Top 26 Apps Similar to 城市公車

台灣公車通 (台北/桃園/台中/台南/高雄公車/公路客運)
Taichung Bus (Real-time) 2.4.4
Real-time bus tracker for Taichung City.
iBus_公路客運 2.5.8
Are you still worried about not knowing when the passengerwillarrive? What bus number do I have to take to reach mydestination?[iBus_Road Passenger Transport] provides you with themost completeand real-time passenger information query service, andprovides anumber of intimate quick query functions
Kaohsiung Bus (Real-time) 2.4.4
Real-time bus tracker for Kaohsiung City.
Tainan City Bus 2.2.3
This App is to provide information about Tainan city bus.
台中公車 5.7.4
Taichung City Government has launched [Taichung Bus] as amobileapplication of "Taichung Bus Real-Time Information". Inaddition toproviding complete and diversified query services, italso combinesmobile phone positioning to provide you with the mostreal-time businformation at first hand.
公車來了沒 4.11
Tainan Bus (Real-time)
Real-time bus tracker for Tainan City.
基隆等公車 5.0.6
Shawn You
TRAFI: Navigate Public Transit 10.8.0
Download TRAFI to get the best publictransportroutes and accurate timetables - even without internetconnection.See real time departures from nearby stops, stayinformed about livetraffic updates.FEATURES► Route search helps you plan your trips across all types ofpublictransport. Choose the best route options to yourdestinationincluding the shortest walking distance, least transfersorearliest arrival.► Accurate timetables of all available modes of transport letsyouplan your trip in advance.► Real time map with moving vehicles gives an overview ofpublictransport around you (in selected cities).► Upcoming arrivals at nearby stops show you which vehicles arejustminutes away (in selected cities).► Offline timetables and route search can be downloaded andusedwithout internet connection.► Live traffic alerts tell you about public transport disruptionsasreported by thousands of TRAFI users.► Personal favorites can be used to save your frequently usedstops,home and work locations for quick access.► Bike sharing map displays closest available bike stations(inselected cities).► Report button lets you notify TRAFI about any route or stopissuesand helps everyone to have most precise public transportdata.ABOUT TRAFI★ 4.4 stars at Play Store★ Best Travel Planner during the Olympic Games, officially chosenbyRio de Janeiro’s Cidade Olimpica★ 2014 app of the year in Turkey App Store★ Featured 6 times in App StoreSUPPORTED CITIES✔ Brazil - Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro✔ Turkey - Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa✔ Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don✔ Taiwan - Taipei✔ India - Mumbai, Bangalore✔ Indonesia - Jakarta✔ Lithuania - Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys✔ Latvia - Riga✔ Estonia - Tallinn
Taiwan Railway Timetable 1.5.3
Timetable for Taiwan Railway
After Navigation King, which has been downloaded more than1.8million times, Qinwei International grandly launched the"TransferLink" which combines the transfer inquiry system of sevenmajorpublic transportation vehicles. The super practical softwareletsyou download it for free! You must download it if you areacommuter!!!
高雄iBus公車即時動態資訊-高雄市政府交通局 3.7.3
The ibus Kaohsiung Bus Dynamic Inquiry System APP developed bytheKaohsiung City Government Transportation Bureau andQuandingTechnology Co., Ltd. is the best choice for you to takepublictransportation in Kaohsiung City!
桃園公車 3.9.0
Taoyuan city buses provide instant dynamic information fromTaoyuanCity Hall Department of Transportation.
超輕量、超簡單、即時動態更新速度超快(達每分鐘一次,只要公車有發動、GPS有打開、資料有回報)大台北地區(資料來源:台北市政府公開資料)公車即時動態:1.選擇欲查詢公車號碼或名稱2.a.顯示該線公車雙向即時動態、到達預估時間及車牌號碼2.b.選擇搭乘方向及等車的站牌2.c.只顯示該線公車及等車站牌的到達預估時間查詢公車捷運轉乘資訊1.選擇欲查詢出發地點2.選擇欲查詢目標地點3.點選"開始規劃"Back 鍵是回上一查詢頁面欲離開系統請點選"離開程式"新增 公車路線圖(大台北地區)除可選擇地圖樣式、尋找我所在地點外、更可同時選擇、顯示 2 路公車路線,方便尋找換車點或與朋友會和站牌
My Toyota 6.0.15
The exclusive APP for TOYOTA car owners, with a brand-newdigitalservice experience, will help you master the big and smallthingsof driving life!
臺北好行 10.2.2
Taipei good line - real-time traffic information e hand grasp
高雄坐公車(即時動態) 1.0.4
還在煩惱高雄公車何時到嗎?附近有甚麼路線公車可以搭?甚至哪個地區有哪些公車站?以及有那些公車經過這個站?而這些公車下一站是到哪裡?以上資訊~~~~高雄坐公車 都能提供喔!從使用者角度設計高雄坐公車,方便高雄通車族使用公車動態。
下一站,嘉義! 公車客運BRT/EBike/動態查詢 2.1.2
Egoist J
*縣市公車/客運BRT/動態路線/班次查詢*新增市區公車路線、E-Bike查詢服務*本App適用於嘉義縣市公車客運,如有其他問題歡迎留言私訊! *全新UI介面,更好的使用體驗*為了平衡維護支出,將開始放置廣告FB粉絲專頁
Taipei real-time bus tracker 2.0.8
Real-time bus tracking system (bus tracker) for Taipei City andNewTaipei City
公車資訊查詢 2.0.26
提供 北部,中部(台中公車)及南部(台南公車、高雄公車)地區公車到站資訊查詢,高鐵時刻表查詢,台鐵時刻表查詢。公車查詢、台北公車、台中公車、台南公車、高雄公車、時刻表、高鐵、台鐵、公車Northern,central(Taichung Bus) and southern (Tainan Bus, Kaohsiung Bus) busarrivalinformation queryHigh Speed ​​Rail TimetableTaiwan Railways Timetable query.Bus inquiries Bus Taipei, Taichung Bus Bus Tainan, KaohsiungBusschedule, High Speed ​​Rail, Taiwan Railway, bus
嘉義智慧公車 2.1.0
「嘉義智慧公車」提供嘉義縣市境內共三條市公車路線的即時智慧追蹤,功能包括: 即時追蹤:提供各校校車目前行駛位置與預估到站時間等資料 車站資訊:預覽目的站牌和搭乘車輛的外觀 時刻表:查詢各校校車即時/預定時刻表 到站提醒:可自行設定於校車到站前需要提早幾分鐘響鈴提醒目前可查詢之路線:市區一路市區六路市區七路使用上如有問題與意見回饋,歡迎提供評價以使本系統更臻完美。特別感謝:國立東華大學、嘉義市政府交通觀光處
彰化公車 2.0.6
Changhua bus dynamic information
BUS+ 行動記錄系統
[本軟體僅能在大台北地區的公車記錄上使用全部的功能]現在,跟著BUS+一起去搭公車吧!馬上下載BUS+,讓你搭乘公車的旅途更有趣!使用小技巧:點選即時新聞: 查看BUS+的更新資訊。點選個人資料: 使用Facebook帳號登入,查看你的公車達人獎章。點選行車紀錄:點選開始記錄,在GoogleMap上觀察你移動的軌跡,並即時觀看公車行車速度及舒適度(利用三軸加速度器測量的公車晃動程度)。點選公車日記: 查看你每天的公車行動紀錄。按下menu上傳行動紀錄,讓你的公車達人等級level up!想要成為公車達人嗎?快點上傳你的公車行動紀錄,上傳越多可以獲得更多不同的公車達人獎章。和朋友們一較高下吧!看看誰才是真正的公車達人。搭公車也可以很好玩!一邊搭公車一邊在GoogleMap上觀察你移動的軌跡,並即時觀看公車行車速度及舒適度(利用三軸加速度器測量的公車晃動程度)。哪家公車司機開的最穩最舒服?哪些路段路面特別不平,總是顛顛簸簸呢?東西遺落在公車上了!?不用擔心!BUS+會將你上傳的行動紀錄和台北市公車動態資訊系統做比對,找出你搭乘的公車車牌!讓你遺落的失物輕鬆找回。想認識公車上的人!?BUS+會將和你上傳的行動紀錄比對,找出你可能遇過的人噢!同時還可以透過Facebook與他聯繫。
Kaohsiung Next Bus 4.4
Kaohsiung Next Bus
台中公車 1.0.11
Lucky co.
台中市公車動態系統查詢 預估到站時間查詢 希望提供大家更方便好用的公車查詢 APP, 如果您覺得不錯,請給予作者好評價支持與建議,讓我們能夠更有動力的開發出更多更好的APP 方便大家使用喔,非常感謝您!