Top 18 Apps Similar to 스페이스요가 [김명희 요가원]

스키니 요가 (동영상 따라하며 다이어트 하심) 2.2.5
Hansoo Labs
★ 다양한 의견들도 많이 주시는 데, 최근 일정이 바빠서 업데이트를못하고있습니다.최대한 오류와 기타 자잘한 기능이 업데이트 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.★ 스키니 요가를 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다.😀 왜 [다이어트] 스키니요가인가?요가 스튜디오에 가는 이유는 올바른 자세 교정과 지속적인 운동을 통하여 올바른 몸매교정을 위해서 입니다.스키니요가는 동영상을 통해서 집에서도 쉽게 따라 할 수 있는 요가 프로그램으로 언제나 따라 할 수 있습니다.자세가 익숙해지시면 동영상을 보지않고 음성만 듣고 따라 해보시는 것도 좋겠습니다.😀 스키니요가 앱을 다운받을 때, 이 점은 유의하세요!스키니요가는 동영상을 탑재하고 있습니다.따라서 한번 다운받아놓으면 해외를 가도, 여행지에서도 언제나 동영상과 함께 요가클래스를 참여할 수 있습니다. 폰에여분의용량이 있는지를 확인해두시고 다운로드 받으시면 좋겠습니다. 그리고 와이파이 환경에서 다운받을것을권장드립니다.★ 오류 발생시 리포트 해주시면 사용개선에 큰 도움이 될 것입니다. ^^;★ 스키니 요가는 개인정보 관련 권한 요청을 다음과 같이 필요로 하고 있습니다.-- 폰 상태 읽기 권한 : 동영상 재생 중 화면이 켜져 있게 만들고자 필요합니다.-- 계정정보 읽기 권한 : 로그인 사용자를 위해 사용하고 있습니다.** 스키니 요가는 현재 개인정보를 앱 이외의 영역에서 사용하고 있지 않습니다. **----개발자 연락처 :010-4350-4664가능한 이메일 연락을 부탁드립니다.★ it did a recentbusyschedule is also updated to give us a lot ofdifferentopinions.We hope to be the most errors and other minor feature update.Skinny ★ Thank you for using yoga.Why 😀 [diet] Skinny Yoga?The reason for going to a yoga studio is the correct bodyposturecorrection through proper and continuous movement.Skinny Yoga can always depending yoga program that allows youtoeasily follow at home through video.If only the voice instructions are familiar posture withoutseeingthe video I hope to hear anything haebosineun along.When you download the app 😀 Skinny Yoga, the point,pleasenote!Skinny Yoga is equipped with a video.So once you release take-down you go abroad, you can always joinayoga class with the video in the destination. I hope Pleaseobtainhanding out whether the excess capacity in the phone. Werecommendthat you download and the Wi-Fi environment.★ The haejusimyeon report an error occurs will help to improveuse.^^;★ Skinny Yoga is in need of privacy rights request asfollows:- Read phone state permission: required so want to make the movieonthe screen during playback.- Read access account information: You are using a loginforusers.** Skinny Yoga is not currently using the personal informationinareas other than the app. **
비키니 몸매 만들기 요가 Free 2.72
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홈다이어트요가 1.2.1
■ 70만명이 선택한 홈웨이트레이닝앱 제작 전문가들이 만든 '여성전용 부위별 홈다이어트요가'운동 전격 출시■ 군살없는 S라인, 탄력적인 몸매 알고보면 집에서도 충분히 만들 수 있습니다.이제 아까운 시간과 돈을 써가며 요가학원을 가지 마시고 집에서 홈다이어트요가로 자신있는몸 만들세요.■ 딱 주 4일, 하루 20~30분만 투자하면 당신도 군살없는 탄력적인 몸매를 만드실 수 있습니다.물론 운동시간을 더 늘리시면 운동효과는 더 빨리 나타납니다.■ 특이 이런 분들께 홈다이어트요가를 추천해드립니다.

- 라인있는 몸매로 옷피팅을 살리시고 싶으신 분들- 일이 끝나고 나면 너무 피곤해서 요가장에 가기가 너무 힘드신 분들
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비키니 몸매 만들기 요가 2.1
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" a bikini body yoga------------------------------------★ download speed file transfer rate will slow from GooglePlayserver, LTE and Wi-Fi thereby greatly speeds up does notmean.★ The file size is close to 200 megabytes. The semen plangentlemenare not, get down just using wifi.★ installed on the SD card. So, basically, Do not extract theSDcard before the installation is complete.★ Data validation is the first time you run the app aftertherecommendation of Google Apps for 50MB or more.★ runs in the Vega Racer and Galaxy 1, there are reports shouldnot.I say that with no due respect haedeurilsu quickly identifythecause. );=== Spring to celebrate the end of May 1500 won ->===price ₩ 1,000Apps can help your body and diet★★★★★ The total includes 10 instructors to follow★★★★★ ad-free version==================Create a bikini body yoga!-----------------------------------------------Explanation with nine minutes to videos!Let's try a yoga program continues.Mastered the free version of your minutes(Top bottom of the menu), you can focus on your classes tobe~======================================There was so easy and useful yoga app so far!Targeting the summer will remind you seumeul seumeul dietinstincts!Those who lack only stimulus alone, this summer has tobe made forthose who have decided recalls. Easy-to-followinstructions ineffective operation, in the studio as a programlike that will makeyour bikini body directly.======================================◆ Contents:1. Create a bikini body read before they put yoga: There is an attitude and precautions yoga.2. Unpacking body warm1) ankle / wrist / shoulder release cycle2) release to the neck3) For periods pelvis3. Create a campaign called upper jealous!1) Prayer posture2) upper body posture someori3) Yoga mudeura4) rhinoceros attitude5) Shoulder Stretch6) Fish attitude4. Create a luxury S-line operation!1) cat stance2) The current position3) pigeon pose4) camel pose 15) Camel posture 26) a half-moon pose 17) Half Moon posture 25. Create a strong abdominal muscles play!1) Draw a large circle with legs2) alligator position 13) crocodile posture 24) crocodile posture 35) Boat posture6. Let's find the bridge length is hiding!1) sit down and lift legs2) Calling old forward position3) butterfly stance4) The attitude of passion5) Lower limb posture someori6) the prone position crocodile7) bow posture8) dog attitude7. Creating a healthy and attractive pulsyatgoldenratio!1) Wooden attitude2) triangular position 13) triangular position 24) The plow pose5) The sun worship attitude8. Finish1) Hand to shake off period2) Sabah asana9. To follow along with the instructor program: There is a sequential program, as in the yoga studio, itisrecommended to follow the guidance of the instructor.1) Yoga for mini bikini body 12) Mini Bikini Body Yoga for Two3) Mini Yoga for bikini body 34) Mini Bikini Body Yoga for 45) Mini Bikini Body Yoga for May6) Mini Bikini Body Yoga for 67) preparation for a bikini yoga8) trim bikini body in earnest9) The final required course for bikini body10) sparing the body line has body yoga======================================◆ Features:- Category Operation Display / Videos for each operationView full-screen video Horizontal- Yoga program next / previous step over the top, play /pause======================================◆ app purchase refund policy, please refer to theinstructionsin the Google Store.※ Cancellation buy appsGoogle: "You can cancel your order within 2 hours ...."
요가투데이 [영종도 공항신도시점] 7.2
인천 영종도 공항신도시 요가투데이(원장: 송지현032.752.3110)에서는다이어트, 비뚤어진 체형교정, 어깨통증, 목. 허리 디스크, 요통해소에 효과적인요가&SNPE체형교정 운동을수업하고 있다. 또한 다양한 도구(교정벨트5개, 도자기, 경추베게, 나무손 등)를사용하여 더욱더 전문적이고, 효과적인요가수업을 진행하고 있다.영종도 공항신도시 요가&체형교정전문학원 요가투데이어플개발 ▶ 어플코리아 (010.5399.9228)Yoga Today YeongjongdoNewTown Incheon Airport (Director: songjihyeon 032.752.3110) inthediet, crooked body modification, shoulder pain, neck.Herniateddisc, Yoga & SNPE body modification is an effectiveexercise torelieve back pain and classes. In addition, a variety oftools(calibration five belts, pottery, cervical pillows, woodenhands,etc.) to more professional use, and effective yoga classinprogress.Yeongjongdo new city airport Academy Yoga Today Yoga &BodyCalibrationApplications development Applications ▶ Korea(010.5399.9228)
Right Neck Browser 1.6
Common browser functions and featuresforproper posture correction added a new concept web browser !When using the Internet for a long time due to badposturehabits, neck , back of the disk, preventing the webbrowser.Adults , especially infants, children , child, education of youthtohelp correct posture as a process of growth in your browsertoddler,child , children, youth, bad posture habits for a mobileturtle neck, herniated disc may be caused.- In the process of growing infants, children ,children,teenagers as well as adults to maintain good posture froma webbrowser.- Improper use mobile alert feature.- News, Search , and other browsers using the Internet as a habitofbad posture provides the ability to measure .- Good posture and a healthy neck, waist provides for stretchingthescreen .- Favorites, browser bookmarks, etc. to increaseease-of-useconfiguration features.
Dietsin 1.42
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교정다이어트, 균형잡힌 몸매, 부산 센텀시티 체인지바디 1.5
톱니바퀴 처럼 연결되어 있는 인체의 전신을 역학적 관점으로 바른자세,바른체형으로건강을 증진시키는 선진국형 운동센터 체인지바디입니다.부산 해운대 센텀시티에 위치한 바른체형운동센터 체인지바디는교정다이어트,전신체형교정,일자목,어깨높이 비대칭,좌우팔길이,척추측만,골반비틀림,다리길이차이,오디리,엑스다리 등전신체형불균형을 교정하는 선진국형 체형센터입니다.근육의 유연성,관절의 적절한 움직임,신경의 올바른 작용이 제대로 일어날 수 있게 해주는 체인지바디에서 내 몸의건강을지키세요!The body posture ofthebody that are linked like cogs in epidemiological terms, topromotehealth as a right body type exercise center developed abodychange.Correct body movements change the body center located inBusanHaeundae Centum City Calibration diet, general body modification, date ofneck,shoulder height asymmetry, left and right arms length,scoliosis,hip twist, leg length differences, Audi Lee, legs, etc.X To correct systemic imbalances Body type Body Centerisdeveloped.Muscular flexibility, proper movement of the joint, thecorrectfunction of the nervous defend the health of my body in thebodythat makes the change can take place properly!
집에서올바르게복근운동(여자복부 다이어트 운동) 1.2.9
■ 하루 15분, 1주일에 2-3번으로 나의 뱃살이여 안녕~, 숨겨진 11자복근이여안녕!■ 평소 남자들이 하는 복근 운동을 하느라 힘들고, 쉽사리 도전하지 못했던 여성분들이제 여성용 "집에서, 올바르게 복근운동"앱을 통해, 이쁘고 날씬한 복근을 만들어 보세요.■ 여성용 "집에서, 올바르게 복근운동"앱은① 여성들이 효과적으로 쉽게 따라 할 수 있는 복근 운동을 제공해요.② 하나의 운동으로 복부의 다양한 부위를 자극할 수 있는 운동목록을 최대한 엄선하였답니다.③ 단순 복근 운동을 통해 일어날 수 있는 허리디스크를 예방할 수 있는 운동까지 포함되어 있어, 더욱 날씬한복부를만드는데 도움이 되요.④ 상세한 설명으로, 자세 및 운동시 호흡 방법, 초보자들을 위한 별도의 Tip까지 누구든지 쉽게 따라 하실수있어요.■ 여성용 "집에서 올바르게 복근운동"앱은 아래와 같이 구성되어 있어요.1. "복부 넣어주기 코스, 코어운동"1) 사용 대상① 쉬운 복근 운동도 따라하기 어려운 초보 운동 여성 분들② 11자 복근을 만들기 보다, 적당히 날씬하고 좋은 복근을 만들고 싶은 분들③ 평소 허리, 목, 어깨, 다리 등 통증이 심해, 통증 완화에 목표를 두시는 분들2) 사용방법"복부 넣어주기 코스, 코어운동"은 가슴 부분에서부터 하체의 무릎위의 부분까지의 몸통을 바로 잡아 줌으로써,① 균형 잡힌 몸매와 유연성을 증가시키고② 허리, 목, 어깨, 다리 등의 통증이 오는 근골계질환 예방하고자 해요.아래처럼, 총 4개의 카테고리로 구성되어 있어요.① 척추 바로잡기② 복부 집어넣기③ 안정된 허리 만들기④ 골반 바로잡기그리고 위의 번호순서대로 각 카테고리 별로 최소 1개씩만 운동을 차례대로 해주시면 충분한 운동 효과를 얻으실수있어요.일일 4개 운동으로, 1주일에 3-4번씩 하루 총 15분만 투자 하신다면, 날씬하고 균형있는 몸매를 잡을 뿐만 아니라나와있던 복부를 쏘~옥 넣을 수 있답니다.2. "복부 드러내기 코스, 11자 복근 운동"1) 사용 대상: 여성 연예인들 처럼, 복근에 11자가 보이도록 원하시는 분2) 사용방법"복부 드러내기 코스, 11자 복근 운동"은여성들이 효과적으로 쉽게 따라 할 수 있는 복근 운동으로 구성되어 있어요.또한 복부의 다양한 부위를 자극할 수 있는 운동을 제공함으로써, 단순 복근 운동시에 일어날 수 있는 허리통증 및디스크예방하도록 목록이 구성 되어 있어요.아래처럼, 총 4개의 카테고리로 구성되어 있어요.① 척추 바로잡기② 11자 복근 드러내기③ 옆구리살 정리④ 튀어 나온 아랫배 정리그리고 위의 번호순서대로 각 카테고리 별로 최소 1개씩만 운동을 차례대로 해주시면 충분한 운동 효과를 얻으실수있어요.일일 4개 운동으로, 1주일에 3-4번씩 하루 15분만 투자 하신다면, 날씬하고 탄력있는 잘록한 복근을만들어보세요.----개발자 연락처 :cell phone: 010-2011-7340e-mail: [email protected]■ 15 minutes a day,threetimes a week with my belly - Goodbye, Goodbye abs hidden11characters!■ usually busy men abs workout hard, and women who did notreadilychallenge   Now women "at home, sit right" with the app,niceand slim Create your abs.■ For Women "at home, sit properly" app① women sit in easy to follow effectively provide it.② one abdominal exercise can stimulate various parts of themostcarefully selected list hayeotdapnida exercise.③ can happen through simple abs workout to prevent a herniateddiskincluded in the motion to, it Helps to create a moreslenderabdomen.④ detailed description of the design, posture and breathingexercisemethod, a separate Tip for beginners can easily followanyone todo.■ Women "sit right at home" app is configured to dothefollowing.1 "into the abdomen cycle courses, core exercise"1) Used forIs difficult to sit along the easy ① novice women whoexercise② 11 characters than making abs, moderately slim and those whowantto make a good abs③ usual waist, neck, shoulders, legs and the deep pain, painrelieffor those targets fat pipe2) How to use"Put the abdomen cycle courses, core movement" from the chest tothelower part of the body above the knee to just get bygiving,① balanced body and increase flexibility② back, neck, shoulder, leg pain and other musculoskeletalsystemdisease prevention come wants it.As shown below, consists of a total of four categories do.① the spine to correctPaste picks up the abdomen ②③ Create a stable waist④ to correct pelvicAnd the number of each category in order to exercise a minimumofone per turn, but your account Login I'll get plenty ofexerciseeffects.4 Movement of one day, one week, a total of 15 minutes 3-4 timesaday if you invest, you get slim and toned as well as balancedandshoot me ... Jade was put in the abdomen bail.2 "lifted abdomen course, sit-ups 11 characters"1) Used forFemale celebrities like abs you wish to look at 11 characters2) How to use"Exposing the abdomen course, sit-ups 11 characters" areWomen can easily follow to effectively consists of sit-upsdo.In addition, various parts of the abdomen to stimulate movementbyproviding a simple sit-ups can happen at the prevention ofbackpain and disc consists of a list of do. As shown below, consists of a total of four categories do.① the spine to correct② 11 characters reveal abs③ clean side to buy④ Clean protruding bellyAnd the number of each category in order to exercise a minimumofone per turn, but your account Login I'll get plenty ofexerciseeffects.4 one day exercise, 3-4 times a week, if you invest 15 minutesaday, slim and elastic constriction Create your abs.
문경공님의 유쾌한 깨달음 강의 1 4.1
Pleasantness of a peculiar people realized Munkyung ball nowTheIndian way of waking you.
ヨガダイエット1.2.3 2.0
Who want to diet with yoga, also for those who want to reform, itisan application that describes the pose of yoga in theillustrations.
OCEAN SOUND - Sound Therapy 01.00.20
★Update Notice Oct. 2014 ★- Fixed loop issue (much more smooth and natural)- Added Random, repeat, sequential play mode- 9 new sounds with alpha wave added (In app purchase)Ocean Sound – Sound Therapy vol. 3The best nature sounds app in the market!Top quality sounds, beautifully designed and eases of use.With the help of application "Ocean sound"you can dive in the sea world anytime you want.If you listen to our apps for 10-15 minutes one hourbefore you go to bed, you will sleep soundly all night long.Our sound therapy apps have a subconscious influence onyour brain that`s why you will start to feel joy and happiness.Psychological research shows that nature sounds andcalm music reduce the negative effects of depression by 20-25%.▨ Ocean Sound Features ▧- This app contains professionally recorded 9 high endoceansounds.- Designed with nice deep sea animation with oceanwallpaperphotos.- Auto play, slide to play and pause. Very intuitive UI- Can set timer from 4 min to 4 hours.- Send SNS function for share with your friends and familiesOcean sound is best application for relaxation, rest,andtherapy. It will help you while doing yoga exercises, sportworkoutor singing lullaby for your baby.Best of all our apps are FREE. Enjoy the sound therapy Vol. 2andcheck out our other apps by pressing “other apps” on main.Thanks!
Daily 108 Bows Diet 2.1
Make pretty body and get healthy playing108bow exercise108 bow exercise will reduce blood sugar as well as fat lossandimprove your body ability like cardio pulmonary function,digestiveorgan.Daily 108 Bows Diet provides the following features foreffectivebow exercise.■ Elapsed Time Timercheck your total exercise time in real time.■ Adjust the number of exerciseset the number of exercise as you want, and thenpress"Start".■ Interval adjustmentset the on-time exercise time, check the number oftimesautomatically.■ Automatic calculation of caloriescheck the calories consumed through real-time bow exercise.■ notification soundscheck with four types of notification sounds.■ Musiccheck three background music to create a calm state of mind andbodyto concentrate on exercise.■ Screen Off prevention■ Mission statementreach the target through the mission statement set directlyduringexercise.■ Exercise Resultsafter the exercise section and section number of caloriesconsumed,the results show the duration time.Now just set the bow times for diet and press "Start".
홈다이어트 복부 살빼기 운동(정식버전) 1.1_pro_add_break_time
play하고 쉽게 따라서 운동하는 '홈다이어트 복부 살빼기 운동'홈다이어트 복부 살빼기는 집에서 아령이나 물통만을 이용해 간단하면서 운동효과가 좋은 운동으로 구성되어 10분안에땀을흘릴수 있습니다.-운동-또한 운동을 복부 기초근력 다지기, 복부 체지방 태우기, 날씬한 복부라인 만들기 3가지의 단계로 운동을 구분하였고사용자가원하는 운동을 선택할수 있으며 운동시 자세설명은 물론 어플의 카운팅소리와함께 운동할수있습니다.-커뮤니티-어플 내부의 커뮤니티 게시판을 통해 정보를 공유할수 있습니다.아주 쉽습니다.----개발자 연락처 :[email protected] easy to playandexercise, dieting abdomen Home salppaegi MovementHome salppaegi abdomen diet consists of good exerciseworkoutwhile using only simple dumbbells or water bottles fromhome, youcan sweat in 10 minutes.- Exercise -In addition, the abdominal muscle chopper based exercise,abdominalfat burning, lean lines make the abdomen were separatedinto threephases of movement and motion user can select the desiredpostureduring exercise can be described as well as the countingexercisewith the sounds of the application.- Community -You can share information through a community bulletin boardinsidethe app.Very easy.
Forward Head Posture (FHP) 1.1.2
SD Net
Measuring the state of your neck and provide exerciseforimprovement.
Back Pain Exercises 1.0
Body Program
Simple routine consisting of 10 effective back painreliefexercises.
おやすみ前ヨガ(1週間プログラム)<無料> 0.20150403
体にたまった疲れを癒し、すっきり快眠できるようにする一週間ヨガプログラムです。このヨガを体験することにより、ストレッチ効果、心の安定効果、ストレス解消、質の高い睡眠が期待できます。内容【月曜日】呼吸を整え、心と身体のバランスを整えます。呼吸を通して自分の体と内面に意識を持っていき、自分を見つめ直します。今日一日の自分の頑張りをほめてあげましょう。・チャンドラベーダナ(月の呼吸)・マールジャーラアサナ(猫のポーズ)・バラアサナ(子供のポーズ)・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【火曜日】骨盤調整で歪みの改善を目指します。体の歪みをとり、負担の少ない身体をつくります。呼吸を通して、ポジティブな気持ちを身体の中へたくさん取り入れましょう。・ダンダアサナ(枝のポーズ)・アバーナアサナ(ガス抜きのポーズ)・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【水曜日】ストレスを身体の外へはき出します。知らず知らず体の中にため込んでいるストレスを体の外へはきだしていきます。深い呼吸とポジティブなイメージを大切に行っていきましょう。・マツヤアサナ(魚のポーズ)・ジャタラパリバルタナアサナ(ツイストのポーズ)・ジャーヌシールシャアサナ(頭を膝に付けるポーズ)・パスチモッターナアサナ(前屈のポーズ)・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【木曜日】肩こりの改善を目指します。デスクワークや日頃の姿勢のせいで肩こりになってしまう方は多いです。凝り固まった肩をスッキリとさせ、身体の負担を少なくします。・肩こりに効果的なポーズ・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【金曜日】デトックス効果で体の中からすっきり。身体にたまった疲れや老廃物を体の外へとはきだし、ダイエット効果が期待できます。呼吸とポーズを意識し行うことで、身体の内からスッキリします。・アパーナアサナ(ガス抜きのポーズ)・ジャタラパリバルタナアサナ(ツイストのポーズ)・ナヴァアサナ(船のポーズ)・セーツバンダアサナ(橋のポーズ)・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【土曜日】疲労回復で元気な身体を取り戻します。疲労回復に良いとされるポーズをゆっくりと行います。身体の表面の疲れと内面の疲れを取り除きましょう。・バラアサナ(子供のポーズ)・ササンガアサナ(うさぎのポーズ)・サーランバサルヴァーンガアサナ(肩立ちのポーズ)・ハラアサナ(すきのポーズ)・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【日曜日】瞑想を通して自分自身と向き合います。自分自身の体と心に目を向け、耳を傾け、向き合っていきます。深い呼吸を意識し、瞑想を行うことで自分自身の弱さや強さを感じることができます。ミュージック(音楽)に心を向けて、体験ください。・瞑想※おやすみ前ヨガ(1週間プログラム)は無料アプリです。※アプリの権限は「インターネット接続」のみです。出演ヨガインストラクター:佐藤おりえこのアプリについてもっと詳しく知りたい方は↓こちらこちらのアプリに収録されている映像は、HomeFintnes24でも視聴できます。HomeFitness24は、太極拳以外に、エアロ、ヨガ、ヒップホップダンス、シニアエクササイズなど30ジャンル以上の映像を取り揃えている日本最大級のフィットネスサイトです。ぜひ、アクセスください!! →  http://home-fitness24.jpHealing thefatigueaccumulated in the body, it is one week yoga program to beable toclear sleep.By experience this yoga, stretch effect, the heart ofthestabilizing effect, stress, we can expect high-quality sleep.Content[Monday]And it established a breath, and prepares the balance of mindandbody.To bring awareness to your body and the inner surfacethroughbreathing, and re staring at myself.Let's give praise their hard work of the day today.Chandra based Dana (breathing of the month)Mar jar La asana (cat pose)· Baraasana (children of pause)· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)[Tuesday]We will aim to improve the distortion in thepelvisadjustment.Takes a distortion of the body, you can make a littlebodyburden.Through breathing, let's incorporate a lot of positive feelingsintothe body.· Dandaasana (branch of pause)· Abanaasana (degassing of pause)· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)[Wednesday]It will source stress out of the body.We will sweep the stress that hoarding in the body unwittinglytothe outside of the body.Let's go to cherish deep breathing and positive image.· Matsuyaasana (fish pose)Jia cod Paris Val Tana asana (twisted pose)- Janu seal Char Sana (pause to put the head on the knee)Path Chi Mocking Turner asana (pose of forward bending)· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)[Thursday]We aim the improvement of shoulder stiffness.If you become stiff because of desk work and daily attitudeisoften.It was a refreshing entrenched shoulder, you can reduce theburdenof the body.And effective and pose stiff neck· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)[Friday]Clean from inside the body in the detox effect.The sweep tired and waste that has accumulated in the body andtothe outside of the body, you can expect diet effect.By making conscious breathing and poses, and then clean out ofthebody.· Apanaasana (degassing of pause)Jia cod Paris Val Tana asana (twisted pose)· Navu~aasana (boat pose)Se Tsu Banda asana (bridge pose)· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)On saturdayIt regained a healthy body in the fatigue recovery.It does slowly pose that is good for fatigue recovery.Let's remove the fatigue of tired and the inner surface ofthesurface of the body.· Baraasana (children of pause)· Sasangaasana (rabbit pose)Sir lumber monkey Vernon Nga Asana (shoulder Standing pose)· Haraasana (plow pose)· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)[Sunday]We are confronted with yourself through meditation.The attention to your own body and mind, to listen, wewillface.And conscious of the deep breathing, you can feel the weaknessandstrength of their own by performing meditation.Towards the heart to music (music), please experience.- Meditation※ night before yoga (one week program) is a free app.※ authority of app is only the "Internet connection".AppearanceYoga instructor: Orie SatoFor those who want to know more about this app here ↓ video that is included in this app, you can watchanyHomeFintnes24.HomeFitness24, in addition to Tai Chi, is Japan's largestfitnesssite that stocks Aero, yoga, hip-hop dance, the more of thevideosenior exercise such as 30 genres.By all means, access please !! →
ScolioTrack 5.6
Dr. Kevin Lau