Top 18 Apps Similar to Pocket Sex Guide

Kamasutra: Sex Positions Guide 1.1
SYSCO CZ s.r.o.
MODERN KAMA SUTRA These classic kamasutra sex positionswerethousands of years in the making but only now feel totally athomeon your phone — and in your bedroom! The Kamasutra - SexPositionsGuide features hand-painted, professional illustrationsanddetailed written explanations to make exploring kamasutraeasy,sensual, and, above all, incredibly fun! BE INSPIRED •Stunning,gorgeous professional drawings • Fun, easy-to-followinstructionsfor each sex position • Difficulty scale from Novice toKamasutraGuru EXPLORE YOUR LOVE • Mark any position as Favorite,Tried, orTo do • Rate your favorite sex positions SHARE YOURPASSION •Securely share kamasutra positions with your partner •Works viaSMS, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or e-mail AND MORE •Fullyoptimized for all phone sizes • Detailed statistics and customtopcharts We'd love to hear your stories (no matter how strange),andsuggestions: [email protected]/
Super Kamasutra Positions 1.0
2017 Apps
Super Kamasutra Positions
San Andreas Crime Stories 1.0
Read through some of the crime storiesthatwillthrill you and excite you. If you enjoy reading andstaying uptodate with some criminal tales, now you have a chanceto do so.Thisapp collects some of the interesting tales thatcombines alltheneeded ingredients for a great experience.Go ahead and go through them today or maybe share it withothers.Funto read and free for use. Please leave yourratings.Thanks
Position You Can Try 1.0
Jendral 88
It can be easy to let things slideinthebedroom when you've been with the same person for a long time.Every couple has their favourite tried and testedsexpositionswhich work for them, but every now and again it's funtomix thingsup a little and try something new.That's where our ranking of the top 40 sex positions ofalltimecomes in. These positions have been voted for by you,realpeople,so we can guarantee they'll actually work.Trying a new sex position isn't just for thatexcitinghoneymoonperiod, anyone can rekindle the spark with theirlong-termpartnerby trying something new. You don't have to be superflexibleorwildly adventurous either - we have ideas for anyone totry!We know it can be daunting so we've broken down each oneforyouto explain exactly how you can reenact it in the comfortofyourown bed (or outside of it!) We've also highlighted the turnonsandturn offs of each position so you can make sure you findtherightone for you. Want deeper penetration or moreclitoralstimulation?Our jargon-free explanations will help youselect thesex positionthat will answer all your needs.Testing sex positions is a fun way to bond with yourpartnerandyou don't have to take them too seriously. You may fallover,youmay not look glamorous at all times but that's half thefun!Youcould even set yourself a challenge to work through all40!Click through to see our expert breakdown of the 40bestsexpositions - which one will you try?
الثقافة الجنسية 1.0
إن الجنس جزء أساسي من الحياة عموماومنالحياةالزوجية خصوصا.لقد صادفت في حياتي كثيرا من الأزواج ومنالزوجات(منهمأطباء وطبيبات)كاد الأمر السيئ بينهما-أي بين الزوجين-أنيصلإلىالطلاق,وعندما أتيحت لي الفرصة للتدخل بينهما-بطلب منهماأومنأحدهما-من أجل الصلح بينهما بأن أسمع منهما ثم أقدمالنصيحةلأحدهماأو لكليهما,وجدتهما مستعدين للحديث عن كل شيء إلا عنسببالخلافالأساسي وهو الجنس.وجدتهما يرفضان بشدة تلميحا أو تصريحاالحديثفيهذا الموضوع لأن مجتمعـنا معقد ويعتبر أن الحديث عنالجنسعيب,وأنحدوث الخلاف بين الزوجين بسببه عيب ثاني,وأن الحديث عنسببالخلاف هذاعيب ثالث,وأن مجرد الثقافة الجنيسة لأي من الزوجين ولوبينهوبين نفسهعيب رابع.وعندما بدأت الحديث المفصل معهما بعد أن بينتبأنهلا الدينيمنعنا ولا العلم والطب يمنعنا من هذا الحديث وجدت الحرجبدأيرتفع منأمامهما وبدآ الحديث بتحفظ ثم استرسلا في الحديثالمفصلوغيرالمتحفظ.وعندما سمعت من الطرفين قدمت لهما ملخصا عما يجبأنيعرفاه منالثقافة الجنسية على الأقل التي لها علاقةبموضوعخلافهما.وأخبرتالمحسن بأنه أحسن والمسيء بأنه أساء وقدمت لهماالنصائحالمناسبة(لأحدهما أو لكليهما).والحمد لله رب العالمين علىتوفيقه,لأنالصلحيتم –غالبا-بين الزوجين,بعد هذه الجلسة مباشرة بيومينأو ثلاثةوترجعالأمور بين الزوجين إلى مجراها الطبيعي,بل ترجع غالباإلى أحسنمماكانت بكثير ويقول أحدهما أو كلاهما:”ما تزوجت إلااليوم”.وفيبعضالأحيان يخرج الزوجان من جلسة الصلح مباشرة وهمامتراضيانومتفقانومتحابان وكأن يومهما هو يوم الوليمة والعرسوالزفافوالدخول.وفيأحيان أخرى يكون الزوجان قد اتصلا قبل ذلك بطبيبجلس معهمامرات ومراتولم يُفدهما,وبقيت دار لقمان على حالها:إما لأنهمالميُصارحاه بما هوكائن بينهما,وإما أنهما صارحاه لكنه لم يعرف مايقولهلهما أو كيفيكلمهما.والأمثلة المماثلة كثيرة فقط من وحيتجربتيالبسيطة لا منتجارب آخرين.ومع ذلك أنا أتمنى ممن يعترض علىالكتابة فيالجنس أنيقدم دليلا واحدا من أقوال طبيب أو نصف طبيب مسلمأو حتى غيرمسلم فيالدنيا كلها يقول بأن ما يُنشر في هذهالرسالة”الزواجوالجنس”يتنافىمع القواعد العلمية أو الطبيةفرق بين أن نتحدث عن الجنس بكلام بذيء فاحش-وهو ذِكرُمايستقبحُذكرُه بألفاظ صريحة-فهذا حرام بطبيعة الحال ونسأل اللهأنيعافينا منذلك.فرق بين هذا وبين أن نتحدث عن الجنس بألفاظمؤدبةيحكمها العلموالدين والطب,فهذا ما لا يجوز أن يناقش أحد فيحِلهوجوازه.وفرق كذلكبين أن نتحدث عن الجنس بدون ضرورة,وبين أن نتحدثعنهمن أجل ضرورةالتعلم أو من أجل ضرورة طلب النصح والتوجيه أومنأجلضرورة العلاج أومن أجل ضرورة حل مشكلة من المشكلات.وأتمنى ممنيعترضعلى الكتابة فيالجنس من وجهة نظر إسلامية طبية علمية أن يقدمدليلاواحدا من الكتابأو السنة أو الإجماع أو القياس أو..على أن الحديثعنالجنس بالشكلالذي كتبته في هذه الرسالة هو حرام أو مكروه أو حتىخلافالأولى.إنفرض الكفاية يصبح للأسف عند بعض الجاهلين عيبا ويتناقضمعالحياءهل نحن في حاجة إلى ثقافة جنسية؟إن إدراك وجود المشكلة هو نصف الحل، بينما تجاهلها يمكن أنيؤديإلىتفاقمها بصورة لا يصلح معها أي حل عند اكتشافها في توقيت متأخر…ولانناقش الأمور المتعلقة بالصلة الزوجية و كأنها سر و لايسمححتىبالاقتراب لمعرفة ما إذا كان هناك مشكلة أم لا؟ لأن ذلك يدخلفينطاق“العيب” و”قلة الأدب”، فالمراهقين والمراهقات يعانون أشدمايعانون منوطأة هذه الأسئلة وهذه المشاعر!!، ونحن نسأل: كيف إذنيتمإعدادالأبناء لاستقبال هذه المرحلة الخطيرة من حياتهم بكل ماتحويهمنمتغيرات نفسية وجنسية وفسيولوجية، وحتى مظهرية؟ .. فالأمتقول:إنيأصاب بالحرج من أن أتحدث مع ابنتي في هذه الأمور. وطبعًايزدادالحرجإذا كان الابن ذكرًا.. وهكذا يستمر الموضوع سرًا غامضًاتتناقلهألسنةالمراهقين فيما بينهم، وهم يستشعرون أنهم بصدد فعلخاطئيرتكبونهبعيدًا عن أعين الرقابة الأسرية، وفي عالم الأسراروالغموضتنشأالأفكار والممارسات الخاطئة وتنمو وتتشعب دون رقيب أوحسيب. ثمتأتيالطامة ويجد الشاب والفتاة أنفسهما فجأة عند الزواج وقدأصبحافيمواجهة حقيقية مع هذا الأمر، ويحتاجان إلى ممارسة واقعيةوصحيحة،وهما في الحقيقة لم يتأهلوا له. ويواجه كل من الزوجين الآخربكلمخزونهمن الأفكار والخجل والخوف والممارسات المغلوطة، ولكن معالأسفيظلالشيء المشترك بينهما هو الجهل و عدم المصارحة الحلالبالرغباتوالاحتياجات التي تحقق الإحصان.The sex isanessentialpart of the overall life and marriedlife_khasossa.kaddencountered in my life, a lot of husbands andwives(includingdoctors and doctors) almost bad between them-thatis,between thecouple up-to reach a divorce, and when I hadtheopportunity tointervene between the two-apply them or fromone-forconciliationbetween the two that I hear them and then submittheadvice ofeither or both, and their grandmother are ready totalkabouteverything except for the root cause of thedispute,whichGans.ocdethma strongly reject the hint or talk onthesubjectpermit because our society is complex and is consideredtotalkabout sex defect and that the occurrence of the disputebetweenthecouple because of the second defect, and talk about thereasonforthe dispute was the third flaw, and that's justgenericcultureeither spouse, even with the same defect Raba.uandmabeganadetailed talk with them after they have shown that thereisnoreligion prevents us not science and medicine prevents usfromthismodern and found embarrassment began to rise from in frontofthemand began talking conservatively then Astrsla in adetailedtalkand is Altfez.uandma heard from both sides presented tothemasummary of what you should Aarafah of sex educationatleastrelated to the topic of improved Khalavhma.ookhbert thatthebestand the abuser that abused and made to themappropriateadvice(either or both) .oahamd be to Allah, theAlmighty,becauseMagistrates are -galba-between the couple, afterthismeeting twoor three days and return things between the coupletonormal, butoften due to better than it was a much, says oneorboth: "what Igot married, but today." In some cases, thecouplegoes out ofdirect Magistrate hearing two Mtrazian and agreeandlove eachother as if Aovernmma is the day of the banquetandwedding andbridal Aldjul.ovi other times a couple hascontactedbefore adoctor sat down with them several times and didnotEvdahma, andremained Dar Luqman unchanged: either because theydidnot Issarhahwhat is an object between them, and either theySarhahbut he didnot know what to say to them or how many similaronlyinspired bymy experience simple, not Achrin.oumaitexperiencesIchaelmanma.walomthelh I wish those who objecttowriting about sexthat offers a single piece of evidence fromthestatements of adoctor or a half Muslim doctor or even anon-Muslimin the wholeworld says that what is published in thisletter,"marriage andsex" incompatible with scientific or medicalrulesA difference between talking about sex words saucyobscene-aMaAstqbh mentioned verbally explicit-it is haram, ofcourse, andweask God that cures us of Zlk.frq between this and totalk aboutsexverbally polite ruled by science and religion andmedicine, itisnot permissible to discuss one of the dissolved andJoazh.ovrqwellas between to talk about sex without the need for,and pointedoutthat we are talking about the need for learning orfor the needtoseek advice and guidance in order to believe in theneedfortreatment or for the need to resolve theproblemofAlmhclat.ootmany who object to writing about sexfromtheperspective of an Islamic medical science that offersasinglepiece of evidence of the book, or a year orconsensusormeasurement Oo..aly to talk about sex in a way that youwrotethisletter is haram or disliked or even otherwiseAlooly.animposesufficiently become unfortunately when some ignorantdefectThiscontrasts with the modestyAre we in need of sex education?The realization of the existence of the problem ishalfthesolution, while ignored can lead to aggravation are notfitwithany solution when detected in the timing of late ...andAnnaakecmatters relating to marital link, as if the secret andnotevenallowed to approach to see if there is a problem ornot?Because itfalls within the "defect" and "lack ofmanners",Valemraehgan andadolescent girls suffer most suffer fromthe bruntof thesequestions and these feelings !!, we ask: How,then, arepreparingchildren to receive this serious life stage inevery senseofpsychological and sexual variables and physiology,andsosuperficial? .. The mother says: I hit a embarrassed totalkwithmy daughter about these things. Of course,increasingtheembarrassment if the Son male .. Thus Threadcontinuemysteryrecounted by the tongues of teenagers among them,and theyfeel athey are in the process of doing wrong they commitaway fromtheeyes of family control, and in the world of secretsandmysteryideas and malpractice arise and grow anddivergewithoutsupervision or control. Then comes the disaster andfindyounggirls themselves suddenly at marriage has become inarealconfrontation with this matter, and to require the exerciseofrealand true, and they really did not qualify him. And faceeachotherevery couple of his stock ideas, shame, fear andfalsepractices,but unfortunately common thing between them remainstheignoranceand lack of openness muslim desires and needsthatachievechastity.
Hindi Kahaniya 2 (Hindi Story 2.0
Android Fr33k
Hindi folk stories collection, highly recommended to re-liveoldmemories.
মেডিকেল যৌন জ্ঞানের ভান্ডার-১ 1.0
Firoz Khan
জানার আছে অনেক কিছু! নিজ়ে জানুন অন্ন্যকে জানতে সাজায্যকরুন।মেডিকেল যৌন জ্ঞানের ভান্ডার।
Kamasutra Sex Facts Favorite
ap developers
Kamasutra Sex Facts is all about collectionsexfacts. Kamasutra is also called as Kama Shastra (Art oflovemaking), karma sutra, kama, kama shashtra etc. kama sutra is anartof sex. Basically kama sutra is an ancient book writtenbyvatsayana. Kamasutra is having collection of various sexfacts& sex positions. Kamasutra gives you idea about how toperformsex positions.Features of Kamasutra Sex Facts :- Kamasutra Sex Facts includes sex positions, sex facts, wtffactsetc.- Kamasutra Sex Facts is an art of sex. Facts about sex areveryeasy to understand.- Kamasutra Sex Facts gives you knowledge about sex.- Kamasutra Sex Facts focus on various sex topics likesexpositions, anal, anal sex, pussy, vaginal sex, vagina, penis,dicketc.- Kamasutra Sex Facts having interactive Interface.- We update Kama sutra facts frequently.If you like Kamasutra Sex Facts app, kindly give uspositivefeedback.
Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana 2.0
Zono Apps
Long before there was IndianSageVatsyayana’sKama Sutra, or “Aphorisms on Love.” This ancienttext,translatedfrom Sanskrit into English has stood the test oftime asathoughtful treatise on the art of lovemaking.An insightful consideration of the connectionsbetweensensualpleasure and spiritual enlightenment, this classicworkpresents asincere and civilized approach to sexuality thatmodernreaderswill find refreshing and inspirational.This ebook has been professionally proofread toensureaccuracyand readability on all devices.This is faithful reproduction of sanskrit to english
Sex Guide for 14+ 1.0
Sexual Health Information for teensAn App for teenagers, who don't have sufficient knowledge ofSexandSexual health.This app is intended for adults those who are above 18 years.This application is to provide Sex education to teenagers.***********************************************************************This app covers the following.*What is Sex*What is Virginity?*Am I ready for Sex?*Sexual Health.*How pregnancy happens?*Myths and facts about Sex.*How Alcohol effects sex life?********************************************************************Download this app and enhance your sex life.Disclaimer :- This app does not promote nudity. Wehavedevelopedthis application just for education purposes.The content used in this app is free as per thedevelopersknowledge.This app doesn't contains any provokinggraphics.The content is completely under Google Content Policies.
Sex Education During Pregnancy 1.0
Sex Education During PregnancyThis app is intended for adults those who are above 18 years.This application is to provide Sex education to newgenerationpeoplewho don't have sufficient knowledge about sex andSexualdiseasesduring Pregnancy.- Sex Education during pregnancy: An overview- Sex Education during pregnancy: What's OK, what's not- Sex Education During and After Pregnancy- Sex Positions for Pregnancy********************************************************************Download this app and enhance your sex life.Disclaimer :- This app does not promote nudity. Wehavedevelopedthis application just for education purposes.The content used in this app is free as per thedevelopersknowledge.This app doesn't contains any provokinggraphics.The content is completely under Google Content Policies.
Kamasutra-light 3
Kamasutra Love is a mobileapplicationcomprising 8 sections of lovemaking positions wherebyyou can ringup changes on your intimate life."Light” set up is free introductory version.There are 130 positions.IMPORTANT!This application is for the persons aged 18 years andolderonly.- English & Russian Interface- Simple & Clear Navigation- Attractive Design- Semi-Realistic Images
Same Sex Marriage Act of U K 2.0
Check out and search the entireSameSexMarriage Act of U K. This is an act which provides forthemarriageof same sex couples in England and Wales, aboutgenderchange bymarried persons and civil partners, aboutconsularfunctions inrelation to marriage, for the marriage of armedforcespersonneloverseas, for permitting marriages according to theusagesofbelief organisations to be solemnized on theauthorityofcertificates of a superintendent registrar, for thereview ofcivilpartnership and for the review of survivorbenefitsunderoccupational pension schemes.Read the entire Act. Search at will. All sections of theActareavailable in the app.Whether you are a spouse, layperson, law student, lawyerorataxpayer, this is an invaluable reference since itcontainsfulltext of the Act. You can search using any keyword andthe appwillshow you the relevant sections.* To see all sections of the Act (index) do not enter anysearchtermand hit the search key. This provides you with completelistofchapters like a TABLE OF CONTENTS.The list of contents chapter-wise comes up by default whenyoustartthe application.To see list of contents chapter-wise, press the search keywithnosearch text.Join in to our Facebook group: out more of our apps onGoogle PlayWe hope you enjoy referring to our application on yourAndroidphoneand Android tablet.If you have questions about any functionality oranyapplicationserrors, do send email to us and we willfixstraightaway. Pleaserefrain from flaming us on google play -weusually respond quicklyto reasonable requests.You will see periodic ads in the application. The download isfreesothis is the way we monetize the app.Thank you-Appfever Android team
The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana 5.0
Read "The Kama Sutra of VatsyayanaTranslated From the Sanscrit in Seven Parts WithPreface,Introduction and Concluding Remarks" by Vatsyayana!Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-clickwithoutconnecting network.You can also check your "Reading Score" from the menu.
Having sex could be a fantasticexpertisehowever there's conjointly plenty of thought and wronginfo outthere. this will} result in a number of queries and doubtsthateach men and women may have before, throughout or oncesexualactivity. Over the years, we’ve answered many such querieswith theassistance of sexual health specialists. Here’s a group ofof thesequeries with acceptable answers to every of them.SEX QUERIES CONTENT• oodal, Romance• Masturbation• Your health and sex• Contraception• Erectile dysfunction• Other female sex queries• Other male sex queries• oodal Recipes• Remedies• Tamil medical Tips
Kamasutra Facts Favorite
ap developers
Kamasutra Facts is an app all aboutvariousinteresting facts about Sexuality.Kama sutra is also known as kama shastra, karma sutra.BasicallyKama sutras is an antient book about sexuality & sexpositions& it's written by Vatsayana.Features of Kama sutra:- Kama sutra facts gives you knowledge about exotic positionsofsex.- Kamasutra facts app is all about interesting sex facts&sexual positions.- Kama sutra facts is absolutely free app- Kama sutra is all about knowledge of different sexual organslikepenis, vagina, anal, pussy, dick, condom etc.- Kama sutra gives you information on various sex position,analsex, oral sex, 69 position, doggy style, pussy etc.- We frequently update facts in this app- Very interactive UI & Beautiful design
Một Đêm Mê Loạn 1.0
Giới thiệu:Một Đêm Mê Loạn Đại Ca Xã Hội Đen Đừng Tới Đây là truyện ngôntìnhkểvề người đàn ông vì yêu thương mà muốn chiếm đoạt lẫn tâmhồnlẫn thểxác của người con gái.Cô muốn có một người đàn ông có kỹ thuật tốt, đẹp trai vàcómộtthân thể cường tráng. Một trăm vạn bán đêm đầu tiên củacô,khôngngờ lại gặp một người đàn ông kia. Anh ta vừa thần bí lạirấthungdữ. Anh ta không những muốn chiếm đoạt thân thể cô màcònmuốnchiếm cả lòng cô! Đại thúc hắc đạo kia, tính cách của anhtacũngthật nhỏ nhặt, mới bị cô chọc giận, cơ thể anh liền bắtđầuvậnđộng. Anh ta không thể dùng sự chân thành của mình để đổilấytìnhyêu chân chính.Anh như một cơn lốc mạnh mẽ ập tới, là người đàn ông tuấntúvàcường đại. Rồi từ đây, cuộc ái tình nhỏ bé, đáng yêu này sẽđivềđâu?“Một trăm vạn thôi sao? Tốt! Tôi muốn em!”“Này, không phải chỉ có một trăm vạn là đủ. tôi còn mấyđiềukiệnnữa, nếu như anh không đủ những tiêu chuẩn....”“Chỉ cần diện mạo anh tuấn? Thân thể cường tráng? Kỹ thuậttốtlàđược đúng không?”Khóe miệng người đàn ông kia dường như nhếch lên mộtcái,giốngnhư là vừa khẽ cười.About:     An Oscar Night MazeDisordersSocietyBlack Do not Go It is the language the story tellsof lovefor menwho want to usurp both soul and body of the girl.She wanted a man with good technique, good looking andhasarobust body. One hundred thousand sold her first night,didnotexpect to meet a man there. He has mystical very aggressive.Hedidnot want to usurp her body but she also wants to occupythewholeheart! Great black finish other direction, his personalityisverysmall, newly angered her, his body immediatelybegancampaigning.He can not use his sincerity in exchange fortruelove.English as a powerful tornado struck, the men handsomeandgreatstrength. And from here, a little love, lovely will go?"One hundred thousand stars only? Good! I want you! ""Hey, is not only a hundred thousand is enough. I have afewmoreconditions, if he does not meet the standards .... ""Just weeks that his appearance? Robust body? Goodtechniqueisnot it? "The corners of his mouth the other man on aseeminglycrooked,like just smiled.
Blind-Droid Kamasutra 1.1
Oleg Taystruk
      Lovingly written,"Blind-DroidKamasutra" will open for you a door of the excitingworld oflovemaking art and will make your life bright, interestinganddiverse.    * "Blind-Droid Kamasutra" isabsolutelyaccessible for the blind and visually impaired users. Yetourapplication is universal and easy to use foreveryone.   * We have collected for you more than500different positions for lovemaking. There are positionsfromancient Indian and Chinese treatises on the art of love as wellasa great collection from numerous modernpublications.   * In our application there are noany pictures,only full text descriptions of positions. Theseprofessionallywritten detailed descriptions are easy to follow, soyou will beable to move into any position easily and quickly evenwithoutillustrations.    * The program providesaconvenient content navigation. You can sort available positionsbybooks, category, difficulty level, or view all ofthemalphabetically.    * We also provided aconvenientoption to add positions you are interested in to your"Bookmarks"and favorite ones — to your "Favorites".   * Agently sounding background sensual music willcreate for you a niceintimate atmosphere. You also can replace ourmusic with your ownfavorite tracks.    * If you wantsomethingunexpected, just shake your device, and a random positionfrom theselected section will be displayed. Shake your device againto openanother random position.    * You can turn"Readaloud" feature on. In this case descriptions will be bothdisplayedon your screen and read aloud using speechsynthesizer.   * You can skip to the next orprevious position,and start or stop reading of a text descriptionusing the"Previous", "Next" and "Play / Pause" buttons on yourheadset.   * You can also control the applicationwiththird‐party programs like "Tasker" using"intents".   * Our application has a unique serviceforsearching partners for lovemaking. Just register in our "Searchfora partner" service, fill out your profile, and you will surelyfindyour love soon!       Welcome tothe"Blind-Droid Kamasutra", into the world's greatest art — the artoflove!