Top 38 Apps Similar to Odyssey - Mining MoveCoin, Fit

Simple Time Tracker 1.28
Track how much time you spend on different activities duringtheday.
LifeUp: Gamified To Do List 1.91.3-rc04
LifeUp Apps
Gamify your life and level up with EXP, coins, and rewards!
RPG ToDo List & Calendar. Habit Tracker. Organizer
Stay motivated & achieve your Goals by turning your ToDos&Habits into a game!
GIS University 1.4
Хотите стать частью успешной команды и освоитьстратегииэффективногопостроения партнерской сети? Присоединяйтеськ GISUniversity —образовательной онлайн-платформе, созданнойдляпартнеров компанииGlobal Intellect Service. Приложениесодержитмножество курсов,десятки интерактивных уроков ипроверочныхтестов. Все учебныематериалы теперь собраны в одномместе идоступны партнерам из любойточки мира. Уже более 3500студентовстали экспертами по продуктамGlobal Intellect Service иосвоилисамые результативные техникипродаж. Преподавателиуниверситета —известные бизнес-тренеры итоп-лидеры GIS. Изучитьпродукты UDS истремительно развить свойбизнес вам помогут CEOВячеслав Ушенин,технический директор БулатИмамов, а также ведущиепартнеры GISНаталья Сорокина, Анна Никитина,Евгений Нагиев,Алексей Шулепов идругие. Становитесь новым лидеромGIS и частьюсплоченной команды!Покорите новые высоты вместе сведущимипартнерами Global IntellectService!
Nerd Fitness Journey 1.0.26
Build healthy habits in the Nerd Fitness universe
Habit Tracker - Proddy 3.6.1
The all-in-one self-care app for good habits, mood and creatingaroutine/ritual
Time Meter Time Sheet 2.6.1
Time Tracker and Time Sheet for anything! Time Meter isatimetracker (timesheet and time recording app) that makesitreallyeasy to track time spent on work, sport, education -overall,anyactivity. Start and stop time tracking (time recording)with afewclicks. Use handy widgets to track time (log time)evenfaster.Review daily, weekly, monthly timesheet (activity log,timelog,work log, work hours). Features: • quick time trackingandtimerecording for any activity • widgets (list andlockscreen,colorful 1x1 with different icons) to provide thebestexperience •timesheet reports (CSV file - daily, weekly,monthly orany otherperiod - you can review it in Microsoft Office,GoogleDocs orplenty other office programs) • automatic export toGoogleCalendarusing Time Meter Extensions app (one of the killerfeaturesof thistime tracker according to many reviewers) •reminders andalarms(use custom sounds and/or vibration, so younever missanythingworking too hard) • simple and user-friendlyinterface (oneof thesimplest among available time tracker, timerecording andtimesheetapps) • easy to browse and edit time log(work log,activity log)(change start and end dates, descriptions,tags,durations) •search, filter and review time log (activity log,worklog) •built-in calculator • notification in the status bar •importandexport your timesheet (time tracking and time recordingdata)asCSV file • create backups • tune the app for your needs•Tasker,Locale and other automation apps supporting localeapiintegrationPlease, don’t forget - in addition to time trackingyoucan exportdata as CSV file to many services like Google DriveandDropBox,create advanced reports for customers, clients, orforpersonaluse. Exported CSV files can be used to chart andanalyzeyouractivities in external programs like Excel. Time Meteris agreattool for people who want to track time, control andmanageit.Freelancers, self employed, designers, developers,ITspecialists,lawyers, contractors, sportsmen, athletes, peoplewhojust likesport, students, travelers... - all people who wanttotrack timeand take it under control will find this lightweighttimetrackeruseful. As any time tracker app, it helps you to keeptrackof timespent on different tasks, projects and activities(keepingworklog, time log and activity log for your personalaffairsorbusiness tasks, meetings or sports, work or commute). Youwon’taskyourself any more: What was I working on yesterday?lastweek?month? year? All you’ll need is just to search yourtimelog(activity log, work log) for a particular dates. AlsousingTasker,Local and other automation apps you can configure TimeMetertoautomatically log time you spend playing games or browsingwebonyour phone. With Tasker (and other automationappssupportinglocale API) there’s a plenty of possibilitiestoconfigure TimeMeter to add time automatically. Time Meter canhelpwith timemanagement, especially when you use different kindofreminders. Ithelps to track time, whether it is working hoursorany otheractivity, in a quick and meaningful way. Track yourtime,reviewit, analyze it and take it under control! Good luck!
Habit Tracker Gamification 2.1.96
A fun habit tracker that just works.
Puncher: Mood Tracker 3.04
SPB Apps
Have you ever thought how you have spent another day?
Timecap: Habit tracker & To-do 1.15.1
A fabulous app for habit tracking, getting todo's done&boosting productivity
TimeIO 1.85
TimeIO is a simple app, it works really awesome.Itis fast, exact, great looking and easy to be used byanyone.So TimeIO makes time tracking actually enjoyable. Motivateyou tomanage better your daily activity! Do one thing attimeand concentrate on it. Work in installedintervaland thentakea minute break from work. As is known, 25-45 minutes work followed by5-10 minutes rest is the best for productivityand asmall portion of task is better than one huge task.Due to thisyou will reduce stress and eliminate burn-out.Jump with asingle click from one project to another andrecord timeprecisely and with ease. With TimeIO you can manage asmany tasks asyou like. Time tracking is the foundation of success.TimeIO isperfect for everyone who bills their time. Measure time,improve it!Features: • the app is based on the technique of tomato(pomodorotechnique) • widget • friendly interface •configurable valuesof work and break time • sound, vibrationreminders • works inthe background • records time for each task •you can includesubtasks and notes for every task from yourto-do list
Connect To Your Most Radiant Self
ManyHats — Habits & Journal 1.6.5
Marcin Czech
Habit Tracker, Micro Journal & Mood Tracker
Kimai 2 - offline time trackin 1.2.2
Track your times for Kimai 2 offline and sync them when backonlineagain.
DNAfit – Health, Fitness and N
Unlock your Health Potential with the DNAfit Mobile Application
MyCap 1.10.1
MyCap makes it easy for researchers to capture participantreportedoutcomes.
Awesome Time Logger 2.8.1
Awesome Time Logger (Time Tracker) - The Way You Live!
Time management, time tracker 2.17.0
Mint Rocket
Get productivity: time & task planner, organizer, habits,goals,time management
iHour - Habit & Skill Tracker 5.1.0
Clover Team
10000 Hours to Master a Skill
Field Trip: Psychedelic guide 2.0.2
Expand your mind: guided journaling, meditation, music,andpsychedelic support
Freework - Timesheet, Time Card, Time Tracking 2.18.8
Freework GmbH
A mobile platform to handle your daily work, to savetime,increasebillable hours, decrease administrative overhead anddowhat youreally love: follow your work passion Ready togetstarted?Download our free app today. You can try FreeworkPremiumfor free(no credit card required) before choosing the planthatbest suitsyour business. *** Product Hunt: "Freework helpsanyonetrack theirdaily work. Beautifully designed." *** ***"Awesome timetracking tool for freelancers" *** HOWFREEWORK WORKS• Track timeand working hours - Our time logging issimple andeverything is insync • Send invoices - Create invoiceswith yourtracked hours •Manage clients - Log and store informationwhich canbe used toincrease client satisfaction • Statistics - Anoverviewprovideseverything to run your freelancer business withease •Sharedreports - Share your timesheet with all your clients •GeoTracking- Never forget to clock in again with ourgeofencingfeature • Tags- Use tags to categorize your tasks. Forexample, tagblocked tasksas "pending", or tag invoiced tasks as"billed" •Notes - Enhanceyour tasks with important details, linksorchecklists • Connectyour calendar - Add your Google Calendareventsto your timesheetwith one click • Export functionality - Justonepress to downloadall your tasks (CSV, PDF, XLSX) • … andmore!FREEWORK FOR ALL YOURDEVICES Get Freework for your Mac and asaSlackbot to simplifyyour freelancing across all your devices.Theapps all stay insync. QUESTIONS? If you have anyquestions,complaints or praisefeel free to contact us [email protected]
Logg - Private Journal & Diary 3.0.5
Daily Life Logger & Habit Track, Take Notes & Remember,KeepMemories & Moments
I Ching: App of Changes 14.2.2
Code Poetry
Wise guidance to life's turning points from an ancient text.
G-Sync To Do 1.0.2
Kushch Artem
Improve your efficiency, motivation and mental focus with our app!
ATracker Time Tracker 3.0.49
Wonderapps AB
Daily Task + Habit+Goal+Routine
FitJo 2.0.10
Come join the FitJo Gym! FitJo is a digital fitness journalthatmakes tracking your workouts, diet, and personal notes fastandeasy. Our user interface is designed to be unclutteredandintuitive and our development team strives to engage with ouruserswherever they're lifting. ** Track Exercises ** - View andupdatedaily fitness journal entries in just a few taps - Add setswithreps and weight data to each exercise you complete -Navigatebetween daily workouts by swiping left or right - View allworkoutsin a calendar view with weekly, two week, and monthly views- Jumpto a specific date using the in-app calendar widget - Usethebuilt-in rest timer between sets - View workout summariesandtotals for each day using the draggable sheet on each page.Dataincludes total reps, total sets, and total volume - Addcomments/notes to individual sets or your workout as a whole - Marksets ascomplete or incomplete using checkboxes - Delete or updatesetsafter adding them - Calculate 1-rep maxes and quickly findotherpercentages - Explicitly mark your Off Days ** Track your Diet** -Search thousands of general food items on the nutrition tab -Viewmacro totals in the summary tab (proteins, carbs, fats) -(Comingsoon) Create and favorite custom food items ** CreateRoutines ** -Create custom routines with unique names and exercisesequences -Customize individual set reps, weight, time, anddistances - Addroutines to new or existing workouts - Use pre-maderoutines -Share your routines in the FitJo Gym ** Track YourProgress ** -Record body measurements quickly using our date andtime picker -Leave comments on individual measurements - View allof yourhistorical sets for each exercise - View personal recordsandcumulative stats for exercises, including max weight and maxvolume- Save progress pictures and tag them with specific sides **FindExercises ** - Select from a growing database of exercises -Filterexercises based on their primary, secondary, and detailedtargetmuscles - Filter exercises based on the equipment theyrequire,their movement types, and more miscellaneous tags - Addcustomexercises if you can't find one in our database. Exercisesarecreated with a unique name, target muscle, the workout type,andthe equipment that it requires - Edit and update allcustomexercises you've created - Link out to instructional pagesfor allexercises ** Save Your Data ** - Create an account using anemailand password and have all of your data saved in the cloud-Instantly access your data from any device - Custom exercisesyoucreate will only be available to you - Use a singleProsubscription on all platforms where FitJo is [email protected] with any questions, feedback, orfeaturerecommendations.
AboutMe – Personal journal
ASL Mobile
AboutMe is a mobile app that combines the functions ofaprivatepersonal diary and a mood tracker. It is designed forfixingnotes,ideas, as well as daily summing up of the day. Recordtheresultsand evaluate on a 10-point scale any aspects of life,suchas mood,health, relationships with people, etc. Your notesandresults willalways be close at hand. With the help ofpersonalanalytics, youcan track your progress and conduct adeepintrospection. There areno advertising in our application andthereare no restrictions onthe number of notes added. You canbuypremium version in order toaccess more settings and reports,aswell as to provide additionalprotection for the safety of yourdatain the Google Drive cloudstorage. Working with notes The mobileapphas a friendly andintuitive interface. Everything is clearandnothing more thatcould distract you from the main thing:yourthoughts and ideas.You can write any texts ifnecessary,accompanying them with photosdownloaded from the phone’smemory ormade “on the fly” directlyfrom the application. The mostimportantand relevant entries mightbe pinned to the home screen.For theconvenience, notes can beassigned to various categories,which youcan create at yourdiscretion. You can quickly find thedesired noteat any time usingthe convenient search. Everything youwrite isstored only on yourdevice and (if you enable this option)in yourGoogle Driveaccount. On your device, all your records arestored inencryptedform. Use the PIN code as an additionalprotection inmaintainingthe confidentiality of your personal data.SummarizingDailystocktaking is a useful tool that makes life moreconscious.Recordthe most valuable thing that happened to you in aday. Overtime,this will allow you to figure out what is reallyimportant toyouand what really makes you happy. Observe how lifegoes indynamicswith the evaluation of each day. You can alwaystrack yourups anddowns and deal with the factors that lead to them.Inaddition,regular self-evaluation is a great motivator toachieveevengreater results tomorrow than today. Observe whatspheres ofyourlife you pay more attention to day after day, notingthemwhensumming up. Use this data to achieve balance indifferentspheresof life, such as family, business, finance andleisure.Coloredcalendar In the “Results of the days” section, youwill seeacolored calendar where every day is painted inacolorcorresponding to your assessment. The higher the rankingyougive,the more vivid the calendar becomes. In addition, thecalendarisconvenient to use to quickly jump to the desired date andseepastresults. Personal analytics At any time you can see yourlifeintables and figures, analyzing how its quality has changedoveranylife span. For the Premium version users detailedsummariesareavailable for each month and year of life. Youwillreceivedetailed data on how your life has changed in dynamicsandwhatexactly has changed in comparison with the previous period.Weareopen for any feedback, suggestions or bug reports. It willmakeourapp better. Please Email us to [email protected]
Work Log 1.5.4
Work Hours Management, Location Reminders, Notes and Notifications🚀
Circadian: Your Natural Rhythm 4.1.4
Daily schedule for better sleep, to live well, habits ofhealth& a natural life
TimeClock Connect Pro - Time Tracking & Invoicing 11.5.2
✓ A simple and easy way to track your billable hours,expensesandmileage ✓ Automatic cloud sync: your data is always safeevenifyour phone is lost or broken ✓ Generate invoices directlyfromyourTimeClock Connect data - or export as spreadsheet or html✓Syncacross all your devices - including iPhone and iPad ✓Safe&dependable - we've been here since 2009 ✓ No ads, notracking,noanalytics - just a great product at a fair price - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TimeClock Connectmakesiteasy to track your billable hours and expenses - and thenusethisdata to generate invoices or spreadsheets. It's theperfectAndroidtime tracker for freelancers, independentcontractors,attorneys oranyone who bills clients by the hour. *Simple andintuitive:you'll be tracking your billable hours andexpenseswithin minutesof installing the app. * Safe and dependable:on theMarket since2009, TimeClock Connect is rock solid and trustedbythousands ofusers around the world. TimeClock Connect worksgreatas astandalone app, but you can also sign up for afreeTimeClockConnect account, which gives you: * Instant,automaticback-up forpeace of mind: no matter what happens yourphone, yourdata isalways safe and accessible online. * A better wayto viewandmanage your data: looking at data on your laptop ordesktopiseasier than using a small mobile display. *Optionalinvoicesystem: the easiest way to create professionallookinginvoicesdirectly from your TimeClock data - no morespreadsheets!MoreTimeClock Connect Features: * Export directly toDropbox orGoogleDrive (Google Docs) - or send your export file viaemail. *Exportyour data as a spreadsheet (CSV) or as "humanreadable" HTML.*Track hours for as many clients as you wish. Setyour hourlyratefor each client and TimeClock will calculate yourearnings. *Roundyour work times by specifying an optional billingincrementforeach client - from one minute up to one hour. * Flatfeeactivitiesare supported where the client is charged a fixedamountfor a jobregardless of the time worked. * Track your time asyou'reworkingby clocking in and clocking out - or manually entercompletetimerecords in the past or future. * Powerful note entry/managementcapabilities. * Track Expenses along with yourbillablehours. Setup predefined expenses for recurring expenseitems.Manage andexport your expenses from the app or from yourTimeClockConnectaccount. * Track Mileage Expenses by providingamileagereimbursement allowance and then entering thedistancetravelled ORproviding starting and ending odometerreadings. * Viewand editall time records within the app. You can goback and changethestart and end times, billing rate, notes - anyfield can beedited.* Customize your spreadsheet export: you pickwhich datacolumnsare exported, the order of the columns and thetype ofsummaryinformation. * Each time record contains: client,notes andasecondary data field that defaults to "Project", but youcanchangethis to whatever suits your business: Location, Task,Jobetc. *Note: TimeClock does not automatically calculate overtimenordoesit support multiple simultaneous timers. InvoiceSystemFeatures: +Simple, easy to use web interface. + Create newinvoicesin just afew clicks using your time records and expensessyncedfrom theapp. You won't believe how quick and easy it is! +Paymenttracking- including partial payments. + Bill for materialsas wellas labor- items can be taxed at different rates. +Completeinvoicelifecycle history log for each invoice. + Customizeyourinvoiceswith your company logo. + Download PDF files to print -oremailthem to clients from within Timeclock Connect. + Try itfreefor 30days. Afterwards, it's only $5/month for unlimitedinvoices.
actiTIME Mobile Timesheet
Actimind, Inc
This application provides a mobileinterfacefor actiTIME timesheet software. With actiTIME Mobile youcan keeptrack of your time expenses on the go – whether you’re atthemeeting, on a business trip, or at your office if you just finditmore convenient.** MAIN FEATURES **— Start / stop timer— Enter time & comments— Select from the list of created tasks— Create tasks directly on your Android phone— Work offline & sync data later** REQUIREMENTS **— Internet connection to sync the data with the web timesheet— User account within your actiTIME installationIf you don't have an actiTIME account, you will be able to signupfor a free actiTIME online trial right from yourAndroidphone.After the first synchronization with actiTIME you will be abletowork offline until you need to sync your data again.---** ABOUT actiTIME **actiTIME is the corporate timesheet software used by over9000companies worldwide. It allows you to enter time spent ondifferentwork assignments, register time offs and sick leaves, andthencreate detailed reports covering almost any managementoraccounting needs.By logging in to your actiTIME timesheet software you canaccessmore powerful product features like comprehensive reports,projectassignments, cost & billing rates, etc.With actiTIME you can:— Track time in a weekly timesheet— Start tracking time without any special training— Gather data using powerful reporting tools— Get accurate information for the client billing— Analyze cost of various work activitiesYou may choose between downloadable and hostedactiTIMEinstallations. There is a 100% free version available. Thisfreeversion contains basic functionality for small teams up to5users.
GymUp Pro workout notebook 9.5
Andrey Filatov
GymUp is a training notebook for thosewhoare focused on the outcome and want to improve the effectivenessoftheir training. Choose a training program, record theresults,observe the progress!Main features of GymUp:★ RECORD TRAINING RESULTSRecord the results of your workouts in a convenient and logicalway.Supersets, trisets, dropsets and other complex exercisesaresupported. Recording of results occurs on the basis ofpreviousones, which simplifies and speeds up the process as muchaspossible. The rest timer will not let you relax too much andwillsignal the sound, vibration of the phone or fitnessbracelet.★ TRAINING PROGRAMS REFERENCEThere are more than 60 selected programs from the besttrainers.Using the filter, you can easily find the program for anypurpose,including those aimed at losing weight, gaining weight,increasingstrength. When filtering, you can also specify thegender, traininglocation, desired frequency and your level oftraining. Afterchoosing a suitable training program, you can adjustit in anarbitrary way (customized for yourself).★ EXERCISES REFERENCEMore than 500 training exercises are available. All exercisesaredescribed and structured as much as possible, descriptiveimagesare available, both with men and with girls. Using a filterorsearch by name, you can easily find a suitable exercise.Whenfiltering, you can specify a muscle group, the type and typeofexercise, the type of equipment and effort, the leveloftraining.★ MAKING YOUR OWN TRAINING PROGRAMSDid not find a suitable program in the directory or are youworkingon your own? No problem, because the application allows youtocreate an arbitrary training program. The completedtrainingprogram can be shared with your friend to practice onittogether.★ COMMUNITY OF ATHLETESParticipate in the discussion of training programs andexercises.Feedback will help evaluate their effectiveness, learnthe featuresof the performance, hear warnings. You can always askadvice frommore experienced athletes.★ ANALYSIS OF TRAINING AND PROGRAMS ON ACTIVE MUSCLESAnalyze the training programs, the days of programs, trainingandexercises for the muscles involved, thanks to their dynamicdrawingon the body diagram.★ VIEWING PREVIOUS RESULTS AND CURRENT PLANNINGView the previous results of the exercise, build progress chartsandget current records. Thanks to this information, you canquicklyplan the current approaches - determine what is worthimproving:weight, repetition, rest time or number ofapproaches.★ FIXATION OF BODY PARAMETERSFix the body parameters (photo, weight, height, muscle girths)andsee the dynamics of their growth. Build charts and analyzetheapproach to the goal. The ability to group photos onbodybuildingpostures will allow you to scroll through them in acertainposition and visually assess progress.★ SPORTS CALCULATORSUseful sports calculators are always at hand. Calculate therepeatedmaximum, calculate the basic metabolism and muchmore.★ COMPARISON OF RESULTS WITH FRIENDSCompare with your friends your statistics on training for acertainperiod of time. Find out who has done more workouts,exercises,approaches and repetitions. Determine who spent more timein thehall, has the best indicators for tonnage andotherparameters.★ APPLICATION PERSONALIZATIONSet a light or dark theme, change the color palette, set thetimersignal - adjust the application for you.★ SAFETY OF YOUR DATAEach time you finish the workout, the application creates abackupcopy of your data on your personal drive Google Drive. Thisavoidsloss of data in the event of a breakdown or loss ofthedevice.
Work Log Pro 8
Quickly and easily keep track of your work shifts
Regularly 1.9.15
For regular tasks with flexible schedules.
Binaural Chakra Therapy 2 1.3.0
Scappy Apps
Designed to put you into a state of relaxation and balance outyourchakras.
Genbook Manager 2.52.1
Genbook Inc.
Genbook Manager enables you to manage your business fromyourAndroidphone. You’ll have the power of Genbook in the palm ofyourhand: •View and manage your appointment calendar •Searchappointments andfilter by staff or date • Book, update, andcancelappointments •View customer contact details and notes •Request,monitor, publish,and share customer reviews • Enable yourstaff tologin with accessprivileges set by you • And much more!This appis for Genbooksubscribers only. Users are required toprovidetheir Genbookusername and password in order to log intothis app.Not a Genbookuser? Learn more at
Fitlog - Workout Log & Gym Log 1.2.4
Workout diary & workout planner. Timer. Workout tracker.Bodymeasurement.