Top 33 Apps Similar to Lost Books of the Bible

Lost Books of the Bible 3.0
Igor Apps
"The Lost Books of the Bible" and "The Forgotten Books of Eden"Free
The Lost Books of the Bible 3.0.0
This App contains the ebook with Illustrations of The Lost Booksofthe Bible
The Book of Enoch 3.0.0
Complete e-book: "The Book of Enoch tr. by R.H. Charles" from 1917
The Book of Jasher 3.2
The Book of Jasher. Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel.Withthe Holy Bible
Book of Enoch 4.0
Igor Apps
Book of Enoch - an ancient Jewish religious work, ascribedbytradition to Enoch
Book of Enoch 1.44
********Introduce BookofEnoch***********The Book of Enoch is considered to have been written by Enoch,theseventh from Adam. It is considered an apocryphal book as wellas apart of the Pseudepigrapha (literally means “falsely ascribed”is acollection of works supposedly written by a biblicalcharacter),although it is not a part of the canonicalApocrypha.Once considered to be of Christian origin because of itsobviousreferences to Christ, ten fragments of The Book of Enochhave beenfound at Qumran in the Dead Sea Scrolls, it is known tohaveexisted in its present form since at least the 2ndCenturyBC.The book was believed to have been composed by Enoch,thegreat-grandfather of Noah. Most critics and scholars believe itwasbegun in the second century BC and was a collection of worksthatincludes writings for the first century BC as well. Somebelieve itcontains the actual words of Enoch and that it was handeddownthrough the ages. There is no real way to know for certain ifthatis so. The only thing we know for certain is that fragments ofthebook date back to the 2nd century BC.It is generally believed that the Apostles and the writers oftheNew Testament were fully aware of the Book of Enoch also called1Enoch. In fact, it is directly quoted in the Bible:Jude 1:14-15 “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesiedofthese, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands ofhissaints, {15} To execute judgment upon all, and to convince allthatare ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which theyhaveungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches whichungodlysinners have spoken against him”********Feature of Book of Enoch app*********Work offlineIt is convenient to bring your app anywhere, you canreadanytime.The app contains book of enoch and king james bible (KJV bible).Itis presented with clearly format and easy to read.The last chapter reading function helps you to continuetoread.You can read any chapter of book easily at any screen.You can mark whether your reading chapter is done or not.Bookmark and notesWhen you see a nice verse, you can bookmark and notes forreadinglater.You can customize your Bible by adding colorful bookmarks andnotesjust by tapping on any verse.Share verses with beautiful backgroundWhen you want to share a nice verse, you can chooseappropriatebackground to share. You can customize your backgroundand versesto share.Easy to Use: Swipe left or right to move between chaptersandtap any verse to share, add bookmarks/notes or copytoclipboard.The app is designed compatible with Lollipop androidoperatingsystem which brings you great experiences.Enjoy !
The Book of Jubilees 3.0
Igor Apps
The Book of Jubilees - translated by R. H. Charles. And KingJamesVersion Bible
Books of Eden 2.0.7
This is a collection of books about AdamandEve in Eden. This contains the Conflict of Adam, Eve and SataninEden and the Book of Adam. This comprises more than 130smallchapters about what really happened in Eden, why the devilhates usand his promise to destroy mankind, his fall from gracebecause hedid not want to bow to man as God instructed. Thiscontent has beensourced from the public domain and conceptualised,designed anddeveloped into this app. The App also has text tospeechfunctionality using ICOSTextToSpeech v1.90 Library (c)2011-2014,Giuseppe Salvi (ICOS-Soft)" so that you can listen to youreadings.This app is freeware. Conceived, Designed and Developed byAnele'Mashy' Mbanga.
Book of Enoch 1.0
Classic Books
Book of Enoch is an ancientreligiouswork,traditionally ascribed to Enoch, thegreat-grandfather ofNoah. KeyFeatures: This app allows you to usebookmarks! Also, youhave theoption to read in day or night mode!The Book of Enoch consists of 5 major sections:The Book of the Watchers (Chap. 1 – 36)The Book of Parables of Enoch (Chap. 37 – 70) (alsocalledtheSimilitudes of Enoch)The Astronomical Book (Chap. 71 – 81) (also called the BookoftheHeavenly Luminaries or Book of Luminaries)The Book of Dream Visions (Chap. 82 – 91) (also called theBookofDreams)The Epistle of Enoch (Chap. 92 – 105)
Sacred Scriptures 1.2
Cindy Oakes
Do DeepDive Bible Studies With Sacred Scriptures Anywhere Now!
Bible KJV with Apocrypha 5.8.1
Igor Apps
King James Bible Version with Apocrypha, Book of Enoch, JasherandJubilees!
KJV Bible with Apocrypha Audio 5.6.0
Igor Apps
King James Bible with Apocrypha with Book of Enoch, JasherandJubilees!
El Libro de Enoc 5.0.0
Interesante y desconocido libroparaampliarconocimientosEl Libro de Enoc (o Libro de Henoc, abreviado 1 Enoc) esunlibrointertestamentario, que forma parte del canon de la BibliadelaIglesia ortodoxa etíope pero no es aceptado como canónicoporlasdemás iglesias cristianas,a pesar de haber sidoencontradoenalgunos de los códices de la Septuaginta (CódiceVaticano yPapirosChester Beatty). Los Beta Israel (judíos etíopes)loincluyen en laTanaj, a diferencia de los demás judíosactuales,que loexcluyen.Se conocen otros tres Libros de Enoc: el Segundo Libro deEnoc(2Enoc), escrito a finales del siglo I o después yconservadoeneslavo eclesiástico; el más tardío (de composiciónposterioralsiglo V), Tercer Libro de Enoc (3 Enoc), en hebreo; y elEnoccopto(4 Enoc), que data del siglo V y del cual apenas sehanencontradopartes.Los primeros cristianos tuvieron gran aprecio por el LibrodeEnoc,como lo atestiguan las epístolas canónicas de Judas (6y14-16) y 2Pedro (2:4), así como la no canónica de Bernabé ylosescritos deJustino Mártir (100-165), Atenágoras (170);Tatiano(110-172);Irineo, Obispo de Lyon (115-185); Clemente deAlejandría(150-220);Tertuliano (160-230); Lactantio (260-325) yademás los deMetodiode Filipo, Minucius Felix, Comodiano yPrisciliano (m.385).Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de proteccióndedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores dedispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el findeofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico.Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información deldispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisisweb.Másdetalles en: and unknown book to expand knowledgeThe Book of Enoch (or Book of Enoch, abbreviated 1 Enoch)isaintertestamental book, which is part of the canon of theBibleofthe Ethiopian Orthodox Church but is not accepted ascanonicalbyother Christian churches, despite having been found insome ofthecodices of the Septuagint (Codex Vatican andChesterBeattyPapyri). The Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews) include itin theTanakh,unlike other Jews today, it excluded.three books of Enoch are known: the Second Book of Enoch(2Enoch),written in the late first century or later and preservedinChurchSlavonic; the later (post-V century composition), ThirdBookofEnoch (3 Enoch), in Hebrew; and Coptic Enoch (4 Enoc),datingfromthe V century and which only found parts.The first Christians had great appreciation for the Book ofEnoch,asattested by the canonical epistles of Judas (6 and 14-16)and 2Peter(2: 4) and non-canonical writings of Barnabas andJustinMartyr (100-165), Athenagoras (170); Tatian (110-172);Irenaeus,Bishop ofLyon (115-185); Clement of Alexandria(150-220);Tertullian(160-230); Lactantius (260-325) and also thoseofMethodius ofPhilippi, Minucius Felix, Commodian andPrisciliano(m. 385).To comply with the rules of the dataprotectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalizecontentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device informationwithpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. Moredetailsat:
LDS Scriptures FREE 2.60
Enoch Apps
LDS Scriptures FREE contains thescriptures,study helps, church magazines, manuals and booklets.Features andtools include sorted bookmarks, one-tap highlighting,hymn notes,audio, video, tags, history, LDS trivia game, search,widget,gospel art library, Facebook sharing, custom contentandmore.If you like this app, please purchase LDS Scriptures Premium.Features not found in LDS Gospel Library: achievements,backgroundskins, configurable toolbar, custom content, embeddedart, hymnnotes, calendar/directory, radio, random chapterselection,reading plans, reading stats, reading timer, socialsharing, sortedbookmarks, trivia game, cub scouts & boyscoutingresources.Report any problems to: bestldsapps @
Vine's Expository Dictionary 5.7.0
Igor Apps
Vine's Expository Dictionary is a reference guide to NewTestamentGreek words
Forgotten Books of the Bible 2 2.1.6
Featured on cnet|!Why get the several books that cost more than $20-30, onaverage,when you can get this app that offers much more?We are proud to introduce the new and improved versionofForgotten Books of the Bible. This new version includesmorefunctionality, easier to use, and now introducing, theContinuousUpdating Content (CUC). With CUC, our engineers will addmorefeatures to help with functionality and provide more content.Wehave collected more than 16 books banned from the bible, thatwillbe added very soon!.Now on sale from $3.99 to $1.99!!Features:Completely offline app, meaning you do not need theinternetconnection*No in-app advertisementsQuick responsive supportSocial SharingTop quality content that no one can compete withThe Bible is a growth. Many people do not understand that itisnot a book written by a single person, but it is a libraryofseveral books which were composed by various people invariouscountries. It is interesting to know how this library grewand uponwhat principle some books were accepted and somerejected.Of course we may take people's word for the reasons whycertainbooks were chosen, but it is always satisfactory to come toour ownconclusions by examining our own evidence.This is what this Forgotten Books of the Bible enables us todo.We can examine the books of the Scriptures which we have intheauthorized version, and then in this book we can readthosescriptures which have been eliminated by various councils inorderto make up our standard Bible.It is safe to say that a comparison of the accepted bookswiththose rejected may be relied upon, for those books whichwereaccepted are far superior in value to the others.These others which are included in the Forgotten Books of theBiblecomprise all kinds of stories, tales and myths.This version includes:The Gospel of the Birth of MaryThe ProtevangelionThe First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus ChristThomas's Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus ChristThe Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of EdessaThe Gospel of Nicodemus, Formerly Called the Acts ofPontiusPilateThe Apostles’ Creed+The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the LaodiceansThe Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca'stoPaulThe Acts of Paul and TheclaThe First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians(added11.14.2012)The Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians(added11.21.2012)The General Epistle of Barnabas (added 11.28.2012)Epistle to Ephesians , and Epistle to Magnesians(added12.28.2012)Epistle of Ignatius to Trallians (1.4.2013)Epistle of Ignatius to Romans (1.10.2013)Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians (1.21.2013)Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnæans (1.28.2013)Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp (2.5.2013)Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians (2.12.2013)The Shepherd of Hermas (2.19.2013)The Second Book of Hermas ((2.26.2013)More updates to come...Highspeed internet recommended for the installationprocess.Average downloading time is 1-5 minutes depending on theconnectionspeed. For installation help, please contact support.Note: Volume 4 will be added soon. Until then, please enjoy700pages of content.PLEASE CONTACT SUPPORT IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS! We are heretohelp in every way possibleFor solutions, check out:
The Kabbalah Unveiled e-book 1.0
This book is a handy tool for understanding the Kabbalah and howitcan be used.
The Cepher 21.3.2
A comprehensive restoration of sacred scripture in theEnglishlanguage.
Parables of Jesus Christ 1.04
This free android app contains Parables of JesusChristfromdifferent books in the New Testament (Luke, Matthew,Mark).Allparables are taken from the World English Bible version.Imagesarealso included to make the story more inspiring. The appisstoredon the SD card, so it won’t use up your phone’s memory.Belowarethe stories/parables included: • Barren Fig Tree • BuddingFigTree• Burglar • Children in the Market Place • Choice of PlacesattheTable • Closed Door • Faithful Servants • Friend Asking forHelpatMidnight • Garments and Wineskins • Going Before the Judge•Goodand Bad Fruit • Good Samaritan • Great Supper • GuestWithoutaWedding Garment • King Planning for Battle • Lamp on aStand•Leaven • Lost Coin • Lost Sheep • Mustard Seed • Net •Pearl•Pharisee and Publican • Pounds or Talents • Prodigal Son•Returnof the Unclean Spirit • Rich Man and Lazarus • Rich Fool•Salt •Seed Growing Secretly • Servant Entrusted withSupervision•Servant’s Reward • Serving Two Masters • Sheep andGoats •Sowerand Seed • Specks and Planks in Eyes • Strong Man•Tower-Builder •Treasure • Two Debtors • Two Houses Built on RockorEarth • TwoSons • Unjust Judge • Unjust Steward •UnmercifulServant •Vineyard Workers and Employer • Wheat and Tares• WickedTenants
The ancient book 80.91.30
Directory of ancient books
The First Book of Adam and Eve 5.0
Read "The First Book of Adam and Eve"byRutherford Hayes Platt!Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-clickwithoutconnecting network.You can also check your "Reading Score" from the menu.
Amharic Holy Bible (Ethiopian) 1.8
nSource Lab
Ethiopia Holy Bible. All Testaments.
The Urantia Book 1.1
presented by celestial beings as a revelation to our planet,Urantia
1611 King James Bible, KJV 5.9.0
Igor Apps
This is the original 1611 King James Bible with Apocrypha
Libros y Ebooks info gratis 1.0
op libros Free es la aplicación con laqueencontrarás el libro que buscas. Descárgatela Gratis y empiezaadisfrutar de ese libro que te tanto te han recomendado.Tus escritores favoritos, premios planeta,Bestsellers,novedades, próximos lanzamientos superventas y muchomás se hayanen la App, disfruta del placer de la lectura.Los mejores libros de Autoayuda y superación personal,puedenenseñarnos a vivir y actuar mejor, superar etapas duras de lavidao momento delicados por los que pasamosCategorias como cocina y salud, cienca ficcion novelahistoricapoesia narrativa erotica, aventuras fantasia infantil yjuvenil ypor supuesto suspense y misterio son secciones que podrasencontraren la AppLa entidad propietaria de esta aplicación informa que lamismacontiene imágenes, algunas de las cuales han sido obtenidasatravés de internet. Dichas imágenes e información, son todasellasde dominio público, ya que las mismas no seencuentranidentificadas mediante símbolos ni otra información queindique laexistencia de derecho de explotación reservado sobrelasmismas.Sin perjuicio de ello, en clara voluntad de respeto a losderechosrecogidos en Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, de 12 deabril, porel que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley dePropiedadIntelectual, así como de cumplimiento de las obligacionesimpuestaspor la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios de lasociedad dela información y de comercio electrónico, el creador deestaaplicación insta a cualquier persona física o jurídica quefuerapropietario de alguna de las imágenes contenidas en la misma,loacredite por medio de correo electrónico dirigido a “el correodeldesarrollador”, comprometiéndose el creador de la aplicación alainmediata retirada de dicha imagen una vez comprobada, en sucaso,la titularidad de la imagen protegidaFree books op istheapplication that will find the book you want. Free download itandstart to enjoy that book you love so you have recommended.Your favorite writers, awards planet, Bestsellers, news,upcomingblockbuster and more have in the App, enjoy the pleasureofreading.The best self-help books and self-improvement, can teach us toliveand act better, overcoming tough stages of life or delicatemomentwe passedCategories like cooking and health SCIENCE historicalfictionnovel poetry erotica, child and adolescent fantasyadventures andof course narrative suspense and mystery are sectionsyou can findin the AppThe owning entity of this application reports it containsimages,some of which have been obtained via internet. These imagesandinformation are all public domain, since they are notidentified bysymbols or other information indicating the existenceof reservedexploitation rights on them.Notwithstanding this, a clear will to respect the rightscontainedin Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 of April 12, approvingtherevised text of the Copyright Act is approved, as wellascompliance with the obligations imposed by Law 34/2002, of July11,services of the information society and electronic commerce,thecreator of this application calls for any natural or legalpersonwho was owner of some of the images contained therein,accreditingby e-mail to "mail developer", committing the creator oftheapplication to the immediate withdrawal of the imageafterverification, where appropriate, the ownership of theprotectedimage
Audio Bible Offline 1.0.0
Bible OfflineA Devotional Textbook of thematic Scripture readings ,foreachday of the year, in the very words of Scripture.PreparedbyJonathan Bagster [1813-1872] and other Members ofHisFamily.The Study Bible gives you a wealth of resourcesfromJohnMacArthur and Grace to You to help you understand andapplyGodÕsWord. Featuring the English Standard Version (ESV),theNewAmerican Standard (NAS), and the King James Version (KJV)textsofScripture, you have immediate access to Grace toYouÕssermonarchive, featuring more than forty-five years ofJohnÕsBibleteaching (well over 3,000 full-length messages) coveringtheentireNew Testament and portions of the Old.App features:† Versions and translations. We have more than 300 Bibleversionsinmultiple languages available. Just download them once,and itwillall be available for offline reading.† Search. Find words and phrases quickly withadvancedsearchfeatures.† Cross References. Find related verses likequotations,parallels,and similar texts (for some Bibleversions).† Notes. Write your personal notes for any verse thatyouselect.Reference other verses in your notes and you'll be abletotap onthem to access those verses.† Bookmarks, Labels, Pins, and Highlights. Mark the versesthatyouhave read with colorful markers.† Continue reading from your last read verse withoutgettinglost.Make your own topical system using labels andbookmaks.† Share any bible verse to your friends via socialnetwork:facebook,twitter, google+ and more.† Daily Devotions. Read the daily devotions and deepenyourknowledgeof God.† Download Text and Audio for read and play offline mode.† Reading Plan. Choose from one of the many reading plans,andreadthe Bible in a year, or 2 years, or several months. Youcanevencreate one yourself.† Display Settings. Appearance of the Bible text can becustomizedtoyour liking. Font, text size, color, background, linespacing,andmore. Night mode and full screen mode are alsoavailable.Easybookmarks, highlights, and notesHoly Bible Version† English Standard Version (ESV)† King James Version Non-Drama (KJV)† King James Version Drama (KJV)† World English Bible (WEB)† New Amarican Standard Bible (NAS)† English Version for the Deaf† (NIV) Non-Drama (Anglicized)† (NIV) Drama (Anglicized)† 1986 New Life Version (Easy to Read) (NLV)† 1989 New Revised Standard Non-Drama (NSR)† More...Bible Book ListGenesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy,Joshua,Judges,Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1Chronicles,2Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job,Psalm,Proverbs,Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah,Jeremiah,Lamentations,Ezekiel, Daniel Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah,Jonah,Micah, Nahum,Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah,Malachi,Matthew, Mark,Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians,2Corinthians, Galatians,Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians,1Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy,Titus,Philemon, Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3John,Jude,Revelation.
Inspirational Bible Stories 3.0
The Bible is one of the two or three oldest books in the world,butunlike most of the ancient books, it is found not only ingreatlibraries, but in almost every home of the civilized world;and itis not only studied by learned scholars, but read by thecommonpeople; and its many stories grasp and hold the attention oflittlechildren. Happy is that child who has heard, over and overagain,the Bible stories until they have become fixed in his mindandmemory, to become the foundations of a noble life. It is withthedesire of aiding parents and teachers in telling these stories,andaiding children to understand them, also in the hope that theymaybe read in many schools, that a few among the manyinterestingstories in the Bible have been chosen, brought togetherand as faras necessary simplified to meet the minds of the young.The appcontains the following stories, 1, The Story Of Adam And Eve2, TheStory Of Noah And The Ark 3, The Story Of Hagar And Ishmael4, TheStory Of Abraham And Isaac 5, The Story Of Jacob 6, The SaleOf ABirthright 7, The Story Of The Ladder That Reached To Heaven 8,TheStory Of Joseph The Coat Of Many Colors 9, The Dreams Of A King10,The Story Of The Money In The Sacks 11, The Mystery Of TheLostBrother 12, The Story Of Moses, The Child Who Was Found InTheRiver 13, The Story Of The Grapes From Canaan 14, The StoryOfGideon And His Three Hundred Soldiers 15, The Story Of Samson,TheStrong Man 16, The Story Of Ruth, The Gleaner 17, The StoryOfDavid The Shepherd Boy 18, The Story Of The Fight With TheGiant19, The Story Of The Cave Of Adullam 20, The Story Of SolomonAndHis Temple 21, The Story Of Elijah, The Prophet 22, The StoryOfJonah And The Whale 23, The Story Of The Fiery Furnace 24,TheStory Of Daniel In The Lion’S Den 25, The Story Of The Angel ByTheAltar 26, The Story Of Jesusthe Babe Of Bethlehem 27, The StoryOfThe Star And The Wise Men 28, The Story Of The Child In TheTemple29, The Story Of The Water That Was Turned Into Wine 30, TheStoryOf The Stranger At The Well 31, The Story Of The Fishermen 32,TheStory Of The Sermon On The Mount 33, The Story Of TheMiracleWorker 34, The Good Shepherd And The Good Samaritan 35, TheStoryOf The Palm Branches 36, The Story Of The Betrayal 37, TheStory OfThe Empty Tomb 38, The Story Of The Man At The BeautifulGate 39,The Story Of Stephen, The First Martyr Please ratethisapplication.
Book of Job 1.0
Book of JobThe Book of Job (/ˈdʒoʊb/; Hebrew: אִיוֹב Iyob) is one oftheWritings (Ketuvim) of the Hebrew Bible, and the first poeticalbookin the Christian Old Testament. Addressing the theme ofGod'sjustice in the face of human suffering - or more simply, "Whydothe righteous suffer?" - it is a rich theological work, settingouta variety of perspectives. It has been widely andoftenextravagantly praised for its literary qualities - "Thegreatestpoem of ancient and modern times," according to Tennyson.ContentsPrologue on earth and in heavenThe prologue on earth shows the righteous Job blessed withwealthand sons and daughters. The scene shifts to heaven, where Godasksthe satan (ha-satan, literally "the accuser") for his opinionofJob's piety. The satan answers that Job is pious only becauseGodhas blessed him; if God were to take away everything that Jobhad,then he would surely curse God. God gives the satan permissiontotake Job's wealth and children, but Job praises God: "Naked Icameout of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return: the Lordhasgiven, and Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of theLord."God allows the satan to afflict his body with boils. Job sitsinashes; his wife prompts him to "curse God, and die," butJobanswers: "Shall we receive good from God and shall notreceiveevil?"Job's opening monologue; dialogues between Job and histhreefriendsJob laments the day of his birth; he would like to die, buteventhat is denied him. His three friends Eliphaz the Temanite,Bildadthe Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite, console him. Thefriends donot waver in their belief that Job's suffering is apunishment forsin, for God causes no one to suffer innocently, andadvise him torepent and seek God's mercy. Job responds with scorn:a just Godwould not treat him so harshly, patience in sufferingisimpossible, and the Creator should not take his creaturessolightly, to come against them with such force.Three monologues: Poem to Wisdom, Job's closing monologue,andElihu's speechesThe dialogues of Job and his friends are followed by a poem(the"hymn to wisdom") on the inaccessibility of wisdom: Where iswisdomto be found? it asks, and concludes that it has been hiddenfromman (chapter 28). Job contrasts his previous fortune withhispresent plight, an outcast, mocked and in pain; he protestshisinnocence, lists the principles he has lived by, and demandsthatGod answer him. Elihu (a character not previouslymentioned)intervenes to state that wisdom comes from God, whoreveals itthrough dreams and visions to those who will then declaretheirknowledge.Two speeches by GodGod speaks from a whirlwind. His speeches neither explainJob'ssuffering, nor defend divine justice, nor enter into thecourtroomconfrontation that Job has demanded, nor respond to hisoath ofinnocence. Instead they contrast Job's weakness with divinewisdomand omnipotence: "Where were you when I laid the foundationsof theearth?" Job makes a brief response, but God's monologueresumes,never addressing Job directly. In 42:1-6 Job makes hisfinalresponse, confessing God's power and his own lack of knowledge"ofthings beyond me which I did not know;" previously he hasonlyheard, but now his eyes have seen God, and "therefore Iretract/Andrepent of dust and ashes."EpilogueGod tells Eliphaz that he and his two friends "have not spoken ofmewhat is right as my servant Job has done." The three (Elihu isnotmentioned) are told to make a burnt offering with Job astheirintercessor, "for only to him will I show favour." Job isrestoredto health, riches and family, and lives to see his childrento thefourth generation
Hechos Apostolicos Apostoles 1.2
En los manuscritos griegos antiguossueleaparecer este libro bajo el título de Ππάξειρ αποζηόλων, οsea,Hechos de Apζstoles; algunos manuscritos añaden el artículo,Hechosde los Apóstoles, y otros ponen simplemente Hechos.En los manuscritos latinos es llamado Actus Apostolorum, otambiénActa Apostolorum. Títulos de esa clase estaban entonces muyen usoen la literatura helenística. Así, tenemos las ΠπάξειρΑλεξάνδπος,de Galνstenes; y las Ππάξειρ Αννίβα, de Sζsilo.No se trataba en estos libros de presentar una biografía ohistoriacompleta del personaje aludido (Alejandro o Aníbal),sinosimplemente de recoger las gestas más señaladas; esprecisamente loque hace también Lucas respecto de los personajespor él elegidos,los apóstoles.Claro que, en realidad, el título no corresponde del todoalcontenido, pues, de hecho, Lucas apenas habla de otrosapóstolesque de Pedro y Pablo; pero todo da la impresión de queLucaspresenta a los apóstoles como colegio (cf. 1:2.26; 2:14; 5:18;6:2;8:14; 9:27; 11:1; 15:2), de ahí que le baste con detenerse ensusportavoces y figuras capitales.El libro es de importancia suma para la historiadelcristianismo, pues nos presenta a éste en ese momento clave enquecomienza a desarrollarse. Con razón se ha dicho que este libroescomo una continuación de los Evangelios y una prolusión alasEpístolas.Los Evangelios terminan su narración con la muerte, resurrecciónyascensión de Jesucristo; a su vez, las Epístolas (paulinasycatólicas) suponen ya más o menos formadas lascomunidadescristianas a las que van dirigidas; pues bien, a llenarese espaciointermedio entre Evangelios y Epístolas, hablándonos dela difusióndel cristianismo a partir de la ascensión del Señor aloscielos.Hechos de los Apóstoles (En griego antiguo: Πράξεις τῶνἈποστόλων,Práxeis tôn Apostólōn; en latín: Āctūs Apostolōrum)abreviadocomúnmente a Hechos, es el nombre del quinto libro delNuevoTestamento, en el cual se narra la historia del conocidocomoperíodo apostólico.La conversión de Pablo.Probablemente tenga el mismo origen que el Evangelio de Lucas,conel que forma lo que se suele llamar el opus lucanum; de hechoellibro en su inicio manifiesta que es un segundo tratado.Sinembargo, los textos se separaron antes de que se escribieranlosmanuscritos que llegaron hasta hoy.estudio de la Edad Apostólica de la iglesia cristiana temprana.Esla continuación milagrosa de la obra de Jesús en el primer siglo,através de la obra del Espíritu Santo y su iglesia. Presentaelministerio de Pedro, de los doce apóstoles y de Pablo de Tarso,ensu cumplimiento de la Gran Comisión desde el Día dePentecostéshasta llevar el evangelio a Roma, el capital delmundo.Una ventaja muy importante con respecto a otras apps similaresesque ofrecemos muy poca publicidad para que lo más importantesigasiendo la palabra y la Fé.Recuerda consultar la opción " Más Apps Biblicas " donde ponemosatu disposición aplicaciones como Bíblia de Estudios ,TemasBiblicos para predicar , Vida Espiritual , Musica Cristiana,Parabolas de Jesús , Sermones y Predicas y más aplicacionesdeTeologia para alimentar tu alma y cuidar tu FE. Si te gusta laapptambién es importante que la valores para ayudarnos aseguirtrabajando y mejorando.Aprovecha esta aplicación para sentirte más cerca de ti mismo ydeDios.Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de protección dedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en: the ancientGreekmanuscripts this book usually appears under the titleΠπάξειραποζηόλων, it is ο Acts of Apζstoles; Some manuscripts addthearticle, Acts, and others put simply Acts.In Latin manuscripts it is called Actus Apostolorum, or alsoActaApostolorum. Securities of that class were then very much inuse inthe Hellenistic literature. Thus, we have the ΠπάξειρΑλεξάνδπος ofGalνstenes; and Αννίβα Ππάξειρ of Sζsilo.It was not in these books present a complete biography or historyofthe aforementioned character (Alexander or Hannibal), but simplytocollect the most mentioned deeds; It is what also makes Lucasaboutthe characters chosen by him, the apostles.Of course, in reality, the title does not correspond at all tothecontent, because, in fact, Luke barely speaks of otherapostlesPeter and Paul; but it gives the impression that Lukepresents theapostles as a school (cf. 1: 2.26; 2:14; 5:18; 6: 2;8:14; 9:27;11: 1; 15: 2) hence it is enough to stop itsspokespeople and keyfigures.The book is of utmost importance for the history of Christianity,aswe presented it at the time key that begins to develop. Rightlyitsaid that this book is like a continuation of the Gospels andtheEpistles inaugural address.The Gospels ends his narrative with the death, resurrectionandascension of Jesus Christ; in turn, the Epistles (PaulineandCatholic) now represent more or less formed theChristiancommunities to which they are addressed; well, to fillthat gapbetween Gospels and Epistles, speaking of the spreadofChristianity from the Lord's ascension into heaven.Acts of the Apostles (Greek: Πράξεις τῶν Ἀποστόλων, Praxeistonapostolon; Latin: Actus Apostolorum) commonly abbreviated tofacts,is the name of the fifth book of the New Testament, in whichthehistory of the known is narrated as apostolic period .Paul's conversion.It probably has the same origin as the Gospel of Luke, with whichitforms what is usually called the opus lucanum; in fact the bookintheir home states that is a second treaty. However, thetextsseparated before the manuscripts that came to bewrittentoday. study of the Apostolic Age of the early Christian church.Itis the miraculous continuation of the work of Jesus in thefirstcentury, through the Holy Spirit and his church. It presentsthePetrine ministry of the twelve apostles and Paul of Tarsus,infulfillment of the Great Commission from the day of Pentecosttobring the gospel to Rome, the capital of the world.A very important with respect to other similar apps advantageisthat we offer very little advertising for the most importantthingremains the word and faith.Remember to check the "More Apps Biblicas" option where we offeryouapplications such as Bible Study, Bible preaching Issues,SpiritualLife, Christian Music, Parables of Jesus, Sermons andSermons andmore applications Teologia to feed your soul and takecare of yourFAITH. If you like the app is also important that thevalues ​​tohelp us keep working and improving.Take advantage of this application to feel closer to yourselfandGod.To comply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
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The Message Bible (Audio) 1.58
This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feelGod’sword in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and yourlovedones. Carry your Bible anytime and anywhere you go, and readyourBible app wherever and whenever you want enlighten yourmind.FEATURES - Simple format and easy to read; - Audio bible,Listen anaudio clip for all pages. - Search function - Share tosocial medialike facebook, twitter and email. - It's Free. VersionInformationWhy was The Message written? The best answerto thatquestion comes from Eugene Peterson himself: ""While I wasteachinga class on Galatians, I began to realize that the adults inmyclass weren't feeling the vitality and directness that I sensedasI read and studied the New Testament in its original Greek.Writingstraight from the original text, I began to attempt to bringintoEnglish the rhythms and idioms of the original language. Iknewthat the early readers of the New Testament were capturedandengaged by these writings and I wanted my congregation tobeimpacted in the same way. I hoped to bring the New Testamenttolife for two different types of people: those who hadn't readtheBible because it seemed too distant and irrelevant and thosewhohad read the Bible so much that it had become 'oldhat.'""Peterson's parishioners simply weren't connecting with therealmeaning of the words and the relevance of the New Testamentfortheir own lives. So he began to bring into English the rhythmsandidioms of the original ancient Greek—writing straight out oftheGreek text without looking at other English translations. Asheshared his version of Galatians with them, they quit stirringtheircoffee and started catching Paul's passion and excitement ashewrote to a group of Christians whom he was guiding in the waysofJesus Christ. For more than two years, Peterson devoted allhisefforts to The Message New Testament. His primary goal wastocapture the tone of the text and the original conversationalfeelof the Greek, in contemporary English. Language changes. Newwordsare formed. Old words take on new meaning. There is a need ineverygeneration to keep the language of the gospel messagecurrent,fresh, and understandable—the way it was for its veryfirstreaders. That is what The Message seeks toaccomplish forcontemporary readers. It is a version for ourtime—designed to beread by contemporary people in the same way astheoriginal koin Greek and Hebrew manuscripts weresavoredby people thousands of years ago. That's why NavPress feltthe timewas right for a new version. When we hear something overand overagain in the same way, we can become so familiar with itthat thetext loses its impact. The Message strives to help readershear theliving Word of God—the Bible—in a way that engages andintrigues usright where we are. Some people like to read the BibleinElizabethan English. Others want to read a version that givesaclose word-for-word correspondence between the originallanguagesand English. Eugene Peterson recognized that the originalsentencestructure is very different from that of contemporaryEnglish. Hedecided to strive for the spirit of the originalmanuscripts—toexpress the rhythm of the voices, the flavor of theidiomaticexpressions, the subtle connotations of meaning that areoften lostin English translations. The goal of TheMessage is toengage people in the reading process and helpthem understand whatthey read. This is not a study Bible, butrather ""a readingBible."" The verse numbers, which are not in theoriginaldocuments, have been left out of the print version tofacilitateeasy and enjoyable reading. The original books of theBible werenot written in formal language.The Message tries torecapturethe Word in the words we use today.