Timotheus Apps

Natural Biorhythm 2.0
Have you ever wondered whether today'sjobinterview, exam or date is going to be a success?Knowing your biorhythm helps you to have a clear idea of whatyoucan except from each day! It helps you to understand when youareat your full potential and it prevents you from makingrashdecisions during your critical days.Compute your daily Biorhythm with this simple application.I developed the application for my high school thesis.Howeverthis does not mean that I am not still working on improvingtheapp! Please leave your feedback in the comments or write meanemail and I will try to implement your ideas as soon as Ipossiblycan. For your comfort I did not add any annoyingadvertisements orsplash screens.Any help is greatly appreciated!If you encounter an error please email me. Please includewhatphone you have, what version of android, what you were doing,whaterror msg you got.