Top 14 Apps Similar to Аватана

Доктор Борменталь: Мотиватор 1.0
Хотите ни на минуту не сворачивать с путикстройности? Вам в помощь — техническая новинка от центра«ДокторБорменталь»: мобильное приложение – Мотиватор.Наука доказала эффективность мобильных приложений,поддерживающихлюдей, которые стремятся похудеть. Поэтому авторметода снижениявеса и основатель сети клиник «Доктор Борменталь»Андрей Бобровскийразработал мобильную поддержку специально длянаших клиентов.Вы убедитесь: худеть гораздо легче и интересней, если каждуюминутуу вас под рукой будут мотивирующие настрои. С ними высможетепреодолеть любую, даже самую сложную и непредвиденную,ситуацию —без лишних калорий и чувства вины!Стресс?Поход в продуктовый магазин?Дружеская вечеринка?Семейный праздник?Нагрянули гости?Корпоратив на работе?Посещение ресторана?Отпуск по путёвке allinclusive?Теперь вам не страшны все эти «провокации». Ведь на каждый«пожарныйслучай» — наготове лучшие рекомендации специалистов, аещёмотивирующие цитаты, афоризмы и картинки!Для вашего удобства в приложении есть система уведомлений: высамиможете выбрать время получения спасительной «мотивашки»,которая вопасный момент тут же настроит вас на похудение исохранениестройности. Это прекрасная профилактика переедания исрыва!Теперь мотивация к похудению будет с вами всегда!Do you want not foramoment to turn from the path to harmony? To help you - gadgetfromthe center "Doctor Bormental": mobile application - motivator.Science has proven the effectiveness of mobile applicationsthatsupport people who want to lose weight. Therefore, the authorofthe method of weight loss and the founder of a network ofclinics,"Dr. Bormental" Andrew Bobrowski specially designed mobilesupportfor our customers.You will see: losing weight is much easier and more interesting,ifevery moment you have on hand will be motivating moods. Withthemyou will be able to overcome any, even the most difficultandunforeseen situation - without the extra calories and guilt!Stress?Going to the grocery store?Friendly party?Family holiday?Raided the guests?Corporate at work?A visit to the restaurant?Holidays for all voucherinclusive?Now, you are not afraid of these "provocations". After each"fireevent" - the best expert advice at the ready, and evenmotivationalquotes, sayings and pictures!For your convenience, the application has a notification system:youcan choose the time of receipt of saving "motivashki"dangerousmoment which immediately adjusts to your weight lossandpreservation of harmony. This is an excellent preventionofovereating and failure!Now, the motivation to lose weight will be with you always!
Exercises to Calorie Burn Free 1.1
Your body is a marvel ofefficiency:Dosomething over and over and, before long, you get sogood at ityoudo it on autopilot. That’s a wonderful thing when itcomestolearning a new language, it’s not so great when it comestoyourworkout.There’s a simple way to get your body back infat-blastingmode:Temporarily ditch your go-to moves. "When youchange upyourworkout, your body works harder because it’sinunfamiliarterritory," explains Amy Dixon, a SantaMonica,California–basedtrainer and exercise physiologist. "That’swhatcauses it to burnmore calories and build more muscle."Cardio-wise, there's no need to completely abandon whatyoulove.Just tweak it. "At least one day a week, do adifferentactivitythan usual," Dixon advises. "If you're a walker,hit thepool. Ifyou're a cyclist, get to know the rowingmachine."Increaseintensity during your second cardio workout of theweek,and up yourworkout time during the third session. "Thosethreechanges willkeep your body guessing," she says.
Tai Chi Ball Qigong (Dr. Yang) 1.0.10
30-minutes free! 3-hour Tai Chi Ball Qigong lessons withMasterYang, Jwing-Ming
The Qigong Workout 1.0.1
An ancient healing practice developed inChinaover 5,000 years, Qi Gong (chee-gong) is easy to learn, gentleandslow; anyone can do it. Awaken your senses, detoxify your body,andachieve a feeling of calm vitality and inner peace byfollowingCohen's simple standing exercises and graceful, flowingmovements.A sweat-free, stress-busting qigong routine to get yourbodymoving over the lunch hour.You know that feeling when you’ve been sitting at your deskforway too long? Your brain is half asleep, and your body is ontheverge of revolting. You could pop out for a quick run, butthatwould involve sloshing back into the office in sweaty workoutgarb.So instead, you go fill your coffee mug for the umpteenth timeandreturn to your office.What if you could elicit the stress-busting,mind-clearing,energizing benefits of a run or tough workout withoutthe sweatfactor? Qigong (pronounced “chee-GUNG”) can help you dojustthat.With Chinese roots dating back more than 4,000 years, qigong isabroad practice defined as the integration of physicalpostures,breathing techniques and focused intentions, according totheNational Qigong Association. (Translated, “qi” is energy, breathorspirit. “Gong” means work.)“Qigong helps you balance emotionally, physically andspirituallyat the same time, so you have the energy you need tocope with everypart of your life,” says Chunyi Lin, a practitionerbased in EdenPrairie, Minn., and creator of Spring Forest Qigong,one form of thepractice that incorporates gentle movements,meditation, breathingand sounds.Abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing is fundamental to anyqigongpractice and is intended to enhance your ability to relax.(See WebExtra! for breathing instructions.) Many qigong exercisesinvolvesimply breathing and focusing one’s energy on differentareas of thebody.Thousands of qigong variations exist, including externalformspracticed to heal others, and internal forms that focusoncultivating self-balance. Among these are gentle,meditativepractices and intensely physical ones, such as Chinesemartialarts.While Western scientific studies on qigong are limited, ithasbeen linked to the following benefits:Improved quality of movement, including balance,flexibility,core strength and joint mobility.Better functioning of internal organs, such asimprovedcardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic anddigestivefunctions.Improved general health measures, including reduced stress,enhancedimmunity, lower blood pressure and greater stamina.“The greatest gift qigong can give is restoring energy,” saysJohnDu Cane, a qigong teacher since 1995, who began his practice inthe1970s. Du Cane has produced several books and DVDs on qigongandregularly hosts instructor workshops andcertificationprograms.Du Cane suggests the following exercises to help restoreyourenergy during the workday. They are suitable for anyone andrequireno equipment. He recommends practicing the sequence dailyforoptimal results.
Yang Tai Chi for Beginners 1 b 1.0.11
60 mins free videos! Learn Yang-style Tai Chi with instructionbyMaster Yang
Eight Brocades Qigong Standing 1.0.5
Master Yang teaches the most popular qigong set, "The StandingEightBrocades".
Ayurveda Pro 1.12
My Ayurveda
Guide to Ayurveda - the science of life and longevity
Shiatsu Massage
Learn Shiatsu massage techniques and other massage styles.
Weight Loss Hypnosis 1.3
Most weight loss program focus on thedietandexercise aspect but you know this type of approach toweightlossdo not last as most of us will give up after a while. Wejustdonot have enough mental strength tofollowthroughconsistently.That is where this app is different from the rest. This apphelpstostrengthen your mental mind set and stay focused to ensureyouloseweight. It uses hypnotherapy, a modern proven methodologyevenuseby sports men to ensure they have a strong and toughmentalstrengthto carry them forward.What you are getting with the app:-a) strengthen the weight loss mindset withahypnotherapyaudio;b) journal your experience worth remembering;c) capture picture of beautiful moments;d) weight loss from a different perspective;e) weight loss resolution road map.Hypnotherapy is a traditional art used by professionalhypnotisttohelp its client cure from various type of psychologyproblem. Itisa perfect technique for weight loss and this isexactly whatyouare getting with this application.This is a self-improvement hypnotherapy program that you canuseonyourself to reinforce the 'lose weight motivation' andcanbringyou to a state of peace, tranquility andcalmness.Hypnotherapy hadbecome a popular choice for many people toimprovemany aspect oftheir life from overcoming phobia to breakingout oflimitingbeliefs and is also the perfect choice to motivatethe needto loseweight within you.'Self hypnosis' hypnotherapy, is a safe and convenientmethodyouwill get from this app to bring yourself to thedesiredstate.While in this 'self hypnosis' state, you are still incontrolofyourself and have the choice to follow the suggestedscenario ortoreject. You never loose this choice evenwhileunderhypnosis.Go ahead and use this program to improve your motivationtoloseweight.Please rate this app if you find it useful so that otherpeoplewiththe same need to lose weight can find this appeasily.
Facial Exercises Fitness-Yoga 1.0.8
Languages: English, French, Spanish,Italian,German and Russian.Facial Fitness Yoga Exercises and Facelift Cupping SelfMassageVideo.Would you like to have a nice shape of the nose?Fed up with looking in a mirror and seeing the double chinspoilingyour looks?Would you like to lift eyelid, nasolabial fold and thefacialoval?Would you like to have a smooth forehead without spending loadsofcash on the Botox injections and or a plastic surgeon ?Then this application is just the right thing for you, andtheprogram of the Personal coach suits you perfectly, it selectstheexercises required and produces the personalized program.This set of facial exercises will allow you to become freeandindependent as you will be able at your own pace and yourownliking to lift face, smooth the wrinkles on forehead and aroundtheeyes, lift the upper eyelid, make the lips more voluminous,smoothout the nasolabial fold, lower the swollenness and darkshadowsbeneath the eyes, lift up the corners of the lips, correcttheshape of the nose, get rid of the double chin, smooth outthewrinkles on the neck, lift up the flabby cheeks, improvethequality of the skin and the facial tone.What is the facial fitness?The alternative to the plastic surgery, the facial fitness isthehealthiest, simplest, and effective and therefore just abrilliantway to stop the ageing of the face, return the youthlooks andchange in your face whatever makes you feeluncomfortable. That’sall possible by the exercises of the facialmuscles.Why try the facial fitness?This application provides an opportunity to choose theexercisesthat you require by producing a personal treatmentprogram. In thisprogram you are in for the most effective exercisesselectedthrough a long – term experience and presented in the mosteasilyperformable and comfortable manner.You want to look good and hold on to these young looks – trythefacial fitness. Vacuum Self Massage Video.For those who has mastered exercises of facial fitness thereisopportunity to enhance the aesthetic effect with additionallyuseof the vacuum self-massage with a special vacuum cups.Possessing a powerful lymph drainage effect the cuppingvacuummassage can provide an instant lifting effect of facialtissues.Vacuum massage is irreplaceable and can do wonders toimprove theskin condition, making it smooth, elastic, restoringturgor andhealthy complexion.Regularly doing exercises of face fitness and making avacuumcupping massage of the face, you will provide more complexandprofound approach to the face and neck anti-age correction.
Ayurveda 1.9
My Ayurveda
Guide to Ayurveda - the science of life and longevity
Massage Therapist 1.0.1
Use the device vibration for a relaxing massage
Head & Neck Massage 1.1
Head & Neck massage is a great waytorelieve tension!People who sit at desks or drive for long periods of timeoftenexperience a lot of pain in their neck and shoulders.Learn how to give head and neck massages fromprofessionalmassage therapist in these application videos.In this application we will help you to learn step by step HowtoGive a Head Neck Massage:1- How to Massage the Head for Hair Growth2- How to Start a Head Massage3- How to Apply Pressure during a Head Massage4- How to Massage the Scalp during a Head Massage5- How to Relieve Tension w/ Pressure Points duringHeadMassage6- How to Massage the Crown of the Head7- How to Use Herbal Oils during a Head Massage8- How to Do the Shampooing Technique during a Head Massage9- How to Do the Kneading Massage Technique duringHeadMassage10- How to Do the Hairpulling Massage Technique11- How to Use the Plucking Massage Technique duringHeadMassage12- How to Do the Pulling aka Traction Massage Technique13- How to Give a Head Massage Using Ayurvedic Techniques14- How to Use the Drainage Technique during a Head Massage15- How to Use the Craniosacral Technique during aHeadMassage16- How to Use Gliding Strokes during a Head Massage17- How to Use Friction Strokes during a Head Massage18- How to Use Percussive Strokes during a Head Massage19- How to End a Head Massage20- How to Massage Cheeks during a Head Massage21- How to Massage Shoulders during a Head Massage22- How to Massage the Neck during a Head Massage23- How to Massage the Mouth & Jaw during a Head Massage24- How to Massage the Side of the Head25- How to Massage the Ears during a Head Massage26- How to Stroke the Eyebrows during a Head Massage27- How to Stroke the Eye Sockets during a Head Massage28- How to Massage the Head for Sinus Relief29- How to Massage the Head to Relieve Headaches30- How to Give a Head Massage to Someone Lying Down31- How to Give a Head Massage in the Seated Position32- How to Work Pressure Points during a Head Massage33- How to Stimulate Your Scalp with Self-Massage34- How to Stimulate Your Jaw with Self-Massage35- How to Stimulate Your Neck with Self-Massage36- How to Relieve Sinus Pressure with Self-Massage37- Health Benefits of Head Massage38- Is Head Massage Safe during Pregnancy?39- How to Pick a Good Massage TherapistDownload it for free! and Follow these steps on how to feelgoodabout Yourself.*** If you like it, please support us by rating it★★★★★***** Leave us comments and suggestions **
Официальное мобильное приложение сетиfly–йогастудий «RamYoga»."RamYoga" – это место, где современные техники сливаютсясдревнимипрактиками. Fly-йога, практикуемая в нашей студии,онажеантигравитационная или йога в гамаке, является насегоднясамойпопулярной и востребованной формой изучения асан. Иеслилетающихйогов и не существует, то йога в воздухе вполнереальна!Созданнаякак элемент бродвейского шоу, Fly-йога сталавоплощениемизвечнойчеловеческой мечты – вкусить состояния полнойневесомости.Чувствополета странным образом соединяется сощущениемабсолютнойбезопасности (тебя ведь крепко держат стропыуютногогамака). Этовсе и есть антигравитационная йога!Она полностью оправдывает такое название, снимая всюнагрузкусвашего позвоночника. На занятиях fly-йогой в нашейстудиивыукрепите мышцы, разовьете гибкость и «натренируете»сосуды.Иобучают этому мастерству в Киеве на занятиях в сетиfly–йогастудий «RamYoga».Результат в виде здорового цвета лица, крепкого иподтянутоготела,приятных ощущений и минус пары лишних кило–гарантируем!У нас открыты группы: Fly -йоги (йоги в гамаках), fly–йогидлядетей, цигун, йоги звука, хатха-йоги, йога-нидры(«сонйогов»),йоги для беременных, проходят сеансы тайского массажаимедитаций(Рейки, Ошо, диджериду, глубинного касания) .Ждем вас на занятиях!Установив наше мобильное приложение и Вы сможете:-участвовать в специальных предложениях от нашей студии-получать уведомления о предстоящих событияхиактуальныхакциях-мгновенно записаться на занятие-получить доступ к фото- и видео- галереям.-ознакомится с расписанием и получить полнуюинформациюостудии-иметь всегда под рукой всю контактную информацию,необходимуюдлясвязи со студией-и много чего другогоДля полноценной работы необходимо интернет-подключение.Official mobile webappfly-yoga studios «RamYoga»."RamYoga" - is a place where modern technology mergewithancientpractices. Fly-yoga, practiced in our studio, itisalsoanti-gravity yoga, or in a hammock, is currently themostpopularand relevant form of study of asanas. And if YogicFlyersand doesnot exist, yoga in the air is very real! Created aspart ofaBroadway show, Fly-yoga has become the embodiment oftheeternalhuman dream - a taste of the state ofcompleteweightlessness.Flight Feeling strangely connected with thefeelingof absolutesafety (because you keep the lines tight cozyhammock).It isanti-gravity yoga!It fully justifies its name, removing the entire loadfromyourspine. In class fly-yoga in our studio you willstrengthenmuscles,will develop the flexibility and "natreniruete"vessels.And teachthis skill in Kiev in the classroom on the networkfly-yogastudios «RamYoga».The result is a healthy complexion, strong and fit body,goodfeelingand minus a couple of extra pounds - guaranteed!We have discovered a group: Fly -yogi (yoga in hammocks),fly-yogifor children, qigong, sound yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yoga Nidra("dreamyogis"), yoga for pregnant women, are Thai massageandmeditation (Reiki, Osho, didgeridoo, deep touch).See you in class!By installing our mobile app and you can:-Participate special offers from our studio-To receive notification of upcoming eventsandcurrentpromotions-Instantly register for classes-Get access to photo and video galleries.-oznakomitsya the schedule and get full informationaboutthestudio-Have at your fingertips all the contact informationnecessarytocommunicate with the studio-and many other thingsTo view this you need an Internet connection.