Top 17 Apps Similar to Easy Biorhythms Calculator

Biorhythms Calculator Lite 1.3.15
Pavel Petrov
The program calculates personal biorhythms predictionsfortheselected date for each user, has an easy userinterface,allowsdetermine the most dangerous days in the month andmakesbiorhythmcalculations with high accuracy. Features: ► Supportsforaddingunlimited numbers of users. ► Has home screen widget.►Supportsthe calculation of the biorhythms of two algorithmstochoose: •Standard (most popular); • More precision (usesmoreprecisionalgorithms). ► Determines most instability days (knownascriticalor dangerous days). ► Supports comparing compatibilitiesoftwousers. ► Allows making an individual prediction for theday.►Choosing of themes (2 themes available) ► Choosing thecurrentdate(by pressing the button at the top of biorhythmschart)Biorhythm –is a series of decreases and increases of physicalormentalfunctions of a human the duration of 23 to 38 daysdependingon thespecies. There are physical, emotional, intellectualandintuitivebiorhythms. Biorhythms influence on theactivity,endurance, levelof immunity, cognitive abilities andotherqualities of the personfrom the moment of birth andthroughoutlife. Feature of biorhythmsis their predictability basedon thecycles. This allows you toperform a calculation based onbiorhythmsand calendar or scheduleof biorhythms plan of action andgetmaximum results. The common isthat the minimum values ofbiorhythmsreduce the physical andintellectual abilities, make aperson moreaggressive andirritable, increased fatigue. Criticaldays. Whenvalues ofbiorhythms pass through zero, it has mostnoticeableeffect on thehuman condition. The most difficult is theperiod whenall threebiorhythm cross the zero point at the sametime. In thosedays, youhave to be very careful, cautious andrefrain fromchallengingintellectual activity. Fortunately, thosedays are rare,becausethe periods of biorhythms are different. ► Theprogramdisplaysinformation of 4 biorhythms: • Physical, the cycleis 23days. Itdetermines the human energy, his strength,endurance,coordinationof movement. • Emotional, the cycle is 28days. Itdetermines thecondition of the nervous system and mood.•Intellectual, the cycleis 33 days. It determines creativeabilitiesof the individual. •Intuitive biorhythm. This cyclefounded byanalyzing the life ofcreative people. It is the longestand takes38 days: 19 days ofthe rise and fall as much. This cycleaffectsthe perception of theworld, a sense of style andinspiration.
Advanced Biorhythms 1.6
Advanced biorhythm calculator.
Biorhythm 2.15
Keep an eye on your daily biorhythms. With this application youwillbe able to track your biorhythms, day after day. Theapplicationdraws an easy to read graph which shows the trends ofyour physical,emotional and intellectual cycles, which originatedon the day ofyour birth. In some releases - for example Droid X2 -due to achoice of the smartphone producer, is not possible toselect a birthdate prior to 1st January 1970.
Tarot Magic Fortune 1.7
Inspired by Celtic wisdom,“TAROT,MAGIC,FORTUNE” is a free application that allows you toknow, ataglance, the daily advice of your arcane and therecommendedcolorfor everyday wear.To be in harmony with the universe, you willfindvariousinformation, such as:- the arcane of the day,- magic stones and their powers,- celtic zodiac- daily colour- celtic festivals and several recipes tomakepowerfultalismans.Trust the Tarot card that comes out, after all, “This isthemagic!”The selection of the card is totally random, as ifyou,yourself,would withdraw it from the deck. You can be sure thatifthere is amessage for you, the arcane of the Tarot will pass ittoyou.The design of the arcane is original, lovely, modern,butrespectsthe symbolism and all the details that must have theTarotcards inorder to be magical.Consider these recommendations so that every day your energyisinharmony with the energy of the universe and you willattractGOODLUCK.
Daily Biorhythm 1.6
NetVision BV
Using Daily Biorhythm you can see your biorhythm for any date inthefuture and the past starting from your date of birth. Use it tofindout your emotional, physical, intellectual, and intuitionstatus.Besides these primary cycles you can also find out yourpassion,wisdom, and mastery status. You can easily select anotherdate tosee and you can change the date of birth entered. Usethetouchscreen to scroll to the next or previous weeks.DailyBiorhythm also gives an explanation about what the differentphases(low, high, critical) of your biorhythm mean besides ageneralexplanation about biorhythms.
Rate your day and see the connection with your Biorhythm!
Biorhythm 1.1
Use Biorhythm to plan each day in ordertoachieve maximum success.The app allows you to check your biorhythm based on your dateofbirth. Everybody’s life is affected by rhythmic biologicalcycles.They affect our ability in diverse spheres of our lives,such asmental, physical, and emotional activity. Every cycle beginsatbirth so that we can mathematically predict the level ofeachability from day to day. Biorhythm allows you to readyouremotional, physical and intellectual state on chosen day inthefuture or in the past.The application has a function to compare biorhythms of twopeople,so that you can minimize the risk of conflict orsuccessfullysettle a difficult case.
Ritmxoid Biorhythm Tool 2.4.2
What is new in this version:- Minor changes of color scheme and interface elements- Added social login via Internal optimizations and improvements==================================Ritmxoid - application for the calculation of human biorhythmsandcomputation on it's basis favorable and unfavorable periodsfordifferent types of activity. The application also providesacomparative analysis of sports competitions and matches andpredictthe possibility of the victory of an athlete on the basis ofthecurrent bio-rhythmic state (energy balance) of body.The algorithm for biorhythm calculating is a unique newdevelopment,which does not appear in any other application onbiorhythmictopics.► Please read more particular info: should also be noted that the theme of biorhythmic bettingisvery popular, but extremely poorly worked technically. Inthevastness of the internet and in the other mobilebiorhythmicapplications is used only one wide-spreaded 3-wavealgorithm, whichis very approximately reflects the real situation,and practicallydoes not interpret indicators rhythms inhuman-readable form. Incontrast to this algorithm, Ritmxoidprovides a single summarymeasure of the energy balance of the body(duplicated withemoticons and chart), gives a description and usersuggestions.Despite the prevalence of information about biorhythms, thereareno researches, confirming the strict regularity of the«classic» setof cycles. Ritmxoid uses an algorithm generated onthe basis of morethan 20 years of research and observations withthe positivecorrelation of the results of sports competitions(boxing, tennis,football, cycling, etc.).Using Ritmxoid you can:- Predict sport competition results- Plan your activity (sport, work etc.) according to yourenergylevel- Determine «Risk» periods, when you should pay greater attentiontoyour health- Check two persons on compatibility- Enhance you results in varios activities by matching periodsofappropriate body activitySupported languages: English, Russian, German,Spainish.Translations (exepting English and Russian) were made byGoogletranslate, if you want to contribute quality humantranslation,please write us.Visit site: http://ritmxoid.comWrite us: [email protected] Ritmxoid on Facebook: Ritmxoid on VKontakte:
Daily Biorhythm Light 1.6
NetVision BV
Using Daily Biorhythm Light you can seeyourbiorhythm. Use it to find out your emotional,physical,intellectual, and intuition status. Besides these primarycyclesyou can also find out your passion, wisdom, and masterystatus.You can easily select another date to see and you can changethedate of birth entered. Use the touchscreen to scroll to the nextorprevious weeks.Daily Biorhythm Light also gives an explanation about whatthedifferent phases (low, high, critical) of your biorhythmmeanbesides a general explanation about biorhythms.
Biorhythm Calculator 1.5.17 Release Version
Personal biorhythm calculator. Free and easy to use. Cleanandresponsive design
Biorhythm Calculator 1.21
Simple biorhythm calculator to checkdailybiorhythm.By calculating your daily biorhythm, you will also see howyouare doing on an all-around level with your mind, body, andspiritand be able to catch things before they happen and changeyourcurrent path.Display:- Physical biorhythm- Emotional biorhythm- Intellectual biorhythm- Intuitive biorhythm
Rate your day and see the connection with your Biorhythm!
Compute your biorhythm!
Natural Biorhythm 2.0
Have you ever wondered whethertoday'sjobinterview, exam or date is going to be a success?Knowing your biorhythm helps you to have a clear idea of whatyoucanexcept from each day! It helps you to understand when youareat yourfull potential and it prevents you from makingrashdecisions duringyour critical days.Compute your daily Biorhythm with this simple application.I developed the application for my high schoolthesis.Howeverthis does not mean that I am not still working onimprovingtheapp! Please leave your feedback in the comments orwrite meanemail and I will try to implement your ideas as soon asIpossiblycan. For your comfort I did not add anyannoyingadvertisements orsplash screens.Any help is greatly appreciated!If you encounter an error please email me. Pleaseincludewhatphone you have, what version of android, what you weredoing,whaterror msg you got.
Biorhythm calculator 1.07
Biorhythm calculator• Primary charts: Physical, Emotional and Intellectual• Additional chart: Intuitive• Secondary charts: Wisdom, Mastery and Passion
Biorhythms 1.1
Easy and intuitive application tocalculatebiorhythms.The Biorhythms were developed in Vienna at the end ofthenineteenth century.They are based on research of the periodic rhythms of life.Our life is governed by fixed cycles that follow one anotherandexchange with each other and are represented by curves.WithBiorhythms you can have more awareness of themselves and plantheiractivities in the most favorable.Currently, three cycles are considered and called iorhythmscycledivided into physical, emotional and intellectual cycleloop.But apart from these others may also have other.The application calculates and displays the followingcurves:- physical- emotional- intellect- passion- ability- wisdom- wellness
Biorhythm Plus
Beautiful Biorhythm application- Check your Biorhythm installing on your home screen.- Check your family, friends Biorhythm.- Customizing graph colors, then you have your ownspecialbiorhythms.- Share biorhythms to your friends.- Display notification with biorhythm graph on everyday.What is BioRhythm? - WikipediaAccording to the theory of biorhythms, a person's life isinfluencedby rhythmic biological cycles that affect his or herability invarious domains, such as mental, physical and emotionalactivity.These cycles begin at birth and oscillate in a steady(sine wave)fashion throughout life, and by modeling themmathematically, it issuggested that a person's level of ability ineach of these domainscan be predicted from day to day. The theoryis built on the ideathat the biofeedback chemical and hormonalsecretion functionswithin the body could show a sinusoidalbehavior over time.Most biorhythm models use three cycles: a 23-day physical cycle,a28-day emotional cycle, and a 33-day intellectualcycle.[8]Although the 28-day cycle is the same length as theaverage woman'smenstrual cycle and was originally described as a"female" cycle(see below), the two are not necessarily in anyparticularsynchronization. Each of these cycles varies between highand lowextremes sinusoidally, with days where the cycle crosses thezeroline described as "critical days" of greater riskoruncertainty.In addition to the three popular cycles, various other cycleshavebeen proposed, based on linear combination of the three, oronlonger or shorter rhythms.