四人鬥地主(酷炫新版)★★★★★1.全新界面,清爽升級,天天玩牌好心情;2.簽到獎勵,日進斗金,免費領錢鬥地主;3.活動多多,驚喜連連,獎勵狂贈不停歇;4.牌局配桌更合理,遊戲體驗再升級5.網路連接優化,玩牌更流暢A year ofhibernation,Burson four Landlords released a new version of agrand! The newinterface, new playing experience, everything isdifferent, and soon for you to experience!★★★★★ Burson ⋅ four Landlords (cool new version) ★★★★★1. The new interface, fresh upgrade, playing every day agoodmood;2. attendance incentives, Rijindoujin, free pick up themoneyLandlords;3. activities, lots of surprises, rewards mad gifts donotstop;4. The Board table with more reasonable gaming experience andthenupgrade5. Internet connection optimization, playing more smoothly
鬥地主 神來也斗地主
Gamesofa Inc.
【Rated Five Stars by Our Users】 。Register for free and get1500chips
Popular board games
斗地主-欢乐真人智能懂配合单机版 5.3.24
Good cards and more bombs! Fun to play with! Happy time!
Landlords 2.7
The most classic poker game Landlords.* Complete stand-alone mode, without a network!* Completely free, without money and you can not afraid ofnegative,infinite permanent play!* The new AI, human-computer interaction stroke, enjoythechallenge!The rule is simple, highly entertaining and confrontational,nowbegin to landlords!
歡樂鬥地主(二人鬥地主)-火拼博雅單機四人鬥地主撲克麻將遊戲 1.2.5
鬥地主(doudizhu,簡稱ddz)是最流行的棋牌類撲克遊戲,分單機+聯網。鬥地主遊戲壹般有歡樂、癩子、闖關、鬥地主殘局、二人鬥地主比賽等玩法!是2015年最火爆的鬥地主單機版!新歡樂鬥地主遊戲,經典免費棋牌遊戲,風靡全球的國民鬥地主,全民搶紅包大獎賽,天天贏好禮贏話費。新歡樂鬥地主在途遊鬥地主、博雅鬥地主、波克鬥地主、神来也鬥地主基礎上,結合二人鬥地主玩法,二人鬥地主PK競技爭霸,超越單機版,更刺激好玩,免註冊直接玩!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2016新歡樂鬥地主•二人鬥地主遊戲特色~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~★簡單快捷的遊戲體驗Wifi聯網對戰,線上線下隨意鬥。超智能選牌,出牌簡單又便捷,更有智能音效報牌。超低手機流量,為您解除流量超額的擔憂。★新鮮體驗各式任務系統多重任務,挑戰智慧。精心為您準備各類任務,助您完成菜鳥到大師的快速蛻變,任務完成更有豐厚金幣獎勵。★娛樂與休閑必備畫面精美與體驗流暢是我們的承諾,出門沒事鬥壹鬥,社交娛樂秀壹秀。★高手過招分外有禮多種免費比賽隨時舉辦,歡樂不用流量!全民鬥地主搶紅包大獎賽,天天贏好禮贏話費,賽後獎勵鉆石卡、工資卡等多種道具,讓您每天都能領金幣。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2016新歡樂鬥地主•二人鬥地主聯系方式~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FB粉絲專頁:官方郵箱:[email protected]微信:happiplay~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~快速進入遊戲~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Facebook版>>網站PC版>>★android手機版>>
明星斗地主2015(单机+联网) 2.3.0
最火红的斗地主加上明星真人搞笑配音,不但可以单人玩,还可以连网对战﹗随机配桌,开局快速,智能跟牌,轻松上手,这么好玩有趣的明星斗地主正等着你用手机下载﹗==明星斗地主游戏特色==★免费玩 天天都补币:永远不怕没筹码 养金猪赚更多★最真实 牌技步步高:与明星斗地主平台成千上万玩家同桌竟技,最严谨的防弊系统,让你有更真实、更刺激的游戏体验。★大明星 配音超好笑:化身为你喜欢的明星,牌桌上充满搞笑夸张的动作,斗地主也能玩得这么欢乐★特效多 爽度100倍:精心设计的画面特效,让你赢牌赢得更爽更有劲﹗★到处玩 单机也可以玩:支援万人联网对战,也支援不用上网的单机玩法,随时随地不无聊。若您在游戏玩明星斗地主手游版上有任何建议、反应,请联系客服信箱:[email protected]
★★☆★海量玩家多种赛事,等你来挑战★★☆★★★★☆★★金币荣誉成就多多,即刻领取!★★☆★★欢乐斗地主是当前最好玩的斗地主棋牌游戏,由顶级设计倾力打造,可与海量斗地主玩家联网游戏。一样的游戏,带给您不一样的极致体验!1.画面精美:清新典雅的风格,原汁原味的棋牌享受;2.贴心设计:超大牌面让您运指如飞,远离误操作的烦恼;3.省电省流量:一局游戏所耗网络流量4.多多奖励,让您领不停★ ★ ☆ ★ Massive playersavariety of events, waiting for you to challenge ★ ★ ☆ ★ ★★ ★ ☆ ★ ★ gold honor achievements lot, instantly receive! ★ ★ ☆★★Happy Landlords Landlords is currently the most fun board gamesfromtop design effort to build, with massive Landlords playernetworkedgames. The same game, the way you think the ultimateexperience!1 beautiful screen: fresh and elegant style, authenticchessenjoyment;2 intimate design: large sign face lets you transport meansflyingaway from misuse troubles;3 Power provincial traffic: a game of network trafficconsumed4. Lot of awards, so you stop collar
Landlords2 4.1
Landlords, is one of most popular cardgames.The game has three players, using a card, including two wildcard.Game players began competing called landowners, calledtheunsuccessful competing players do farmers. Two farmers togetherto"fight" landlord. Game finished either first-out cards isthewinner.Landlords will be this fun and challenging game thatwaspresented to the players faithfully bring you beautifulcards,strong computer opponents, and superior control, lettingyouindulge them, with the least action, we can enjoy the game.Beautifully designed, medium size cards, smooth animationLive dub effects more realisticSlide your finger to select multiple cardsComputer intelligence Competitive, challenging players- Suggest to your suggestions can out cards
B-Bro Big2 (Big Two/Pusoy Dos) 1.55
Recax Game
The Most Complete and AuthenticBig2/PusoyDos!(Chinese Poker, Deuces, Giappuniza,Ciniza,CapSa)****** Support the International Rule,TaiwanRuleandPhilippinesPusoy Dos!****** Innovative UI design helps youtoidentifydifferentcombinationin your hand!****** Powerful Automatic Card Pickupsystem"Slide-2-Select",justslide your card, and the computerwillchoosethe mostappropriatecombination/card for you.****** Automatic Pass Function. NomoreannoyingPass!(Activateinsetting menu)****** Voice with English,Cantonese and Mandarinenjoythecardplayingexperience !****** Unpredictable Computer AI, which will hold thecardandendthegame in a way that you don't expect.****** Unlock various achievements,collect your medal now!****** Over 19 Ranks, Challenge to become the king in Big 2!****** User interfaced designed in a way to help youplaythegamebyusing only one hand, if you are left hand user,youmayalsoswitchto left hand mode!Big Two Rule (Base on Hong Kong/Pusoy Dos/InternationalRule)Big Two (also known as Deuces, pusoy dos, 大老二, 鋤大D)isacardgamewith a Rule Similar to Texas Hold'em.The game is very popular in Asia,especiallythroughoutChina,HongKong, Phillippines, Macau, Malaysia,SingaporeandTaiwan.Common gameplayed with four players. Theobjective ofthegame isto be the firstto get rid of all of yourcards.Cards may be played as singles or in groups oftwoorfive,incombinations which resemble poker hands. Theleadingcardtoatrick sets down the number of cards to be played;allthecardsofa trick must contain the same number ofcards.Thecombinationsandtheir rankings are as follows.Single CardRanking:2->A->K->Q->J->.....->3Suit:HongKong:♠>♥>♣>♦Taiwan:♠>♥>♦>♣PusoyDos:♦>♥>♠>♣Single cards: Any card from the deck, orderedbyrankwithsuitbeing the tie-breaker.Pairs: Any two cards of matching rank, orderedaswithsingularcardsby the card of the higher suit.Triples: Any Three card of matching rank, order by rank.5-card hand: Uses the same ranking as Poker. Therearefive(var.2)different valid 5-card poker hands, ranking, fromlowtohigh,asfollows (the same ranking as in poker):Straight : Any 5 cards in a sequence (but notthesamesuit).Thereisn't JQKA2, while A2345 is largest 23456is2ndlargest.(Fortaiwan game, A2345 is the smallestwhile23456islargest)Flush: Any 5 cards of the same suit (but not inasequence).Rankisdetermined by highest value card and thenbyhighestsuit.Full House: a composite of a three-of-a-kindcombinationandapair.Rank is determined by the value of thetriple.Four of a kind + One card : Any set of 4 cards ofthesamerank,plusany 5th card.Straight Flush: A composite of the straight andflush:fivecardsinsequence in the same suit.Each player got 13 cards.At the beginning of each game, the playerwiththesmallestcard(3♦in Hong Kong, 3♣ in Pusoy Dos or Taiwan)startsbyeitherplaying itsingly or as part of a combination, leadingtothefirsttrick. Playproceeds counter-clockwise,withnormalclimbing-gamerules applying:each player must play ahighercard orcombinationthan the onebefore, with the same numberofcards.Players mayalso pass, thusdeclaring that he does notwanttodiscard anycards (or does not holdthe necessary cards tomakeaplaypossible).A player need to warn others when he/sheisoneplayingcombinationaway from winning. The goal is, then,fortheotherplayers to play(and get rid of) as many cardsaspossiblewhileavoiding thecombination that would allow thecallingplayerto winthe game. Forexample, if the said player has onelastsinglecard,the otherplayers would play pairs or othercombinationstoforcehim/her topass. If the other players doesn't dothat, itisknownas illegalassist. 3X Penalty will be applied.The game ends when one player runs out of cards.
Landlord 1.0231
Play FREE online multiplayer, with friends or against achallengingAI.
开心斗地主 - 欢乐 癞子 四人 131
开心斗地主是一款人气火爆、玩法刺激的网络扑克游戏,无需注册、无需充值,安装后即可立即开始游戏。  ★★★游戏特色★★★  1. 和成千上万的真实玩家,在网络上合作对战,尽享游戏乐趣; 2. 内含三种斗地主玩法:欢乐斗地主、癞子斗地主 (赖子斗地主)、四人斗地主; 3. 支持私人房间,可以创建专属于自己的棋牌室,设定密码,与好友约战;4. 丰富的游戏功能,更有比赛可以参与,赢取话费和丰厚奖品;    5. 支持游客登录和正式账号注册,游戏完全免费下载和使用,每日登录自动获取奖励金币,破产即可获得救济金,助您在成为高手的路上走得更远。6. 智能出牌系统: 游戏也会有智慧, 支持手势操作超智能选牌(滑动), 点击屏幕牌面重选, 一指定天下。   7. 有趣可爱的表情包: 各种俏皮表情包让你在打牌之外寻找更多的乐趣!  8. 精致的游戏体验: 画面精美,界面简洁,功能丰富, 动画流畅, 智能打牌辅助, 游戏感受更美好。  9. 超低的手机流量:支持各种网络接入方式,优先检测并接入wifi网络,同时优化网络连接,使手机流量更低,一局游戏流量抵不上访问1个WAP页面的流量。10. 一款游戏,一个账号,更多棋牌游戏可供选择和下载:锄大地、炸金花 (诈金花、扎金花)、梭哈(港式五张)、德州扑克、黑杰克(21点)、升级 (拖拉机、80分)、中国象棋、双扣、麻将 (大众麻将)等,近期还有 国标麻将、四川麻将(成都血战)、二人麻将(雀神)、五子棋等游戏加入;每下载一款新游戏组件仅占用很小的内置空间(仅0.8M),运行时内存占用也很小,确保不影响手机性能; Landlordsis a popular hot fun, play exciting online poker games,noregistration, no recharge, you can start the game immediatelyafterinstallation.★ ★ ★ Game Features ★ ★ ★1 and thousands of real players in the network cooperationBattle,enjoy the game fun;(2) contains three Landlords play: Happy Landlords, LaiziLandlords(Yoriko Landlords), four Landlords;3 supports private room, you can create your own dedicatedchessroom, set a password, and friends Yuezhan;4 game features a rich, more competition can participate andwinprizes calls;5 Support Guest Sign and formal account registration, the gameiscompletely free to download and use, daily log automaticallygetrewarded gold, bankruptcy can get relief, help you become amasterof the road to go further.6 smart cards system: The game will be wise to supporttheultra-smart card selection gestures (slide), tap the screen tosignface re-election, a designated world.7 lovely expression package: various playful expression packageletsyou play cards outside looking for more fun!8 exquisite gaming experience: beautiful screen, the interfaceissimple, feature-rich, smooth animations, smart cardsassistance,better gaming experience.9 ultralow phone traffic: support a variety of networkaccess,detect and priority access to wifi network, whileoptimizingnetwork connection, the phone traffic less, a game notworth thetraffic flow of a WAP page.10 a game, one account, more chess games to choose fromanddownload: dig the earth, fried Golden (Golden fraud, barJinhua),Stud (Hong Kong-style five), Texas Hold'em, Black Jack (21points),upgrades (tractors, 80 points), Chinese Chess, Twill,Mahjong(public Mahjong), etc., as well as the recent GB Mahjong,SichuanMahjong (Chengdu bloody), two Mahjong (bird god), backgammonandother game; download a new game every component occupies onlyasmall built-in space (0.8M only), run-time memory footprintissmall, make sure the phone does not affect performance;
斗地主单机版 1.4.0
×××Goolge Play首发×××跟QQ斗地主一模一样, 标准斗地主单机版。目前单机斗地主中最好的版本,ai远远超过其他斗地主在国内各大市场上线不到两个月下载量就已突破两百万Starting ××× ×××GoolgePlayQQ Landlords with exactly the same standard Landlordsstand-aloneversion.At present, the best stand-alone version of Landlords, ai farmorethan other LandlordsIn the domestic market, the major line less than two monthshadexceeded two million downloads
Dou Di Zhu 2.6
Dou Di Zhu is one of the most popular card games played in China.
Landlords (Best One)
Landlords is the quintessence of classic China gamesemphasizecombat team, and single wisdom. 1.0. Version is quack Doulandlordfine and Jane's version of peasant landlords, spent heavilytobuild, smooth running, let you feast for the eyes, you deserveit! for players to provide exquisite picture, the traditionofclassic gameplay, swept the world of the Landlords game, apopular,play to stimulate the free download, no registrationrequired, freeto send gold, no need to recharge, installation canbe started thegame 1 Simulation of the real scene 3D desktop,comfortablebackground, support multiple switch, so you get to relaxin playingcards as you choose 2 to provide a variety of ways to login, thereare visitors account, open you can play, special tasks,and so rich3 a wealth of system incentives, the daily landing canreceive goldcoins, bankruptcy, click to get ready to get relief, soyou havethe opportunity to stand up 4 ultra smooth slide card, picka card,smart card selection, drag the cards 5 immediately open thegamecan play, simple oriented experience, all to the userexperience asthe basic point, customer value. 6 funny naughty cutebag, so youand your friends are too addicted to playing cards 7super gooduser experience, beautiful screen, smooth userexperience, let youput it down 8. Innovation of human design, letyou operateconvenient, button on the side, in order to stop theslide out thecard and also makes it possible to single cards,simplify theoperation, fingers do not need to fidget 9 ultra lowmobile phonetraffic, smooth communication technology, so that youcan play whenand where you can play 10 Super High online gameplayer, let youexperience the different opponents, an endlessenjoyment 11 greatexperience, live a lot of players praise
大富豪BEST 3.0.183
Sorairo, Inc.
Over 50 local rules!
FightLandlord 1.0
FightLandlord has rich voice andbrilliantanimation and intelligent computer.Game contains three modes, which is normal mode, challengemode,bossmode.Normal mode is matter with score. With player level up,theGamebecomes more difficult. Player can feel hard to win the gamewhenit's level six.Challenge mode is matter with task,Which can make you morefun,Whenyou finish the task.Boss mode has veryWhat? Computer is too stupid? NO, there is only God as teammatesandNB opponent.So what ~ ~ quickly download and experience it ~ ~ ~ ~
Fun Big 2 Taiwan: Card Craze 1.1.10
Popular Big 2 card game, Taiwanese twist, offline play&rewards!
天天斗地主2 1.0
单机斗地主,无任何广告,拥有传统斗地主的 “自动”, “提示”,“托管”的功能外,还新增了“看牌”功能, 看牌就是能看对手的牌。适度游戏,身心健康。Landlordsstand-alone,without any advertising, with traditional Landlords"automatic","prompt", "trust" of the function, but also added a"watch brand"function, read the cards you are able to see theopponent's cards.Moderate games, physical and mental health.
Fun Big 2 17.06.04
《Fun Big 2》is now available for FREE!Big 2 is one of the most popular card game in the world,especiallythroughout China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia,Singaporeand Taiwan. The objective of the game is to be the firstto get ridof all of your cards by using various poker hands thatare similarto Texas Hold’em. With its unique rules, each session isveryintense and required skills if playing against skillfulplayers.Are you ready to become a Pro in Big 2?=======================================Account registration and internet connection are notrequired!Open the game and play right away with no waiting time!Achievements and missions with tons of awesome rewards waitingforyou to get!Download NOW and get 30,000 coins for FREE!=======================================One of the best card game in the world! 5-Star reviews arefloodingin! What are you waiting for? Download Now!♠【Gorgeous Design】Why even go to Las Vegas when you canexperienceit in Fun Big 2!♥【Smooth Gameplay】 Whether it be scene transition orgameplay,everything in the game is as smooth as you canimagine!♦【Flashy Animations】Each hands has its own unique animation!♣【Smart Control】 With smart in-game tips and control, you don’thaveto be an expert in Big 2 to enjoy and win big! One finger toplaythem all!♥【Offline Mode】Don’t have internet? No problems! Play itanytimeanywhere you want!♦【Various Activities】Tons of achievemtns and titles toaccomplish!Be the king of Big 2!♣【Unique Bet System】Can your heart handle our exclusive andexcitingbet system!FREE for a limited time only! Download NOW and get 30,000 coinsforFREE!If you happened to lose all your coins, we got variousin-gameactivities to help you back up on your feet, such as ChestandDaily Sign-In!Enjoy!This game is intended for an adult audience and does not offerrealmoney gambling or an opportunity to win real money orprizes.Practice or success at social casino gaming does not implyfuturesuccess at real money gambling. Use of this application isgovernedby the Gameflask Terms of Service. Collection and use ofpersonaldata are subject to Gameflask's Privacy Policy. Bothpolicies areavailable in the Application License Agreement below aswell as Social Networking Service terms mayalsoapply.
Real BIG 2 (Free) 3.5
Since "2" is the biggest card in the rule of this game, we calleditas "Big 2".This game is for 2, 3, or 4 players in which each receives13cards. First, please note that, the cards are ranked 2 A K Q J 1098 7 6 5 4 3 , and goes in the order of spades, hearts,diamonds,clubs with spades being the greatest. The player holding 3cardstarts to discard a card set.You can discard the Single, Pair, Straight, Flush, FullHouse,4-of-a-Kind + Kicker or Straight Flush in the descendingorder.Please note that each player needs to plays a higher card setorpasses.When the previous player plays the straight, Flush, FullHouse,4-of-a-Kind + Kicker or Straight Flush, you can discard thesamecard to pin him.Choose the cards: You can tap the cards to select ones whichyouwanna discard. Conversely, if you would like to cancel thecardswhich you wanna discard, please tap the selected cardsagain.Discard: If you have chosen the cards completely, pleaseselectthe "Go", you will start to enjoy this fun game.Pass: If you hold no higher cards than the cards discardedbyprevious player, (or, more likely, wishes to hold ontomultiplehigher cards for later rounds), please select the "Pass" topass inthis round.The accounting of score:When 1 player runs out of cards, it shows the game is over.Inthe meantime, the remaining players will loss theiraccountindividually.Please see the rules of losing account as followed:If you still hold 5 cards in the end, your account will belost5*10=50.But if you hold more than 10 cards or any poker ranked 2,youwill lose the double account.
撲克●大老二 1.5.0
ling app
【撲克●大老二】是一款有趣的撲克牌【比大小丟牌】遊戲,中文又稱之為【鋤大弟】或【鋤大地】,英文稱之為 Poker Card Big Two,是一款看誰先把手中的十三張牌丟完,誰就是贏家。遊戲規則 :- 比牌型,順序為 :● 同花順: 數字連續,且花色相同。● 鐵支: 四個數字相同。● 葫蘆: 三個數字相同 + 二個數字相同。● 順子: 數字連續。● 一對: 有一組兩個數字相同。● 單張: 以上牌型都不符合者。- 相同牌型,比數字: 2 > A > K > Q > J > 10 > 9>...。- 相同數字,比花色: 黑桃 > 紅心 > 方塊 > 梅花。- 13 張牌先丟完的玩家,就是贏家。遊戲特色 :- 由你自己新建紙牌圖案。- 提供 21 種紙牌圖案、14 種紙牌花色、9 種數字樣式、2 種丟牌動畫。- 紙牌圖案、花色、數字樣式、動畫、背景 多種組合隨意搭配。- 可以用分數解鎖紙牌圖案、花色、動畫。- 點擊玩家,可以自訂玩家的圖案與名稱。[Poker] ● Big Two is afunpoker cards] [than the size of lost games,Also known as Big Two Chinese [] or [] dig the earth,English called Poker Card Big Two,To see who is a first in the hands of thirteen cards lost End,whois the winner. game rules :- Than the card type, the order is: ● Flush: Digital continuous and of the same suit. ● Rail Extension: the same four digits. ● gourd: the same three numbers + the same two numbers. ● Junko: Digital continuous. ● a pair: a group of two numbers the same. ● Single: those who do not meet the above card type.- The same card type, over the figure: 2> A> K> Q>J>10> 9> ....- The same figure, more than color: Spades> Hearts>Box>Plum.--13 Cards End Xiandiu players, is the winner. Game Features:- Create your own images of cards.- Available in 21 images of cards, 14 kinds of color cards,ninekinds of digital style, two kinds of lost card animation.- Solitaire pattern, color, digital style, animation, backgroundmixand match a variety of combinations.- Can be used to unlock the score card design,color,animation.- Click on the player, the player can customize thepatternname.
Big 2 1.0231
Play FREE online multiplayer, with friends or against achallengingAI.