Top 49 Games Similar to Japanese Alphabet 50 sounds -Beginners Quest

日語漢字大挑戰-新年版- 3.0
So long as Chinese, Japanese will be able to learn a lot ofwordgames! New Year remake game characters, so you start tochallengeNew Year's Eve.
四目神 【解謎×文字逃出遊戲】 1.1.4
" 'Unwanted child," God will be taken away four items [× wordpuzzleescape game] - [] Four eyes of God -
GraspJPN - Learn Hiragana, Kat 1.14.8
Fast and easy way to learn Japanese.
生活口語的日文教室-兩個傻瓜 4.2
A Taiwanese and a Japanese have an interesting conversationeveryday to learn Japanese together.
日語最強相關用語-王可樂の日語教室 13.1
Read the most practical words, listen to the most beautifulvoice,Wang Kele let you, learn Japanese as good as the first love!
Japanese Remember, JLPT N5~N1 2023.04
Japanese vocabulary app includes learning,quiz,and pronounceforJLPT N5 ~ N1
時雨日文單字本(N5) 1.1.3
【功能介紹】單字:按照「數字、家族、職業.....」等分類排序。搜尋:可用日文、中文、假名作為關鍵字查找單字。星號:可為單字加上星號,集中不熟的單字。發音:點選喇叭可聽發音。重音:每個字都標示重音,讓學習者掌握單字發音。測驗:新增測驗,可驗收自己。生字本:加上星號的單字都會匯聚在此。隨堂測驗:可於設定中開啟本功能,建議先設定練習方式,比方說將「顯示日文」打勾,其餘選項移除打勾,並記得「啟用隨堂測驗」,即可任意選擇單字作答。 單字測驗:出題範圍為所有單字,出題順序隨機。曾經答錯的單字都會收錄在一起,學習者可以回顧錯誤單字,並從中學習正確答案。 【測驗說明】由於測驗是系統評分,答案將以單字本收錄內容為主,答錯的情況是指跟單字本收錄內容不同,不表示作答者一定是錯的,例如動詞一律收錄辭書形,若回答ます形或其它變化形都會被判定錯誤。答案畢竟不是人工審核,判定不完善之處敬請諒解。
JLPT日語單詞 1.0.3
Rudy Huang
Help Chinese users to learn Japanese words No JLPT Japanesegradeexam preparation
超級單字王 - 英檢、多益、托福 輕鬆學 4.9
The new 4.8 version in 2022 is officially launched! Thedualplatform has exceeded 2 million downloads! The mostpracticalEnglish learning APP - Super Word King - Learn Englisheasily inthe game!
This is a story about a young girl being in the box to take home.
囚禁之馆 3.02
■■■故事梗概■■■对少女来说,这是一场难以醒来的噩梦诡异的森林洋馆,叫喊着要吃人的馆内居民,会说话的物品和各种可怕的怪物在现实世界中不存在的场景不断在眼前重现让这位失忆的少女苦苦探索着一个真相——“我是谁?”唯一的救赎方式,便是和居民们对决,夺走他们身上的钥匙然后离开这里请与少女一起,探索这个洋馆,找回记忆,并平安回家吧■■【给实况者】■■我们欢迎您对本公司的游戏(包括恶狼,夏娃计划)进行实况播出二次创作也可以进行!感谢您进行游戏但是禁止以任何形式录制,播出游戏内的付费内容。剧透也请加入标识避免给其他玩家带来困扰感谢您的合作,您的支持就是我们的动力 m(__)m ■■【效果音·素材提供者】■■ポケットサウンド  効果音ラボ  小森 平 びたちー素材館  効果音辞典  効果音g ひふみセオリー  効果音フリー素材:ジーソザイ かずち  ゆ~ぎりしぐれ。 まんぼう二等兵  ISAo.  soundorbis チョコミント  こっけ(西本康祐)  Yuli MFP【MarronFields Production】  荒井智典 志多つかさ  Haruichi  鷹尾まさき(タカオマサキ) 稿屋 隆 スエノブ  たまねぎ  Kyaai  Yuno ilodolly  こおろぎ  Keido Hondatable_1MFP【Marron Fields Production】Cloria Sound Labs KeidoHondanatsumugi ISAo. soundorbis H5 audioDESIGN 鷹尾まさき(タカオマサキ)天休ひさし■■【特别鸣谢】■■ シャル カニパン riyuta
绝望监牢 1.03.12
继「恶狼游戏」之后,Studio Wasabi推出的最新作品!导入新的推理系统!令人心潮澎湃的探索型推理游戏!请使用「探索」与「询问」解开谜题吧!
Easy Japanese - Let's Learn Ja
Learn basic grammar and useful expressions.
英灵召唤师 1.18.3
Popular TCG mobile game, card battle
五十音輕鬆學 ! 4.1.2
Soyong Corp.
Choose the right method, and the kana syllabary can beeasilylearned! Using the memorizing formulas and associations ofthesource, shape and sound of the word, with the writingfunction,beginners can easily remember 50 sounds!
Escape Utsushiyo 1.2.6
cretia studio
「脱出×ホラー×本格シナリオ」で織りなす ”うつしよ”の世界へようこそ。脱出の先にあるこの世界と二人の少女の真実を、あなたの手で解き明かそう。
Is it difficult to learn Japanese? Through the guidance oftheauthor of this book, Mr. Kou Jin, you can inspire friends whowantto learn Japanese, quickly find the correct way to learnJapanese,and work steadily, so that your Japanese ability can beimprovedstep by step!
Dragonfly Japanese 6.1.5
Japanese practice app for beginners who learn from hiragana toJLPTN5 N4.
Dungeon Princess! : RPG 402
A Story of a Gaming Prodigy and his sister’s Challenge to anOnlineVirtual Game
WitchSpring 1.9.8
RPG for 100 days with the cute witch!
Learn Japanese with Bucha 5.3.3
Anh Pham
Combining a quiz game with a platform game, help you learnJapaneseeffectively.
危險人渣 2.10
Solve the mystery before you die. If you are given theopportunityto come back again, can you escape the trap of death andescapefrom the murder case?
Sasuyu puzzle - Brain training 6
Packed with brain training elements! You'll be surely hooked!
Challenge with Erin! Japanese 1.5.3
The app can be used to study beginner-level vocabularyandexpressions.
Learn Japanese with Ling 6.1.1
Loved by over 5 million language learners around the world!
甜點王子2 - 心動奇蹟 1.0.11
為了實現環遊世界蒐集甜點的夢想,烘焙飛行船啟航囉~ 意外發現的奇蹟食譜是否真的能帶來幸福劇情?模擬經營x戀愛養成超人氣女性向手機遊戲《甜點王子2》,帶妳展開動心羞澀的浪漫愛情! ● 心動瞬間 甜蜜解鎖 甜蜜劇情,觸動每一根心弦精美2DCG劇情圖,構築夢中每份想念 ● 環遊世界 邂逅愛情 心動異國邂逅,美男夥伴養成,攜手迎向冒險 ● 親手打造夢幻店鋪經營夢幻甜點餐廳,一同航向世界,收集神秘食譜 ● Q萌衝擊 穿搭時尚 華美服飾家具,設計自己專屬的服飾裝扮,構建專屬華麗舞台●人氣甜點 夢幻呈現 精美各國食譜,共築綺幻甜點國度 ● 豪華聲優陣容 頂級聽覺享受 精選聲優,動人台詞撥撩妳的心房
Japanese Reading 2.8.13
Practice reading Japanese with original articles and furigana.
巴哈姆特 - 華人最大遊戲及動漫社群網站 10.2.4
Feel free to browse Bahamut video animation community sitethatprovides the latest and most accurate daily gaming,comicsinformation.
御灵绘卷 36.0
Aesthetic and windy screens and top-notch Japanese seiyuuheavilycreated, the ultimate restoration of a safe world.Super-burningcross-service conquest, a new gameplay full-scalebattle, withgods, legendary weapons, folklore, and great men asprototypes, tomake new interpretations!
Oyomi - Japanese reader 1.2.12
Machine learning based Japanese reader and grammar analyzer
我滿懷青春的有病測驗 1.8
Sick Games
✓ 世界第一款,透過測驗了解身心有病程度的APP ✓ 世界第一款,不是以三國、武俠跟棒球為主題的心理測驗遊戲!!✓世界第一款,可以測驗「祖宗18代」有沒有病的APP ( 請勿在農曆七月、清明節與重陽節使用 )✓世界第一款,針對分析,給予當天或當月的行事注意事項 ✓世界第一款,你覺得介紹很莫名其妙的遊戲========================================每個人,都有另外一個人格 「病病人格」好比你會對任何人發火,但你絕對不會主動跑去燒宗統府可是,我相信你想把火柴丟進宗統府的心,絕對比任何事情強烈!!最起碼...比燒鈔票強烈很多,對不對 ? 這種精神上的落差...就是「有病」 有病的程度,每一個人都不一樣,那要怎樣測試自己的病況?很簡單,首先下載《我滿懷青春的有病測驗》這款有病APP,然後安裝、點開接著,你就知道怎麼做了。發現自己是病病人不是什麼難事,最重要的是面對它、承認它、分享它 分享它你就可以發現另外一個更美好的小天地 ~共勉之========================================※千萬不要嘗試破解本測驗的所有景品※千萬不要嘗試破解本測驗的所有景品 ( 因為很重要,所以再說一次)※千萬不要點廣告,因為這樣我們就會賺錢,就會做更多教壞囝仔大小的遊戲※請勿在農曆七月、清明節以及重陽節使用本APP的某個功能,被託夢請自行負責※本測驗沒有任何精神科醫師背書,因為我們屬意的傢伙,名字叫西格蒙德·弗洛伊德※如果遊玩發現心理不適,有病制作團隊一概不負責任,啾咪~♥ PS小提醒:開通完整版~~ 只綁訂於一台裝置上,如果移除遊戲開通資料也會跟著消失,愛注意喔!Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ========================================超有病粉絲團募集粉絲中!!!隨時更新各種有病專屬資訊~~願病病神與你同在!
Learn Japanese Phrases | Japanese Translator 15.0.0
Easily learn Japanese phrases and words!SpeakJapanese with confidence!Using this app, you can learn Japanese phrases and words fromournative Japanese speaking parrot. The parrot works together withyouto practice your speaking and listening skills, whereverandwhenever you are. Learning Japanese can never be easier!FEATURES- Commonly-used Japanese phrases & words- Search by Japanese or English- Native Japanese pronunciation- Customizable font size- No Internet connection requiredIf you are traveling to Japan (e.g., Tokyo or Osaka), make sureyoubring this app with you!ABOUT Bravolol- Web site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Email:[email protected]
Minna no Nihon Daily - 每日日本語 2.0.2
Study Japanese is hard before you install this APP!
Kanji Memory Hint 1 [English] 1.0.5
Study kanji the fun way using mnemonic pictures
Chinese-Japanese Translation 1.0.24
hhll tools
Support Chinese and Japanese translation and Japanese spokenChinese
Unlimited Skills Hero 1.20.18
Indie Strategy RPG. Pass every stage. Using different skills tosavethe world.
Japanese Kanji Study 4.5.3
A helpful and easy apps to learn Japanese Kanji of all levels&practice JLPT
Japanese Dungeon 2: Save the k 1.0.0
Are you still trying hard to memorize Japanese words? Let's learnitin easy.
Magical Passcode 1111 1.2.0
- PLEASE ENTER YOUR 4-DIGIT PASSCODE - There was once agreatwarbetween humans and magicians, which ended when everylastmagicianperished. Or so the stories claimed... Spellenya,atalented youngman and grandson of a great magician, has set outtotrack down hismissing master. And in order to succeed, he'llhaveto gather themystical beings known as the Magi! In this secondtaleto come fromthe Ficustone Project, Spellenya, the "world'slastmagician" willhave to work together with a group of strangelittleMagi who takeup residence in his consciousness. Sometimesplayful,sometimesheart-rending, the adventure is always exciting inthisbeautifulRPG of magic personified. [Until the End] Youcanessentially playthe game all the way through and witnessthemysterious, surprisingending in this smartphone RPG. (*Thegamealso includes in-gameadvertisements and optionalpurchases.)[Affection System] Thecloser you and your Magi become,the strongerthey'll grow. But ifyou keep your distance, they'llremain foreverpowerless. Improvetheir affection by giving thempresents orcatering to theirdesires. [Magic-Only Battle] Channelyour spiritto win the day! Doyou attack with weak, fast magic orslow, strongspells? Timingyour spells and managing your MP is thekeytovictory!====================================================[SystemRequirements]- Android 4.1 or higher ©2017 HEXADRIVE Inc.
Katakana Pro 1.4.4
Gerson Luca
Don't let its colorful nature fool you..Thisapp means business!Katakana Pro goes all out to improve your kana recognition!Our dedicated team of scientists and game technicians havespentdecades coming up with a secret combination of multiple choiceandkeyboard entry modes to take your skills to the nextlevel.Before you know it, you're going to be reading Japanese likeaperson who knows how to read Japanese.Check out the life-changing experiences that usershavereported:★ "I started using Katakana Pro yesterday.. now IteachJapanese" - esteemed college professor★ "Every aspect of my life has improved by leaps andbounds!"- life coach★ "..I can't put it down!" -professionaljuggler★ "I already know Japanese, but I use this app toreassuremyself!" - nihonjin★ "You could tell the dev really cares. He must be a reallycoolperson!" - some random guyMake sure to share your success story by leaving a review!
Akebi Japanese Dictionary 3.0.15
With stroke-order independenthandwritingrecognition, 320k+ example sentences, 200k+ words and6k+ Kanjidatabase!Akebi allows you to use character masks to filter out thousandsofwords from a large Japanese Dictionary. It allows you tospecifywhat radicals appear in each character of the word, andsetparticular characters. Using this, you can find extremelyspecificwords without a lot of Japanese knowledge.Akebi is designed to allow fast searching, and as such, the wordcanbe specified by last letter, first letter or any letterinbetween.NOTE ABOUT THE INTERNET PERMISSION:I hope this doesn't scare you off downloading Akebi: It isfullyavailable offline, but the dictionary needs to be downloadedfirst.If you choose to allow it, Akebi will also send a small bitofanalytical data back to me so I can find out which featuresaremost used (It absolutely will not send anything if youdisableit.).Some of the features include:- Word listsThese allow you to add any word you're searching for to a listwithjust one press. The next time this word fits a maskyou'researching for, it appears in red at the top of all possiblewords,to make it easy to find in case you forget. It's also goodforwords that the dictionary doesn't have, like names specific towhatyou're doing. You can even test yourself on these words toousing aflashcard test! If you want, you can export them to a textfile foruse elsewhere as well.- Radical searchSpecify which characters of the word contain what radicals.Wordsthat don't fit this will be filtered out.- Inbuilt Japanese KeyboardYou don't even need to swap keyboards to use Akebi. You just jumpinand start typing. But, if you prefer, you can turn this featureoffif it causes issues with your keyboard, or if you just want touseyour normal keyboard! You can even pick Akebi'skeyboard/handwritingrecognition as your input method!- Kanji descriptionsFind out how common a character is, what grade level it is, whatitmeans, how to read it, its Unicode number, how many strokes areinit, its reference numbers (Heisig, Nelson...), a strokeorderdiagram for it, a decomposition of it, all the words thatcontainit...- English to Japanese searchingSearch with English as well!- Handwriting recognitionAkebi has custom built handwriting recognition - and strokeorderdoesn't matter! Find that complex kanji quickly thanks tothe"Tomoe" handwriting database!- Example sentencesAkebi has 320,000+ example sentences: search for any word andfindout how to use it in a sentence! Tap the sentence forfurtherinformation: including each word in the sentence'sdefinition andreading.- Kanji testTest yourself on any kanji you want! Create sets andtestyourself!- DeconjugationSearch for 言って and you'll get results for 言う. Works for otherformstoo, such as ます, ない, た, られる/Potential form.- Animated stroke order diagramsSee exactly how to draw a kanji correctly!- Asynchronous loadingAkebi opens instantly: you can start typing in the word you wanttofind while Akebi loads the dictionary in the background.- Tiny memory footprintAkebi uses only 20mb of storage space for the entirety of itsdata.Compressions are handwritten by myself!- Holo themedUsing ActionBarSherlock, I've totally rethemed the entire UI,addingtonnes more features and making the app much easier touse- No DRMBecause it just makes everyone angry!- No AdsBecause they kill battery life!Akebi has to do an initial ~20mb download when it starts - somakesure to have internet access on first use!
Kanji Study 1.7.1
LC Studios
Learn Japanese with over 1200 Kanji to Study
NewCompleteMaster N2 Word Book 1.2
With this App, you can hear the headwords and reading passagesin“新完全マスター単語N2”.
Hiragana Memory Hint [English] 1.0.7
Study hiragana the fun way using mnemonic pictures!
Learn Japanese hiragana, katakana andkanji,and test yourself by drawing, or multiple choice.This application helps you memorize:- Japanese syllabary :Katakana & Hiragana, with flashcard,keyboard, or drawing recognition- Numbers, in romaji, Hiragana, or kanji- 2300+ japanese kanji's (level 1-5 JLPT or Jouyou 1-7) withstrokeanimation (source KanjiVG), translation, readings(SourceKanjiDict) with flash card and drawing game.- 14600+ japanese words (in english) from EDICT with flashcardtest- Experimental gramatical particle test (around 100 sentencesfromproject Tatoeba) central to japanese language.- Tae Kim Japanese Grammar guide.- new locales (German, Spanish, Russian, Portugues, Thai,Polish,Chinese, Swedish and French), if you can help me adding newlocalesplease contact me.SD write authorisation for write Database to SD cardAnalytic ( and Ads can be disabled in thesettings.-- If at install you have an error "unknown 18", try to removeyourMicroSD car and install again. If it still don't work try tosendme a mail (thanks for the help Matthiew)
English Dungeon: Learn E-Word 1.0.2
Are you still trying hard to memorize English words? Let's learnitin easy.
JLPT Practice N5 - N1 7.3
JLPT Pactice is a helpful tool to learn, practice and testJapaneselanguage for the JLPT exam. You can use tests to practicegrammar,vocabulary, kanji, listening, reading skills. It containstests forall levels - JLPT Pactice test N5, JLPT Pactice test N4,JLPTPactice test N3, JLPT Pactice test N2 and JLPT Pactice test N1.Thetests include text, image and audio. This is free app. Thanksyoufor use JLPT practice app.